





Before I started at university, I got my first job as a waiter           76.

at a restaurant. At the night before my first working day,            77.

I was excited to fall asleep and as a result, I got up late           78.

the next morning. I rush to the restaurant. As I was in            79.

a hurry, I didn¡¯t hear clear the head waiter¡¯s instruction                    80.

which we should go into the kitchen through one door                   81.

and out through the other. But when I took the plates                    82.

out of the kitchen, I went straightly towards the wrong                            83.

door and crashed into another one waiter coming in!                     84.

I felt so ashamed. I never forget the experiences.                        85.



¡¾Ð¡Ìâ1.¡¿   ¡Ì

¡¾Ð¡Ìâ2.¡¿   At ¡ú On

¡¾Ð¡Ìâ3.¡¿   wasºó¼Ó too

¡¾Ð¡Ìâ4.¡¿   rush ¡ú rushed

¡¾Ð¡Ìâ5.¡¿   clear ¡ú clearly

¡¾Ð¡Ìâ6.¡¿   which ¡ú that

¡¾Ð¡Ìâ7.¡¿   But ¡ú So

¡¾Ð¡Ìâ8.¡¿   straightly ¡ú straight

¡¾Ð¡Ìâ9.¡¿   È¥µôone



¡¾Ð¡Ìâ1.¡¿        ±¾ÐÐÎÞÂÛÊÇʱ̬»¹ÊÇÁ¬´Ê£¬¾ùûÓдíÎó¡£

¡¾Ð¡Ìâ2.¡¿        Ö¸¾ßÌåµÄʱ¼ä£¬Óýé´Êon,ÕâÀïÊÇÌØÖ¸ÎÒÉÏ°àµÄµÚÒ»ÌìµÄÄǸöÍíÉÏ

¡¾Ð¡Ìâ3.¡¿        .too...to Ì«¡£¡£¡£¶ø²»ÄÜ£¬¾äÒâÊÇ¡°ÎÒÌ«ÐË·ÜÁ˶ø²»ÄÜ˯¾õ¡±

¡¾Ð¡Ìâ4.¡¿        ¸ù¾ÝÉÏÏÂÎÄ£¬±¾ÎĵÄÕûÌåʱ̬Ϊ¹ýȥʱ£¬¹ÊÒª½«rush¸ÄΪrushed

¡¾Ð¡Ìâ5.¡¿        ÐÞÊζ¯´ÊÓø±´Ê£¬hear clearly ÌýµÃºÜÇå³þ

¡¾Ð¡Ìâ6.¡¿        instruction ºóÒýµ¼Ò»¸öͬλÓï´Ó¾ä£¬´Ó¾ä²»È±³É·Ö£¬¹ÊÓÃthat

¡¾Ð¡Ìâ7.¡¿        ¸ù¾ÝÉÏÏÂÎÄÖ®¼äµÄÁªÏµ£¬´Ë´¦ÎªÒò¹û¹Øϵ£¬¹ÊÓÃso

¡¾Ð¡Ìâ8.¡¿        .straight ²»Ö»ÊÇÐÎÈÝ´Ê,¿ÉÒÔ×ö£¬¸±´ÊºÍÃû´Ê,×ö¸±´ÊÖ±½ÓµØ,Ò»Ö±µØ£¬straightly Ò»°ã²»ÔõôʹÓÃ

¡¾Ð¡Ìâ9.¡¿        another£¨ÁíÒ»¸ö£©+Ãû´Ê£¬¹ÊÈ¥µôone

¡¾Ð¡Ìâ10.¡¿    ÕâÊÇÌØÖ¸ÕâÒ»´Î¾­Àú£¬¹Ê²»Óø´Êý¡£





¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º


Thank you very much to your letter. You asked me           1        

how to improve your listening skill. Here is some advices        2        

of mine which I hope may be use for you.                    3        

First, listen as much as you can. The more you listen.           4       

the easy English will be. You must form the habit of              5        

listening to English every day. And don¡¯t listen too long           6         

each other time. Half an hour a day is enough.                  7       

Choosing something easy and interesting as listening materials.    8        

Listen to English programs on radio and TV. Just keep listening     9        

and you will find your way out . Wish you great succeed.          10        


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2010¡ª2011ѧÄê¹ãÎ÷µÂ±£¸ßÖи߶þµÚ°Ë´ÎÔ¿¼Ó¢Óï¾í ÌâÐÍ£ºÌî¿ÕÌâ

Thank you very much to your letter. You asked me           1        
how to improve your listening skill. Here is some advices        2        
of mine which I hope may be use for you.                    3        
First, listen as much as you can. The more you listen.           4       
the easy English will be. You must form the habit of              5        
listening to English every day. And don¡¯t listen too long           6        
each other time. Half an hour a day is enough.                  7       
Choosing something easy and interesting as listening materials.    8        
Listen to English programs on radio and TV. Just keep listening     9        
and you will find your way out . Wish you great succeed.          10        


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2012-2013ѧÄê¸ÊËàÎäÍþÁùÖи߶þ12ÔÂÄ£¿éѧϰѧ¶Î¼ì²âÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í£¨´ø½âÎö£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÌî¿ÕÌâ

Before I started at university, I got my first job as a waiterat a restaurant. At the night before my first working day,I was excited to fall asleep and as a result, I got up latethe next morning. I rush to the restaurant. As I was ina hurry, I didn¡¯t hear clear the head waiter¡¯s instructionwhich we should go into the kitchen through one doorand out through the other. But when I took the platesout of the kitchen, I went straightly towards the wrongdoor and crashed into another one waiter coming in!I felt so ashamed. I never forget the experiences.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2012½ì¹ãÎ÷µÂ±£¸ßÖи߶þµÚ°Ë´ÎÔ¿¼Ó¢Óï¾í ÌâÐÍ£º¶ÌÎĸĴí



Thank you very much to your letter. You asked me           1        

how to improve your listening skill. Here is some advices        2        

of mine which I hope may be use for you.                    3        

First, listen as much as you can. The more you listen.           4       

the easy English will be. You must form the habit of              5        

listening to English every day. And don¡¯t listen too long           6        

each other time. Half an hour a day is enough.                  7       

Choosing something easy and interesting as listening materials.    8        

Listen to English programs on radio and TV. Just keep listening     9         

and you will find your way out . Wish you great succeed.          10        



