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Zoology(动物学)is the part of science that deals with the study of the animals’ growth, home and behavior. It has nothing to do with people, so many students are left wondering why they have to learn it.
Our nature includes not just humans but plants and animals as well. Everything in our environment is connected in a complex cycle. If you have a better understanding of how animals would behave and work with us, then you would value nature better.
Some animals are actually misunderstood by people like sharks and snakes. These creatures are thought of as human killers, and this is mainly because we don’t understand why they behave that way. In zoology you would be able to learn natural behavior as well as their homes so you would completely understand why they would behave in a defensive(防御的) manner when they seem to be threatened. Studying zoology would help people achieve clearness over the common myths we have on different wild animals.
Studying zoology would help people know the real facts about animals. One of the negative facts is the decreasing numbers of some species of animals. It makes people realize that there is a need for nature to be always balanced. We need animals to keep the balance in our environment and for humans to survive as well. It would help us learn the needs that animals lack and we can respond by thinking of solutions we can give to the endangered species of animals.
Modern progress is needed for a country to grow in terms of its economy; however, it should not force us to destroy our rainforests and oceans. People should realize that our modern lives should include the lives of the animals that live with us. They should not be contained in zoos but in their natural homes as well. We will learn that every living creature on the earth has the right to own a home and we need to fight for them to have permanent(永久的) homes.
小题1:According to the text, nature should be       .
A.left aloneB.treated seriously
C.taken for grantedD.taken lightly
小题2:It is implied in Paragraph 4 that animals play a role of        .
A.making our world beautifulB.protecting species of plants
C.providing food for humansD.keeping nature in balance
小题3:To animals, humans should act as        .
小题4:The best title for the passage may be “     ”.
A.The Ways of Protecting Animals
B.The Importance of Studying Zoology
C.The Introduction to Zoology
D.The Advantages of Learning Zoology


小题1:B 推理题。根据文章第二段Everything in our environment is connected in a complex cycle. If you have a better understanding of how animals would behave and work with us, then you would value nature better.可知自然界里的一切都是联系在一起的,所以我们一定要认真对待我们的大自然。故B正确。
小题2:D 推理题。根据本段2,3,4行It makes people realize that there is a need for nature to be always balanced.. We need animals to keep the balance in our environment and for humans to survive as well.可知在这个大自然里,我们需要动物来保持平衡。动物的作用也就是帮助人类维护大自然的平衡。故D正确。
小题3:A 推理题。根据文章最后3行They should not be contained in zoos but in their natural homes as well. We will learn that every living creature on the earth has the right to own a home and we need to fight for them to have permanent(永久的) homes.可知我们不应该把动物关在笼子里,我们应该关注每一种动物的发展,做关心动物的有心人。故A正确。
小题4:B 主旨大意题。根据文章第一段最后一句It has nothing to do with people, so many students are left wondering why they have to learn it.可知很多人都认为动物学和人类没有关系,为什么我们要学习动物学呢?本文接着就对这个问题进行了回答。也就是说本文是说明研究动物学的重要性的。故B正确。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

(2013·高考浙江卷,C)The baby monkey is much more developed at birth than the human baby.Almost from the moment it is born,the baby monkey can move around and hold tightly to its mother.During the first few days of its life the baby will approach and hold onto almost any large,warm,and soft object in its environment,particularly if that object also gives it milk.After a week or so,however,the baby monkey begins to avoid newcomers and focuses its attentions on“mother”—the real mother or the mother­substitute(母亲替代物).
During the first two weeks of its life warmth is perhaps the most important psychological(心理的)thing that a monkey mother has to give to its baby.The Harlows,a couple who are both psychologists,discovered this fact by offering baby monkeys a choice of two types of mother­substitutes—one covered with cloth and one made of bare wire.If the two artificial mothers were both the same temperature,the little monkeys always preferred the cloth mother.However,if the wire model was heated,while the cloth model was cool,for the first two weeks after birth the baby monkeys picked the warm wire mother­substitutes as their favorites.Thereafter they switched and spent most of their time on the more comfortable cloth mother.
Why is cloth preferable to bare wire?Something that the Harlows called contact(接触)comfort seems to be the answer,and a most powerful influence it is.Baby monkeys spend much of their time rubbing against their mothers’ skins,putting themselves in as close contact with the parent as they can.Whenever the young animal is frightened,disturbed,or annoyed,it typically rushes to its mother and rubs itself against her body.Wire doesn’t “rub” as well as does soft cloth.Prolonged(长时间的)“contact comfort” with a cloth mother appears to give the babies confidence and is much more rewarding to them than is either warmth or milk.
According to the Harlows,the basic quality of a baby’s love for its mother is trust.If the baby is put into an unfamiliar playroom without its mother,the baby ignores the toys no matter how interesting they might be.It screams in terror and curls up into a furry little ball.If its cloth mother is now introduced into the playroom,the baby rushes to it and holds onto it for dear life.After a few minutes of contact comfort,it obviously begins to feel more secure.It then climbs down from the mother­substitute and begins to explore the toys,but often rushes back for a deep embrace(拥抱)as if to make sure that its mother is still there and that all is well.Bit by bit its fears of the new environment are gone and it spends more and more time playing with the toys and less and less time holding onto its “mother”.
小题1:Psychologically,what does the baby monkey desire most during the first two weeks of its life?
C.Contact. D.Trust.
小题2:After the first two weeks of their life,baby monkeys prefer the cloth mother to the wire mother because the former is________.
A.larger in size
B.closer to them
C.less frightening and less disturbing
D.more comfortable to rub against
小题3:What does the baby monkey probably gain from prolonged“contact comfort”?
小题4:It can be inferred that when the baby monkey feels secure,________.
A.it frequently rushes back for a deep embrace when exploring the toys
B.it spends more time screaming to get rewards
C.it is less attracted to the toys though they are interesting
D.it cares less about whether its mother is still around
小题5:The main purpose of the passage is to ________.
A.give the reasons for the experiment
B.present the findings of the experiment
C.introduce the method of the experiment
D.describe the process of the experiment


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Students in Alabama take the Alabama High School Graduation Exam, which consists of multiple-choice questions. In the classroom, Alabama high school students must prove specific skills in English and take certain math classes.
Among the 2013 U.S. News Best High Schools in Alabama, two were awarded gold medals, 16 received silver medals and 72 were considered bronze medal schools. One of the gold medal schools, Loveless Academic Magnet Program High School, lies about 90 miles south of Birmingham in the state capital of Montgomery, within the Montgomery County School District.
To graduate, Alaska high school students must get at least 21 credits, including a half credit in Alaska history. Alaska judges students from the third grade through senior grades. Students first take the Alaska High School Graduation Qualifying Examination at the tenth grade. It includes math, reading and writing skills.
10 schools were awarded silver medals and 21 received bronze medals among the U.S. News Best High Schools in 2013. While Alaska's capital is Juneau, several of the state's Best High Schools are in or near Anchorage, in the Anchorage School District.
Delaware students have a high GPA(平均绩点)and 10 hours of community service. If they hand in their FAFSA(自愿联邦奖学金)by a certain date, they may get the Inspire Scholarship, which helps pay for tuition at Delaware State University. Before they go to college, however, students must pass the Delaware Student Testing Program Exams.
Among the Delaware schools in the 2013 U.S. News Best High Schools, there are three silver medal schools and four bronze medal schools. The top school in the state is Delmar Senior High School. It is part of the Delmar School District and is about 50 miles from Delaware's capital, Dover.
小题1:What's the passage mainly about?
A.The introduction to the Best High Schools in three states.
B.The different examinations in several high schools.
C.Scholarships in the Best High Schools in three states.
D.The things students should do before going to college.
小题2:It can be inferred from the text that______.
A.students with a high GPA can get the Inspire Scholarship
B.reading and writing skills are included in the tests in all the schools
C.Alabama has the most best high schools of the three states
D.at least 21 credits are needed to graduate from all the schools
小题3:Which of the following in TRUE according to the passage?
A.The High School Graduation Exams are multiple-choice questions.
B.Both the gold medal schools in Alabama are in its capital.
C.There were 21 silver medal schools in Alaska in all.
D.Delmar Senior High school is the best in Delaware.
小题4:Alaska's graduation exam is different from the others' in the aspect that______.
A.it includes all the subjects the students learn
B.it includes its own state history as well
C.it includes math, reading and writing skills
D.it includes 10 hours of community service
小题5:The Inspire Scholarship is a prize______.
A.that any student in gold medal schools can apply for
B.that is given to the top students in gold medal schools
C.that helps to pay for tuition at Delaware State University
D.that is very difficult to get for students in silver medal schools


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Monkeys prefer heavy metal to classical music, according to researchers at the University of Wisconsin whose findings are published this week in Biology Letters.
Scientists played a selection of music to a group of South American cotton-top monkeys but the only sound that got a reaction were from the heavy metal band Metallica. They were seemingly disinterested in Led Zeppelin, Miles Davis and Bach, but after the beautiful sound of Master of Puppets by Metallica was played the monkeys calmed down.
"Monkeys interpret rising and falling sounds differently than humans. Oddly, their only response to several samples of human music was a calming response to the heavy-metal band Metallica," said Professor Charles Snowdon, from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Rather than making them excited or aggressive, the heavy metal tracks had a comforting effect. Dr Snowdon, who teamed up with National Symphony Orchestra musican David Teie, also played the monkeys music composed specifically for them. Although they enjoyed Metallica, they were much more interested in these pieces.
A melody(乐曲) based on the short calls of scared monkeys led to anxiety levels rapidly growing, researchers found, while one based on long calls the creatures make when they are happy had a calming effect.
Frans B.M. de Waal, a professor of psychology at Emory University who studies animals, said the findings appear to say more about how monkeys respond to the sounds they make than they do about music or the evolution of music.
Dr Snowdon no longer has a monkey colony to use in his research, but he said his co-author David Teie is exploring the concept of music for cats.
"If we understand how we can affect their emotional states through using musical sound and aspects of our speech, maybe those of us living with companion animals can have a better relationship with them, too," Snowdon said.
小题1:The research mentioned in the passage is mainly about ______.
A.the change of music over timeB.animals’ response to music
C.special music for animalsD.the origin of music
小题2:When the monkeys heard the music they liked, they ______.
A.looked anxiousB.became restless
C.felt at easeD.made long calls
小题3:According to the passage, the monkeys are most interested in the music ______.
A.of Led ZeppelinB.of Miles Davis
C.of MetallicaD.specially composed for them
小题4:The aim of the research, according to Professor Snowdon, is to ______.
A.build better ties between animals and humans
B.compare monkeys and cats in term of music
C.develop new music based on animals’ calls
D.find better ways to keep animals under control


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It doesn’t kill germs better than cooler water, but turning tap temperatures high, the US burns carbon equal to the emissions of Barbados.
People typically wash their hands seven times a day in the United States, but they do it at a far higher temperature than is necessary to kill germs, a new study says. The energy waste is equivalent to the fuel use of a small country.
It’s cold and flu season, when many people are concerned about avoiding germs. But forget what you think you know about hand washing, say researchers at Vanderbilt University. Chances are good that how you clean up is not helping you stay healthy; it is helping to make the planet sick.
Amanda R. Carrico, a research assistant professor at the Vanderbilt Institute for Energy and Environment in Tennessee, told National Geographic that hand washing is often “a case where people act in ways that they think are in their best interest, but they in fact have inaccurate beliefs or outdated perceptions.”
Carrico said, “It’s certainly true that heat kills bacteria, but if you were going to use hot water to kill them it would have to be way too hot for you to tolerate.”
She explained that boiling water, 212°F (99.98°C), is sometimes used to kill germs - for example, to clean drinking water that might be polluted with germs. But “hot” water for hand washing is generally within 104°F to 131°F (40°C to 55°C.) At the high end of that range, heat could kill some germs, but the sustained contact that would be required would scald the skin.
Carrico said that after a review of the scientific literature, her team found “no evidence that using hot water that a person could stand would have any benefit in killing bacteria.” Even water as cold as 40°F (4.4°C) appeared to reduce bacteria as well as hotter water, if hands were scrubbed, rinsed(冲洗)and dried properly.
In fact, she noted that hot water can often have an unfavorable effect on hygiene. “Warmer water can harm the skin and affect the protective layer on the outside, which can cause it to be less resistant to bacteria,” said Carrico.
Using hot water to wash hands is therefore unnecessary, as well as wasteful, Carrico said, particularly when it comes to the environment. According to her research, people use warm or hot water 64 percent of the time when they wash their hands. Using that number, Carrico’s team calculated a significant impact on the planet. 
“Although the choice of water temperature during a single hand wash may appear minor, when multiplied by the nearly 800 billion hand washes performed by Americans each year, this practice results in more than 6 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent emissions annually,” she said.
That’s roughly equal to the emissions of two coal-fired power plants, or 1,250,000 passenger vehicles, over the course of a year. It’s higher than the greenhouse gas emissions of small countries like El Salvador or Armenia, and is about equivalent to the emissions of Barbados. If all US citizens washed their hands in cooler water, it would be like eliminating the energy-related carbon emissions of 299,700 US homes, or the total annual emissions from the US zinc or lead industries. 
The researchers found that close to 70 percent of respondents said they believe that using hot water is more effective than warm, room temperature, or cold water, despite a lack of evidence backing that up, said Carrico. Her study noted research that showed a “strong cognitive(认知的) connection” between water temperature and hygiene in both the United States and Western Europe, compared to other countries, like Japan, where hot water is associated more with comfort than with health.
The researchers published their results in the July 2013 issue of International Journal of Consumer Studies. They recommended washing with water that is at a “comfortable” temperature, which they noted may be warmer in cold months and cooler in hot ones.
小题1:What does the writer mainly focus on when writing this passage?
A.Whether hot water helps kill germs effectively in hand washing.
B.How hot water contributes to the serious worsening of our planet.
C.Why the consumption of hot water is unnecessary and wasteful.
D.What the advantages and disadvantages of using hot water are.
小题2:The underlined word scald in paragraph six probably means         .
小题3:According to the passage, all the following share roughly the same CO2 emissions yearly EXCEPT         .
A.two coal-fired power plantsB.US zinc or lead industries
C.1,250,000 passenger vehiclesD.El Salvador or Armenia
小题4:Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?
A. Boiling water at 212°F (99.98°C) works effectively in killing germs.
B. Warmer water can damage the protective layer of the outside skin.
C. There is much difference between cold water and hot water in reducing bacteria.
D. Americans have inaccurate beliefs or outdated perceptions in hand washing.
小题5:Which of the following is the standard of a comfortable water temperature for washing hands?
A. Warmer in winter and cooler in summer.    
B. Between 104°F to 131°F (40°C to 55°C).
C. Below 104°F (40°C) or above 131°F (55°C).  
D. Warm enough to kill germs and clean up.
小题6: If you want to read stories of this kind afterwards, which of the following magazines will you probably subscribe to?
A.Universal Science Fiction B.Science & Discoveries
C.Environment & Protection D.Exploration of America


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Getting kids to share their toys is a never-ending battle, and forcing them to do so never seems to help. New research suggests that allowing children to make a choice to sacrifice their own toys in order to share with someone else makes them share more in the future. The new findings are published in Psychological Science.
These experiments were conducted by psychological scientists, Nadia Chernyak and Tamar Kushnir of Cornell University. They found that sharing things with others when they are given a difficult choice leads children to think of themselves as people who like to share. It also makes them more likely to act in a pro-social (亲社会的)manner in the future.
Previous research has explained why rewarding children for sharing can backfire. Children come to think of themselves as people who don't like to share since they had to be rewarded for doing so. Because they don't view themselves as "sharers", they are less likely to share in the future.
Chernyak and Kushnir were interested in finding out whether freely chosen sacrifice might have the opposite effect on kids' willingness to share. To test this, the researchers introduced five-year-old children to Doggie, a sad puppet. Some of the children were given a difficult choice: Share a precious sticker(贴纸) with Doggie, or keep it for themselves. Other children were given an easy choice between sharing and putting the sticker away, while children in a third group were required by the researcher to share.
Later on, all the children were introduced to Ellie, another sad puppet. They were given the option of how many stickers to share (up to three). The kids who earlier made the difficult choice to help Doggie shared more stickers with Ellie. The children who were initially faced with an easy choice or who were required to give their sticker to Doggie, on the other hand, shared fewer stickers with Ellie. Therefore, children did not benefit from simply giving something up, but rather from willingly choosing to give something up of value.
“You might imagine that making difficult, costly choices is demanding for young children or even that once children share, they don’t feel the need to do so again,” Chernyak says. “But this wasn't the case: once children made a difficult decision to give up something for someone else, they were more generous, not less, later on.” Chernyak concludes.
小题1:_______ helps children to share more in the future.
A.Rewarding children for sharing
B.Forcing children to share
C.Allowing children to share precious things willingly
D.Allowing children to share what they don’t need
小题2:The underlined word “backfire” means _______.
A.have an opposite effectB.serve as a push
C.cause angerD.avoid taking things back
小题3:Those who were required to share give fewer stickers to Ellie because _______.
A.they regret what they didB.it’s not their own choice
C.Ellie is not as sad as DoggieD.they like to share with a real person
小题4:We can conclude from the passage that _______.
A.parents will never find a way to get children to share toys
B.a gift should be given to make up for children’s sacrifice
C.children pretend to be generous when they are being observed
D.making difficult choices may influence sharing behavior


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There has been a large increase in the number of natural disasters over the past few years, and it is believed that global warming and climate change could cause even more disasters in thefuture. Some of the world’s leading cities are facing disasters like floods and heat waves.
London’s flood defences are getting older. Since 1982, the Thames Barrier(水闸)has protected the city from the threat (威胁)of flooding, but it was only designed to last until 2030 and close once every two or three years. About 31 years later the barrier now closes five or six times a year and according to Environment Agency predictions, by 2050 the barrier will be closed on almost every tide if the problem is not solved
There are 26 underground stations, 400 schools, 16 hospitals, an airport and 80 billion worth of property(财产)in London’s flood risk area, so large scale flooding would be disastrous.
Over a six week period in July and August 2003, more than 1 1,400—mainly elderly people—died in France from dehydration(脱水)and extremely high body temperature in a deadly heat wave. Heat waves of similar intensity(强度)are expected every seven years by 2050, so what can be done to make sure such a disaster does not happen again?
One solution is to have air-conditioners installed(安装)in elderly care homes. But this is considered a short-term solution, as the increase in demand for electricity also increases carbon emissions(排放).
In Paris the local authorities are encouraging architects to design new types of buildings such as the building “Flower Tower,” which uses a covering of bamboo to act as a natural air-conditioner.
Shanghai is the fastest growing city on Earth. It has a population of 18 million and is only 4 meters above sea level. Sea levels are predicted to rise by 20 cm within the next century.
About 250,000 people move to Shanghai every year in search of work, placing extra demands on energy consumption(消耗). China depends heavily on coal—fired power stations, but these emissions increase temperatures and, in turn, warmer seas increase the risk of typhoons.
小题1:What problem should be settled now in London?
A.How to protect the city’s property
B.Where to build its flood defences
C.How to use the Thames Barrier to protect the city
D.How to improve the function of the old flood defences
小题2:Which of the following measures can’t solve the heat wave disaster in Paris?
A.Putting up new types of buildings with a covering of bamboo.
B.Having air-conditioners installed in elderly care homes.
C.Forbidding the city to build “Flower Tower”.
D.Encouraging architects to design new types of buildings.
小题3:The major threats to Shanghai are __________.
A.increasing population and coal-fired power stations
B.rising sea levels and typhoons
C.extremely high temperature and rising sea levels
D.extra demands on energy consumption and typhoons
小题4:The purpose of the passage is __________.
A.to tell us how to protect the big cities
B.to give advice on how to defend natural disasters
C.to explain what causes flood and heat waves
D.to warn us of the increasing natural disasters in big cities


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

US military is attempting to develop a new style “insect robot” to replace the human soldier to go wherever he can’t. The greatest trouble this project has fallen across is how to enable the robot to fly freely like an insect, said an official of the Pentagon(五角大楼).
The Pentagon is seeking for the cooperation with scientists in hope of developing a new technique by which people can control the insect’s flight direction and pass on the information its eyes or other organs catch through the equipment set in its body, the official said.
It is thus designed that a tiny controlling chip will be equipped in an insect’s body when it is in chrysalis(蛹). As the insect grows, the cut made when fixing in the chip will be recovered. The chip will exist in forever. Scientists believe this won’t influence the insect, sound growth or the functions of internal organs.
The terminal target of the project is to set up a global system, in which the insect robots will be stationed in all parts of the world and stick to their posts till a new instruction is received. At that time the military can receive from all over the world clear image information within about 5 meters of the insects and that of a special target within 100 meters.
Years ago, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency of US DOD(国防部) spent $3,000,000 carrying out a plan for training bees to detect landmines. But, no new progress has so far been made.
“According to the scientists, there is still enormous difficulty in technology in turning it into reality, such as the insects reproduction(繁殖), their adaptation to the surroundings and temperature and so on. However, this project is really challenging. If successful, it is equal to making countless small drone(无人机),”said the official of DOD.
小题1:According to the description of the passage, what is an insect robot like?
A.An insect made of a certain metal.
B.A robot looking like an insect.
C.An insect with a chip in its body.
D.A tiny flying robot.
小题2:As for the design that an insect robot can receive and send information, how do you infer(推测) it works?
A.There must be a controlling chip well connected with the insect’s brain.
B.The insect’s eyes and other organs must be replaced by some special equipment.
C.All the insect’s concerned organs must be controlled by a chip.
D.The insect must be so well trained as to make full use of its organs.
小题3:When the project is completed, US military will    .
A.have a clear picture of almost every part of the world
B.have insect robots from all over the world
C.see clearly the things within 10 to 100 meters
D.get many insects which obey their orders
小题4:Of the following technical problems, which is the one the scientists can’t solve so far?
A.They can’t keep sound growth of the insects.
B.They can’t ensure the insects to produce their young.
C.They can’t fix a chip in an insect.
D.They can’t make sure the internal organs function well.
小题5:What does the underlined word “terminal” in the fourth paragraph mean?


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Of all the websites, one that has attracted attention recently is myspace.com. Most of this attention has come from the media and tells every reason why the website should be shut down. The danger of internet predators(窃掠者) is indeed a tough reality, but shutting down the site is not the answer. If myspace.com were shut down, another site would quickly take its place. Therefore, the right way is to teach teens how to use the site safely and educate them about who may be predators and how to avoid them.
The key to staying safe on the Internet is to make sure that your profile(个人资料) is secure. The simplest way is to change the privacy setting on your profile to “private”, which protects your information so that only the people on your friend list can view it. Although this is effective, it is not perfect. Predators can find ways to view your profile if they really want to, whether through hacking(非法侵入) in or figuring out their way onto your friend list. Thus, you should never post too much personal information. Some people actually post their home and school addresses, date of birth, and other personal information, often letting predators know exactly where they will be and when. The safest information is your first name and province. Anything more is basically inviting a predator into your life.
Another big problem is photos. I suggest completely skipping photos and never posting a photo of a friend online without asking permission.
Most importantly, never, under any circumstances, agree to a real-life meeting with anyone you meet online. No matter how well you think you know this person, there are no guarantees that they have told the truth. But you could feel free to chat with people you meet on the site, but just remember that not everyone is who they say they are. Hopefully, the next time you edit your profile, you’ll be more informed about the dangers of Internet predators and take the steps to defend yourself.
Lastly, do not send money to anyone you meet online. A common scam among Internet criminals is to request to pay for “expensive Internet charges” or “unreasonable Internet cafe fees”. While it is indeed true that many countries in Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and South America do not yet have Internet service readily available in all cities and towns, a sincere friend from one of these countries will be more than happy to pay their own Internet charges. Never, under any circumstances, should you send money to a stranger from another country(or within your own country for that matter) who claims monetary assistance is required to continue their contact with you.
小题1:Kids can avoid web predators successfully by________.
A.attracting more public attention
B.shutting down the “myspace.com”
C.learning different ways to try other sites
D.recognizing and getting away from them
小题2:68. We can learn from the text that________.
A.everybody you meet online isn’t honest and reliable
B.it is not acceptable to post a photo of a friend online
C.it is not safe to chat with grown-ups on the website
D.only you and your friends can view your personal profile
小题3:What does the underlined word “scam” in the last paragraph mean?
A.A thing that you can have two choices.
B.An unpleasant task that tests one’s ability.
C.A possibility of something happening.
D.An illegal plan for making money.
小题4:What could be the best title of this passage?
A.Personal Safety.B.Web Safety for Teens.
C.Web Hackers in the past.D.Predators’ Tricks.

