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   Before she was Queen of England,Princess Elizabeth wanted to join the Auxiliary Territorial Service (A.T.S.) , a female branch of the British military. It was World War II,and women worked at jobs traditionally held by men,who were now overseas fighting.

   Elizabeth was a teenager and first had to convince her parents about her plan. Her father,King George Ⅵ.  thought it was too dangerous. But Princess Elizabeth would not take no for an answer. “I ought to do as other girls of my age do,” she said firmly. After some months,her parents finally agreed to let her join.

   Princess Elizabeth did not receive any special treatment in the A. T.S. The only thing different was that she returned to Windsor Castle each night to sleep.

   When she arrived at the A. T.S. camp depot (兵站) for her first day of training,Princess Elizabeth was greeted by a car with its wheels off. In the weeks that followed,she learned to take apart an engine and then assemble(装配) it. The princess loved the training,admitting, “I'm a mechanic at last."

   Princess Elizabeth worked on car,truck,and even tank engines. She also learned to read maps and drive officer transport cars,ambulances,and military trucks. To complete her A. T.S. training,she was required to drive a big truck on her own.

   The king and queen thought driving a truck was too dangerous,but before they could let her know how they felt,they discovered Elizabeth driving a truck onto the palace grounds. She had driven from the A. T.S. camp through the busy London streets all by herself.

   Princess Elizabeth became Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in 1952. Now in her eighties,she still drives. Queen Elizabeth loves horses and still rides four times each week. She also actively manages her estate(庄园) farm at Balmoral and is often seen hiking through the countryside there.

1. What can we learn about women in England during World War II?

   A. Most of them joined the A. T.S.

   B. Most of them served in the army.

   C. They were all willing to go overseas.

   D. They were allowed to do men's jobs.

2. Hearing Princess Elizabeth's plan to join the A. T.S., King George Ⅵ. nitially .

   A. rejected her request

   B. thought highly of her

   C. gave her some special treatment

   D. advised her to do what other girls did

3. When serving in the A. T.S., Princess Elizabeth.

   A. became an auto mechanic

   B. was in charge of the A. T.S. camp

   C. preferred to drive those big trucks

   D. was required to stay there all day long

4. Which of the following can best describe young Princess Elizabeth?

   A. Cautious and friendly.

   B. Determined and brave.

   C. Ambitious and sensitive.

   D. Generous and considerate.

5. In her eighties,Queen Elizabeth .

   A. often rides in Windsor Castle

   B. can no longer do her duties

   C. is still in very good health

   D. still has a sense of humor

1. D 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C


本文记叙文。彬彬有礼、慈祥和 蔼的英国女王伊丽莎白二世曾经还是 一位会调试引擎、修理轮胎的“女汉 子”

1. D。细节理解题。由第中的 women worked at jobs traditionally held by men,who were now overseas fighting可知,二战_间的英国妇女被允许在男性岗位上工作。

2. A.细节理解题。由第二段中的 King George Ⅵ.  thought it was too dangerous. But Princess Elizabeth would not take no for an answer 可知, 起初乔治六世国王拒绝了伊丽莎白 公主想要参加A. T.S.的请求。

3. A.细节理解题。由第四段宁的she learned to take apart an engine and then assemble it和第五段中的 Princess Elizabeth worked on car,truck,and even tank engines 可知,在 A. T.S.服役期间,伊丽莎白公主学会 了拆卸各种汽车引擎,俨然变成了一位汽车修理工。第四段的I'm a mechanic at last 也是提示。

4. B.推理判断题。由第二段伊丽莎 白公主经过数月说服父母同意她参 军可知,她意志力坚定;再根据第 五、六段描述伊丽莎白公主独自开 卡车可知,她胆子很大。

5. C.推理判断题。由最后一段可知, 年届八旬的伊丽莎白女王依然开车、 骑马、管理农庄,由此推知,她的身体 非常健朗。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高三新课标 > 第38期 2015-2016高三课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Your local grocery store is a psychological minefield E) , where even the bananas are ripe with mystery.

   1. Southpaws (左撇子) have an invisible (看不见的) advantage 

   You've probably seen that stores keep go-to items — produce,meats,dairy — on the outer edge. But did you notice that most of them are set up to make you run counterclockwise(逆时针) ?Ninety percent of us are right-handed,so we buy more when it's counterclockwise. You'11 also often find the dairy section in the back left comer: Because dairy is likely on your list,stores make sure you take the longest route to get there. In fairness,it's also a more convenient place to put a fridge.

   2. Everything is in its place 

   It's safe to say that nothing you see on a shelf is there by chance. The cookies on sale at the end of a passage are likely the result of smart product placement. More expensive items are usually placed at an adult's eye level,while colorflil treats and other products for kids are positioned lower — to catch the attention of children.

   3. Time goes by so slowly 

   Stores rarely have windows or clocks. With no reference to the outside world,customers can easily lose track of how long they,ve been there so that they can buy more. Grocery stores may use another trick to control your sense of time: small floor tiles (瓷砖) .

   4. Goods are an art form 

   Grocers know exactly what shade of banana you,re most likely to buy. To ensure the bananas on display are the closest to this shade,stores use a ripeness scale that ranges from one (all green) to seven (yellow with brown spots) . Some stores even use special lighting to make bananas look more appealing. As for the water sprayed on the other produce? It makes veggies look fresh,but keeping them wet actually makes them rot faster. It also makes produce heavier — and therefore pricier.

6. Why do stores usually put dairy in the back left comer?

   A. Because it is a quiet place.

   B. To make people buy more.

   C. To attract people's attention.

   D. Because most people are right-handed.

7. You are more likely to find toys.

   A. in comers

   B. on lower shelves

   C. at an adult's eye level

   D. at the end of a passage

8. Why are there usually no windows or clocks in stores?

   A. They are useless.

   B. There is no space for them.

   C. To make customers stay longer.

   D. To allow customers to enjoy themselves.

9. Stores use special lighting to make bananas .

   A. heavier   B. look fresh

   C. rot slower   D. more attractive

10. Which can be the best title for the text?

   A. Secrets of stores

   B. Advantages of stores

   C. How to shop in stores

   D. How to operate a store


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   While the first part of the news is upsetting,the end results are much more optimistic. Gavin,a teenager with Asperger's Syndrome,was beaten up just for being different. Asperger,s Syndrome is a developmental disorder that affects a person's ability to socialize. This explains why Gavin sometimes appears distant from his schoolmates.

   On Thursday night,some kids were talking about how “it's weird(怪异的) ” that he is always by himself,attending events alone and watching people,and they thought it was “creepy” that he wanted to be friends with people he didn't know.

   On Friday night,another kid that overheard that conversation decided to take matters into his own hands and become judge,and this is the result of that. He didn't ask questions,didn't get to know Gavin,never met him,and didn't give him a chance to leave. Gavin was called to meet someone,surrounded by people he didn’t know,choked,hit,and left lying on the pavement so he would “leam his lesson”.

   A friend of Gavin's mother shared photos on Facebook of the injuries to his nose,eyes and esophagus(食道). Luckily,Gavin is doing OK and none of the damage is permanent. Instead of pressing charges or fighting back,Gavin' s reaction speaks volumes.

   He requested the bullies’ community service be disability related,that they write a paper on Asperger's,and that they watch a 20-minute video statement he taped while their families were present so they could see the damage they did and hear the event from his perspective.

   Instead of an actual “punishment”,he wanted the kids to truly leam about Asperger's Syndrome. Hopefully this will lead to the teens being more tolerant and no one else ever going through the pain that Gavin did. After all of that,Gavin's mom's message couldn’t be more true to parents and teachers alike:

   “If you are reading this,I hope you can talk to your teens,tell them about disabilities you can't see,teach them to be tolerant of people that are different,teach them that if they continuously see someone alone,ask questions first and get to know one another. Maybe it is not their choice to be alone."

10. Gavin is always alone because .

   A. he enjoys being alone

   B. he is always upsetting

   C. he suffers from a disease

   D. he doesn’t like his schoolmates

11. Which can best replace the underlined word wcreepyw in Paragraph 2 ?

   A. Fun. B. Strange.

   C. Natural. D. Inspiring.

12. Why was Gavin beaten?

   A. He hurt some kids before.

   B. He is different from normal people.

   C. He refused to make friends with a kid.

   D. He didn't take school lessons seriously.

13. How did Gavin react to his injuries?

   A. He fought back bravely.

   B. He was too scared to react.

   C. He decided to turn to court for help.

   D. He asked the bullies to leam from the incident.

14. Gavin's way of reacting was .

   A. interesting   B. praiseworthy

   C. disappointing   D. unreasonable


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Two days before Christmas,I was shopping in a local grocery store. I bought a lot of vegetables and some food for my two children. My cart was full as I entered the checkout lane(付款通道) . 1  

   It was beginning to snow and I found that the lady looked worried. 2 I turned back and insisted she go before me. She was surprised and then she thanked me sincerely.

   3 We took advantage of this little time and had a nice chat about kindness. I told her that she seemed close to my mother's age and I hoped that someone would do the same for her.

   After her goods were tallied(清点), she was handed a receipt. Her receipt had a message that she would receive a special gift for a child at customer services. 4 

   As I stood there,I felt that there may have been a child that would benefit from that gift in her own family or circle of friends and realized that one act of kindness could have a chain reaction. Had I denied myself that opportunity to practice this random act,I would have received the “free gift” receipt. 5 Furthermore,by allowing myself the opportunity to show generosity,I also received a gift 一 the satisfaction of helping others.

   A. Seeing this,she was delighted.

   B. She thought I was just telling a joke.

   C. But I knew in my heart that she needed it more.

   D. It occurred to me that I should do something for her.

   E. There were still several people waiting in line before us.

   F. A little elderly lady was behind me with a full cart as well.

   G. I was a little worried because I would have to wait for at least ten minutes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   How does it feel when some good deed you do goes unnoticed? So 1 that you decide not to do that task again. But you would be surprised to knew that there are many heroes whose 2 deeds are constantly unnoticed. They work for others,and 3 people who are in need. They put their life in danger to 4 or protect other people in danger.

   Our society 5 such heroes,especially heroes that rise from everyday life. We take inspiration from such people 6 we believe that if they can do something 7 , then so can we.

   People such as Eddie Slinin are 8 heroes. Eddie Slinin grew a successful business out of 9 when he was barely past boyhood,having only one vehicle and a handflil of clients(客户) . Now,his company serves a wide range of clients that 10 politicians and athletic teams. However,he is not the only one who can 11 us. There are many from whom we can learn lessons which are not 12 by us.

   There are a lot of 13 to consider,and one of them involves a hardworking school student who wants to pass a difficult math test. He 14  playing video games or watching television,just because of his 15 . Then,there's a man who works hard to make a big presentation at work and really 16 his boss. He too is a hero. Many times,it is very 17 to achieve daily targets,but still they work hard and accomplish them.

   Learn from 18 who surround us every day. By learning about their success we can inspire ourselves to stay 19 with our small achievements. So if you are someone who 20 daily to achieve your goal,consider yourself a HERO!

1. A. surprised   B. negative   C. worried   D. lonely

2. A. great   B. secret   C. dark   D. public

3. A. teach   B. guide   C. encourage   D. help

4. A. examine   B. treat   C. praise   D. save

5. A. protects   B. creates   C. admires   D. provides

6. A. because   B. if   C. but   D. when

7. A. different   B. amazing   C. strange   D. shocking

8. A. popular   B. rich   C. everyday   D. boyhood

9. A. everything   B. something   C. nothing   D. anything

10. A. invites   B. includes   C. pays   D. benefits

11. A. inspire   B. inform   C. relieve   D. convince

12. A. noted   B. noticed   C. decided   D. recognized

13. A. actions   B. plans   C. examples   D. questions

14. A. begins   B. enjoys   C. forgets   D. avoids

15. A. goal   B. ability   C. problem   D. choice

16. A. supports   B. serves   C. trusts   D. impresses

17. A. meaningful   B. important   C. difficult   D. boring

18. A. students   B. heroes   C. workers   D. bosses

19. A. satisfied   B. honest   C. careful   D. familiar

20. A. develops   B. competes   C. leams   D. fights


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Jack: Keep your 1. (eye) on the road!Look where you,re going.

Rose: Why 2. (exact) am I driving the car?

Jack: Im just going to take a back seat today. You carry on. I will watch.

Rose: Take a back seat? So you’ re going to let 3. (I) take control 一 do all the work 一 while you sit there and watch? 4. this mean you' re just being lazy?

Jack: Of course not. It just means im letting you have a turn at being 5 , charge — I trust you. What are you doing?!

Rose: Letting you take 6. break while I show you my driving skills!

Jack: Rose!Watch 7. forthatroundabout —and that traffic light... arent you driving a bit fast?

Rose: Jack 一 dont be such a back seat driver!

Jack: A what?

Rose: A back seat driver is someone 8.offers unwanted advice. Just like you,telling the driver how 9. (drive) .

Jack: But you are going really fast 一 can I take the front seat now?

Rose: Stay 10. you are!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. Only when (Jane,has,arrived) can we start the party.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. —There is still a copy of the book in the library.Will you go and borrow (it,one) ?

一No,I'd rather buy (it,one) in the bookstore.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

根据括号内的汉语提示用含it的内容补全下面句子(每空一词) 。

6. Someone must have been there. But we have no idea (是谁) .

