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In Taiwan, “motorpool “ is commonly known as a place for the maintenance(维修) of official business and government cars. In ­___36___ it is a place for vehicle maintenance.

More than ten years ago, I came to America on business and I __37__advantage of the chance to visit my friend. My friend drove a car to ___38__ me at the airport, and took me to his home__39    the airport. My friend drove his car into the innermost lane, ___40__ had a sign ‘carpool only’ I wondered what “carpool” meant. I wondered ___41____he was going to a motorpool. So I thought myself ____42__ in asking:” Is there anything wrong with the car?” “Nothing.____43___?” said he. “Well then, why are you going to a carpool?” I responded. My friend couldn’t help ___44__ and told me that “ carpool” ___45___to the lane that only the cars with two or more passengers can ____46___. I felt rather embarrassed __47__ that.

After dinner, my friend’s neighbor  48  to ask whether he could carpool the next day. “ 49 ”, my friend said, “ I will accompany my friend to go shopping tomorrow.” I was puzzled again,  50 why he could not “ carpool” with him since we had “ carpooled” 51.  My friend explained to me again that the “ carpool” with him that ____2____ used meant they in turn drove the car to work so as to save  53  . The first” carpool” is a noun; ____4___ the second “carpool” is a verb. It is really difficult for   55 in America to understand it in a short time.

1.                A.common        B.time           C.general   D.short


2.                A.took           B.had            C.used D.found


3.                A.see            B.take           C.meet D.accept


4.                A.In             B.Out of          C.Inside    D.From


5.                A.where         B.which          C.it    D.there


6.                A.what           B.whether        C.which    D.when


7.                A.puzzled         B.foolish          C.interested D.clever


8.                A.which          B.why            C.where    D.what


9.                A.laughing        B.shouting        C.stopping  D.saying


10.               A.means         B.refers          C.is    D.comes


11.               A.pass through    B.go over         C.drive in   D.sit in


12.               A.in saying        B.for doing       C.on hearing D.at listening to


13.               A.went out       B.came over      C.arrived    D.got off


14.               A.Yes            B.I’m afraid      C.Sure . D.No


15.               A.wondering      B.saying          C.suggesting D.hesitating


16.               A.yesterday       B.tomorrow       C.the last day D.today


17.               A.his neighbor     B.his friend       C.he.   D.I


18.               A.time           B.money         C.energy    D.pollution’


19.               A.and           B.while .         C.so    D.or


20.               A.newcomer      B.people         C.Chinese   D.those


























1.C 固定词组。In general一般说来。本句指一般说来motorpool就是维修车辆的地方。

2.A 固定词组。Take advantage of利用;我利用这个机会求看望我的朋友。

3.C 动词辨析。A看见B拿走C接D接受;指我的朋友到机场来接我。

4.B 介词辨析。A在…里B出来C在内部D从…;我的朋友带着我从机场出来去他家。

5.B 语法分析。这里的which指代先行词在句中做主语。

6.B 词义辨析。A什么B是否C哪一个D当…时;我问他是否要去motorpool修车。

7.D 形容词辨析。A困惑B愚蠢C有趣D聪明;我自以为自己很聪明。

8.B 上下文串联。我问对方是否要去修车。对方很困惑所以问我为什么要这样问。

9.A 动词辨析。A笑B喊叫C停止D说;我的朋友忍不住地大笑,是因为我搞错了。

10.B 固定词组。Refer to涉及,谈及;参考,查阅;carpool是指多人乘坐的车走的车道。

11.C 上下文串联。这里的drive in指这样的车辆可以走的车道。

12.C 固定搭配。Embarrassed与介词On连用。对…敢打尴尬。

13.B 短语辨析。A出去B走过来C达到D下车;我的朋友走了过来。

14.D 上下文串联。根据上下文可知,我的朋友拒绝对方的要求。

15.A 动词辨析。A想知道B说C建议D犹豫;我想知道为什么…

16.D 上下文串联。根据这里可知我想知道晚上今天不能和邻居去了。

17.A 上下文串联。根据上文可知是他的邻居过来和他说这样的话题的。

18.C 名词辨析。A时间B钱C能源D污染;这样做的原因就是节约能源,减少污染。

19.B 连词辨析。While然而,表示轻微的转折。

20.A 上下文串联。这里是指新来的人很难理解这样语义变换很大的词语。





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



Jay Chou(周杰伦)is a well-known name both in Taiwan and mainland. He is now one of Asia’s hottest pop stars. His catchy tunes have main-streamed(主流)rap and R&B in the Mando-pop world. In the past his teacher thought he was dumb(木讷). Talent spotters(观察者)thought he was ugly. But his success proves that the music still matters more than looks and image. His musical talent(才能)is recognized by fans, fellow-singers and producers. Now, a singing contest was held in Taiwan

Chou appeared at the contest with band “Nan Quan Mama”, which was discovered by Chou.  Their first album the Summer of Nan Quan Mama, composed and produced by Chou was a great success.

Chou started his career at a singing contest, attracting the attention of record producers.  But the successful singer does not believe in luck. He says it’s his passion for music and hard work that are keys to his success. He said, “I didn’t know how to sing at the beginning, so I lost the first time. But I was so determined that I never stopped trying. My advice to these young singers is never to give up, and always believe in yourself. ”

Chou’s confidence has strengthened his music. He is a great source of inspiration to youngsters who share his determination to become a superstar.

The best title for this passage can be ____________.

A. From an ugly dumb to a superstar

B. Jay Chou’s way to success

C. Jay Chou and his band         

D. Jay Chou’s life

The underlined part “matters more” most probably means ____________.

A. better                           B. more different

C. more difficult                   D. more important

Which of the following is NOT true about Jay Chou?

A. Jay Chou is confident towards music.

B. He is a determined man.

C. He succeeded the first time he appeared on the stage.

D. Though not good-looking, he has a gift for music.

____________ make Jay Chou a success according to the passage.

A. His luck and talent for music

B. His talent for music and look

C. His looks and luck

D. His passion for music and hard work

Jay Chou’s musical talent is recognized by the following except ____________.

A. his teachers                 B. fellow-singers

C. producers                    D. fans


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 (2011年北京东城期末目标检测)________was reported in the paper,people in mainland China sent disaster relief materials to help the flooded area in Taiwan Island.

A.It                   B.That

C.As                 D.What


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年广东揭阳一中高一下期第二次阶段考试英语卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Here’s an unusual story: a diamond ring was recently found in an egg. The magician, Liu Qian, discovered it in front of an audience of million at CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala. Liu’s magic tricks have made the centuries-old art of magic fashionable once again, and made him the hottest magician in China.
As a seasoned magician from Taiwan, Liu is popular worldwide for his magic shows. Countries he has performed in include the United States, Japan, South Korea and the UK.
Witnessing(见证) something impossible happen right before your eyes is the root of people’s love for magic.
Liu is known for his interaction with his audiences. He has a unique understanding of showmanship.
“It’s actually thinking rather than one’s performing skills that is more important to achieving a successful magic show. We think carefully about how to design the shows creatively, to make them appear more interesting,” Liu said.
Liu Qian’s success dated back to his childhood. Born in 1976 in Taiwan, he found himself attracted to a magic toy in a shop when he was seven years old. At the age of 12, he won Taiwan’s Youth Magic Contest, which was judged by the great American magician, David Copperfield.
Yet, Liu never planned on becoming a professional magician. He studied Japanese Literature at university and only hoped to be an amateur magician in his spare time. However, his failure to find a proper job after graduation pushed him towards magic as a career.
To refine his performing skills, he has performed on streets, roads and fields, for passers-by, policemen and farmers.
“Street shows are the biggest challenge for us magicians. We have to deal with unexpected situations and tough crowds,” Liu said.
【小题1】The story is about__________.

A.why people love magic
B.how Liu Qian became China’s hottest magician
C.how fashionable magic is
D.what magic tricks are
【小题2】People love to watch magic because_______.
A.they love watching magicians make the impossible happen
B.it arouses their curiosity
C.they can’t figure out the secret of magic
D.it is a centuries-old art
【小题3】Which of the following is the key reason that Liu Qian decided to make magic his career?
A.He was interested in magic when he was little
B.He had won Taiwan’s Youth Magic Contest.
C.He couldn’t find an acceptable job after graduation.
D.He became an amateur magician in his spare time.
【小题4】What does the underline word “seasoned” in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.experienced B.freshmanC.amateur(业余的)D.unskillful
【小题5】Liu Qian improved his performing skills by _____.
A.learning from David Copperfield
B.learning magic in a university
C.performing in public on streets
D.joining in Taiwan’s Youth Magic Contest


科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年上海市高三上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:完型填空

What is the purpose of the World Games? What's the difference between the World Games and the Olympic Games?

_50 _the Olympic Games, the World Games have a rather _51_ history.In 1981, the first World Games were held in Santa Clara.Since then, in the year following the Olympics, some of the world's best athletes _52_ in their common search for _53_ at the world Games.

There are usually 25 to 35 _54_ at the World Games, The events at the World Games are not part of the Olympics or ones were part of the Olympic Games.Many events at the World Games _55_ as Olympic events, like weightlifting and badminton.They got their start as events at the World Games _56_ being moved into the Olympics.Just like the Olympics, the World Games also have _57_ competitions.These competitions get the sport the chance to be seen and the chance to become medal events.

The World Games are _58_ tied to the Olympic Games because the International Olympic Committee is the sponsor of the International World Games Association.The International Olympic Committee has decided that the number of Olympic participants is _59_ 10,500.The new policy means that no World Games competitions will be _60_ the Olympics any time soon.   

This year, the World Games were held in Taiwan.Some events, like softball, _61_ be Olympic sports but were dropped and now are _62_ for the World Games.The World Games look like a perfect supplement and _63_ ground for future Olympic Games.So next time you get a chance to watch the World Games, you may want to pay attention as it could be the future, or maybe even _64_.

1.A.As for              B.But for          C.Because of    D.Compared with

2.A.early             B.young            C.long             D.ancient

3.A.unite           B.lie           C.result          D.participate

4.A.fame             B.excellence    C.wealth         D.knowledge

5.A.games            B.sports        C.events                 D.matches

6.A.end up            B.start on      C.break off       D.come up

7.A.after             B.since           C.before           D.unless

8.A.international      B.intense           C.fair              D.exhibition

9.A.loosely            B.somewhat      C.closely       D.partly

10.A.amounted to     B.limited to        C.added to      D.reduced to

11.A.moved into     B.engaged in       C.held in          D.established in

12.A.had to                   B.seemed to      C.happened to   D.used to

13.A.good          B.available        C.helpful         D.convenient

14.A.competing       B.playing           C.training           D.camping

15.A.focus           B.truth            C.hope             D.history



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届山西省吕梁市高一下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:阅读理解

Tsai Chin Chung is one of Taiwan’s most famous cartoonists, and his cartoons are enjoyed by people in many different countries in Asia. His books of cartoons have now become best sellers in Singapore, Malaysia, and even Japan.

   As soon as he could hold a pencil, Tsai Chin Chung lived only for drawing. Every day he practised drawing people and things around him and from his favorite stories.

   When he was only 15 years old, he left home to work for a publisher in Taipei. He worked hard to draw pictures for books. Two years later, he left his job and started to work on drawing cartoon series, which he liked better. He made up his mind to succeed as a cartoonist.

   Now Tsai Chin Chung has achieved something unusual for a modern cartoonist. He has become extremely successful at changing Chinese literature and philosophy into humorous comic stories. In this way, he has made the Chinese classics known to thousands of people.

Because of his great achievement, several years ago Tsai Chin Chung was given a prize as one of the 10 Outstanding Young People of Taiwan. Since then, he has won many prizes, and his cartoons have become popular throughout Asia, America and Europe. So far, he has published more than 20 comic books. Ten of these are about ancient Chinese philosophers based on Chinese historical and literary classics.  

   Many of Tsai Chin Chung’s books of cartoons and comics have now been published in English in countries like Singapore. His books have also been translated into several other languages, including Japanese, Korean and Thai. Even publishers in France and Indonesia have recently signed agreements for permission to publish his cartoon series.

1.Tsai Chin Chung left his first job because he ________.

 A. preferred drawing cartoons              B. wanted to go back to school

 C. enjoyed drawing pictures for books      D. wanted to be famous

2. Half of the books he has published are related to _______.

 A. Chinese and foreign comics          B. countries in Asia, America and Europe

 C. foreign languages learning          D. Chinese history and literature

3.Because of his great achievements, Tsai Chin Chung _______.

 A. travelled a lot in Asia and Europe          B. went to live in Singapore

 C. won an important prize in Taiwan       D. has become famous in Africa.



