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8. The needle treatment from the ancient times has cured many diseases.

   A. to date   B. dating

   C. being dated   D. dated

8. B

8. B解析:考查date from。句意:可追溯到 古代的针灸疗法已经治好了许多疾病。date from = date back to ,意为“起源于,可追 溯至”,不用于被动语态中。该句中〃.-ing 形式短语作定语。

题目来源:2016年周测月考直通高考高中英语必修3外研版 > 周测月考卷7 Module 6综合测试


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

24. (2013 •新课标 II ) Only by increasing the number of doctors by 50 percent properly in this hos- pital.

   A. can be the patients

   B. can the patients be treated

   C. the patients can be treated

   D. treated can be the patients


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. She failed in the final exam because of con- centration on computer games these days.

   A. for the first time   B. for the last time

   C. the first time   D. at the first time


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

    Since Martha Payne's fight against a council ban on her publishing photographs of her school dinners became an Internet event,she has been tired with promises of book,TV and movie deals. But it has emerged the nine-year-old accepted only one offer after her successful bat-tle against censorship (审查) became an international big event on Friday.

    The selfless Scottish schoolgirl has now agreed to team up with Nick Naim,the celebrity chef (名厨) ,to help local council provide more nutritious meals for her and her classmates. The move emerged as Roddy McCuish,the local authority's leader,admitted the council had been wrong and offered to apologise to Martha when they meet later this week. Martha's case has become the world's third most talked about subject on the social networking site Twitter.

   David Payne,her father,yesterday said his daughter remains calm after the global attention,which drew more than five million people to her blog,NeverSeconds,where she posts photographs of her school dinners and rates them out of ten. “ Since this started,we’ve had offers to appear on television shows from all around the world—daytime TV from Japan and from Australia. We’ve had Hollywood agents talking about a book and TV and maybe a film,”the father said.

   “But we’ve turned them all down. Martha will be back in school on Monday and no doubt writing her blog. M However,she and her fellow pupils at Lochgilphead Primary School have agreed to help the council create a new menu. Martha has now raised more than

£ 75,000 for development charity Mary's Meals after 5 ,500 people contributed.

    Her blog attracted the wide attention last month when she posted a picture of a meal consisting of a pizza and lone potato croquette (炸丸子) ,saying she would struggle to concentrate in lessons because of so little food. Soon thousands of people from around the world were visiting the website to see what Martha had eaten that day,leaving comments and sending in photographs of their own lunches. But the council banned her from taking pictures last week,citing coverage in a Scottish newspaper calling for the school's dinner ladies to be fired.

41. Martha Payne became world famous for .

   A. publishing her own book

   B. her promises to play on TV

   C. her promises to play on movie

   D. publishing photos of her school dinners

42. What kind of man was Roddy McCuish?

   A. Interested in nutritious meals.

   B. Honest and considerate.

   C. Selfless and generous.

   D. Warm-hearted and hardworking.

43. How many foreign countries are mentioned to interview David Payne?

   A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.

44. The family refused to all the interviews to make Martha devoted to.

   A. her blog writing

   B. raising more money

   C. creating a new menu

   D. her study in school

45. According to the passage,when students are hungry,they are.

   A. difficult to concentrate on class

   B. likely to go out for food

   C. likely to post a picture of their meal

   D. ready to see what others eat


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. (26l4 .合肥高一检测) It wasn’t until the 2010 CCTV Spring Festival Gala (央视春晚) .

   A. did the former pop band Little Tiger reunite

   B. that the former pop band Little Tiger reunited

   C. then did the former pop band Little Tiger reunite

   D. when the former pop band Little Tiger reunited


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

13. The book which is based on events is help- ful for you to study history.

   A. historical   B. traditional

   C. global       D. terrifying


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   For many managers, “team building” means two days spent doing role-playing exercises in a conference hotel far from head office. But perhaps a more effective way to build teams is simply by playing real team sports,such as soccer,cricket or softball.

   David Clark,a project manager at Atisreal UK,is one of the organisers of the company's two soccer teams. He says the main point is fitness but it also has another advantageIt gives the guys a chance to meet and relax with their peers (同等地位的人) from other departments. It builds cross-company relationships. ”

    Louise Aston,a human resources director,takes a similar view,pointing out that as well as bringing disparate divisions together,sport cuts through hierarchies (等 级制度) .Not only does it promote health,it can knock leadership on the head. The person who's iest at soccer could well be a person who works in the warehouse (库 房) . Then his confidence will be built.

    Another reason why companies would like to promote team sports is that they are relatively cheap. Peter Mills,chief health officer at Vielife,says, “The contributions a company might make towards running a sports team—paying its league fees,for example —are pretty small compared to other expenditure in the field of well-being.

   However,he warns,there is a potential downside. Sports are,by their nature,competitive and not everyone is good at them. “There are people who can be a bit self-conscious and you need to ensure you don't marginalise (忽视 ) them. The emphasis is on sports such as scxcer and netball,but with a recognition that not everyone likes sweaty exercise,there is also chess,” he adds.

50. How many advantages of team sports are mentioned in the passage?

   A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.

51. The underlined part “bringing disparate divisions together” in Paragraph 3 might refer to“

   A. building cross-company relationships

   B. cutting through hierarchies

   C. promoting health

   D. bringing fun to the employees

52. We can learn that by cutting through hierarchies,

   A. the ordinary employees may be more confident

   B. the employers’ positions will be threatened

   C. everyone will be equal regardless of sex,age and income

   D. no one will be prejudiced inside the company

53. The disadvantage of team sports is that .

   A. people who like sports are too competitive

   B. someone bad at sports might not feel at home when playing sports

   C. self-conscious people are not competitive

   D. chess is not included in the team building programmes

54. The purpose of the passage is to .

   A. introduce the meaning of “team building”

   B. explain why team sports is a new way of “team building”

   C. narrate the characteristics of the team sports

   D. stress different people have different characters


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

26. His house is full of dirt. He seems away for months.

   A. to be   B. to have been

   C. to leave   D. to have gone


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


2. adj. : relating to a large mass of land

