精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

1. Get some pieces of paper that are cut into squares. Each Square is for writing

one letter only.

2. Write a letter on one square. For example, write “i.”

3. Next, take another two squares. Make a two-letter word which contains the

letter you have written, for example, “in” or “hi.” Put the new word (written on

the two squares) below the first square.

4. Then make a three-letter word which contains the two letters you have written.

Again, put the new word on the next line.

5. Keep making new words in the same way to build a “word house.” The person

who builds the highest word house in twenty minutes wins the game.

Gary is teaching his students to play a game called “Word House” in the English class. Here is the way to play the game:

54. What does a “word house” look like?




A                                         B

A                                     B

C                                      D

55. Which is true about the game?

   A. It is about spelling.                          

B. It is a computer game.

C. There have to be five people in the game.

D. Students have to write four words in twenty minutes.

56. Which of the following is the right order of playing the game?

   a. cut the paper into squares           

b. make a three-letter word which contains the two letters you’ve written

c. write a letter on one square

d. keep making new words in the same way

e. make a two-letter word and put it below the first square

A. a-b-c-d-e           B. a-c-e-b-d       C. d -c-e-b-a     D. e-b-c-d-a


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Recently, I stopped by a convenience store to get a newspaper and a bottle of drink. The young woman at the check-out counter (柜台) said, “That’ll be five dollars __36__, please.” She then __37__ down at the paper I was __38__ and said, “I’m sick and __39__ all this negative(消极的) stuff on the front __40__. I want to read some __41__ news for a change.” She then said, “In fact, I think someone should just __42__ a Good News newspaper—a paper with wonderful, inspirational(鼓舞人心的) __43__ about people overcoming difficulty and doing good things for __44__. I’d buy one every day!” She then __45__ me for coming in and said, “Maybe we’ll get some good news,” and she laughed. She made my day.

The following day after my business appointments, I __46__ the same store again to __47__ bottled water and a piece of newspaper, but a __48__ young lady was behind the counter. As I checked out, I said, “Good afternoon,” and handed her my __49__. She said nothing — not a word, not a smile or not a gesture. She just handed me my change and __50__ a negative tone (语气) ordered, “Next!”

It hit me right between the eyes: Two people, the same age; __51__ made me feel great, and the other, well, made me feel that I had inconvenienced(给…带来不便) her by __52__.

Every morning, you should ask __53__ this important question: “Who do I want to be today? ‘The Grouch(不高兴的人)’ or ‘The Good News Girl’”? Your answer will do great good to __54__ the joy and happiness that you will experience in your __55__.

36. A. at all    B. in all   C. after all      D. all for  

37. A. stared   B. smelled      C. looked       D. noticed  

38. A. burying       B. picking      C. finding       D. buying 

39. A. tired of B. interested in       C. concerned about D. fond of 

40. A. column B. edition       C. page   D. part  

41. A. bad      B. good   C. latest   D. ugly 

42. A. collect  B. print   C. sell     D. publish 

43. A. stories  B. ideas   C. positions    D. customers  

44. A. rewards       B. the others   C. others D. money  

45. A. praised B. thanked      C. observed    D. punished  

46. A. stood by      B. took in       C. put out       D. stopped by  

47. A. pick up B. take up       C. bring up     D. go up 

48. A. beautiful      B. active  C. different     D. stupid  

49. A. card     B. money       C. dollar  D. change  

50. A. on B. for      C. through      D. in 

51. A. one      B. who    C. what   D. it  

52. A. taking off    B. going away C. showing up D.coming about  

53. A. her       B. them   C. yourself     D. themselves

54. A. warning       B. determining       C. enjoying     D. damaging 

55. A. home    B. work   C. study  D. life 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


某校正在开展课外阅读小组活动Peter, Helen, Catherine, Elizabeth和Jessica想根据自己小组成员的喜好找一篇英语阅读材料。阅读下面某报纸的文章摘要(A, B, C, D, E, F),选出适合他们的文章,并在答题纸上将相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。

    1.Peter’s group members are fond of an article which can help them to find something that can both challenge their intelligence and provide entertainment.

    2.Helen’s group members are fashionable and fond of advanced technology.They like reading something that can provide them with inspirations in achieving success and changing people’s way of life.

3.Catherine’s group members are athletic and spend a lot of time working out.They are fond of any stories about stars in the sports world.

    4.Elizabeth’s group members want to read some articles which can help them keep pace with the trend of fashion.They hope to find in the article some hints on helping improve their appearances.

    5.Jessica’s group members are keen on becoming volunteers and therefore are looking for some articles that can increase their chances of being chosen.


Wang’s little big ideas

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Showcase for talent

Susan Boyle, you better watch out.Semifinal day on China’s Got Talent is fast approaching and these contestants(竞争者) just might push you off your pedestal (宝座).Like them or hate them, there’s no denying the contestants are causing something of a stir across the country.The performers singled out on this page will certainly offer a show about which you’ll have something to say.


Top of the crops

You might think Fashion Week is about dresses rather than hairstyles.But you’d be wrong.Whether the models are in New York, London or Milan, who’s sporting the prettiest, trendiest or most shocking hairstyle is as hot a topic as the clothes on the catwalk.Despite the many hair highlights of the 2010 Fashion Week, we’ve managed to comb through the masses of material to pick a few of our favorites here.


Movie messes with your head

Driving home from a screening of Inception, my husband said to me: “I don’t know how you are going to write about this movie.” “What, you mean without giving anything away?” I asked.“No,” he said.“I don’t know how you are going to explain what it’s about.” The film, by writer-director Christopher Nolan, is a gorgeous(极好的), technically perfect symphony(交响曲) of images and ideas.


Woods to split

The marriage between the golf star and his wife is officially over.Official divorce papers state that “the marriage between the parties is irretrievably broken”, thus bringing to an end the couple’s six-year marriage.Woods and Nordgren have lived apart since Woods’ November 2009 car crash, which was followed by Woods’ public admission of a series of affairs with other women.


Flowers set to bloom

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科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏省高一第一次阶段练习英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


When it comes to studying, some students may have different study habits, and some ways of studying may work for one and may not for another student. However, there are certain basic rules that can prove to be effective(有效的) in studying for an exam.

Make a plan for how to develop good study habits that last long. A plan should include a schedule(时间表) on when to study. It doesn’t have to be fixed(固定) and can be changed in case something more important and unexpected comes up. Start with a weekly schedule and determine which period of the day is filled with classes. Use some of the remaining time to study. When creating(制定) the schedule, one should include laboratory activities and extracurricular(课外的) work and take care of personal things and the job if there is one.

Study when one is fully awake and energetic(精力充沛); it is recommended. Study for no less than 30 to 90minutes after a meal or two hours every day. If one is tired from work and decides to study, it may not be effective, especially if one finds the subject too difficult. It will only give stress and that night might only be forgotten in the next morning when he wakes up. For some students, they can study anywhere if they want; it could be in the library, study rooms or private rooms. A place where one can to focus attention on one’s study is recommended.

Make friends with those that are also eager to learn and pass the exam or achieve good grades. However, one has to balance(平衡) the time to spend with friends. Have and keep a healthy relationship with them.

Take down notes during the class. The hints(暗示) of some questions teachers give will come out in the exam. Sometimes they repeat the topic more than twice, so pay more attention in class. If one does not understand the topic, don’t hesitate(犹豫) to ask questions. A failure in communicating is one of the most common mistakes among students.

Rewrite notes taken from the class. It will help remember the topics that have been discussed and will give one more new ideas. For some students, they find that rewriting notes is very effective.

Take a five-minute break or go out and get some fresh air once in a while when studying. It will relax the mind and help one think better. Do come back to study after taking a short break.


How to be effective in studying for an exam


Although students’ study habits are 1.       , some basic rules can be helpful for them.

Creating a schedule

*The schedule should not be fixed because something important or that you weren’t 2.      may happen.

*Start with a weekly schedule and include all possible things.

(73)   and place

*Study during the time when you are fully awake and full of 3.     .

*Choose a suitable place where you can 4.   your attention  study.

The right friends

*Make friends with hard-working students.

*Balance the time or your relationship with them will be 5.     .

(77)    in class

*Take down the hints a something that is repeated many times during the class.

*Never hesitate to6.      with teacher.

Rewriting notes

Writing notes again is7.     in remembering well what you have learned.

Taking a break

A short break will make your mind8.       .



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届福建省高一下学期第二阶段考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A farmer grew some vegetables in his garden. One day his wife was ill and he had no money. He had to sell some cabbages and carrots in the market. The next morning he took two baskets of vegetables to town. But it was raining hard that afternoon and there were few people in the street. When his vegetables were sold out, it was dark. He bought some medicine and hurried to his village.

On his way home he saw a person lying on the snow. He placed his baskets on the ground and was going to help the person to get up. At that time he found it was a dead man and there was much blood on his body. He was so afraid that he ran away quickly, without taking the baskets with him.

The next afternoon the farmer was sent to the police station. Having shown the baskets, an officer asked: “Are these yours?” “Yes, sir.” the farmer answered timidly(胆怯地)。”Have you killed the man?” “No, no, sir.” the farmer said in a hurry.” When did you see the dead man?” ”About seven last evening.” “Did you see who killed the man?” “No, Sir.” The officer brought out a knife and asked, “Have you seen it yet?” ”No, Sir.’ The officer became angry and told the policemen to beat him up and send him into prison.

That evening the officer went on trying .Pointing to the knife, he asked again,” Have you seen it yet?” ”Yes, Sir.” The officer was happy and asked,” When and where?” “I saw it here this afternoon, sir.”

1.The farmer decided to sell the vegetables to           .

A.buy some food for his family

B.buy some medicine for his wife

C.go to see a doctor

D.go to the cinema

2.The farmer didn’t sell out his vegetables until the evening because           .

A.they were too bad

B.they were very expensive

C.it rained hard that morning

D.few people liked to go out on such a bad day

3.As          , the farmer decided to help the person to stand up.

A.he wanted to get some money from him.

B.the person was one of his friends

C.he thought the person would thank him.

D.he thought the person had drunk too much

4.The farmer ran away quickly because        .

A.the policemen were coming towards him.

B.his wife was waiting for him at home

C.he was afraid to see a dead man.

D.it was so late that he couldn’t stay there any longer.

5.The officer tried the farmer to        .

A know who had killed the man.

B. know if he had seen the dead man

C .ask when he saw the dead man

D .ask if he had seen the knife



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年河南省分校高一第二次阶段考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

We lived in a very quiet neighborhood. Earlier that evening my wife had asked me to go to the   1 to get some soft drinks. It seemed like this would be a good time to let my teenage daughter Holly practice her  2 , so I allowed her to go to the store in my truck.

At dinner my son talked about how much he liked my truck. I  3  having it, but I said: “Guy, my heart is not set on that truck. I like it but it is just metal and won’t  4  forever. Never set your heart on anything that won’t last.

We were talking  5  we heard a loud noise.  6  hearing it, the whole family ran outside. My son shouted; “Dad! Dad, Holly crashed your truck!”

My heart sank and my mind was flooded with conflicting (矛盾的) thoughts. Was anyone hurt? Who else was 7? As I ran to the door, I heard a voice in my heart say: “Here is a chance to show Holly  8  you really love. She’ll never forget it.”

The  9 had happened in my own driveway. Holly had  10  my truck into our family van (搬运车). Because of her  11 , she had confused the brakes (刹车) and the gas pedal (油门). Holly was unhurt  12  but when I reached her, she was crying and saying “Oh, Dad, I’m sorry. I know how much you love this truck.” I held her in my arms as she cried.

Later that week a friend asked what had happened to my truck. I told her the whole story. Her eyes moistened (湿润) and she said: “That happened to me when I was a girl. I  13 my dad’s car completely. When I got home, my dad knocked me to the ground and began to  14  me.”

Over 40 years later, she still felt the  15 of the night, which was a deep wound on her soul.

I remember how  16 Holly was when she crashed our truck, and how I   17 her. One day, when Holly  18  on her life, I want her to know that I love her a thousand times  19 any piece of  20 .
















































9.A affair                   B. event                           C. incident                       D. accident


















































A.looks back

B.keeps back

C.hold back

D.turn back



A.as more as

B.as much than

C.more than

D.the same as








