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Sarah came running in. She shouted happily, "Look what I ____36_____." She put a snake skin on the newspaper I was reading and it came so suddenly that it caused me to ____37_____. "Mom, look! Isn't it ____38_____?" said my seven-year-old daughter. I ____39_____ the snake skin and thought that it really wasn't pretty. Everything children see ____40_____is full of beauty in their eyes; they see only ____41_____ and excellence in the world until educated.
"____42_____ did the snake do this?" Sarah asked. I tried to seize the ____43_____ to teach my children that there was almost always something beyond the obvious. I wanted to tell them that there was something else going on ____44_____ what they saw in front of them. "Snakes shed (蜕) their skin because they need to renew themselves," I ____45_____.
"Why do they have to renew themselves?" Sarah asked.
My son Robert laughed and said, "Because they don't ____46_____ what they are and they want to be someone else." I politely ignored him and said that by shedding skins, we could ____47_____ the hidden reality.
"We often need to shed our skin, those coatings that we ____48_____ ourselves with," I said to my children, who listened very ____49_____, with their eyes wide open. "This snake ____50_____ needs this skin. It is probably too hard for him, or he probably doesn't think he looks as ____51_____in it as he once did. It's like buying a new ____52_____."
I'm sure this explanation will not ____53_____ the naturalists. But Sarah was getting to understand that renewal is part of ____54_____. She should learn from it what we need to keep and what we need to ____55_____.

A.stared atB.took offC.referred toD.brought back
A.by accidentB.over and over again
C.in the futureD.for the first time
A.once moreB.at timesC.right nowD.no longer
A.throw outB.hope forC.find outD.throw away


解析试题分析:作者耐心地向孩子们解饰蛇蜕皮这一现象,同时也让孩子们明白一 个道理: 该留的留 ,该丢弃的丢弃。
【小题1】考查动词:A. made制作B. seized抓住C. caught抓住D. found找到, Sarah 拿着一试蛇皮 让作者看, "瞧,我找到了什么?选D。
【小题2】考查动词:A. think想B. jump跳C. run跑D. struggle挣扎,根据 it came so suddenly 可知突然看到蛇皮,作者很害怕,所以是跳了起来 。选B。
【小题3】考查形容词:A. interesting有趣的,B. smooth光滑的,C. beautiful漂亮的,  D. colorful彩色的,根据后文的 thought that it really wasn't that pretty 可知 Sarah 觉得蛇皮很美。选C。
【小题4】考查词组:A. stared at盯着看B. took off脱下C. referred to参考,所指,D. brought back带回来,作者是望着蛇皮在心里想。选A。
【小题5】考查词组:A. by accident偶然B. over and over again 一遍一遍的
C. in the future未来D. for the first time第一次,由 Sarah 看到蛇皮的好奇心可知这里是指孩 子第一次看到的时候都是觉得漂亮的。选D。
【小题6】考查名词:A. honesty诚实B. difference不同C. value价值D. fear害怕,孩子的心美好,所以在他受教育前,不管他第一次看到什么,都只看到好的有价值的方面,故试 C
【小题7】考查连接词:A. Where哪里B. Why为什么C. How怎样D. When在什么时候,根据后文作者说的话,可知 Sarah 是想知道蛇为什么这么做。选B。
【小题8】考查名词:A. information信息B. possibility可能性C. opportunity机会  D. question问题,句意:作者抓住这个机会向孩子讲了一些道理。选C。
【小题9】考查介词:A. besides除了B. for因为C. without没有D. around在…周围,根据 there was almost always something beyond the obvious 的语境,可知这里需填 A ,表示除了看 到的以外,还有的我们不知道的一些东西。选A.
【小题10】考查动词:A. talked谈论B. explained解释C. whispered 低语D. shouted叫喊,作者是在向孩子解饰原因,故试 B
【小题11】考查动词:A. keep保持B. want想要C. need需要D. like喜欢,句意:根据 they want to be someone else 的语境, 可推断 Robert 是想说蛇不喜欢现在的样子,所以才想要改变。选D。
【小题12】考查动词:A. see看见B. guess 猜测C. ignore忽视D. remember记住,去除了外面的皮,就能"看到"隐藏在里 面的东西了。选A。
【小题13】考查动词:A. keep 保存B. store储存C. cover覆盖D. improve改进,这些外皮是用遮盖住我们自己的,故选D 。
【小题14】考查副词:A. properly 合适地B. attentively注意地C. sadly悲伤地, D. angrily生气地,根据 with their eyes wide open 的试境,可知 孩子听得很认真,选B。
【小题15】考查词组:A. once more再一次B. at times有时C. right now 现在D. no longer不再,句意:蛇蜕皮了,所以作者认为那 蛇不再需要那条皮了。选D。
【小题16】考查形容词:A. nice漂亮的,B. healthy健康的C. strong强壮的, D. big大的,蛇蜕皮了,也可能是因为蛇皮已不像以前那么好看了,所以想换新的。选A。
【小题17】考查名词:A. hat帽子B. watch手表C. suit 外套D. home家,皮不好看了,想换新的,就像人换新衣服一样。选C。
【小题18】考查动词:A. move 移动B. satisfy使…满意C. correct纠正D. defeat击败,作者的解饰不是科学的角度出发的,故她的解释可能不能让博物家满意。选B。
【小题19】考查名词:A. experience经验B. achievement成就C. progress进步D. competition竞争,作者在前文说蛇褪皮是因为皮已经不好 了, 需要更好的皮,所以Sarah 觉得褪皮是一个进步的过程。选C。
【小题20】考查词组:A. throw out扔掉B. hope for期盼C. find out查明D. throw away扔掉,作者通过蛇蜕皮这件事告试孩子,该留的留 ,该丢弃的丢弃。选 D 。


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届山东省聊城市高三第一次模拟考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Sarah came running in saying, "Look what l found. " Over the top of the paper I was reading I saw a long object that made me jump. It was a piece of snakeskin that had been shed (脱皮)  by one of our garden snakes.
'Isn't it beautiful?" said my wide-eyed 7~year-old daughter. I stared at the organic wrapper and thought to myself that it really was not that beautiful, but I did not want to disappoint Sarah.  Everything children see for the first time is elementary to their sense of beauty and creativity. They see only merit (忧点) and excellence in the world.
"Why does it do this?" Sarah asked. I like to teach my children that there is something else going on besides what they see in front of them. "Snakes shed their skin because they need to renew themselves," I explained.
"Why do they need to renew themselves?" Sarah asked. "We often need to shed our skins, those coatings that we cover ourselves with," I said to my now absorbed daughter. "We outgrow some things and find other stuff unnecessary. This snake no longer needs this skin.  It is probably too old, and the snake probably doesn't think it looks as smart in the skin as it once did.  Like buying a new suit. "
Of course, I'm sure this explanation won't suit naturalists. But Sarah got the point. As we talked, I knew that she began to understand that renewal is part of progress; that we need to take a good look at ourselves, and rooms and schoolwork and creativity, and she began to see what we need to keep and what need to cast off.  I was careful to point out that this is a natural process, not one to be forced.
"Snakes don't peel off their skin when they feel like it," I explained.  "lt happens as part of their growth. "
"I see, Dad. " said Sarah.  She then jumped off my lap, grabbed the snakeskin, and ran off.
I hoped she would remember this. Often, in order to find our real selves underneath the layers of community and culture we are cloaked (掩饰) in year after year, we need to start examining these layers. We need to gently peel some away, as we recognize them to be worthless, unnecessary, or flawed (有缺陷的);  or at best,  remember the things we discard(丢掉)to teach us how we can improve.
【小题1】When Sarah asked the author whether the snakeskin was beautiful,___________

A.he was shocked and jumped
B.he tried to understand her point of view
C.he thought that telling the truth was a merit
D.he decided to teach her something about the garden
【小题2】How did Sarah feel about the author's explanation?
【小题3】Which of the following would the author agree with?
A.By reflecting on ourselves, we can better ourselves.
B.It is necessary to force others to remove some things.
C.The community and culture force us to change.
D.It is natural to keep some old clothes.
【小题4】From the text, we can conclude that the author___________.
A.does not like nature much
B.takes the chilcl's feelings lightly
C.is both a logical and thoughtful person
D.loves to see his daughter excited about animals
【小题5】Which of the following could be the best title for the article?
A.The things we should cast offB.A shed snakeskin in Sarah's eyes
C.A natural part of our growthD.Renewal for snakes and us


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届辽宁省丹东市高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

Sarah came running in. She shouted happily, "Look what I ____36_____." She put a snake skin on the newspaper I was reading and it came so suddenly that it caused me to ____37_____. "Mom, look! Isn't it ____38_____?" said my seven-year-old daughter. I ____39_____ the snake skin and thought that it really wasn't pretty. Everything children see ____40_____is full of beauty in their eyes; they see only ____41_____ and excellence in the world until educated.

"____42_____ did the snake do this?" Sarah asked. I tried to seize the ____43_____ to teach my children that there was almost always something beyond the obvious. I wanted to tell them that there was something else going on ____44_____ what they saw in front of them. "Snakes shed (蜕) their skin because they need to renew themselves," I ____45_____.

"Why do they have to renew themselves?" Sarah asked.

My son Robert laughed and said, "Because they don't ____46_____ what they are and they want to be someone else." I politely ignored him and said that by shedding skins, we could ____47_____ the hidden reality.

"We often need to shed our skin, those coatings that we ____48_____ ourselves with," I said to my children, who listened very ____49_____, with their eyes wide open. "This snake ____50_____ needs this skin. It is probably too hard for him, or he probably doesn't think he looks as ____51_____in it as he once did. It's like buying a new ____52_____."

I'm sure this explanation will not ____53_____ the naturalists. But Sarah was getting to understand that renewal is part of ____54_____. She should learn from it what we need to keep and what we need to ____55_____.

1.                A.made          B.seized          C.caught   D.found


2.                A.think           B.jump           C.run  D.struggle


3.                A.interesting      B.smooth         C.beautiful  D.colorful


4.                A.stared at        B.took off         C.referred to    D.brought back


5.                                  A.by accident B.over and over again

C.in the future                      D.for the first time


6.                A.honesty        B.difference       C.value D.fear


7.                A.Where         B.Why           C.How D.When


8.                A.information     B.possibility       C.opportunity   D.question


9.                A.besides         B.for            C.without   D.around


10.               A.talked          B.explained       C.whispered D.shouted


11.               A.keep          B.want           C.need D.like


12.               A.see            B.guess          C.ignore D.remember


13.               A.keep          B.store          C.cover D.improve


14.               A.properly        B.attentively      C.sadly D.angrily


15.               A.once more      B.at times        C.right now  D.no longer


16.               A.nice           B.healthy         C.strong D.big


17.               A.hat            B.watch          C.suit   D.home


18.               A.move          B.satisfy          C.correct    D.defeat


19.               A.experience     B.achievement    C.progress   D.competition


20.               A.throw out       B.hope for        C.find out   D.throw away




科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年山东省聊城市高三第一次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Sarah came running in saying, "Look what l found. " Over the top of the paper I was reading I saw a long object that made me jump. It was a piece of snakeskin that had been shed (脱皮)  by one of our garden snakes.

'Isn't it beautiful?" said my wide-eyed 7~year-old daughter. I stared at the organic wrapper and thought to myself that it really was not that beautiful, but I did not want to disappoint Sarah.  Everything children see for the first time is elementary to their sense of beauty and creativity. They see only merit (忧点) and excellence in the world.

"Why does it do this?" Sarah asked. I like to teach my children that there is something else going on besides what they see in front of them. "Snakes shed their skin because they need to renew themselves," I explained.

"Why do they need to renew themselves?" Sarah asked. "We often need to shed our skins, those coatings that we cover ourselves with," I said to my now absorbed daughter. "We outgrow some things and find other stuff unnecessary. This snake no longer needs this skin.  It is probably too old, and the snake probably doesn't think it looks as smart in the skin as it once did.  Like buying a new suit. "

Of course, I'm sure this explanation won't suit naturalists. But Sarah got the point. As we talked, I knew that she began to understand that renewal is part of progress; that we need to take a good look at ourselves, and rooms and schoolwork and creativity, and she began to see what we need to keep and what need to cast off.  I was careful to point out that this is a natural process, not one to be forced.

"Snakes don't peel off their skin when they feel like it," I explained.  "lt happens as part of their growth. "

"I see, Dad. " said Sarah.  She then jumped off my lap, grabbed the snakeskin, and ran off.

I hoped she would remember this. Often, in order to find our real selves underneath the layers of community and culture we are cloaked (掩饰) in year after year, we need to start examining these layers. We need to gently peel some away, as we recognize them to be worthless, unnecessary, or flawed (有缺陷的);  or at best,  remember the things we discard(丢掉)to teach us how we can improve.

1.When Sarah asked the author whether the snakeskin was beautiful,___________

A.he was shocked and jumped

B.he tried to understand her point of view

C.he thought that telling the truth was a merit

D.he decided to teach her something about the garden

2.How did Sarah feel about the author's explanation?

A.Confused.         B.Boreci            C.Satisfied.          D.Excited.

3.Which of the following would the author agree with?

A.By reflecting on ourselves, we can better ourselves.

B.It is necessary to force others to remove some things.

C.The community and culture force us to change.

D.It is natural to keep some old clothes.

4.From the text, we can conclude that the author___________.

A.does not like nature much

B.takes the chilcl's feelings lightly

C.is both a logical and thoughtful person

D.loves to see his daughter excited about animals

5.Which of the following could be the best title for the article?

A.The things we should cast off              B.A shed snakeskin in Sarah's eyes

C.A natural part of our growth               D.Renewal for snakes and us



科目:高中英语 来源:河南省期中题 题型:完形填空

     Sarah came running in. "Look what l found." Over the top of the paper I was reading came a long object
that caused me to   1  . It was a snake skin.
     "Isn't it   2  ?" said my wide-eyed seven-year-old.
     I stared at it thinking to myself that it really wasn't   3   beautiful, but I have learned never to appear
uninterested   4   tired of children.
     "  5   does a snake shed its skin?" Sarah asked.
     I also try to seize every   6   to teach my children there is almost something beyond the obvious. "Snakes
shed their skin because they   7   to renew themselves," I explained. As is so often the   8   in my family, the
original subject leads to   9   and another, until we are discussing something quite  10 .
     "Why do they need to renew themselves?" Sarah asked.
     Robert replied humorously. "Because they don't like  11  they are and they want to be someone else."
     Sarah and I politely  12  her brother.
     "We often need to shed our skins," I said to my now  13  daughter. "This snake no longer needs this skin.
Probably he doesn't think he looks as  14  in it as he once did. Like buying a new suit."
     Of course, I'm sure this explanation won't  15  naturalists (博物学家). But Sarah was understanding. As
we  16 , I knew that she began to understand that renewal is part of  17  and see what we need to keep and
what we need to  18 . I was careful to point out that this is a  19  process, not one to be forced.
     "Snakes don't peel off their skin when they feel like it," I explained. "It  20  as a natural result of their
growth."  "I see, Dad," said Sarah and jumped off my lap, grabbed the snake skin, and ran off.
(     )1.A.run        
(     )2.A.terrible     
(     )3.A.so          
(     )4.A.and        
(     )5.A.Why        
(     )6.A.object       
(     )7.A.need        
(     )8.A.situation   
(     )9.A.other      
(     )10.A.opposite     
(     )11.A.that        
(     )12.A.accepted   
(     )13.A.thinking     
(     )14.A.clever       
(     )15.A.satisfy     
(     )16.A.walked      
(     )17.A.study       
(     )18.A.remove      
(     )19.A.forced       
(     )20.A.happens     
C jump        
C interesting  
C much        

