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4. What a long way (it,there) is from here to your hometown!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


   We teenagers may suffer from some growing pains,but we can get rid of them wisely.

   Some of us are worried about our physical imperfections,which is unnecessary and not important at all. We should keep in mind 1. beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 2. really matters is one's inner beauty. Sometimes we may be misunderstood by others. In that case,we can have a heart-to-heart talk with them,trying to find out

3. it is that causes the misunderstanding. A school report may sometimes depress you. Actually,4. you have achieved good remarks isn't that important,so long as you have worked hard., Don't give up. Hold the belief 5. your efforts will pay off. Don’t care too much about I 6. many things you don't have. Thinking

I about 7. you can offer will always make you feel better and achieve more in life.

   Finally,I have to remind you all 8.there are no permanent problems. If we get down to;solving them,we511 step closer to our dreams.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


9. I had hardly finished writing my essay when the examiner announced the end of the exam.

the examiner announced the end of the exam.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


5. As soon as he started smoking,she asked him not so.

6. 1 never thought I would see her again,but yesterday I would.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


3. These men are totally different. (what)

4. We got everything except the house.(the only thing)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   When I watched wild baboons(狒狒) in Africa,it seemed as if they ate everything. But did they really? They have simple stomachs. If baboons eat foods that have a lot of fiber, they get very little nutrition from that food,and then they don't have room for more nutritious foods. Baboons need foods with a lot of nutrients. Baboons should be picky eaters.

   In the 1990s,a team of primatologists(灵长类 动物学家) solved this riddle. By watching wild baboons,the team of primatologists found that the monkeys ate whatever they could find as long as the foods had a lot of protein and fat. Baboons avoided foods with lots of fiber. Many foods had high protein or high fat,and many foods had low fiber. So it looked as if baboons ate everything.

   Research on baboon foods made me wonder how baboons found their foods. I knew baboons were smart. For their size,they have big brains,and they remember a lot of things. Even though some baboon troops have more than 100 monkeys,baboons easily remember their friends and enemies. I reasoned that baboons might memorize the locations of some foods.

   For 18 months I lived in a tent in Ruaha National Park in Tanzania. I camped next to the river. I studied only m往le baboons because females have babies,and I didn't want to scare the little ones. Each morning,I picked a different male monkey. Everywhere he went,I followed. Every time he ate,I wrote down the food type and how much he ate.

   I discovered that baboons did not find baobab trees(猴面包树) randomly. Instead,the monkeys walked quickly and directly to baobab trees. The same was not true for other foods. Baboons used more random patterns to find elephant dung (粪便) , young antelopes,and grasses. Sometimes they found these foods on their way to the baobab trees!

6. What does the underlined part “this riddle” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

   A. Where wild baboons live.

   B. How wild baboons find foods.

   C. If wild baboons eat everything.

   D. If wild baboons have simple stomachs.

7. Wild baboons enjoy foods with .

   A. lots of protein and fiber

    B. lots of protein and fat

   C. lots of fat and fiber

   D. lots of fiber only

8. What do we know about wild baboons?

   A. They have few friends.

   B. They are not very smart.

   C. They have many enemies.

   D. They have a good memory.

9. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

   A. How the author studied wild baboons.

   B. The living environment of wild baboons.

   C. How female wild baboons give birth to babies.

   D. Differences between male and female wild baboons.

10. It can be inferred that wild baboons know the locations of.

   A. grasses   B. baobab trees

   C. elephant dung   D. young antelopes


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Your high school years will undoubtedly bring some struggles and tough days. Here are three ways ta smile more.

   Acknowledge 1. simplest of simple things.

   Im talking about the things that happen every day,having the door 2. (hold) open for you when your arms are full,or being praised 3.whatever reason. We are so used to them 4.we have forgotten their significance.

   Listen to good music.

   Its an age-old question,but why do we feel like 5. (listen) to sad music when we? re feeling down? We just want the feeling of sadness to go away. Music can lift our mood 6. (quick) than a lot of other methods. Listening to music can really pump you up and get you 7. (excite) .

   Walk with a purpose.

   When walking,most of us are looking down at 8. (we) phones or putting in headphones.For a day,put away all the things that 9.(normal) close yourself off to others and just watch nature,other people,and day-to-day life. You may realize you’ve been blinded for a while to seeing these simple pleasures 10. add up and bring so many people joy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

9. He likes this house with the beautiful gardea in front,but he doesn’t have enough money to buy(it,one) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

根据括号内的汉语提示用含it的内容补全下面句子(每空一词) 。

2. —Steven's parents have bought him a computer.

    (难怪) that he looks so happy.

