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TOKYO —Imagine a bicycle seat connected by mechanical frames(机械支架) to a pair of shoes for an idea of how the new wearable assisted-walking machine from Honda works.
The experimental machine, showed on Friday, is designed to support bodyweight, reduce stress on the knees and help people organize steps and stay in crouching(蹲坐) positions.Honda showed a video of its employees wearing the machine.
Engineer Jun Ashihara also said the machine is useful for people standing in long lines and to people who run around to make deliveries.
"This should be as easy to use as a bicycle," Ashihara said."It reduces stress, and you should feel less tired."
To wear it, you put the seat between your legs, put on the shoes and push the “on” button.Then just start walking around.
In a test run for media, this reporter found it does take some time to get used to the machine.  “I could sense how it supported my moves, pushing up on my bottom when I crouched and pushing at my soles(脚底) to help lift my legs when I walked,” he said.
The system has a computer, a motor, gears(齿轮), batteries and sensors in it, so it responds to a person's movements, according to Honda Motor Co.
Pricing and commercial product plans are still undecided.Japan's No.2 automaker will begin testing a prototype(模型) later this month.
The need for such mechanical help is expected to grow in Japan, which has one of the most rapidly aging societies in the world.
Other companies are also eyeing the potentially attractive market of helping the weak and the old get around.Japan is among the world's leading nations in robotics technology, not only for industrial use but also for entertainment and companionship.
1.Honda's new wearable assisted-walking machine is mainly to      .
A.show Honda's power in technology B.protect the environment
C.meet the social needs in the future  D.improve social progress
2.According to the passage, the power of the new wearable assisted-walking machine is from_________.
A.manpower                     B.batteries
C.a computer                      D.the machine movement
3.It can be learned from the passage that              .
A.the new machine has been produced m large numbers
B.Honda will control the future market for the new machine
C.the price of Honda's new machine will be very low
D.the future market for the new machine will be promising
4.What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Wearable machine that helps walk
B.Hondo's new bicycle for the old
C.Wearable machine helps go to work
D.New development of the bicycle


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Fight against crime hots up
Forget about tanks, guns, and bombs - India’s latest weapon ___36___ in the garden. The bhut jolokia is the world’s ___37__ chili pepper(胡椒). Now the Indian Army has a plan to turn its seed into powder and use the ___38___ as a kind of natural teargas(催泪弹).
The army says the smoking hot powder - which some people claim can stop a charging(向前冲的) elephant – will help to break ___39___ riots and chase terrorists out of ___40___ spaces. Women might also be able to use the power to chase off (赶走)attackers.
___41___ to RB Srivastava, a director at New Delhi’s Defense Research and Development Organization: “This is ___42___ going to be an effective non-toxic(无毒的) weapon because its ___43___ can choke(使窒息)terrorists and ___44___ them out of their hideouts(藏身处). It would literally(确确实实地) choke them.”
On the other ___45___ of the world, in New York, police ___46___ to track(追踪) down a “vampire(吸血鬼) thief” who tried to steal a taxi driver’s ___47___. Police say that man got into the taxi and asked to ___48___ to a neighborhood in New York City. ___49___ they arrive, he pointed a gun ___50___ the taxi driver and told the driver to give him all his money.
When the taxi driver tried to fight ___51___ the gunman, the man bit(咬) him at least five times ___52___ the neck, arm, and back. After biting the driver, the man ran away ___53___ money.
If only the taxi driver ___54___ some bhut jolokia powder, he might have been able to save himself from ___55___ and to get his money back!
36. A. makes        B. grows       C. is made       D. is grown
37. A. most smelly  B. coldest    C. hottest       D. hardest
38. A. juice        B. taste       C. power         D. powder
39. A. up           B. down        C. through       D. in
40. A. hidden       B. hiding      C. open          D. broad
41. A. According    B. As          C. Based         D. Known
42. A. probably     B. definitely  C. possibly      D. hardly
43. A. smell        B. taste       C. flavor        D. energy
44. A. force        B. take        C. put           D. bring
45. A. way          B. side        C. corner        D. half
46. A. have tried   B. has tried   C. are trying    D. is trying
47. A. car          B. wallet      C. gasoline      D. money
48. A. be taken     B. take        C. be brought    D. bring
49. A. As          B. As soon as  C. Once          D. B and C
50. A. to           B. at          C. from          D. away from
51. A. for          B. back        C. off          D. out
52. A. on           B. from        C. in            D. around
53. A. with the     B. without the   C. with        D. without
54. A. had          B. has had       C. has         D. had had
55. A. biting       B. bitten        C. being bitten D. being biting


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

       New York: When the first plane struck 1 World Trade Center at 8:48 am on Tuesday, the people in 2 World Trade Center who saw the instant (瞬间的) damage to the other tower realized clearly what they, too, must do: get out fast.
Katherine Ilachinsiki, who had been knocked off her chair by the blast (一阵)of heat exploding from the neighboring tower, was one of those. Despite her 70 years of age, Mrs Ilachinsiki, an architect working on the 91st floor of 2 World Trade Center, the south tower, went for the stairs. Twelve floors above her, Judy Wein, an executive (经理), cried sharply and set off too.
But others up and down the 110 floors, many without seeing the damage across the way and thus unclear about what was happening, were not so sure. And the 18 minutes before the next plane would hit were ticking off.
Most people had no idea about what was the best thing to do, formal announcements inside the south tower asked people to stay put, assuring them that the building was sound and the threat was limited to the other tower.
Some left, others stayed. Some began to climb down and, when met with more announcements and other cautions (警告) to stop or return, went back up. The decisions made in those instants proved to be of great importance, because many who chose to stay were killed completely when the second plane crashed into the south tower.
One of those caught in indecision (犹豫不决) was the executive at Fuji Bank USA.
Richard Jacobs of Fuji Bank left the 79th floor with the other office workers, but on the 48th floor they heard the announcement that the situation was under control. Several got in the lifts and went back up, two minutes or so before the plane crashed into their floor.
“I just don’t know what happened to them,” Mr Jacobs said.
小题1:From the passage, we know that the south tower was hit by the plane ________.
A.at 8:30B.18 minutes earlier than the north tower
C.at around 9:06D.at 8:48
小题2:The underlined words “stay put” means ________.
A.stay in the buildingB.leave at once
C.put everything back and then leaveD.keep silent
小题3:Which floor was hit by the second plane?
A.The 91st floorB.The 103rd floorC.The 60th floorD.The 79th floor
小题4:Fewer people would have died if       .
A.more announcements had been madeB.people hadn’t used the lifts
C.the attack had happened on a weekendD.the people had obeyed the office rules


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

BEIJING, Aug. 8 (Xinhua) -- Following is the full text of the speech given by International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics here on Friday night:
Mr. President of the People's Republic of China, Mr. Liu Qi, members of the Organizing Committee, dear Chinese friends, dear athletes:
For a long time, China has dreamed of opening its doors and inviting the world's athletes to Beijing for the Olympic Games. Tonight that dream comes true. Congratulations, Beijing.
You have chosen as the theme (主题) of these Games "One World, One Dream". That is what we are tonight.
As one world, we grieved with you over the tragic earthquake in Sichuan Province. We were moved by the great courage and solidarity of the Chinese people. As one dream, may these Olympic Games bring you joy, hope and pride.
Athletes, the Games were created for you by our founder, Pierre de Coubertin. These Games are yours. Let them be the athletes' Games.
Remember that you are role models for the youths of the world. Reject (拒绝) doping and cheating. Make us proud of your achievements and your conduct.
As we bring the Olympic dream to life, our warm thanks go to the Beijing Organizing Committee for its tireless work. Our special thanks also go to the thousands of gracious volunteers, without whom none of this would be possible.
Beijing, you are a host to the present and a gateway to the future. Thank you.
I now have the honor of asking the President of the People's Republic of China to open the Games of the XXIX Olympiad of the modern era.  
(   )45. According to President Rogge, why shouldn’t athletes dope or cheat in the Olympic Games?
A. Because it will do harm to their bodies.
B. Because it is not allowed according to the rules.
C. Because they should set a good example to the youths of the world.
D. Because it will be very difficult to judge whether an athlete really wins.
(   )46. From the passage we can learn _______.
A. China has dreamt of hosting the Olympics in Beijing for a short time.
B. Without the work of thousands of volunteers, the Olympics would still be possible.
C. “One World, One Dream”is chosen as one of the songs for Beijing Olympic Games.
D. President Rogge wishes the Beijing Olympics would bring Chinese people joy, hope and pride.
(   )47. What does the underlined word “solidarity” probably mean?
A. being united             B. being sad           C. being hopeless          D. being shocked
(   )48. We can most probably read the passage __________.
A. in a history book           B. in a science book
C. in a public newspaper             D. in an art magazine


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In Miami, thousands of students have been out of class for some days because of Hurricane Wilma. Educational officials are worried about the long break will affect students’ school performance.
“We think that the sooner we get back to business, the better,” said Rudy Crew, headmaster of Miami-Dade School. 360, 000 students in this area will return to class on Thursday, 10 days after Wilma hit South Florida.
More than half the district’s 327 school buildings were seriously damaged when Wilma struck on October 24, and 270 buildings lost electrical power. About 30 buildings are still out of  power, but lights may be back on Thursday when students return. In Broward County, schools will remain closed through Friday, because more than 100 buildings have been damaged after the storm. With traffic affected by broken stoplights, officials are worried about the safety of children traveling to and from school.
In Miami-Dade County, the nation’s fourth largest school district, officials are considering ways to make up for lost time. They may make the school year longer and reduce days from two-week holiday break in late December, said spokesman John Schuster.
Some parents also worry about the effect of lost school days. “They’re missing important tests and lessons that they are going to need. And how do you catch up with that lost time? It just disappears,” a high school student’s mother said.
“Although things are difficult, students’ performance in hurricane-damaged district may not be seriously affected by the hurricane”, said Florida Education Commissioner John Winn. “It turned out that hurricane-affected districts showed more learning gains than other districts in previous years. They have learned how to fight against disaster in any time. Things will turn better anyway.”
40. When will students return to school in the district?
A. October 24.                B. October 31.      
C. November 3.                     D. November 7.    
41. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Many school buildings were seriously damaged.
B. Many school buildings lost electrical power.
C. Some parents also worry about their kids’ studies.
D. Some students got killed when they were at school.
42. According to the passage, we know that _____.
A. maybe students will not have the two-week holiday in late December as usual
B. the school buildings which lost electrical power have all returned to normal
C. some parents don’t think the hurricane affect their children’s performance much
D. John Winn thought that students’ performance would get worse due to the hurricane
43. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A. Hurricane Wilma hit South Florida
B. Parents worry about children’ education
C. Hurricane Wilma affected school days
D. Damage by the Hurricane Wilma


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Happy birthday
The China Nation Opera (CNO)will give a concert to celebrate its 50th birthday.
Different generations of CNO vocalists(歌手), like Li Guangxi, Yao Hong and Ma Mei, will present the concert which will feature both songs from famous Chinese operas like “The White-haired GM “and “The Hundredth Bride”, as well as, arias (咏叹调) of such Western opera classics as “Madame Butterfly”, “La Traviata” and “Rigoletto”.
Time/date : 7:30 pm, September 7, 8
Location : Tianqiao Theatre
Tel : 6551-4787, 8315-6170
Tickets : 60—50 yuan (US $7.2-60.2)
Folk music
A concert will be held to feature some recently-composed traditional Chinese music works.
The concert, given by the Folk Orchestra of the China Opera and Ballet Theatre, will include such pieces as “Memory of Childhood”, “Memorial Ceremony for God” and “Wine Song”.
Time/date : 7:30 pm, September 13
Location: Concert hall at the National Library of China
Tel: 6848-5462, 6841-9220
Tickets : 30-200 yuan (US $ 3.6—24.1)
Moon music
A concert of traditional Chinese music will be given on the eve of the Moon Festival which falls on September 21st this year.
The concert will feature a number of famous pieces centered on this theme of the moon, such as “Moonlight”, “Spring Night on a Moonlit River” and “Lofty Mountain and Flowing River.”
A number of established traditional Chinese music performers, like Zhou Yaokun and Fan Weiqing, will play solos(独奏)as well as collaborate(合奏)with the folk music orchestra.
Time/ date: 7:30 pm, September 21st
Location: Grand Theatre of the Cultural Palace of Nationalities
Tel: 6606-8888, 6606-9999
1. If you want to buy tickets for listening to the music “Memory of Childhood”, you will dial       .
A. 6551-4787
B. 6848-5462
C. 8315-6170
D. 6606-9999
2. “Madame Butterfly” is       .      
A. a Chinese opera
B. a song
C. a piece of music
D. a Western opera
3. The passage will most probably appear in the column “      ”of a newspaper.   
A. Animals
B. People
C. Entertainment
D. Sports


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Seriously dry conditions are affecting the lives of 50 million people in Southwestern China. Premier Wen Jiabao has visited drought -plagued Yunnan Province and called for intensified(加强的)and consistent efforts to relieve the situation. Qujing is one of the regions suffering most from the drought in Yunnan province.
Premier Wen Jiabao’s 3 - day visit aimed at comforting affected locals and directing relief work.
He visited a number of farms and spoke to the local people. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said,“As long as we unite together, we can surely overcome this big disaster. ”
Premier Wen called on villagers to dig more wells and construct additional aqueducts (高架), while also encouraging them to save water. The drought has made more than 16 million people and 11 million livestock short of drinking water. Wen Jiabao told local authorities that priority(首要事情)should be given to guarantee the water supply for locals.
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao inspects the cracked bottom of the Degehaizi Reservoir in Luliang County, southwest China’s Yunnan Province, March 20, 2010. During a three -day inspection trip in the drought -plagued Yunnan Province ending on Sunday, Premier Wen visited Qujing City, one of the regions that suffered the most from the severe(十分严重的)drought ravaging since last October, to comfort the affected locals and direct relief work. (Xinhua/Yao Dawei)
The drought has also affected more than 4 million hectares of farmland with almost a quarter of that unable to yield crops any more.
The Premier asked the farmers to do what they can to make preparations for spring farming. He also warned locals of possible wildfires and urged local officials to maintain the stability of market prices and social stability.
Since autumn last year, southwest China, including Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou provinces, the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Chongqing Municipality, have received only half the amount of rainfall they usually get.
1. What’s the main idea of paragraph one?
A. People in Yunnan province face the most serious situation.
B. Southwestern China, especially Qujing suffers from the severe drought.
C. Premier Wen calls on people to relieve tile drought.
D. 50 million people in Qujing are affected by the drought.
2. Which of tile following shows Premier Wen’s attitude towards the drought?
A. worried but confident               B. optimistic
C. upset                            D. pessimistic
3. According to the text, which statement is false?
A. Premier Wen’s visit is to comfort the locals and guide relief work.
B. The drought led to a quarter of farmland being unable to yield crops any more.
C. Wildfires have been caused by the drought several times.
D. The officials are urged to maintain the social stability.
4. The best title for the passage would be ________.
A. Premier Wen pays a visit to Qujing
B. The severe drought affects the Southwestern China
C. Chinese Premier urges redoubled drought - relief efforts
D. The practial ways to deal with the severe drought


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

New York (Reuters) --- Television can act like a painkiller when it comes to children and is more effective than a mother’s comforting, according to a small Italian study.
The University of Siena study, published in Archives of Disease in Childhood, was based on 69 children aged 7 to 12 who were divided into three groups to have blood taken.
One group was given no distraction while the blood was being taken. Meantime mothers of children in the second group attempted to distract the youngsters by talking to them, soothing(安慰), and/or caressing them.
In the third group, the children were allowed to watch television cartoons while the procedure was being carried out.
After the samples were taken, the children and their mothers rated their pain scores.
The children recording the highest pain scores were in the group getting no distraction. These scores were about three times as high as those recorded by children allowed to watch the cartoons.
Children comforted by their mothers recorded middling scores.
On average, the mothers rated pain scores higher than the children but they also recorded the lowest pain scores for children who had been allowed to watch television.
“The higher pain level reported by children during mothers’ efforts at distraction shows the difficulty mothers have in interacting positively at a difficult moment in their children’s life,” the researchers said in their report.
They added that watching television also seemed to increase children’s pain tolerance(容忍力).
64. If children are concentrated while having their blood taken, they will _______.
A. feel no pain                   B. record the lowest pain scores
C. record the highest pain scores     D. feel less pain
65. According to the Italian study, children who are suffering from pain had better _______.
A. get comfort from their mothers    B. watch cartoons on TV
C. read picture books              D. get no distraction
66. The underlined word “distract” in the third paragraph probably means “_______.”
A. reduce one’s pain              B. get one’s attention away
C. help one get concentrated        D. give comfort to
67. From the passage, we can infer that _______.
A. mothers can soothe their children greatly at hard moments
B. mothers’ love and comfort is the best medicine for children
C. children can have their pain tolerance increased by mother’s efforts
D. mothers’ comfort does not reduce much of their children’s pain


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解


NANJING, June 13,2009 (Xinhua) – China will see the longest total solar eclipse (日食) in 500 years on July 22, a scientist said Saturday.

The most important time of the total eclipse was expected to
begin from 9:00 a.m. to 9:38 a. m. (Beijing Time), said Wang
Sichao, a research fellow with the Nanjing – based Purple
Mountain Observatory under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
“The total eclipse will l ast up to six minutes, which is the longest
one that can be seen in China in almost 500 years from 1814 to 2309,” Wang said.
He said viewers in parts of eleven provinces in China's southwestern, central-southern and eastern areas, such as Tibet, Hunan and Jiangsu, will be able to witness the total solar eclipse, while in most parts of Shanghai, viewers can see the spectacular phenomenon. For viewers in other provinces, including Beijing, they can observe a partial eclipse, he said.
A solar eclipse occurs when the moon is caught between the sun and the earth while each of them moves along their fixed orbits. In a total solar eclipse, the sun, the moon and the earth are directly aligned as the sun swings into the cone of shadow cast by the moon.
Wang said the next total solar eclipse that can be seen in China will fall on March 20 th, 2034.     "But it can only be seen remote provinces, such as Tibet and Qinghai. It cannot not be compared with the upcoming one -- in terms of duration and number of cities that can see the eclipse," he added. The last total solar eclipse visible in China took place on Aug. 1 last year. It was observed in northwest China and lasted two minutes in Yiwu County of northwestern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the best place to see the phenomenon.
72.According to the report, the total eclipse on July the 22 nd will last         .
A.over a month                                                    B.about 38 minutes
C.about 6 minutes                                              D.less than 30 minutes
73.Viewers can possibly witness the total solar eclipse in            .
A.Liaoning                   B.Sichuan                    C.Beijing                      D.Xinjiang
74.When a total solar eclipse happens,          .
A.the moon goes into the shadow cast by the sun
B.the earth stays between the sun and the moon
C.the sun temporarily moves into the moon’s orbit
D.the sun is in a line with the moon and the earth
75.Which is the best title for this report?           .
A.China to witness longest total solar eclipse in 500 years
B.The most important total solar eclipse will favor China
C.The beginning time of the total solar eclipse is expected
D.China has been the best place to witness the solar eclipse

