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In this modern world, we rush around all day, doing things, talking, emailing, sending and reading messages. We are always on, always connected, always thinking, always talking. There is no ___1___ for stillness.

And when we are ___2 ___to be still because we’re in line for something, or waiting at a doctor’s appointment, or on a bus or train, we often ___3 ___something to do. Some will play with mobile devices, others will read something. Being still isn’t something we’re ___4___.

This comes at a ___ 5___: we lose that time for ___6__, for observing and listening. We lose peace.

And ___7___ yet: sometimes too much action is worse than no action at all. You can run around crazily, but get ___ 8___done.

Take a moment to think about ___9__ you spend your days. Are you constantly rushing around? Are you constantly reading and answering ___10 ___, checking on the news and the latest stream of information? Are you always ___11___through your schedule?

Is this how you want to spend your ___12___? If so, peace be with you. If not, take a moment to be ___13___. Don’t think about what you have to do, or what you’ve done already. ___14___be in the moment.

Then after a minute or two of doing that, consider your life, and how you’d ___15___ it to be. See your life with less movement, less doing, less rushing. See it with more stillness, more consideration, more ___16___.

Then be that vision.

It’s pretty simple: all you have to do is sit still for a little bit each day. ___17___you’ve gotten used to that, try doing less each day. Breathe when you feel yourself moving too___18___. Slow down. Be present. Find happiness now, in this moment, instead of ___19___ for it.

___20 ___ the stillness. It’s a treasure, and it’s available to us, always.

1.                A.place          B.chance         C.freedom  D.time


2.                A.forced         B.ordered        C.invited   D.told


3.                A.have           B.find            C.buy  D.get


4.                A.familiar with     B.curious about    C.used to   D.interested in


5.                A.cost           B.risk            C.loss  D.danger


6.                A.play           B.food           C.sleep D.consideration


7.                A.further         B.worse          C.farther   D.deeper


8.                A.everything      B.anything        C.nothing   D.something


9.                A.how           B.where          C.why D.whether


10.               A.questions       B.problems       C.phones    D.messages


11.               A.walking         B.rushing         C.stepping   D.going


12.               A.school         B.youth          C.work D.life


13.               A.silent          B.patient         C.still   D.quiet


14.               A.Nearly         B.Ever           C.Just  D.Already


15.               A.like            B.decide         C.choose    D.need


16.               A.activity         B.research        C.study D.peace


17.               A.Because        B.Until           C.Once D.Unless


18.               A.frequently      B.slowly          C.fast   D.quickly


19.               A.asking          B.sending        C.calling D.waiting


20.               A.Value          B.Miss           C.Owe  D.Hold


























1. 根据In this modern world, we rush around all day, doing things, talking, emailing, sending and reading messages.可知我们没有时间静止,故选D。

2.根据because we’re in line for something, or waiting at a doctor’s appointment, or on a bus or train,可知我们是被迫静止,forced被迫的 ordered命令 invited邀请 told告诉,故选A。

3.根据Some will play with mobile devices, others will read something可知我们通常找事情做.故选B。

4.be used to 习惯于,故选C。

5. 根据we lose that time for consideration for observing and listening. We lose peace.可知这是要付出代价的,cost代价 risk冒险 loss丢失 danger危险,故选A

6.根据See it with more stillness, more consideration, more peace.故选D。

7.根据sometimes too much action is worse than no action at all,故选B。

8.根据sometimes too much action is worse than no action at all,可知这里想说你狂热的东奔西跑,却一无所获,故选C。

9.根据Is this how you want to spend your life?这里想说花一些时间去思考怎样度过你的每一天,故选A。

10.根据checking on the news and the latest stream of information? 故选D。

11.根据Are you constantly rushing around?故选B。

12.根据Then after a minute or two of doing that, consider your life,这里想表达这是你想要过的生活吗,school学校youth 年轻 work 工作 life生活,故选D。

13.根据Being still isn’t something we’re used to.故选C。

14.根据Then after a minute or two of doing that, consider your life, and how you’d like it to be,可知这里想说仅仅是那一刻,故选C。

15.这里想说你喜欢生活是什么样子的,like 喜欢decide决定choose决定need需要,故选A。

16.根据上文We lose peace.故选D。

17.这里表示一旦你习惯了那样做,Because因为Until到……为止 Once一旦 Unless除非,故选C。

18.根据Slow down,故选C。

19.这里想表达现在去寻找快乐,而不是等待快乐,asking 问sending发送calling 叫 waiting等,故选D。

20.根据It’s a treasure, and it’s available to us, always,故选A。





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Now I’m a senior high school student in Grade Two . I feel that school life is a little hard , just as my friends said . However , a hard life doesn’t have to mean a boring one at all .

School life is not just about studying and getting high marks . Getting involved in student clubs can be a unique and unforgettable experience .

Wang Tian enjoys Tuesday afternoons more than any other time of the week . Why ? Well , that’s when Wang and 47 other members of the DIY ( do it yourself ) club learn to make things such as rondo flowers ( 丝网花 ) and cross-stitch( 十字绣 ). Wang also knows how to knit scarves and make clay accessories( 小饰件 ). They even sell their products to raise money for poor students !

When Chen Mo started the High School , there was a drama club and a rock band , but no street dance club . So the girl started one . “Street dancing is dynamic and helps us relax and keep fit ,” Chen said . There are around 30 students in Chen’s club . They practice dance skills on Sundays . Sometimes they go to street dance performances in the city . “We watch , learn and make friends . People in this circle are actually very nice and sweet ,” she said .

There are dozens of clubs for me to choose from , such as basketball club or science club . But I love the translation club best . The 30 club members get together once a week . With the help of a volunteer teacher , I’ve learned the general principles of professional translation . It’s the first step to becoming a good translator . Besides ,after attending this club , my English has improved a lot .

I like my school life very much . And I believe whether a life is meaningful or not depends on the person who leads it .

Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage ?

A.  The members in the DIY club sell their products to raise money for the club .

B.  There are more members in the DIY club than in the translation club .

C.  Chen Mo joined the street dance club and played an important part in it .

D.  The members of the translation club meet on Tuesday afternoon .

How many clubs are mentioned in the passage ?

A.  5                   B.  6                    C.  7                    D.  8

The underlined word dynamic in Paragraph 4 means __________.

A.  energetic        B.  helpful           C.  challenging            D.  attractive

If you want to improve your English , you’ll probably join the _______.

A.  DIY  club             B.  science club           C.  drama club      D. translation club

We can infer that _____________.

A. the writer feels the new school life is hard

B. the writer’s friends feel the new school life is hard

C. the writer is pleased with his new school life

D. every student leads a meaningful life in the new school


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年湖南省浏阳一中高一上学期第三次阶段性测试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Now I’m a senior high school student in Grade Two . I feel that school life is a little hard , just as my friends said . However , a hard life doesn’t have to mean a boring one at all .
School life is not just about studying and getting high marks . Getting involved in student clubs can be a unique and unforgettable experience .
Wang Tian enjoys Tuesday afternoons more than any other time of the week . Why ? Well , that’s when Wang and 47 other members of the DIY ( do it yourself ) club learn to make things such as rondo flowers ( 丝网花 ) and cross-stitch( 十字绣 ). Wang also knows how to knit scarves and make clay accessories( 小饰件 ). They even sell their products to raise money for poor students !
When Chen Mo started the High School , there was a drama club and a rock band , but no street dance club . So the girl started one . “Street dancing is dynamic and helps us relax and keep fit ,” Chen said . There are around 30 students in Chen’s club . They practice dance skills on Sundays . Sometimes they go to street dance performances in the city . “We watch , learn and make friends . People in this circle are actually very nice and sweet ,” she said .
There are dozens of clubs for me to choose from , such as basketball club or science club . But I love the translation club best . The 30 club members get together once a week . With the help of a volunteer teacher , I’ve learned the general principles of professional translation . It’s the first step to becoming a good translator . Besides ,after attending this club , my English has improved a lot .
I like my school life very much . And I believe whether a life is meaningful or not depends on the person who leads it .
【小题1】Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage ?

A. The members in the DIY club sell their products to raise money for the club .
B. There are more members in the DIY club than in the translation club .
C. Chen Mo joined the street dance club and played an important part in it .
D. The members of the translation club meet on Tuesday afternoon .
【小题2】 How many clubs are mentioned in the passage ?
A. 5B. 6C. 7D. 8
【小题3】The underlined word dynamic in Paragraph 4 means __________.
A. energeticB. helpfulC. challengingD. attractive
【小题4】 If you want to improve your English , you’ll probably join the _______.
A. DIY clubB. science clubC. drama clubD.translation club
【小题5】We can infer that _____________.
A.the writer feels the new school life is hard
B.the writer’s friends feel the new school life is hard
C.the writer is pleased with his new school life
D.every student leads a meaningful life in the new school


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届黑龙江省大庆铁人中学高三第三次阶段英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

GAOMI,  Shandong, Oct.11( Xinhua)—Chinese writer Mo Yan said last Thursday that he was "very surprised" at winning the Nobel Literature Prize.
Speaking to reporters at a hotel in his hometown Gaomi city in east China's Shandong Province, Mo said, "(I was)very surprised upon winning the prize because I felt I was not very senior in terms of qualification(among Chinese writers).There are many good writers and my ranking was not so high."
"I am very happy," he said."I was having dinner when I received the news.I was surprised.”
"Thank you for coming all the way to Gaomi.This should be a season of red sorghum, but no such crop is planted any more.I believe none of you have seen the crop," he said.
"The Nobel Literature Prize is a very important literature prize, but not the top award.It represents the opinions of the jury(评审团 ).I am satisfied with my major works and I still keep writing by hand.My works are Chinese literature, which is part of world literature.They show the life of Chinese people as well as the country's unique culture and folk customs.Meanwhile, my novels described human beings in the broad sense.I wrote in the perspective of a human being.These works stand beyond regions and ethnic groups," he said.
"The folk arts and folk culture accompanied my growth and I was influenced by the cultural elements I witnessed through my childhood.When I picked up the pen for literature creation, the folk cultural elements inevitably entered my novels and affected and even determined the artistic styles of my works," he added.
Mo's win brought joy to other writers and readers throughout the country as he is the first Chinese national to win the Nobel Literature Prize in its century--long history.
Born into a farmer's family in a village in Gaomi, Mo has been known since the late 1980s for his novels such as Big Breasts and Wide Hips and Red Sorghum, which was later adapted into a film by director Zhang Yimou.
【小题1】Mo Yan was surprised at winning the Nobel Prize because he felt        

A.he was not the best writer in China
B.he was not as famous as other writers
C.he was born in a farmer's family
D.he didn't have good education
【小题2】By reading Mo Yan's works, we can               
A.increase our sense of national pride
B.learn a lot about the Chinese folk culture
C.form a vivid picture of his childhood
D.learn more about the history of the Nobel Prize
【小题3】Which of the following words can best describe Mo Yan?
【小题4】Where might you find the article?
A.In a novel.B.In a travel book.
C.In a student book.D.In a newspaper.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届山东枣庄滕州一中高三10月第一次单元测试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

GAOMI,  Shandong,  Oct.11( Xinhua)—Chinese writer Mo Yan said last Thursday that he was "very surprised" at winning the Nobel Literature Prize.

Speaking  to reporters at a hotel in his hometown Gaomi city in east China's Shandong Province, Mo said, " (I was)very surprised upon winning the prize because I felt I was not very senior in terms of qualification ( among Chinese writers).There are many good writers and my ranking was not so high."

"I am very happy," he saiD."I was having dinner when I received the news.I was surprised.”

"Thank you for coming all the way to Gaomi.This should be a season of red sorghum, but no such crop is planted any more.  I believe none of you have seen the crop," he said.

"The Nobel Literature Prize is a very important literature prize, but not the top awarD.It represents the opinions of the jury(评审团 ).I am satisfied with my major works and I still keep writing by hand.My works are Chinese literature, which is part of world literature.They show the life of Chinese people as well as the country's unique culture and folk customs.Meanwhile, my novels described human beings in the broad sense.I wrote in the perspective of a human being.These works stand beyond regions and ethnic groups," he said.

"The folk arts and folk culture accompanied my growth and I was influenced by the cultural elements I witnessed through my childhood.When I picked up the pen for literature creation, the folk cultural elements inevitably entered my novels and affected and even determined the artistic styles of my works," he added.

Mo's win brought joy to other writers and readers throughout the country as he is the first Chinese national to win the Nobel Literature Prize in its century-long history.

 Born into a farmer's family in a village in Gaomi, Mo has been known since the late 1980s for his novels such as Big Breasts and Wide Hips and Red Sorghum(红高粱), which was later adapted into a film by director Zhang Yimou.

1.Mo Yan was surprised at winning the Nobel Prize because he felt________ .

A.he was not as famous as other writers

B.he was not the best writer in China

C.he was born in a farmer's family

D.he didn't have good education

2.According to Mo Yan,              .

A.red sorghum should be planted in his hometown

B.the Nobel Prize represents the opinions of the public

C.he still keeps the habit of writing by hand

D.his novels described human beings of all regions

3.By reading Mo Yan's works, we can                .

A.increase our sense of national pride

B.learn a lot about the Chinese folk culture

C.form a vivid picture of his childhood

D.learn more about the history of the Nobel Prize

4.Which of the following words can best describe Mo Yan?

 A.modest      B.self--confident   C.humorous   D.romantic

5.Where might you find the article?

A.In a novel.                    B.In a travel book

C.In a newspaper.   D.In a student book



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江西省南昌市高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


The 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature was awarded to Mo Yan for his writing that mixes folk tales, history and the modern events with hallucinatory realism(魔幻现实主义), the Swedish Academy announced.

The 57-year-old is the first Chinese resident to win the prize. Only one other Chinese-language writer has won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Gao Zingjian was honored in 2000. However, he is a French citizen.

Mr Mo said he was “overjoyed and scared” when he learned he had won the award. He will receive his Nobel diploma, a medal and more than one million dollars at a ceremony in Stockholm in December.

China is celebrating the victory of this native son. Minutes after the award was announced, millions of Chinese expressed pleasure and pride for Mo Yan on social media websites. Senior CPC leader Li Changchun has congratulated Mo Yan on winning the 2012 Nobel Literature Prize. Li says in a letter to the China Writers Association that Mo’s winning of the prize reflects the prosperity and progress of the Chinese literature.

His real name is Guan Moye. Mo Yan means “Don’t Speak.” The writer said he chose the name to remember to stop his tongue from getting him in trouble. Mo Yan’s novel Red Sorghum first became a cable hit on the big screen both at home and abroad in 1987. The film was directed by Zhang Yimou and marked the acting start of Gong Li.

As a productive author, Mo has published dozens of short stories, with his first work published in 1981. Mo Yan’s other major works include Big Breasts and Wide Hips, Republic of Wine and Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out.

1.What is the main characteristic of his works? (No more than 13 words)


2.How did Mo Yan feel when he was informed of the winning news? (No more than 5 words)


3.Why did he name himself Mo Yan? (No more than 9 words)


4.Please explain the underlined phrase “became a cable hit” in English. (No more than 5 words)


5.What does Mo Yan’s winning of the Nobel Literature Prize show? (No more than 10 words)



