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                                                      Robot (机器人) revolution
     The day that a robot wakes you up, cleans your room and walks your dog might still be a few decades
off. But increasingly, engineers are saying that robots are going to make the leap (跳跃) from the factory
floor to your family room.
     Companies like Sony and General Electric are working on designs for small robots. Products like the
Roomba, a robot that can clean floors, are flying off the shelves. On the cover of a recent issue of Scientific
American magazine, Bill Gates predicted the "Dawn of the Age of Robots".
     What's behind this new era (时代)? It's partly a matter of technology. Devices that can recognize and
respond (回应) to a human voice have been developed. There are now a few different ways for robots to
move around. They can walk, crawl (爬行) or ride on wheels. They are being made smaller and smaller.
They are also becoming more and more energy efficient.
     A bigger part of the story is on the demand side. From the day Robert Adler invented the television remote
control in the 1950s, people around the world have tirelessly searched for ways to get lazier.
     Also take into consideration the increasing wealth of rich people, the time appears ripe to introduce robots
to ease our daily lives.
     To be sure, robots that walk on two legs and talk like people are still too complex for our present
engineering abilities. Today's robot revolution is to make them for everyday use. Robots will do basic
housework such as cleaning or gardening, or just help you have more fun on the basketball court.
     What makes a robot different from an ordinary cleaning machine is not the presence of computer chips
(芯片). Nowadays even your microwave has a computer chip. It is the ability to sense and make changes
to the environment (环境) in real time.
     For example, a floor-cleaning robot should be able to sense your scared cat and move out of the way.
Today's computing ability is, for the first time, able to make machines that could "think", at least in certain
limited ways.
1. respond   2. factory   3. riding   4. ways   5. future's /tomorrow's
6. environment   7. walk   8. clean   9. wake   10. accompany

科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     In a memory-based competition between you and a chimp (猩猩); who do you think would win? If you
put yourself on top, you might want to guess again.
     In a test that challenged participants to remember numbers, a young chimp performed better than Japanese
college students.
     Here's how the test worked. At Kyoto University in Japan, human students and chimpanzee participants
sat in front of a computer. Five numbers, ranging from 1 to 9,were combined with one another and then, they
appeared at random places on the screen.
     The numbers stayed on the screen for less than a second. In the first test, for example, participants saw
the numbers for 650 milliseconds (about two-thirds of a second).
     Then, each number disappeared and they saw a white square instead. Participants had to touch the squares
in numerical order, based on the numbers that had been there a moment before.
     In this test, the students touched the boxes in the correct order about 80 percent of the time. A young
chimp named Ayumu performed equally well.
     During a harder test, participants were only able to see the numbers for 210 milliseconds.
     This time, students only succeeded in putting the boxes in the correct order about 40 percent of the time.
But Ayumu still could select the boxes in the right order nearly 80 percent of the time.
     Some people have what's called a "photographic memory," which allows them to remember a surprising
number of details after just a quick glimpse of something. Ayumu's memory might work in a similar way, says
lead researcher Tetsuro Matsuzawa.
     The chimp's young age might have something to do with his impressive perfomance, too. In previous tests,
the Japanese researchers found that young chimps perfomed better than their mothers.
     The scientists are interested to see whether Ayumu loses his strong memory as he gmws older. They already
know that young children sometimes have sharp memories when offered something photographical, but they
lose this ability over time.
Topic A (1)_____ competition between human beings and chimps
Purpose To judge whose memory is better
The (2)_____
of the first test
◆ A chimp and some Japanese students participated in the competition 
     and sat before a computer.
◆ Different (3)_____ of five numbers appeared on the screen
◆ Each of the number was (4)_____ by a white square.
The results of the     
second test
◆ Students (5)_____ to put the boxes in the right order about 40%
     of the time.
◆ Ayumu got the right order (6)_____ the time of the students'.
Conclusion ◆ Some people have "photographic memory", (7)______ some
     people to remember numbers after they (8)______ at something.
◆ The chimps have the similar (9)______ to human beings'.
◆ Young children, just like chimps, have strong memory but they'll lose
     it when they (10)______.


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏高考真题 题型:阅读理解

     For more than twenty years scientists have been seeking to understand the mystery of the "sixth sense" of
direction. By trying out ideas and solving problems one by one, they are now getting closer to one answer.
     One funny idea is that animals might have a built-in compass (指南针).
     Our earth itself is a big magnet (磁体). So a little magnetic needle that swings freely lines itself with the big
earth magnet to point north and south. When people discovered that idea about a thousand years ago and
invented the compass,it allowed sailors to navigate (航海) on ocean voyages, even under cloudy skies.
     Actually the idea of the living compass came just from observing animals in nature.
     Many birds migrate twice a year between their summer homes and winter homes. Some of them fly for
thousands of kilometers and mostly at night. Experiments have shown that some birds can recognize star
patterns. But they can keep on course even under cloudy skies. How can they do that?
     A common bird that does not migrate but is great at finding its way home is the homing pigeon. Not all
pigeons can find their way home. Those that can are very good at it, and they have been widely studied.
     One interesting experiment was to attach little magnets to the birds' heads to block their magnetic sense-just
as a loud radio can keep you from hearing a call to dinner. On sunny days, that did not fool the pigeons.
Evidently they can use the sun to tell which way they are going. But on cloudy days,the pigeons with magnets
could not find their way. It was as if the magnets had blocked their magnetic sense.
     Similar experiments with the same kind of results were done with honeybees. These insects also seem to
have a special sense of direction.
     In spite of the experiments,the idea of an animal compass seemed pretty extraordinary. How would an
animal get the magnetic stuff for a compass.
     An answer came from an unexpected source. A scientist was studying bacteria that live in the mud of ponds
and marshes. He found accidentally little rod-like bacteria that all swam together in one direction-north.
     Further study showed that each little bacterium had a chain of dense particles inside,which proved magnetic. The bacteria had made themselves into little magnets that could line up with the earth's magnet.
     The big news was that a living thing,even a simple bacterium, can make magnetite. That led to a search to
see whether animals might have it.. By using a special instrument called magnetometer, scientists were able to
find magnetite in bees and birds, and even in fish. In each animal,except for the bee. The magnetic stuff was
always in or closer to the brain. Thus the idea of a built-in animal compass began to seem reasonable.
The Magnetic Sense-The Living Compass
Passage outline Supporting details
The existence of the earth
magnet and the invention
of the navigating compass
◇Our earth is a big magnet and a little freely (1)______
magnetic needle lines itself with the earth magnet to
point north and south.
◇(2)______ on the idea above, the navigating
compass was invented.
The possibility of birds'
built-in compasses
◇ One piece of evidence is the (3)______ of many
birds between their summer homes and winter homes.
◇ Birds can recognize star patterns on clear nights and
keep on course (4)______ under cloudy skies
The (5)______ on
pigeons' and bees' built-in
◇Little magnets were tied to the pigeons' heads to (6)______
their magnetic sense.
◇The pigeons' magnetic sense seemed to be affected on
(7)______ days. ◇Similar things with the same results were done with
The (8)______ of
the magnetic stuff for the
animal compass
◇Little rod-like bacteria were found by chance to swim
together in the direction of (9)______.
◇Some animals had a chain of dense magnetic particles in
or close to the (10)______ inside their bodies.


科目:高中英语 来源:0110 期中题 题型:阅读理解

     People who are concerned about pollution will be happy to know that clean and renewable energy sources
that protect the environment such as solar energy are becoming possible alternatives.
     Increasing demand for clean, renewable energy is driving a growing market for solar energy products..
Two of the main types of products that take advantage of solar energy are passive and active solar products.
These two types of systems differ in how they are constructed and can also differ greatly in cost. Passive solar
technology can be used to heat air or water directly using the sun's energy. Unlike an active solar application,
passive solar set-ups accomplish their task without the use of additional electrical components, such as fans
that need an external electricity supply. Some solar space heating or water heating systems are active solar
heating systems that have various components that call for external power sources. Because of their simplicity
compared with active systems, passive solar heating systems generally are cheaper than active ones.
     In addition to these solar heating systems, there are also solar power system available. Rather than using the
sun's energy for heating applications, these systems change solar energy into electricity. An important part of
these products is called photovoltaic cells, which generate electricity from light. As sunlight falls on a
photovoltaic cell, the light's energy is changed into electricity that can then be used to power many kinds of
electronic devices. Because of the complicated technology involved, these kinds of solar power systems can
be very expensive.
     When considering what kind of solar heating or power system to install (安装) in your home or business,
be sure to purchase your equipment from a reputable manufacturer who will be able to help you with any
necessary repair.

                                                          Solar energy application


科目:高中英语 来源:0111 月考题 题型:完形填空

     In schools all over the world boys and girls are learning foreign languages.   1   knows his own language,
but   2   is very useful, especially when we travel to other countries. If we go to France, we ought to be able
to speak   3  , and in Germany people will   4   us to understand German.
     How many languages are there in the world? There are about fifteen hundred, but many of them are not
very   5 . English is one of the most important languages   6   so many people use it, not only in England and
the USA,   7   in other parts of the world. More than 200,000,000 speak it   8   their own language, and about
another 200,000,000 use it as a second language. It is   9   to say how many people are learning it. Many
millions of school boys and school girls are trying to do so.
     English children study French, which is also a very  10  language. An Englishman can  11  find someone
in almost all parts of the world who is able to talk to him in either English or  12 .
     Which is the best way to learn a language? We should remember that we all learnt our own language well
when we were children. If we could learn a second language in the same way, it would not seem so  13 .
Think of what a child  14 . It listens to what people say, and it tries to imitate (模仿) what it hears. When it
wants something, it  15  ask for it. It is  16  the language, talking in it, and thinking in it all the time. If people
had to use a second language all the time, they would learn it quickly. 
       17  is also important to remember that we learn our own language by hearing people speak it, not by
seeing  18  they write. We imitate (模仿) what we hear. In school,  19  you learn to read and write as well
as to hear and speak, it is  20  to learn all the new words first through the ear. You can read them, spell them,
and write them later.
(     )1. A. No one    
(     )2. A. one      
(     )3. A. France    
(     )4. A. hope      
(     )5. A. necessary 
(     )6. A. because  
(     )7. A. and      
(     )8. A. as        
(     )9. A. easy     
(     )10. A. beautiful 
(     )11. A. hardly    
(     )12. A. German    
(     )13. A. useful    
(     )14. A. does      
(     )15. A. ought to  
(     )16. A. learning  
(     )17. A. That      
(     )18. A. what      
(     )19. A. because   
(     )20. A. necessary 
B. Someone    
B. the one  
B. French   
B. insist   
B. easy      
B. although   
B. or        
B. like     
B. interesting     
B. important  
B. sometime   
B. Russian   
B. easy     
B. speaks   
B. is able to
B. using    
B. This      
B. how      
B. although  
B. best      
C. Everybody 
C. the others
C. Language 
C. expect     
C. important 
C. when      
C. but      
C. for      
C. different       
C. difficult 
C. easily    
C. Japanese  
C. difficult 
C. learns    
C. has to    
C. studying  
C. It        
C. why      
C. as soon as 
C. better    
D. Any one     
D. another one              
D. English     
D. help        
D. difficult   
D. and         
D. nor         
D. with        
D. difficult   
D. interesting 
D. freely      
D. French      
D. useless     
D. likes       
D. decides     
D. trying      
D. What        
D. as          
D. among       
D. possible    


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省期末题 题型:阅读理解

     Mariah Evans at the University of Nevada, Reno, led a 20-year study which asked adults in 27 countries
to tell the number of books that were in their home while they were growing up. Their answers showed that
children raised around books spend more years in school, even if their parents are poor and illiterate (没文化
     Mariah Evans said, "What we found was that there is a very big effect of growing up in a bookish home
on children's success in school. Children who grow up in homes where there are more books go further in
education. And additional (额外的) books are especially important for children who come from families
where the parents aren't terribly highly educated. The books can be stories, sports, travels and anything. But
there, we're seeing that the books that have the most effect are history and science."
     "It says that there really is a contribution that parents can make to their children's education. And it doesn't
mean that you have to turn into somebody like me whose walls are lined with books. "But it really does mean
that if you spend a few minutes most days a week reading to your children, and if they see you reading from
time to time, and if you talk about books with them from time to time, and when somebody asks a question,
say 'let's look it up' instead of discussing it as a matter of opinion-that all those things can actually make quite
a great difference to children in their education."
1. It can be inferred from the passage that _____.
[     ]
A. it is more difficult for children raised around books to finish school
B. highly educated parents prevent a child going further in education
C. more books are needed by children from poor and illiterate families
D. children with poor parents don't spend as many years in school
2. According to the author, the books most important for the children are _____.
[     ]
A. history and science
B. sports and education
C. stories and travels
D. all kinds of subjects
3. Wise parents can make quite a great difference to children in their education by _____.
[     ]
A. turning themselves into somebody whose walls are lined with books
B. spending some minutes most days a week playing with their children
C. discussing them rather than looking up questions with their children
D. talking about books with their children from time to time
4. This passage mainly talks about _____.
[     ]
A. the effect of bookish home on children
B. the importance of parents
C. the necessity of reading more books
D. the interest of children in books


科目:高中英语 来源:0119 期中题 题型:阅读理解

     When should a child start learning to read and write? This is one of the questions I am most frequently
asked. There is no hard and fast rule, for no two are alike, and it would be wrong to set a time when all
should start being taught the intricacies (复杂) of reading letters to form words.
     If a three-year-old wants to read (or even a two-year-old for that matter), the child has the right to be
given every encouragement. The fact that he or she might later be "bored" when joining a class of non-readers
at child school is the teacher's affair. It is up to the teacher to see that such a child is given more advanced
reading material.
     Similarly, the child who still cannot read by the time he goes to junior school at the age of seven should
be given every help by teachers and parents alike. They should make certain that he is not dyslexic (having
difficulty in reading).
     Although parents should be careful not to force youngsters aged two to five to learn to read (if badly done
it could put them off reading for life), there is no harm in preparing them for simple recognition of letters by
labeling various items in their rooms. For instance, tie a nice piece of cardboard to their bed with BED written
in neat, big letters.
     Should the young child ask his parents to teach him to read, and if the parents are capable of doing so,
such an attraction should not be ignored. But the task should never be made to look like a hard job and the
child should never be forced to continue, or his interest should start to flag.
1. This passage is mainly about _____.
[     ]
A. what qualities people teaching children reading should have
B. different age groupings of children to be taught reading
C. when and how children should be taught reading
D. various problems of children who start learning to read
2. This passage is mainly about _____.
[     ]
A. what qualities people teaching children reading should have
B. different age groupings of children to be taught reading
C. when and how children should be taught reading
D. various problems of children who start learning to read
3. A three-year-old child who wants to read should _____.
[     ]
A. be encouraged
B. go to an infant school
C. start from fun stories
D. join a class of non-readers
4. The purpose of labeling items in the room is to _____.
[     ]
A. make it more colorful
B. teach children to write neatly
C. help children recognize simple letters
D. force children to develop the habit of reading
5. The writer suggests that _____.
[     ]
A. children should ask their parents to teach them to read
B. children should not feel bored if given advanced reading material
C. children starting to read should ask specialists for help
D. children should be taught with patience, care and a sense of humor


科目:高中英语 来源:0115 期中题 题型:阅读理解

     When an ant dies, other ants move the dead insect out. Sometimes, the dead ant get moved away very
soon-within an hour of dying. This behavior is interesting to scientists, who wonder how ants know for
sure-and so soon-that another ant is dead.
     One scientist recently came up with a way to explain this ant behavior. Dong-Hwan Choe is a biologist.
Choe found that Argentine ants have a chemical on the outside of their bodies that signals to other ants, "I'm
dead-take me away."
     But there's a twist to Choe's discovery. Choe says that the living ants-not just the dead ones-have this
death chemical. In other words, while an ant crawls around, perhaps in a picnic or home, it's telling other
ants that it's dead.
     What keeps ants from dragging away the living ants? Choe found that Argentine ants have two additional
chemicals on their bodies, and these tell nearby ants something like, "Wait-I'm not dead yet." So Choe's
research turned up two sets of chemical signals in ants: one says, "I'm dead," and the other set says, "I'm
not dead yet."
     Other scientists have tried to figure out how ants know when another ant is dead. If an ant is knocked
unconscious, for example, other ants leave it alone until it wakes up. That means ants know that unmoving
ants can still be alive.
     Choe suspects that when an Argentine ant dies, the chemical that says "Wait-I'm not dead yet" quickly
goes away. Once that chemical is gone, only the one that says "I'm dead" is left. "It's because the dead ant
no longer smells like a living ant that it gets carried to the graveyard, not because its body releases (释放)
new unique chemicals after death," said Choe. When other ants detect the"dead" chemical without the "not
dead yet" chemical, they drag away the body.
     Understanding this behavior may help scientists figure out how to stop Argentine ants from invading new
places and causing problems. Choe would like to find a way to use the newly discovered chemicals to spread
ant killer to Argentine ant nests.
     The ants' removal behavior is important to the overall health of the nest. "Being able to quickly remove
dead individuals and other possible sources of disease is extremely important to all animals living in societies,
including us," says Choe. "Think about all the effort and money that we invest daily in waste management."
1. The underlined word "twist" in Paragraph 3 means _____.
[     ]
A. an unexpected change
B. a clear mistake
C. an important key
D. a shocking conclusion
2. Ants judge whether another one is dead or not depending on _____.
[     ]
A. the sense of taste
B. the sense of smell
C. the sense of touch
D. the sense of sight
3. The result of the research can be used to _____.
[     ]
A. kill troublesome pests
B. solve the problem of endangered species
C. prevent further expansion of the ants' territory
D. keep the balance of nature
4. Why is it important to remove dead individuals?
[     ]
A. Because it is easier to manage the living.
B. Because it can save money to deal with the waste.
C. Because it can provide more space for the living.
D. Because it can keep the living from suffering disease.
5. What might be the best title of the text?
[     ]
A. Dead or living? It is easy to judge
B. Pulling away the dead ants is a difficult task.
C. Ant nests have great undertaking capacity.
D. Leaving it alone or taking it away? Ants feel puzzled.


科目:高中英语 来源:0124 月考题 题型:阅读理解

    If you want to get the most out of the study of a language, you must also read for pleasure: novels, plays,
travel books, and so on. And in reading books of this kind the important thing is to get on with the reading; to
try to grasp what the writer is going to tell you in the book as a whole. This is impossible if you stop and think
over the meaning of every single word which happens to be unfamiliar (不熟悉). You can not enjoy a story if
you stop half a dozen times on every page in order to look up words in the dictionary. You may even prevent
yourself from understanding the story as a whole by doing this.
    When you are reading books of this kind, therefore, you will usually have to rely mainly on (依靠) the
context (上下文) to help you. If you meet an unfamiliar word, do not let it take too much of your attention
from the main thread (主线) of the story. In all probability (可能) you will meet the same word again a few
pages later on in a slightly different context, and each time you see it your understanding of it will become
more exact.
1. The phrase "to get on with reading" in the passage has the same meaning as "_____".
[     ]
A. to try to grasp the meaning of every sentence in the book
B. to try to catch the meaning of every word in the book
C. to try to understand all the writer is going to tell you
D. to try to understand the main idea of the book
2. When you meet new words in reading such kinds of books, you'd better _____.
[     ]
A. stop and look them up in a dictionary
B. stop and think them over
C. try to guess their meanings from the context
D. have none of them
3. From the passage the best way to read novels, plays and travel books is _____.
[     ]
A. to read very slowly
B. to read quickly and not too carefully
C. to read very carefully
D. to read very seriously
4. The best title for this passage is "_____".
[     ]
A. Read for Pleasure
B. Get on with the Books
C. Reading Skills
D. The Importance of Reading

