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Do you ever find yourself longing for (渴望) some time for yourself? Many of us are so busy with work and school and there is little time left to do something that we enjoy. What follows are some ways to find to slow down and enjoy life.

1. Evenings with Yourself. Try to save certain weeknights just for you. If others ask you to do something else, just tell them your plans. Use the time for gardening, reading or doing exercise.

2. Monthly Treat. Schedule a treat for yourself once a month. Maybe you can go to see a movie, have a haircut, play golf or whatever treat you’re always thinking about but rarely get to.

3. Buy Tickets in Advance. Sports, theater, concerts or any other event you would enjoy. Schedule the plans with a friend later. Having the tickets already in hand will force you to make it happen!

4. Join a Group. Here are some ideas of groups that can allow you some time away from work and study: singing group, book club, biking/walking/running/etc clubs, ski club, etc. What are you interested in? Look up a club in your area today and join! If you can’t find a club, consider starting one by yourself!

5. Exercise. For busy people it can be difficult to make time for this. All you have to do is decide today and then make it a reality tomorrow. A new habit is started with just one step. Take that first step tomorrow. Walk for 20 minutes in the morning. Then build on that success daily.

1. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A. Do more Exercise        B. How to Keep Fit

C. Find Time for Yourself      D. Spend Time with Your Friends

2. What are the main reasons why people have almost no time for relaxation?

A. Because people are eager to achieve success in life.

B. Because people are busy with their jobs and study.

C. Because people find it difficult to make their dreams come true.

D. Because people are too tired of life.

3. According to the passage, which of the following can NOT help you relax?

A. Do some exercise regularly, at least start to do some exercise.

B. Take part in some groups or build up a circle of your own.

C. Schedule certain evenings for yourself and enjoy them.

D. Stay late at your office and spend evenings with your colleagues.

4. According to the author, what is the most important step for an extremely busy man to do some exercise?

A. Buying some sports equipment.      B. Just doing it first.

C. Making a long-term plan.        D. Joining a health club.



科目:高中英语 来源:2011福建莆田十中高三5月月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

With their weakening bodies, advanced age or increasing pressure of work or study, people have been advised and usually persuaded to have health care products. Do you remember your first time to take a nutritional supplement(营养补充品)? What was your first impression? 
Posted by Amy, Dec. 23, 2010 8:05 PM
Madeline on Dec. 24, 2010 7:25 PM
Years ago, as a young mom with two small children, I struggled to keep up with the demands of a busy life. One day, I woke up feeling so tired that I knew something had to change!
A friend gave me some Royal Jelly—an amazing substance(物质)from the beehive(蜂房). I was doubtful, but desperate…so I tried it! In time, I began to experience renewed energy and vitality(活力)like never before! Now, over two decades later, I travel all round the country, sharing my life-changing experience. I’m grateful for the energy to keep up and love to share this wonderful discovery with others.
Blanca on Dec. 25, 2010 7:02 PM
Ten years ago, when I was 73, my mind wanted to be busy and useful, but my body didn’t. I became tired and lethargic(无精打采的). That’s when my daughter Madeline tried to persuade me to try her special Royal Jelly. It made such a dramatic(巨大的)difference in her life, so she was sure it could help me too! Hesitating for 2 days, I gave in. She was right! I no longer felt worn out. I had a new, youthful zest(热情)for life and I’ve been OK — thanks to Royal Jelly!
Lori on Dec. 25, 2010 10:27 PM
When my mom Madeline was introduced to Royal Jelly, it affected my life, too! Mom gave me some of her fantastic Royal Jelly. Boy, things did turn around! I had more energy and stamina(耐力)and was finally able to keep up with high school and, eventually, college activities. Today, I’m a busy mom in my mid-thirties with two active boys and a new business! I have enough energy to do it all! I’m glad I took my Mom’s advice.
.From the text, we learn that ________________.        .

A.Madeline became more than willing to take Royal Jelly at the very beginning
B.Lori was grateful partly because Royal Jelly helped him to improve his studies
C.Royal Jelly is a product that can help renew a person’s energy and vitality
D.Amy has benefited from Royal Jelly so she posted a topic about the product
Which of the following is true of Blanca?
A.She replied to the topic on Christmas Eve.
B.She tried Royal Jelly without hesitation.
C.She is now supposed to be in her seventies.
D.She was the second one to reply to the topic.
. What’s the relationship between the Royal Jelly takers?
A.Lori and Blanca are Madeline’s grandchildren.
B.Madeline is Blanca’s daughter and Lori’s mother.
C.Blanca is Lori and Madeline’s great grandmother.
D.They have no blood relationship but friendship.
Where can we most probably read this text?
A.In a sports club.B.On an Internet page.
C.In a fiction.D.In a travel magazine.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010--2011学年度江西省莲塘一中高二第一学期期末英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

P:Peter       J:Jimmy
Peter is talking with Jimmy about the just finished match between L.A Lakers and Miami Heats on Christmas Eve, in 2010
P: Hey, Jimmy, watched the game between Lakers and Heats?
J: Certainly. It was really an 【小题1】a_____ fantastic game. My Heats beat L.A.
P: Your Heats? I remembered you were a fan of the Cavaliers.
J: To be exact, a fan of Lebron James. Since James joined the Heats, I also changed my range, which is undoubtedly logical. By the way, which team do you 【小题2】p_____ will win the title of 【小题3】c_____ this season?
P: I think the Lakers will do
J:I don’t 【小题4】a_____ of you. I strongly believe the title must go to the Heats. As you can see, the present Heats possesses the super “BIG THREE”, James is good at scoring. Wade is an expert in penetration(带球突破) and Chris Bosh can 【小题5】d______ backboard(篮板)
P:Maybe you are right. But I am afraid you 【小题6】l_____ out the 【小题7】e______ element(因素) in winning a basketball game---- team work. After all, basketball is not an 【小题8】i_____ game.
J:Apart from the “BIG Three”, there are quantities of excellent bench players available such as Dampier, Arios Arroyo, Eddie House and so on. I see no reason why the Heats can’t 【小题9】p_____ the NBA
P: I still have a preference for the Lakes. Compared to the Heats, the Lakers has a more mature(成熟的) play. And as long as there is Kobe, there is victory. On the other hand, we should not forget that other teams are making rapid progress like the Thunder led by Kelvin Durant,the Celtics and the Magics. They all have the 【小题10】p____ to challenge our teams.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江西白鹭洲中学高三模拟考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Few people ever took notice of Mr. Jimmy Tan whenever he entered a room. He was a shy, quiet and simple man who preferred to keep to himself in public. On the other hand, Mr. Thomas Kim, a fellow scientist, was a man everyone would notice on the streets. He wore bright outfits with huge flower prints, spoke with a booming voice, and his laughter could be heard from all corners of a room. In addition to the differences in their characters, Mr. Kim and Mr. Tan were also great rivals at work in the Institute of Future Science.

On Christmas Eve, everyone left work early to celebrate the special occasion, except for Mr. Tan and Mr. Kim. They were in their laboratory analyzing the results of their latest experiments. Mr. Tan realized that something special was taking place in his experiment —the bacteria he had cultured were growing extremely quickly under high pressure and at a very low temperature. After noting down the findings in his notebook, he left the room to prepare for another round of tests. Shortly after, Mr. Kim entered.

“Hey Jimmy,” Mr. Kim called out, “do you have an extra copy of the laboratory booking form?”

There was no reply, so Mr. Kim looked through Mr. Tan’s things. He soon found Mr. Tan's notebook and was horrified to see that Mr. Tan had managed to make one of the most important discoveries in modern science. He then looked into the deep-freeze cupboard where a dish containing the bacteria was kept. He put them into his pocket and returned to his own laboratory.

Mr. Tan came back an hour later to find his notebook and the dish missing. He knew that Mr. Kim had taken them and went to Mr. Kim's laboratory to find out. When he opened the door, he found Mr. Kim lying on the floor motionless. His face was pale and his skin had turned black. The deadly bacteria had been handled improperly. He shook his head and left.

1.From the first paragraph we know Mr. Kim was a quite    person.

A.famous                               B.hardworking

C.wealthy                               D.outgoing

2.The underlined word "rivals" in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to   .

A.enemies                              B.colleagues

C.competitors                            D.friends

3.What does the underlined word “them” refer to in the 4th paragraph?

A.the most important discoveries

B.the notebook and the dish

C.the cupboard and the bacteria

D.the dish and the bacteria

4.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.Mr. Kim was afraid Mr. Tan might succeed ahead of him.

B.Mr. Tan's bacteria grew very fast in a warm container.

C.Mr. Tan worked much harder than Mr. Kim.

D.Mr. Kim was so tired that he fell down into sleep.

5.What happened to Mr. Kim in the end?

A.He died on Christmas Eve.

B.He was arrested by the police.

C.He shared the success with Mr. Tan.

D.He succeeded ahead of Mr. Tan.



科目:高中英语 来源:福建省2009-2010学年度高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:单词拼写


Part A 单词拼写

1. On New Year’s Eve, many people g_____ under the town clock to welcome the coming year.

2. Many a________ (奖品) will be given to the winners in the following music ceremony.

3. You can’t leave without the teacher’s p___________(允许).

4. Try to achieve a better ________ (平衡) between work and play.

5. After Mary bought a new house, she was deeply in d______.

6. Do you think the new credit cards will be of great b________ (好处) to our customers.

7. The policeman was the first person on the s_______ (出事地点).

8. He is not stupid; on the c__________, he is very intelligent.

9. Even though he is in r_______, he keeps his dignity.

10. Too much sugar can be h__________(有害的) to children’s teeth.

11. Mary was in low spirit. His boyfriend took her to the concert to c________ her up.

12. Few people can e_________ without water for more than a week.

13. Chinese people have the fine__________ (传统) of respecting teachers.

14. The lake is __________ (环绕) by trees.

15. The girl referred to just now has a g________ for playing the violin.



科目:高中英语 来源:2011福建莆田十中高三5月月考英语试题 题型:阅读理解

With their weakening bodies, advanced age or increasing pressure of work or study, people have been advised and usually persuaded to have health care products. Do you remember your first time to take a nutritional supplement(营养补充品)? What was your first impression? 

                                  Posted by Amy, Dec. 23, 2010 8:05 PM


Madeline on Dec. 24, 2010 7:25 PM

Years ago, as a young mom with two small children, I struggled to keep up with the demands of a busy life. One day, I woke up feeling so tired that I knew something had to change!

A friend gave me some Royal Jelly—an amazing substance(物质)from the beehive(蜂房). I was doubtful, but desperate…so I tried it! In time, I began to experience renewed energy and vitality(活力)like never before! Now, over two decades later, I travel all round the country, sharing my life-changing experience. I’m grateful for the energy to keep up and love to share this wonderful discovery with others.

Blanca on Dec. 25, 2010 7:02 PM

Ten years ago, when I was 73, my mind wanted to be busy and useful, but my body didn’t. I became tired and lethargic(无精打采的). That’s when my daughter Madeline tried to persuade me to try her special Royal Jelly. It made such a dramatic(巨大的)difference in her life, so she was sure it could help me too! Hesitating for 2 days, I gave in. She was right! I no longer felt worn out. I had a new, youthful zest(热情)for life and I’ve been OK — thanks to Royal Jelly!

Lori on Dec. 25, 2010 10:27 PM

When my mom Madeline was introduced to Royal Jelly, it affected my life, too! Mom gave me some of her fantastic Royal Jelly. Boy, things did turn around! I had more energy and stamina(耐力)and was finally able to keep up with high school and, eventually, college activities. Today, I’m a busy mom in my mid-thirties with two active boys and a new business! I have enough energy to do it all! I’m glad I took my Mom’s advice.


.From the text, we learn that ________________.        .

A. Madeline became more than willing to take Royal Jelly at the very beginning

B. Lori was grateful partly because Royal Jelly helped him to improve his studies

C. Royal Jelly is a product that can help renew a person’s energy and vitality  

D. Amy has benefited from Royal Jelly so she posted a topic about the product


 Which of the following is true of Blanca?

A. She replied to the topic on Christmas Eve.

B. She tried Royal Jelly without hesitation.

C. She is now supposed to be in her seventies. 

D. She was the second one to reply to the topic.


. What’s the relationship between the Royal Jelly takers?

A. Lori and Blanca are Madeline’s grandchildren.

B. Madeline is Blanca’s daughter and Lori’s mother.

C. Blanca is Lori and Madeline’s great grandmother.

D. They have no blood relationship but friendship.


 Where can we most probably read this text?

A. In a sports club.                   B. On an Internet page.  

C. In a fiction.                       D. In a travel magazine.


