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(London)­If it really is what's on the inside that counts, then a lot of thin people might be in trouble.
Some doctors now think that the internal fat surrounding important organs like the heart or liver could be as dangerous as the external fat which can be noticed more easily.
“Being thin doesn't surely mean you are not fat,” said Dr Jimmy Bell at Imperial College. Since 1994, Bell and his team have scanned nearly 800 people with MRI machines to create “fat maps” showing where people store fat.
According to the result, people who keep their weight through diet rather than exercise are likely to have major deposits of internal fat, even if they are slim.
Even people with normal Body Mass Index scores can have surprising levels of fat deposits inside. Of the women, as many as 45 percent of those with normal BMI scores (20 to 25) actually had too high levels of internal fat. Among men, the percentage was nearly 60 percent.
According to Bell, people who are fat on the inside are actually on the edge of being fat. They eat too many fatty and sugary foods, but they are not eating enough to be fat. Scientists believe we naturally store fat around the belly first, but at some point, the body may start storing it elsewhere.
Doctors are unsure about the exact dangers of internal fat, but some think it has something to do with heart disease and diabetes. They want to prove that internal fat damages the body's communication systems.
The good news is that internal fat can be easily burned off through exercise or even by improving your diet. “If you want to be healthy, there is no short cut. Exercise has to be an important part of your lifestyle,” Bell said.
小题1:What is this piece of news mainly about?
A.Thin people also have troubles.
B.Internal fat is of no importance.
C.Internal fat leads to many diseases.
D.Thin people may be fat inside.
小题2:Doctors have found ________.
A.being slim doesn't mean you are not fat inside
B.internal fat is the cause of heart disease and diabetes
C.being slim is not dangerous at all
D.the exact dangers of internal fat
小题3:According to the passage, which of the following is WRONG?
A.People with heart disease all have internal fat.
B.People can get rid of internal fat by improving diet.
C.Men are more likely to have too much internal fat.
D.Exercise can help to reduce the internal fat.


小题1:A 细节理解题。根据文章第3段“Being thin doesn't surely mean you are not fat,”以及第4段According to the result, people who keep their weight through diet rather than exercise are likely to have major deposits of internal fat, even if they are slim.可知瘦并不意味着你就不胖,很多节食但是不锻炼的人实际上在内部也有很多的脂肪。故A正确。
小题2:D 主旨大意题。根据文章1,2段If it really is what's on the inside that counts, then a lot of thin people might be in trouble.和Some doctors now think that the internal fat surrounding important organs like the heart or liver could be as dangerous as the external fat which can be noticed more easily可知在人体内部堆积的脂肪对人的健康也有很大的威胁。瘦的人的体内也可能有很多脂肪。故D正确。
小题3:A 推理判断题。本文只是讲述很多表面不胖的人,实际上也可能在内部器官里堆积了很多的脂肪。并不是说患心脏病的人体内都含有很多的脂肪。故A说法是错误的。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Last summer, two nineteenth-century cottages were rescued from remote farm fields in Montana, to be moved to an Art Deco building in San Francisco. The houses were made of wood. These cottages once housed early settlers as they worked the dry Montana soil; now they hold Twitter engineers.
The cottages could be an example of the industry’ s odd love affair with “low technology,” a concept associated with the natural world, and with old-school craftsmanship (手艺) that exists long before the Internet era. Low technology is not virtual (虚拟的) —so, to take advantage of it, Internet companies have had to get creative. The rescued wood cottages, fitted by hand in the late eighteen-hundreds, are an obvious example, but Twitter’s designs lie on the extreme end. Other companies are using a broader interpretation (阐释) of low technology that focuses on nature.
Amazon is building three glass spheres filled with trees, so that employees can “work and socialize in a more natural, park-like setting.” At Google’s office, an entire floor is carpeted in glass. Facebook’s second Menlo Park campus will have a rooftop park with a walking trail.
Olle Lundberg, the founder of Lundberg Design, has worked with many tech companies over the years. “We have lost the connection to the maker in our lives, and our tech engineers are the ones who feel impoverished (贫乏的) , because they’re surrounded by the digital world,” he says. “They’re looking for a way to regain their individual identity, and we’ve found that introducing real crafts is one way to do that.”
This craft based theory is rooted in history, William Morris, the English artist and writer, turned back to pre-industrial arts in the eighteen-sixties, just after the Industrial Revolution. The Arts and Crafts movement defined itself against machines. “Without creative human occupation, people became disconnected from life,” Morris said.
Research has shown that natural environments can restore(恢复) our mental capacities. In Japan, patients are encouraged to “forest-bathe,” taking walks through woods to lower their blood pressure.
These health benefits apply to the workplace as well. Rachel Kaplvin, a professor of environmental psychology, has spent years researching the restorative effects of natural environment. Her research found that workers with access to nature at the office—even simple views of trees and flowers—felt their jobs were less stressful and more satisfying. If low-tech offices can potentially nourish the brains and improve the mental health of employees then, fine, bring on the cottages.
小题1:The writer mentions the two nineteenth-century cottages to show that ________.
A.Twitter is having a hard time
B.old cottages are in need of protection
C.early settlers once suffered from a dry climate in Montana
D.Internet companies have rediscovered the benefits of low technology
小题2:Low technology is regarded as something that _______.
A.is related to natureB.is out of date today
C.consumes too much energyD.exists in the virtual world
小题3:The main idea of Paragraph 5 is that human beings ________.
A.have destroyed many pre-industrial arts
B.have a tradition of valuing arts and crafts
C.can become intelligent by learning history
D.can regain their individual identity by using machines
小题4:The writer’s attitude to “low technology” can best be described as ________.
小题5:What might be the best title for the passage?
A.Past Glories, Future Dreams
B.The Virtual World, the Real Challenge
C.High-tech Companies, Low-tech Offices
D.The More Craftsmanship, the Less Creativity


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

Think of the last time a song really moved you, or meant something to you.Listening to and playing music affects marry different sections of the brain, affecting us physically as well. Why are we as humans so connected to music?
Making music is something that we are born with. There's a reason we refer to music as the “universal language”;there has been no known human culture without music. Dancing and music came before agriculture, and possibly even before language.The fact that whale music and human music have so much in common suggests that music may exist before humans and that we may be latecomers to the musical scene rather than being the inventors of music.
We begin life being affected by music; babies first begin to respond to music even before their birth. Whether or not it's true, everyone has heard that playing classical music; for your baby supposedly helps him or her become smarter. A study done in the United Kingdom concluded that children were able to recognize and even preferred music that they had heard lip to three months before birth. Although it made no difference whether it was rock music or country music, the babies who were exposed to faster songs showed a stronger preference for that song than those who had heard something slower. Researchers have also found that the playing of soft background music or a mother's soft singing actually helps premature (早产的)babies. Those who were subjected to the music tended to gain weight faster and were able to leave hospitals earlier than those who weren't. However, the study in the UK uncovers no links between babies listening to music and increased intelligence or brain development.
Another experiment at the University of California at Irvine compared the puzzle-solving abilities of 3-year-olds who were given piano lessons with the ability of others who sang, used computers, or did nothing. The children studying piano were better at the puzzles. Also, high school students with a musical background seem to do better on their SATs. Whether it's natural intelligence that helps the children excel in both music and math, or the music that helps develop other areas, you can't deny the benefits of a musical background.    
On the other hand, it's possible that some music and lyrics(歌词)could be hard for children and teenagers.The lyrics of today's popular music are stated more and more clearly. A study oil mass media and teenagers showed that a group of 14- to 16-year-olds in 10 different southeastern cities listened to music an average of 40 hours per week. Obviously, the music they are listening to plays a large part in their lives,and especially influences self-identity. So any bad influences in the music will have a very direct effect on the teenagers.     Several other experiments mentioned in the American Academy of Pediatrics' policy statement on the "Effect of Music Lyrics and Music Videos on Children and Youth" supported this idea. One study from Sweden found that children who developed a preference to rock music were more likely to be influenced by their peers than by their parents. Others showed links between a predilection for heavy metal and detrimental behaviors, including taking drugs, self-killing risk, and other risk-taking habits. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) doesn't support the idea of censorship(检查制度), but strongly encourages parents to monitor what their children are listening to.
小题1:Music is regarded as the “universal language” because ______.
A.music is important for human beings’ mental and physical health
B.music is played by people from all over the world
C.music is of great benefits to human language
D.music is present throughout the development of human culture
小题2:Which of the following proves a musical background benefits children a lot?
A.An experiment at the University of California.
B.A study done in the United kingdom.
C.A study on mass media and teenagers.
D.A study from Sweden.
小题3:According to Paragraph 3, what affects babies’ preference for songs?
A.The lyricsB.The tone C.The styleD.The speed
小题4:The author mentioned several other experiments in the AAP’s policy statement to prove________.
A.parents should monitor what their children are listening to
B.music can have harmful effects on teenagers
C.teenagers are more likely to be affected by their friends
D.children shouldn’t be exposed to too much music
小题5:What will the author probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?
A.More bad effects of music on teenagers’ daily habits.
B.Some experiments about music and teenagers.
C.Tips for parents on monitoring the music their children prefer.
D.Benefits of listening to a variety of music.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The sound of a mosquito can mean trouble in many parts of the world. The bite of the mosquito can be deadly. The insects carry serious diseases like malaria. It is estimated that almost 630,000 people died from malaria and malaria-related causes in 2012, and most of these cases were in African countries.
In the United States, a group of California scientists is working to develop a more effective and less costly substance(物质)to protect people from mosquitoes. The researchers are investigating the sense of smell in mosquitoes. They found the insects use the same receptor(感受器)for identifying carbon dioxide in human breath as they do for the smell of our skin. Anandasankar Ray, who is leading the investigation, says scientists tested more than a million chemical compounds(化合物)until they found a substance called Ethyl pyruvate. He says Ethyl pyruvate makes the mosquitoes' receptor inactive. ”When we apply Ethyl pyruvate to a human arm and offer it to hungry mosquitoes in a cage, very few of the mosquitoes are attracted to the human arm because only a few of them are able to smell it out,” said Ray.
Genevieve Tauxe, a member of the research team, says it was not easy to find the neurons (神经元)of nose cells that recognise both the smell of human breath and skin. "With the device used to examine mosquitoes, we are able to insert a very small electrode(电极)into the part of the mosquitoes' nose, where its smelling neurons are and where the smell is happening," said Tauxe.
Anandasankar Ray says a product based on Ethyl pyruvate may cost less to produce than DEFT,the most effective chemical treatment now in use. He says DEFT is too costly for most people who live in areas affected by malaria.
“Perhaps by finding smells that can attack other target receptors, we will be able to improve upon DEFT and finally have the next generation of insect behavior control products," said Ray.
小题1:The best title for the passage is most probably _______________________________.
A.Scientists Find New Substance to Fight Mosquitoes
B.A New Generation of DEET Has Been Developed to Kill Mosquitoes
C.Malaria一a Serious Disease Causing 630,000 Deaths
D.Ethyl Pyruvate一an Insect Behavior Control Product
小题2:According to the passage, Ethyl Pyruvate can_______________________________.
A.kill the mosquitoes' smelling neurons
B.cause the mosquitoes to lose their sense of smell
C.result in the inactiveness of the mosquitoes' receptor
D.make the mosquitoes uninterested in human breath and skin smell
小题3:Through the passage, the writer aims to_______________________________.
A.inform readers of the new development in fighting mosquitoes
B.praise the achievements made in the battle against malaria
C.introduce a cheaper product in fighting mosquitoes
D.tell the differences between Ethyl Pyruvate and DEET
小题4:This passage most probably appears in_______________________________.
A.the column of newspaper ads
B.the health column of a magazine
C.a textbook of medical schools
D.a collection of doctors' essays


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Seven species of carp(鲤鱼) native to Asia have been introduced into United States waters in recent decades, but it's four in particular-bighead, black, grass and silver-that worry ecologists, biologists, fishers and policymakers alike. Introduced in the southeast to help control weeds and parasites in aquaculture (水产养殖) operations, these fish soon spread up the Mississippi River system where they have been crowding out native fish populations not used to competing with such aggressive invaders. The carps' presence in such numbers is also harming water quality and killing off sensitive species.
Asian carp are strong to jump over barriers such as low dams. They lay hundreds of thousands of eggs at a time and spread into new habitat quickly and easily. Also, flooding has helped the fish expand into previously unattainable water bodies. And fishers using young carp as live bait have also helped the fish's spread, as they have boats going through locks up and down the Mississippi.
The federal government considers the Asian carps to be annoying species and encourages and supports “active control” by natural resources management agencies. Federal and state governments have spent millions in tax dollars to prevent the carp from making their way into the Great Lakes, but an underwater electric fence constructed to keep them out has not worked as well as hoped, and policymakers are reviewing other options now.
In the meantime, state and federal agencies are monitoring the Mississippi and its branches for Asian carp and testing various barrier technologies to prevent their further spread. For instance, the National Park Service is cooperating with the state of Minnesota's Department of Natural Resources to construct new dams that are high enough to prevent Asian carp from jumping over. The Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee has funded DNA monitoring in potentially affected water bodies whereby researchers can determine whether the troublesome fish are present just by the biological footprints they leave behind. Individuals can do their part by not transporting fish, bait or even water from one water body to another, and by emptying and washing boats before moving them between different water bodies.
小题1:Asian carp have been introduced to the USA in order to ________.
A.improve water quality
B.help sensitive species
C.control the number of native fishes
D.control the ecosystem in aquaculture
小题2:The measure to keep Asian carp out of the Great Lake but proved not good is ________.
A.testing various barrier technologies
B.construction of an underwater electric fence
C.Emptying and washing boats before using them.
D.monitoring the Mississippi and its branches for Asian carp
小题3:It is suggested from the passage that ________.
A.aquaculture operations are dangerous to the water bodies
B.scientific technology is useless in preventing Asian carp spreading
C.both the state and the individuals can make efforts to keep out Asian carp
D.Asian carp have successfully invaded the Mississippi and the Great Lakes


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

You may be fascinated with pictures of animals in the wild. You might have imagined yourself taking pictures of animals that are rarely seen in the city. If you do get that chance, you may want to consider the following tips or rules.

First of all, a lot of professional photographers give respect to these animals and the environment they are in. Just remember that you should respect the animals and the environment in case these animals bite or hurt you.
Keep in mind that you are taking pictures of real, live, wild animals. A wild animal may bite to protect itself. You must be sensitive while taking their pictures and be gentle in all your movements. Do not feed the animals, or interact with animals that are sleeping or caring for their young.
If you are going to a place where it is privately(私人)owned, you’d better get the owner’s permission first before you start taking pictures.
Change the flash of your camera to natural light, so the animals will not be frightened or surprised when you start shooting. Animals do not react well when they are surprised.
Be very patient. Make sure you are aware of the changes in behavior of the animal and its moods. Be familiar with the animals’ natural habitat.
Now if those rules are clear, it is time for planning. Consider the weather; some animals do not go out when it is raining while some animals love the rain. Therefore, a little research on the weather will not hurt. You should consider taking pictures after sunrise and before sunset. Now if the animal is nocturnal(夜间活动的), then you should prepare to battle not only the wild but also the darkness.
An adventure in the wild will make you very excited. However, you should be well equipped, have experts to back you up, and also a permit for doing the photo shoot. If you do not have any of these, then maybe you should consider visiting the zoo instead.
小题1:The main purpose of the author in writing this passage is   .
A.to call for us to protect animals
B.to show where to buy pictures of animals
C.to explain how to get along with wild animals
D.to give us tips on taking pictures of animals in the wild
小题2:Which of the following aspects is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.Respecting the animals.
B.Making gentle movements.
C.Making the animals happy.
D.Changing the flash of your camera to natural light.
小题3: If the animals are on a farm owned by a person, we should   .
A.ask the owner to take pictures for us
B.ask for the owner’s permission first
C.make sure the owner is present when we take pictures
D.take pictures when the owner is feeding animals
小题4: We can infer from the passage that   .
A.most animals love being taken pictures of
B.we have to finish the pictures before sunset
C.we’d better take pictures when the animals are sleeping
D.we should pay attention to the animals’ moods when taking pictures
小题5:What preparation should you do before going to take pictures of wild animals?
①Preparing some food to feed the animals.
②Asking experts for advice.
③Knowing the weather in the animals’ habitat.
④Getting a permission for taking pictures of wild animals.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Has been a dream for 30 years but now the world’s first flying car is set to hit the roads this year.

Ever since the “Back to the Future” movies lit up our screens in the 1980s, designers have dreamt of cars that could take to the sky at the push of a button(按钮). And now pilots can order their own “roadable” plane for just£127, 000.
The plane, which has fold-out wings that span 17. 5 feet, can be up to 115 mph. Back on the land, it can also travel at “highway speeds” in car mode(模式).
Fuelling(加燃料)the 19 feet long plane couldn’t be simpler—you just drive it into a petrol station and fill it up.
A spokeswoman said, “You can keep your ‘light-sport airplane’ in your garage. But because it needs a short runway to take to the air, you will have to drive to your local airport, fly up to 460 miles, land and drive directly to your destination(目的地). You will always be ready to drive or fly. ”
The spokeswoman added, “Never let bad weather change your trip. You can simply divert(使转向)and continue on the ground until the weather clears. ”
There’s no risk to you—this is only the chance for you to be the first at your home field to unfold(展开)your wings and fly into the future.
小题1:According to the text, the “roadable” plane   .
A.can fly in the sky at “highway speeds” in car mode
B.is a kind of car with fold-out wings
C.is a little difficult to fuel 
D.can only travel on the highway
小题2:We can infer that in the “Back to the Future” movies   .
A.there are some skillful pilots
B.pilots have no cars to drive
C.pilots can’t afford a “roadable” plane
D.cars can fly in the sky
小题3:What does the underlined word “it” in the 5th paragraph refer to?
A.Light-sport airplane.
B.Your garage.
C.The local airport.
D.A petrol station.
小题4:The last sentence of the text aims to   .
A.call for people to buy the “roadable” plane
B.show people the use of the “roadable” plane
C.tell people only the “roadable” plane can fly in the future
D.ask people to unfold their wings and fly into the future
小题5:If you meet with a thunderstorm in your “roadable” plane in the skies, you can   .
A.land in a nearby airport until it clears
B.turn back home until it clears
C.land and drive on the ground
D.fly high up to 460 miles


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Running like the wind, roaring (咆哮) like thunder, tigers have long been feared and respected as a king of the animal world. But last week a report said that there are no more than 30 wild tigers left in south China.
This was the conclusion of a team of scientists from China's State Forestry Administration and the World Nature Fund.
The South China tiger, also known as the Chinese tiger, is native to southern China. In the 1950's, there were over 4000 tigers found in mountain forests in the country. But due to the destruction of their natural habitat and uncontrolled hunting, it has been pushed on to the list of the world's top ten most endangered species.
Sixty­six of the big cats can be found in the cages of a dozen zoos around China. But they are nothing like their wild cousins. They have lost their natural skills such as hunting and killing. If they were set free they could not look after themselves.
“Breeding has damaged the quality of the species”, said Pei Enle, deputy director of the Shanghai Zoo.
To reintroduce the species into the wild, the country started a programme to send five to ten young tigers to South Africa. Four of them have already arrived. Progress has been made as two elder tigers have recovered some of their instincts(本能) and can hunt wild animals by themselves at the African base.
“South Africans are very experienced in reintroducing big animals to the wild. The country has very good natural conditions for the tigers to learn in”, said Lu Jun, office director of the National Wildlife Research and Development Center.“We tried in Fujian Province, but it was not successful as there was not a complete eco­chain(生物链) and there was a lack of space.”
The tigers should return to China in 2007 when the reservations in Fujian are ready.
小题1:What is the main reason for the South China tiger becoming one of the world's top ten most endangered species?
A.Because it has lost its natural instincts.
B.Because there is not a complete eco­chain.
C.Because there is no space for it.
D.Because uncontrolled hunting has destroyed its natural living conditions.
小题2:How is the programme of sending several tigers to South Africa getting on?
A.Its effect still remains to be seen.
B.Two tigers can already compete with their wild cousins.
C.Some of the tigers are already on the road to recovering their natural skills.
D.The tigers should be able to recover their instincts completely by 2007.
小题3:By saying “but they are nothing like their wild cousins”,the writer means that________.
A.they are no longer feared by other wild animals
B.they don't know how to hunt or kill
C.a complete change has resulted in the species because of breeding
D.to reintroduce them into the wild has become an urgent task
小题4:What is the purpose of sending young tigers to South Africa?
A.To help the tigers recover their ability to live in the wild.
B.To provide them with a better environment.
C.To get the tigers to go on a tour.
D.To find a complete eco­chain for them.
小题5:Which one is NOT the reason for South Africa being chosen as the training place?
A.Because the tigers can hunt wild animals by themselves at the African base.
B.Because South Africans are skilled at dealing with the tigers.
C.Because there is a complete eco­chain and enough space there.
D.Because the country has good natural conditions for the tigers to learn in.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

What will people die of 100 years from now? If you think that is a simple question, you have not been paying attention to the revolution that is taking place in bio­technology. With the help of new medicine, the human body will last a very long time. Death will come mainly from accidents, murder and war. Today's leading killers, such as heart disease, cancer, and aging itself, will become distant memories.
In discussion of technological changes, the Internet gets most of the attention these days. But the change in medicine can be the real technological event of our times. How long can humans live? Human brains were known to decide the final death. Cells are the basic units of all living things, and until recently, scientists were sure that the life of cells could not go much beyond 120 years because the basic materials of cells, such as those of brain cells, would not last forever. But the upper limits will be broken by new medicine. Sometime between 2050 and 2100, medicine will have advanced to the point at which every 10 years or so, people will be able to take medicine to repair their organs. The medicine, made up of the basic building materials of life, will build new brain cells, heart cells, and so on—in much the same way our bodies make new skin cells to take the place of old ones.
It is exciting to imagine that the advance in technology may be changing the most basic condition of human existence, but many technical problems still must be cleared up on the way to this wonderful future.
小题1:According to the passage, human death is now mainly caused by ________.
A.diseases and agingB.accidents and war
C.accidents and agingD.heart disease and war
小题2:In the author's opinion, today's most important advance in technology lies in ________.
A.medicineB.the InternetC.brain cellsD.human organ
小题3:Humans may live longer in the future because ________.
A.heart disease will be far away from us
B.human brains can decide the final death
C.the basic materials of cells will last forever
D.human organs can be repaired by new medicine
小题4:How long can humans live in the future according to the passage?
A.Over 100 years.B.More than 120 years.
C.About 150 years.D.The passage doesn't tell us.
小题5:We can learn from the passage that ________.
A.Cells aren’t the basic units of all living things any more
B.humans have to take medicine to build new skin cells now
C.much needs to be done before humans can have a longer life
D.we have already solved the technical problems in building new cells

