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A couple of years ago I took the family on a winter vacation to New York City to experience the holiday atmospheres. The longest lines that week weren’t in the Empire State Building, at the Statue of Liberty Ferry or any of the Big Apple’s other landmarks (地标) , but at Fifth Avenue and 58th Street, where people crowded into FAO Schwarz.
It was not until I got inside that it became clear how only one toy store could provide everything else that Manhattan offers between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Far more than a shopping experience, the hour we spent wandering along the aisles(通道) at FAO Schwarz was more like visiting a museum of everything that children care for very much. And for me — and all of the other bright-eyed grownups — it was a trip down my memory lane to the toys we knew as kinds.
America’s most unique toy stores are found from coast to coast, in big cities and also in small towns. Let’s have a look at some others.
The Dinosaur Farm in South Pasadena, Calif.: Former rock musician Dave Plenn opened the shop in 1994, a year after “Jurassic Park” brought the creatures back into the spotlight again. But he says his wife ---who was then working for the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles— rather than the big movie proved the inspiration for the dinosaur store.
Mild Zone: A more traditional specialty store, which sells model cars like Matchbox, Hot Wheels and Johnny Lightning. “It’s such an addicting (上瘾的) hobby,” says Burke, who admits that he originally created the store as a means to feed his own toy car collection. “Once you buy your first, you can never stop.” The store has around 30,000 cars. Mile Zone’s customers are from kinds with a wish for speedy toys to grown-ups who view the model cars as time travel back to their youth.
59. The author wrote the first paragraph mainly to show _________.
A. the poor traffic condition in New York      B. the nice holiday atmosphere in New York
C. the popularity of toy stores in New York   D. the charming landmarks in New York
60. Walking into FAO Schwarz gave the author a chance to ___________.
A. recall his life of childhood  B. visit a most special museum
C. study the history of Manhattan   D. learn the way of producing toys
61. Dave Plenn was inspired to open the Dinosaur Farm by ________.
A. his wife       B. “Jurassic Park”  C. his research on nature       D .rock music
62. We can infer from the passage that ______.
A. dinosaur toy stores are more popular than traditional ones
B. some unique toys have been displayed in local museums
C. some popular toy stores have become new landmarks
D. customers of toy stores are more than children


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

We are travel agents based in Holland and we sell very cheap tickets to destinations all over the world.If you are looking for effciency, just contact us. Also ,we are looking for manufacturing companies to represent. So, if you are a manufacturer and looking for a representative,We will be glad to represent you in Holland.
Contact Information
Contact Person: Mr O. Emmanuel
Job Title:Director/CEO/General Manager
Adress:J.V.Offwegenlaan 62, Rijswijk, Netherlands
Postal Code:2282HS
Telephone: +31—65—3202073
Are you tired of booking hotel and flight tickets when you go to China?Are you worried of being cheated by dishonest travel agents?Now ,we are here to support you.
We are a professional business service company who can help you to schedule your business trips to China.We have wide connections with hotels and airlines in China,and can help reduce your founding expenses.Our service include booking hotels and flights before you leave for China.We will give you all the information you need before you come to China, pay your room fee in hotel counter and make you get your flight ticket in your hotel room.
Our service  is free of charge until you are satisfied. This means you can pay us when you wish, even after your trip to China is over. If you think that our service was not satisfactory, you do not pay anything.
What you need to do is to give us your personal information—the name shown in your passport ,your passport number, and your date of birth, We also need to know the details of your trip such as your destionation,when and where you are going,and which kind of hotels you need.
Contact Information
Contact Person:Ms Dana Li
Job Title:Manager
Address:Room 303 ,Jina Building, No. 122 Jingba, Ji’nan,Shangdong,China
Postal Code:25001
68.If you are travelling around Gambia, how many ways will you contact the travel agent?
A.One      B. Two       C. Three      D.Four
69.The second advertisement is meant for___________
A.tourists in China        B.tourists to China from overseas
B.both home tourists and foreign travellers  D.American travellers only
70.If you hire the company in the second advertisement, what do you have to pay them?
A.You can pay them any time as you wish
B.Even if you think their service was unsatisfactory ,you must pay for everything
C.You must pay before getting the service
D.You must pay before you finish your trip in China and back to your home
71.If you are from Japan and want to visit Shanghai, you can fax________to get a ticket to China
A. +86—531—82070396      B. +31—70—N/A
C. +86—531—88341698      D. +31—65—3202073


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In my profession as an educator and health care provider, I have worked with numerous children infected with the virus that causes AIDS. The relationships that I have had with these special kids have been gifts in my life. They have taught me so many things, but I have especially learned that great courage can be found in the smallest of packages. Let me tell you about Tyler.
Tyler was born infected with HIV: his mother was also infected. From the very beginning of his life, he was dependent on medications to enable him to survive. When he was five, he had a tube surgically inserted in a vein in his chest. This tube was connected to a pump, which he carried in a small backpack on his back. Medications were hooked up to this pump and were continuously supplied through this tube to his bloodstream. At times, he also needed supplemented oxygen to support his breathing.
Tyler wasn’t willing to give up one single moment of his childhood to this deadly disease. It was not unusual to find him playing and racing around his backyard, wearing his medicine - laden backpack and dragging his tank of oxygen behind him in his little wagon. All of us who knew Tyler marveled at his pure joy in being alive and the energy it gave him. Tyler’s mom often teased him by telling him that he moved so fast she needed to dress him in red. That way, when she peered through the window to check on him playing in the yard, she could quickly spot him.
This dreaded disease eventually wore down even the likes of a little dynamo like Tyler. He grew quite ill and, unfortunately, so did his HIV - infected mother. When it became apparent that he wasn’t going to survive, Tyler’s mom talked to him about death. She comforted him by telling Tyler that she was dying too, and that she would be with him soon in heaven.
A few days before his death, Tyler beckoned me over to his hospital bed and whispered, " I might die soon. I’m not scared. When I die, please dress me in red. Mom promised she’s coming to heaven, too. I’ll be playing when she gets there, and I want to make sure she can find me. "
64. What is the boy Tyler's attitude towards death?
A.  optimistic.      B.  pessimistic.   C. sorrowful.              D. fearful.
65. Tyler requested the writer to dress him in red when he died simply because ________.
A. red is a lucky color                 B. red might help to cure him
C. his mom could spot him easily        D. he could find more mates by wearing red
66. Which of the following might serve as a possible title for this passage?
A. My unusual profession.                 B. A caring mother.
C. Mother and son.                         D. Dying in red.
67. The underlined word dynamo in the fourth paragraph here means ________.
A. a promising and helpful youth       B. an extremely energetic person
C. a rare and beautiful flower          D. a magic and understanding superstar


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Events took place around the world last week to celebrate International Women’s Day.
The March eighth observance came as thousands of delegates from one hundred thirty countries met at the United Nations in New York. They discussed progress on a plan of action for women's equality. The document was approved ten years ago at a conference in Beijing.
It calls for improved health care for women, along with economic and political gains. It also calls for efforts to reduce human rights violations against women.
In Asia last Tuesday, there were demonstrations against unfair treatment of women.
In Washington, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice held a Conference of Women Leaders. Laura Bush, the president's wife, spoke at the event which had representatives from fifteen Muslim nations. The first lady praised recent political gains for Muslim women.
In Afghanistan, for example, President Hamid Karzai has appointed the first female governor of a province. In Iraq, women hold almost one-third of the 249 seats in the newly elected National Assembly. And Missus Bush noted that nearly half the voters in the Palestinian presidential election were women.
International Women’s Day began in nineteen ten in Copenhagen, Denmark. It was designed to build support for voting rights for women worldwide. Missus Bush noted that it took American women many years to be recognized as full citizens with the right to vote.
Last week, just before International Women Day's, hundreds of women and men demonstrated in Kuwait to demand the right for women to vote. The government urged parliament to act quickly to debate such reforms.
Also last Monday, Human Rights Watch released a report on sexual violence by soldiers and members of armed groups in eastern Congo. The New York-based group says tens of thousands of women and young girls have been raped and beaten. Yet it says almost all the crimes have gone without punishment.
51.According to the text, which of the following statements is true?
A. The document on women’s equality has not been approved yet.
B. Muslim women’s rights have been improved.
C. Palestinian women are totally equal now.
D. Kuwait women urged government to reform.
52. About how many women have been elected into National Assembly?
A. 166      B. 83        C. 249        D. 124
53. You can most probably read the text in ________.
A. a textbook    B. a magazine    C. a newspaper    D. a biology book
54. What’s the best title of the text?
A. International Women’s Day
B. Women’s equal rights
C. How to ensure women’s equal rights
D. How do people celebrate International Women’s Day


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Maybe your class in school has given a play. People throughout the world like to act in plays. In Japan, actors perform in Kabuki plays. The word “Kabuki” is made up of three Japanese words meaning song, dance and ability.
Kabuki actors do not look like the actors in American plays. American actors dress and look like real people. In Kabuki plays, the actors wear bright-colored robes and wigs. Their robes are very large, and their wigs do not look like real hair.
American actors wear make-up, but their make-up does not often hide their faces. Kabuki actors paint their faces chalk white. They draw black eyebrows above their real eyebrows. They outline their eyes in black or red. Their mouths are bright red. They look as if they are wearing masks.
An actor performing in an American play must make his face look happy, sad or angry. Make –up helps the Kabuki actor show his feelings. If an actor is going to show anger, he paints dark blue or red lines on his face. His make-up makes him look angry.
American and Kabuki actors perform in different ways. But they both try to please the people who watch them.
56.From the story we may know that                .
A.Kabuki actors are afraid to show their real faces.
B.American actors don’t wear make-up.
C.make-up helps a Kabuki actor show his feelings
D.Kabuki actors make up to make the audience angry.
57.To show anger, a Kabuki actor paints           .
A.dark blue or red lines on his face    B.hair on his head
C.his costume blue                    D.his eyebrows black
58.The text is mainly about             .
A.how the Japanese sing and dance    B.why actors look sad or happy
C.a kind of Japanese play          D.make-up in plays
59.Why do Kabuki actors wear so much make-up?
A.they do not want anyone to know who they are.
B. It helps them show their feelings in a play.
C.They think it makes them prettier.
D.They want to cover up their true feelings.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A wife’s level of education positively influences both her own and her husband’s chances of having a long life, according to a new Swedish study.
In the study, researchers from the Swedish Institute for Social Research in Stockholm found that a woman’s level of education had a stronger connection to the likelihood of her husband dying over education. What’s more, they discovered that a husband’s social class, based on his occupation,  had a greater influence on his wife’s longevity(长寿)than her own class.
“Women traditionally take more responsibility for the home than men do, and, as a consequence, women’s levels of education might be more important for determining lifestyles-for example, in terms of food choices-than those of men,” say Srs. Robert Erikson and Jenny Torssander of the Swedish Institute for Social Research in Stockholm.
The results show that a husband’s level of education does not influence his longevity, but that men with partners who had quit studying after school were 25 per cent more likely to die early than men living with women hodling university degrees. In turn, those married to women with university degrees were 13 per cent more likely to die early than those whose wives had post-graduate qualifications.
According to the researchers, a woman with a good education may not marry a man who drinks and smokes too much or who drivers carelessly, and men with such habits may not prefer highly educated woman. Drs. Erikson and Torssander also suggest that better-educated woman may be more aware of what healthy eating and good health care consist of.
The findings suggest that education has a huge impact on how long and how well people live. It also reflects social factors, since educated individuals usually have better jobs, which allow them to afford healthier diets and lifestyles, as well as better health care.
68. In this passage the author intends to_______.
A. encourage women to get higher education
B. present the results of a study.
C. analyze the relationship between education and life
D. discuss why women usually live longer than men
69. A wife’s education has more effect on a family than a husband’s because______.
A. women make more sacrifices to their families than men do
B. most women have higher degrees than their husbands
C. most men marry women with higher degrees
D. women have a leading role in the home life of most families
70. A woman with higher education is likely to_____.
A. choose a husband with a higher degree than hers.
B. marry a man without many bad habits
C. earn more money than her husband
D. teach her children well
71. We learn from the passage that_______.
A. a man with a lot of education live longer than one with little.
B. a man’s longevity depends on not only his wife’s level of education but also his own.
C. educated wives tend to choose healthy lifestyles for their families.
D. highly-educated women don’t marry uneducated men.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

  Young visitors to museums often complain(抱怨)about having museum feet,the
tired feeling one gets after spending too much time in a museum.A case of museum feet
makes one feel like saying:“This is boring.I could have done the painting myself.
When can we sit down? What time is it?
Studies of museum behavior show that the average visitor spends about four sec.
onds looking at one object.For young visitors,the time call be even shorter.Children
are more interested in smells,sounds,and the“feel’’of a place than looking at a work of
art.If they stay in a museum too long,they will feel tired and become impatient.
To avoid museum feet,try not to have children look at too many things in one vis-.
it.It is reported that young visitors get more out of a visit if they focus on no more than
nine objects.One and a half hours is the ideal(理想的)time to keep their eyes and
minds sharp,and their feet happy.
65.When a child gets“museum  feet”,he or she feels     .
A.bored    B.interested    C.pleased D.angry
66.To attract more children,museums should offer more    .
A.reading materials    B.works of art
C.1ively things        D.comfortable shoes
67.Children can benefit most from a visit to a museum if they spend        .
A.1ess than 4 seconds looking at 1 object
B.a whole morning focusing on 19 objects
C.the time together with their parents
D.1.5 hours focusing on 9 objects
68.What’s the passage mainly about?
A.The cause of museum feet and how to avoid them.
B.How to build better museums for children.
C.How to prevent children from getting museum feet.
D.Why more children get museum feet than adults.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Make a five-minute film and win !
Do you love the summer holidays but hate being bored ? Then why don’t you enter the Film Street Summer Shorts Competition by making a short film this summer with your family and friends ?
What you have to do
To enter the competition , you have to make a short film that is around 5 minutes long (It can be shorter but not longer !) on a digital camera , or mobile phone .
The best short film entered into our competition will be shown in Film Street’s Cinema and you’ll win a Cineworld Cinemas pass for yourself and three more for other members of your filmmaking crew(演职员). If you have a Cineworld Cinema pass , you can watch as many films as you like for a year, for free , at any Cineworld Cinema !
◆   We can’t show films that tell others about either your , or any other kid’s name or address
◆   We can’t show films that hurt , harm or insult (侮辱) other people .
◆   We can’t show films that have bad language .
Copyright checklist (版权清单)
Getting permission to use someone else’s work in your film can be expensive , so check your film to
make sure that :
◆   Your film is original and you haven’t copied someone else .
◆   There are no scenes of branding (商标) on shop sights , books , magazines or CDs .
◆   There are no scenes of someone else’s artwork
Address and Date
Post your finished film on tape , CD or DVD by Monday , October 1st , 2007 to :
Film Street Summer Shorts Competition
First Light Movies
Unit 6 , Third Floor , The Bond
180-182 Fazeley Street
Birmingham    B5   5SE
So what’s stopping you ? Start making your Film Street Summer short now !
小题1:Who is the passage written for ?
A.ChildrenB.ParentsC.Teachers D.Actors
小题2:How many Cineworld Cinemas passes will the winner of the awarded in all ?
小题3: From the third paragraph we can learn that _________ .
A.the winner’s short film can be shown in any cinema
B.the competition is held by Cineworld Cinemas
C.the winner can watch films for free for one year at any Cineworld Cinema
D.the winner will be paid for his short film
小题4:The underlined word “original ” is closest in meaning to “ ____________ “ .
A.interesting enoughB.full of exciting moments
C.good for childrenD.made by yourself


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

There was a rich foreign merchant who had 4 wives. He loved the 4th wife most and  36  her with best clothes and  37  her to delicious food.
He also loved the 3rd wife very much. He’s very proud of her and always wanted to  38  his 3rd wife to his friends.
He too, loved his 2nd wife. 39  the merchant faced some 40  , he always turned to his 2nd wife and she would always help him out.
Now, the merchant’s first wife had made great  41  to his business. However, the merchant did not love her and although she loved him deeply, he hardly took notice of her.
One day, the merchant fell ill. He knew that he was going to die  42  . He told himself, “ Now I have 4 wives with me. 43  when I die, I’ll be alone. How  44  I’ll be!”
Thus, he asked the 4th wife, “ I  45 you most. Now that I’m dying will you 46  me and keep me company?” “No way!” replied the 4th wife and she walked away without another word.
The  47  merchant then asked the 3rd wife, “ I have loved you so much for all my life. Will you follow me and keep me company?” “ 48  !” replied the 3rd wife. “ Life is so good over here! I’m going to 49  when you die!”
He then asked the 2nd  wife, “ I 50 turned to you for help. Now I need your help again. Will you follow me and keep me company?” “I’m sorry, I can’t  51  you out this time!” replied the 2nd wife.
Then a 52 pulled out, “ I’ll leave with you. I’ll follow you no matter  53  you go.” Broken-hearted, the merchant said, “ I should have taken much better  54  of you while I could have.”
Actually, we all have 4 wives in our life: our body, our possessions, our friends, and our 55  . We should take good care of our soul all our life.
36 A wore                    B bought          C dressed              D shared
37 A gave                 B treated          C provided                D sent
38 A show off         B turn off        C show out            D turn out
39 A Wherever          B However        C Whether             D Whenever
40 A requests         B exercises        C problems             D duties
41 A friends           B contributions   C differences         D attempts
42 A soon              B fast            C easily               D bitterly
43 A So                   B And                  C But                          D For
44 A lonely              B friendly             C lovely                         D lively
45 A respected              B missed               C wanted                     D loved
46 A like                      B catch             C take                         D follow
47 A sad                         B hopeless            C anxious                    D lucky
48 A Yes                  B No                    C Sure                         D OK
49 A work                B leave             C remarry                    D stay
50 A seldom          B always               C sometimes            D never
51 A advise         B demand             C suggest                     D help
52 A voice            B sound            C shout                    D laugh
53 A how                 B where            C when                    D why
54 A advantage       B pity                    C care                         D control
55 A wealth           B health            C power                         D soul

