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     Flying like a bird has been the dream of humans since ancient times. Last week a group of modern
birdmen put their courage on their wings and   1   gravity in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.
     "Yes, you can buy a ticket and fly to another city. But running with your own wings and feeling your
feet ready to   2   is totally different, "Dong Fang, a middle school student in Hangzhou who   3   a home-
made aircraft competition, said in an excide voice.   4   by the Intemational Bognor Birdman Competition
in the UK, the competition in Hangzhou was a similar event. The Bognor Birdman Competition startde in
l97l in the England coastal city Bognor. People ran off the end of a pier (码头)with their own aircraft in
a(n)   5   to "fly" the farthest distance.
     In the competition, a teacher called Ni was amazed to see how imaginative the students were. He was
surprised to see his students create 10 different aircrafts with all kinds of material   6   in the past month.
"We'd rather call ourselves dreamers   7   pilots because whether our wings really leave the ground,our
dream really flies," said Dong Fang.
     Jing Yuchen and his team named their plane "weiming E", which   8   an unknown goose. The 17-year-old
boy deeply believes their goose of steel pipe and sailcloth will honour its name by successfully making it fly. 
     "Our work is much more imaginative than others. With several colourful balloons on its back and a pair
of light plastic wings, it is   9   the most eye-catching work, if not the best," said Yu Liang, another student.
     "Although nlost of those home-made aircrafts cannot really take the boys flying, the boys' braveness and
 10  in this project will encourage every one of them to fly high in the future," Ni said.
(     )1.A. challenged   
(     )2.A. take on      
(     )3.A. joined       
(     )4.A. Promoted     
(     )5.A. range        
(     )6.A. available    
(     )7.A. as well as   
(     )8.A. declares     
(     )9.A. accidentally 
(     )10.A. exploration  
B. struggled     
B. take up       
B. participated  
B. Inspired      
B. group         
B. unique        
B. other than    
B. means         
B. surely       
B. perseverance    
C. abandoned   
C. take off     
C. took part in 
C. Advocated      
C. attempt     
C. visible     
C. but for      
C. reflects    
C. barely      
C. creativity    
D. observed      
D. take in       
D. attended       
D. Blamed        
D. way           
D. responsible                   
D. instead of    
D. causes        
D. simply        
D. determination  
1-5: ACCBC  6-10: ADBBC

科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     From the beginning of human history, people have used oils from seeds and nuts. Most of the time these
oils are used as food, especially in cooking. But sometimes they have other uses. For example, oils are used
in paint and in cleaning products like soap.
     Oil is separated from seeds by using pressure. A machine called a press is often used.
     The first step in pressing the oil from seeds is to crush the seeds between two stones. The crushed seeds
are then put into a cloth bag and the bag is hung up. Some of the oil will flow out of the bag and can be
     But some oil will remain in the crushed seeds inside the bag. The easiest way to get the rest of the oil out
is to place heavy rocks on the crushed material.
     Another method is to place several cloth bags on top of each other in a box. Then a long wooden stick is
used to slowly push a heavy cover down on the bags. Great pressure is produced in this way. Much greater
pressure can be produced by using a machine, a hydraulic jack (液压千斤顶). The greater the pressure, the
more oil win be produced. 
     Small presses are important in areas where electricity or gasoline cannot be used. They are also a good
way to test if a local market for oil exists.
     Small batch presses can be made of local materials. Their cost is low. They are not difficult to operate.
And they are easy to repair. The small presses produce good quality oil. But the work is hard. And getting
all the oil from the seeds can be difficult.
     If there is a large supply of seeds, then hand-operated presses may not be enough to support a business.
Large, powered presses that can operate all day are needed.
Title How to 1.______ Oil From Seeds
2.______ of oil People use oils when they cook meals, paint pictures and clean objects.
Method l ●Crush the seeds between two stones and then put them into a cloth bag.
●3.______ the cloth bag up. Some of the oil will flow out of the
●The 4.______ oil in the seeds can be got by putting more heavy
   rocks on them.
Method 2 ●A box is used to 5.______ several bags of seeds.
●Place a heavy cover on the bags.
●Use a long wooden stick to push the cover slowly.
●The 6.______ of oil relies on the pressure placed on the bags.
Small batch presses ●They are at a low 7.______
●They are easy to operate and repair.
●They can be used in areas 8.______ of electricity or gasoline.
●They can be operated by hand very conveniently.
●They can produce good quality oil.
Large 9.______
●It is easy to get all the oil from the seeds.
●They can 10.______ with a large supply of seeds and support a 
●They can run all day.


科目:高中英语 来源:北京高考真题 题型:阅读理解

                                           How Room Designs Affect Our Work and Feelings
     Architects have long had the feeling that the places we live in can affect our thoughts, feelings and
behaviors, But now scientists are giving this feelings an empirical (经验的, 实证的) basis. They are
discovering how to design spaces that promote creativity, keep people focused, and lead to relaxation.
     Researches show that aspects of the physical environment can influence creativity. In 2007, Joan
Meyers-Levy at the University of Minnesota, reported that the height of a room's ceiling affects how
people to think. Her research indicates that the higher callings encourage people to think more freely,
which may lead them to make more abstract connections. Low ceilings, on the other hand, may inspire
a more detailed outlook.
     In addition to ceiling height, the view afforded by a building may influence an occupant's ability to
concentrate. Nancy Wells and her colleagues at Cornell University found in their study that kids who
experienced the greatest increase in greenness as a result of a family move made the most gains on a
standard test of attention.
     Using nature to improve focus of attention ought to pay off academically, and it seems to, according
to a study led by C. Kenneth Tanner, head of the School Design &Planning Laboratory at University
of Georgia. Tanner and his team found that students in classrooms with unblocked views of at least 50
feet outside the window had higher scores on tests of vocabulary, language arts and maths than did
students whose classrooms primarily overlooked roads and parking lots. 
     Recent study on room lighting design suggests that dim (暗淡的) light helps people to loosen up. If
that is true generally, keeping the light low during dinner or at parties could increase relaxation. Researchers
of Harvard Medical School also discovered that furniture with rounded edges could help visitors relax.
     So far scientists have focused mainly on public buildings. "We have a very limited number of studies,
so we're almost looking at the problem through a straw (吸管)," architect David Allison says. "How do
you take answers to very specific questions and make broad, generalized use of them? That's what we're
all struggling with."
1. What does Joan Meyers-Levy focus on in her research?
A. Light
B. Ceilings
C. Windows
D. Furniture.
2. The passage tells us that _____.
A. the shape of furniture may affect people, s feelings
B. lower ceilings may help improve students' creativity
C. children in a dim classroom may improve their grades
D. Students in rooms with unblocked views may feel relaxed
3. The underlined sentence in the last paragraph probably means that _____.
A. the problem is not approached step by step
B. the researches so far have faults in themselves
C. the problem is too difficult for researchers to detect
D. research in this area is not enough to make generalized patterns
4. Which of the following shows the organization of the passage?
A.  B.  C.  D.
CP: Central Point P: point Sp: Sub-point (次要点) C: Conclusion


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Speeding off in a stolen car, the thief thinks he has got a great catch. But he is in for an unwelcome surprise.
The car is fitted with a remote immobilizer (远程控制器) and a radio signal from a control center miles away
will make sure that once the thief turns the engine off, he will not be able to start it again.
     The idea goes like this. A control box fitted to the car contains a mini-cell phone, a micro-processor and
memory and a GPS satellite positioning receiver. If the car is stolen, a coded (编码的) cell phone signal will tell
the control center to block the vehicle's engine management system and prevent the engine being restarted.
     In the UK, a set of technical fixes is already making life harder for car thieves. "The pattern of vehicle crime
has changed
," says Martyr Randall, a security expert. He says it would only take him a few minutes to teach a
person how to steal a car, using a minimum of tools, but only if the car is more than 10 years old.
     Modern cars are far tougher to steal, as their engine management computer won't allow them to start unless
they receive a unique ID code beamed out by the ignition (点火) key. In the UK, technologies like this have
helped to achieve a 31% drop in vehicle crime since 1997.
     But determined thieves are still managing to find other ways to steal cars, often by getting hold of the owner's
keys. And key theft is responsible for 40% of the thefts of vehicles fitted with a tracking system.
     If the car travels 100 meters without the driver conforming (一致) the ID, the system will send a signal to
an operation center that it has been stolen. The 100-meter minimum avoids false alarm be- cause of some
possible errors of the GPS signal.
     Staff at the center will then contact the owner to confirm that the car really is missing and keep the police
informed of the vehicle's movements via the car's GPS unit.
1. What's the function of the remote immobilizer fitted to the car?
[     ]
A. To help the police make a surprise attack on the car thief.
B. To order the car to lock automatically when stolen.
C. To prevent the car thief from restarting it once it stops.
D. To send a radio signal to inform the car owner of the theft.
2. The underlined sentence "The pattern of vehicle crime has changed" suggests that ____.
[     ]
A. it takes less time for the car thief to do the stealing
B. many self-prepared too]s can be used for car theft
C. the theft becomes more difficult because of modern technology
D. the thief has lost interest in stealing cars over 10 years old
3. ____ is essential in making a modern car tougher to steal.
[     ]
A. A micro-processor
B. A special ID code
C. A special cell phone
D. A GPS satellite positioning receiver
4. Why does the tracking system set a 100-meter minimum before sending an alarm to the operation center?
[     ]
A. To leave time for the operation center to give an alarm.
B. To keep the police informed of the car's movement.
C. To give the driver time to contact the operation center.
D. To allow for possible mistakes in the GPS system.
5. What will the operation center do first after receiving an alarm?
[     ]
A. Start the tracking system.
B. Stop the engine.
C. Contact the owner.
D. Locate the missing car.


科目:高中英语 来源:陕西省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     In a time of low academic (学术的) achievement by children in the United States, many Americans are
turning to Japan, a country of high academic achievement and economic (经济上的) success, for possible
answers. However, the answers provided by Japanese preschools are not the ones Americans expected to
find. In most Japanese preschools, surprisingly little stress is put on academic instruction. In one study,
300 Japanese and 210 American preschool teachers, child development specialists, and parents were asked
about various aspects of early childhood education. Only 2 percent of the Japanese listed "to give children
a good start academically" as one of their top three reasons for a society to have preschools. In comparison,
over half the Americans chose this as one of'their top three choices. To prepare children for successful
careers in first grade and beyond, Japanese schools do not teach reading, writing, and mathematics, but rather
skills such as determination, concentration, and the ability to function as a member of a group.
     In the recent comparison of Japanese and American preschool education, 91 percent of Japanese chose
group experience as one of their top three reasons while 62 percent of the more individually oriented (强调
个性发展的) Americans chose it. A stress on the importance of the group continues into Japanese primary
school education 
     Like in America, there is diversity (多样性) in Japanese early childhood education. Some Japanese
kindergartens have specific aims, such as early musical training or potential development. In large cities,
some kindergartens are attached to universities that have primary and secondary schools.
     Some Japanese parents believe that if their young children attend a university-based program, it will
increase the children's chances of finally being admitted to top-rated schools and universities.
1. We learn from the first paragraph that many Americans believe _____.  
[     ]
A. Japanese parents pay more attention to preschool education than American parents
B. Japan's economic success is a result of its scientific achievements
C. Japanese preschool education stresses academic instruction
D. Japan's higher education is better than theirs
2. More than three fifths of the American respondents (答卷者) believe that preschools should also attach
    importance to _____.
[     ]
A. problem solving
B. group experience
C. parental guidance
D. individually oriented development
3. In Japan's preschool education, the focus is on _____.
[     ]
A. preparing children academically
B. developing children's artistic interests
C. developing children's potential
D. improving children's personal qualities
4. Why do some Japanese parents send their children to university-based kindergartens?
[     ]
A. They can do better in their future studies.
B. They can gain more group experience there.
C. They can be individually oriented when they grow up.
D. They can have better chances of getting a first-rate education.


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     Though "nanometer" (纳米) is now a fashionable term all over the world, few people know exactly what
it is. It has become a new favorite of producers and sellers in recent years. Many "high-tech" products bearing
the name "nano" have entered the market, bringing more mysterious feeling to surprised consumers.
     Nanometer is a very small length unit of measure, and is very small. One millimeter is 1000 micrometers,
and one micrometer is 1 000 nanometers. That is, one nanometer is one billionth of a meter. Nano materials
are solid materials made up of particles (粒子) or crystallites (晶体) of less than 100 nanometers in size. Then,
is a cup made of nano material really any different from an ordinary cup in function as far as how it works?
     Are nano cups really so wonderful? A reporter went to the Institute of Nanomedicine, which is the first
such institute of such a sort in the world and the only one in China, specializing in researching the investigation
of the application of nano technology into medicine.
     A water molecule (分子) is made up of 2 hydrogen atoms and l oxygen atom. It can be changed only by a
special way of controlling of the atoms. The material made into the cup can have nanometer particles. But it
cannot change the chemical and physical properties of the water contained in the cup. The water in it is still
water. When people drink it, it will produce no special effect on human body.
     Professor Ji who worked in the Institute of Nanomedicine told the reporter, so far, the investigation of nano
materials is still limited in the laboratory. No commercial micro products can be produced yet. With the present
level of science and technology, the time of everyday goods made of nanometer materials is still years away.
     The products labeled with nano marks in the market now are only traditional products coated with a thin
layer of nanometer material, which makes them more abrasion resistant (耐磨), much easier to be cleaned, or
oil resisting or moth proof (防蛀).
     Professor Ji explained that nano cup is a real cup. It can also be included in the list of nano products in a
certain sense. But the nano cup has not changed its property and function as a cup. It is not a magical medicine
for curing and health care.
1. Which of the following shows the right relationship?
[     ]
A. nanometer<millimeter<micrometer<meter
B. micrometer<millimeter<nanometer<meter
C. nanometer<micrometer<millimeter<meter
D. millimeter<micrometer<nanometer<meter
2. It can be inferred from the passage that _____.
[     ]
A. nano materials have been put into use in daily goods
B. real nano products haven't become available for people
C. the nano cup is very effective in curing and health care
D. real nano products are being produced by some companies
3. The underlined word "properties" in the fourth paragraph probably means _____.
[     ]
A. possessions 
B. qualities
C. reactions
D. symbols
4. What would be the best title for the passage?
[     ]
A. High-tech Products
B. Nano Cups
C. Nano Materials
D. High-tech Research


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     I am especially interested in eco-friendly cars. Would you please give me some help? 
                                                                                                                                         -John Lily
John Lily,
     More and more automobile companies are taking measures to create cars that do less harm to the planet.
Here are some of the top green cars this year.
Tesla Roadster
     This is an electric sports car. You can travel 220 miles before recharging the battery. The only problem?
It will cost you $ 100 000. So, until you win the lottery or happen to find a box of gold at the end of a
rainbow, let's move on to the more reasonable choices.
Aptera 2e
     This electric car is much more affordable than the Tesla Roadster, with a starting price of around $ 25000.
Its electric motor runs 100 miles per charge. Unfortunately, it is currently only available in California through
a complex booking process.
Toyota Prius
     At 51 miles per gallon in the city and 48 0n the highway, the Toyota Prius is one of the most fuel-efficient
cars in the world. With an annual CO2 rating of 1968 kilograms, this car holds the first place on MSN's list of
the Least Polluting Vehicles of 2009. It also has other eco-friendly features like a solar-powered ventilation (通
风) system. 
Honda Civic Hybrid (混合动力车)
     The Honda Civic Hybrid is competitive with the Toyota Prius when it comes to fuel efficiency. It gets 40
miles per gallon in the city and 45 on the highway. It also has the second- lowest annual CO2 figure, releasing
2160 kilograms in a year.
Honda Insight Hybrid
     With a base price of just $20 000, the Honda Insight Hybrid is the least expensive Hybrid on the market
today. Coming just after the Honda Civic and Toyota Prius in terms of pollution, this fuel-efficient vehicle gets
40 miles per gallon in the city and 43 on the highway.
     Besides all these, Toyota Camry Hybrid is also a good choice. 
1. Compared with Aptera 2e, Tesla Roadster _____.
[     ]
A. costs less
B. needs more time to be recharged
C. is harder to book
D. runs much further per charge
2. Which of the following vehicles causes the least pollution to the environment?
[     ]
A. Honda Civic Hybrid.
B. Toyota Prius.
C. Honda Insight Hybrid.
D. Toyota Camry Hybrid.
3. We can infer from the passage that _____.
[     ]
A. as long as you have won the lottery, you can buy Tesla Roadster
B. only people in California are allowed to buy Aptera 2e
C. Honda Insight Hybrid may be the third least polluting hybrid of 2009
D. the fuel efficiency of the Aptera 2e must be the highest of all the vehicles mentioned
4. What might William be according to the passage?
[     ]
A. A future car buyer.
B. A car expert giving advice to people online.
C. An eco-friendly car repairer.
D. An eco-friendly car designer.


科目:高中英语 来源:北京期末题 题型:阅读理解

     It is thought that crying is hardly an activity encouraged by society. Tears, whether they are of sorrow,
anger, or joy, typically make Americans feel uncomfortable and embarrassed. The shedder of tears (落泪者)
is likely to apologize, even when a great tragedy was the cause. The observer of tears is likely to do everything
possible to put an end to the emotional tears. But judging from recent studies of crying behavior, both those
to tears are often inappropriate and may even be counterproductive (适得其反).
     Humans are the only animals clearly known to shed emotional tears. Since evolution has given rise to few
purposeless physiological responses, it is logical to assume that crying has one or more functions that enhance
(increase) survival.
     Although some observers have suggested that crying is a way to ask for assistance from others (as a crying
baby might from its mother), the shedding of tears is hardly necessary to get help. Loud cries would have been
quite enough, more likely than tears to gain attention. So, it appears, there must be something special about tears
     Indeed, the new studies suggest that emotional tears may play a direct role in reducing stress. University of
Minnesota researchers who are studying the chemical composition of tears have recently separated two
important chemicals from emotional tears. Both chemicals are found only in tears that are shed in response to
emotion. Tears shed because of exposure to cut onion would contain no such substance. 
     Other researchers are mvestigating the usefulness of tears as a means of making a careful examination of
human ills and monitoring drugs. At Tulane University's Tear Analysis Laboratory, Dr. Peter Kastl and his
colleagues report that they can use tears to detect drug abuse, to study the causes of "dry eye" syndrome (综合
症) and the effects of eye surgery, and perhaps even to measure exposure to environmental pollutants.
1. What does the phrase "both those responses" in Paragraph l refer to?
[     ]
A. Crying out of sorrow and shedding tears for happiness.
B. The embarrassment and unpleasant feeling of the observers.
C. The tear shedder's apology and the observer's effort to stop the crying.
D. Linking illness with crying and finding the chemical composition of tears.
2. From the passage we can infer that _____.
[     ]
A. it is natural for people to shed tears
B. we can reduce our stress by shedding tears
C. shedders of tears can't get help by crying loudly
D. unlike animals, humans can shed tears for survival
3. What does the passage mainly talk about?
[     ]
A. Roles of emotional tears.
B. Functions of shedding tears.
C. Unwelcome shedders of tears.
D. Research on the effects of tears.


科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省期末题 题型:阅读理解

     Everyone has got two personalities-one is shown to the world and the other is secret and real. You don't
show your secret personality when you are awake because you can control your behavior, but when you are
asleep, sleeping position shows the real you. In a normal night, of course, people frequently change their
position. The important position is the one that you go to sleep in.
     If you go to sleep on your back, your are a very open person. You normally trust people and you are easily
influenced by fashion or your new ideas. You don't like to upset people, so you never express your real feelings.
You are quite shy and you aren't very confident.
     If you sleep on your stomach, you are a rather secretive person. You worry a lot and always easily get upset,
you are very stubborn, but you aren't very ambitious (有野心的). You usually live for today not tomorrow. This
means you enjoy having a good time.
     If you sleep curled up, you are probably a very nervous person. You have a low opinion of yourself and so
you are often very defensive. You are shy and you don't normally like meeting people. You prefer to be on your
own. You are easily hurt.
     If you sleep on your side, you have usually got a well-balanced personality. You know your strengths and
weaknesses. You are usually careful. You have a confident personality. You sometimes feel anxious, but you
don't often get depressed. You always say what you think even if it annoys people.
1. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?
[     ]
A. Your Sleeping Position and Your Personality
B. Sleeping and Your Health
C. The Secrets of Your Sleeping
D. Pay Attention to Your Sleeping Positions
2. If one goes to sleep on his stomach, he might _____.
[     ]
A. never express his real feelings
B. keep himself secret from others
C. be a very nervous person
D. be usually careful  
3. A person who sleeps curled up might _____.
[     ]
A. like to stay alone
B. love having a good time
C. be very ambitious
D. always feel confident
4. Which of the important sleeping position that might let out your secrets?
[     ]
A. The sleeping position when you fall asleep.
B. The sleeping position when you wake up.
C. The sleeping position when you feel comfortable.
D. The sleeping position at midnight.

