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In some urban centers, workholism is so common that people do not consider it unusual: they accept the lifestyle as normal. Government workers in Washington D. C., for example, frequently work sixty to seventy hours a week. They don’t do this because they have to; they do it because they want to.
Workholism can be a serious problem. Because true workaholics (工作狂) would rather work than do anything else, they probably don’t know how to relax.
Is workholism always dangerous? Perhaps not. There are, certainly, people who work well under stress. Some studies show that many workaholics have great energy and interest in life. Their work is so pleasurable that they are actually very happy. For most workaholics, work and entertainment keep them busy and creative.
Why do workaholics enjoy their jobs so much? There are several advantages to work. Of course, it provides people with paychecks, and this is important. But it offers more than financial security. It provides people with self-confidence; they have a feeling of satisfaction when they’ve produced a challenging piece of work and are able to say, “I made that.” Psychologists claim that work gives people an identity through participation in work, they get a sense of self and individualism. In addition, most jobs provide people with a socially acceptable way to meet others. Perhaps some people are compulsive about their work, but their addiction seems to be a safe-even an advantageous-one.
【小题1】The passage indicates that workaholics ______.

A.just know work but nothing else
B.are willing to work hard for long hours without pay
C.find their work provide them more satisfaction and self-confidence than how much they are paid
D.has the work with more responsibility than others
【小题2】One of the reasons that some people are not willing to quit their jobs even in their eighties and nineties is that ______.
A. they are in the need of financial security
B. they would rather work than be disturbed by domestic affairs
C. they long for a sense of identity and being accomplished
C. they may have health problems from sheer boresom
【小题3】This passage is mainly about ______.
A.workaholics are usually successful people, but their lives are in a mess
B.workholism can lead to serious problems but it can also create a joyful life
C.people who are absorbed in their work may enjoy movies, sports and other kinds of entertainment
D.those who work even under difficult conditions may be very happy
【小题4】It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
A.in the eyes of all the common people workaholics are peculiar
B.to workaholics, work is the sole source of happiness
C.a piece of challenging work may provide the workaholics a sense of satisfaction
D.workaholics are as addicted to their job as other people are to drugs or alcohol


解析【小题1】C推理判断题。根据第二段第二句…true workaholics would rather work than do anything else...可知工作狂只是更愿意工作,而非只知道工作,A说法过于绝对。根据第四段第三句:It provides people with  paychecks可排除B。文中只提到“工作狂”工作时间比其他人更长、工作更卖力,但未提及他们的责任问题,故排除D。根据第四段第四句:But it(=work) offers more than financial security及第五句:It (=work) provides people with  self?confidence...a feeling of satisfaction...可知C正确
【小题2】C细节理解题。从文章第四段第五、六句我们知道,工作赋予他们一种满足感、成就感(sense of being accomplished),工作使人获得一种认同(identity),通过参与工作,他们获得一种自我意识和个人意识。可知C正确。而金钱只是人们工作的目的之一,并不是最重要的方面。故不选A。人们到老年仍然工作,并非由于不愿意做家务,也并不是担心整天无所事事会引起健康方面的问题。所以B和D不正确。
【小题3】B 主旨大意题。文章中心围绕工作狂的特点展开,第二段提出工作狂可能是一个很严重的问题,但在第三段也指出工作狂也可快乐地生活,并介绍了快乐的原因。所以可以看出主题是讲“工作狂”既有负面影响又有正面影响
A项“在普通人眼中工作狂很特殊”。这与原文相反,原文提到人们并认为工作狂的生活方式是不正常的。 B项“对工作狂来说,工作是快乐的唯一来源”,第三段提到对工作狂来说工作就是娱乐,因此无须推断。 C项“有挑战性的工作可能给工作狂带来满足感”。这是原文中明确提到,而非推断出的,所以C是不正确的。 D项“工作狂就像人们沉溺于毒品和酒一样沉溺于工作”我们可看到工作狂对工作的热爱如同上了瘾一样,可推出这一项是正确的。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:053


    Nobody expected to find them there , outside the city walls . The broken bones of 30 or 40 bodies lay on top of the other . There was no sign of a battle. Everyone wondered why all these people died at the same moment . The men returned day after day to move the earth . They worked with great care, like detectives(侦探).

    Each day something new was discovered . Every bone was studied. Soft brushes were used so that nothing was damaged(毁坏).It took a very long time and there were many difficult questions to answer.

    Deep in the ground they found an important clue(线索). Below the bodies there was a building made of bricks .Inside it lay the body of a woman. There were many treasures in the building with her gold for head , neck and arms , and clothes covered with gold . It was clear that the woman had been a queen . This explained why the other bodies were there .The queen’s servants had killed themselves immediately after she had died. They wanted to be her servants in the next world too . This all happened 4,500 years ago in the world’s first city Ur of the Chaldees. We can learn about the past from books , but man lived for hundreds of thousands of years before any books were written , only archaeologists(考古学家)can find out something about our early history. This story is an example of how archaeologists work.

1Which of the following proves that those people died at the same time?

[    ]

AThe bodies were found outside the city walls .

BThe bodied were lying on top of one another.

CThere had been a battle there.

DThey were buried deep in the ground.

2The men were like detectives because ______ .

[    ]

Athey found new things every day

Bthey wanted to discover everything

Cthey were moving earth

Dthey made a long and careful search for the hidden treasures

3As we can learn from the passage ,the bones were ______ .

[    ]

Aa queen’s Bsome official’s

Csome servants’ Dsome soldiers’

4Which of the following was the cause of those people’s death?

[    ]

AThey were very poor.

BThey were forces to work for the queen day and night .

CThey wished to be the queen’s servants forever.

DThey had not enough food to eat .

5From this passage , we know that ______ .

[    ]

Aeven the archaeologists know little about our early history

Bonly the archaeologists can find out all about our early history

Cwe can learn everything about the past of man from books

Dwe cannot learn everything about the past of man from books


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省新余一中2012届高三第六次模拟英语试题 题型:001



1.How much should a student pay for the match with a student card?




2.Where did the man go yesterday after work?

A.To Mary's home.

B.To his office.

C.To the cinema.

3.What do you know about the movie?

A.The movie will not be shown next week.

B.All the tickets for the movie were sold.

C.The movie is very interesting.

4.How will the speakers raise funds for their club?

A.By having a meeting.

B.By putting on a concert.

C.By organizing a dance party

5.What are the speakers talking about?

A.College students.

B.Foreign universities.

C.Studying abroad.




6.What has happened to the woman's passport?

A.It is nowhere to be found.

B.It is packed in some bag.

C.It is no longer valid.

7.Why does the man ask the woman to hurry?

A.The plane is taking off.

B.There are many things to pack.

C.The taxi is waiting for them


8.What's the relationship between the two speakers?

A.A job adviser and a job applicant.

B.A teacher and a student.

C.A father and his daughter.

9.Why does the woman prefer to find a job?

A.She doesn't want to study further.

B.She wants to go abroad to have further study.

C.She wants to be a scientist

10.Where does the woman want to work?

A.In a lab.

B.In a chemical company.

C.In a hospital.


11.What's the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Interviewer and interviewee.

B.Employer and employee.

C.Waiter and customer

12.How much does the company pay the employee for the first year?

A.$ 15,000



13.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.A beginner has a year's training period.

B.The man has no experience in the job he is applying for.

C.The man is not satisfied with the company.


14.What was the weather like in the Caribbean?

A.It was hot.

B.It was warm.

C.It was cool

15.What problem did the woman meet when she was traveling in the Caribbean?

A.She had some language problems.

B.She had to tolerate the cold

C.It was difficult to find a hotel

16.Which of the following were cheap in the Caribbean?


B.Gold jewels.



17.When is the speech made?

A.Before the competition finals

B.After the competition finals

C.At the competition finals

18.Who is the speaker?

A.She is both a college teacher and a competitor.

B.She is both a college teacher and a judge.

C.She is both a judge and an organizer of the competition.

19.What's many competitors' mistaken belief?

A.Familiar words destroy understanding

B.Complicated words destroy understanding.

C.Complicated words sound impressive.

20.Which is NOT the speaker's suggestion?

A.Using “ur,” “er”, or “um” for thinking.

B.Minding your personal appearance

C.Practicing enough.


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省福州八县(市)一中2012届高三上学期期中联考英语试题 题型:053


  Most of us feel nervous before we're taking an important exam.Some will feel dizzy or tired, and some will s __________ from lack of sleep.In fact, all these symptoms have terrible effects __________ ur exams and we are all eager to get __________ of them.First of all, in my opinion, it's important for us to have a right __________(态度)toward exams.They are only a means of checking __________ we are getting along with our studies, so there is no need to worry too much about the r__________.

  Study hard every day and m__________ careful plans for every exam.In this way we can a__________ suffering from the pressure of exams.Besides, enough sleep can make us __________(精力充沛)and enable us to perform well in an exam.Therefore, during the period of exams, we should not __________(熬夜)up too late.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Most of us feel nervous before we're taking an important

exam. Some will feel dizzy or tired, and some will s________ from  76.__________

lack of sleep. In  fact, all these  symptoms  have  terrible

effects ___________________ur exams and  we are all eager to 77.__________

get____of them. First of all, in my opinion, it's important  78.__________

for us to have a right _______(态度) toward exams. They are  79.__________

only a means of checking______we are getting along with our  80.__________

studies, so there is no need to worry too much about the r______.  81.__________

Study hard every day and m______careful plans for every exam.82.__________

In this way we can  a_____ suffering from the pressure of exams. 83.__________

Besides, enough sleep can make us______(精力充沛) and enable 84.__________

us to perform well in an exam. Therefore, during the period

高三英语试卷 第 11 页 共14页                                                                 高三英语试卷 第 12 页 共14页

of exams, we should not _______(熬夜) up too late.           85.__________


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       In spite of the instructions he had been given, Tommy did not hurry straight round to Mrs. Blakey’s house with the note. Reading the toy-shop window with its decorated Christmas tree, he could not tear himself away from it until he had spent ten minutes staring at the gift he most wanted: a gun that fired corks. Where the road began to run downhill to Mrs. Blakey’s house he met some of his friends who were throwing snowballs. He joined in the fight, and by the time it finished, another twenty minutes had gone by. Ten more minutes were lost looking for the note for Mrs. Blakey, which had somehow dropped from his pocket during the fight, When, with the help of his friends, his finally found it, it was not only very wet, but, to his horror, he found that part of it was torn way and missing. That meant a further search, but in vain. So it happened that, now looking very untidy, Tommy reached Mrs. Blakey’s house nearly an hour late and carrying a dirty piece of paper that contained only the words:


for tea this afternoon

                         important to talk about

                        u. If it is inconvenient,

tell Tommy; otherwise,

ur house at four o’clock.

                             Yours sincerely,

                              Alice Hendry

       Mrs. Blakey was puzzled over the note for a while, then, imagining she knew what the missing words were, told Tommy to tell his mother it would be all right.

       Tommy returning home in much the same way as he had made the outward journey to Mrs. Blakey’s, arrived not long before four o’clock to find his mother very angry and already putting her hat on.

       “You naughty boy, where have you been?” she cried, and without waiting for an answer, “What did Mrs. Blakey say?”

       Tommy told her.

       “All right, you’d better come with me,” Mrs. Hendry said.And so once again Tommy found himself on the downhill road to Mrs. Blakey’s.

       At about the same moment that Mrs. Hendry and her son Tommy reached Mrs. Blakey’s door, Mrs. Blakey herself, having taken a different road, was waiting outside the Hendry’s home, wondering why there was no answer to her knock. Who could blame her for thinking that the torn note was an invitation to tea at the Hendry’s, instead of which Mrs. Hendry had in fact been asking herself out to tea with Mrs. Blakey?

1.In “he could not tear himself away from it” ‘it’ refers to________.

A.Mrs. Blakey’s house                              B.the message

C.the toy-shop window                            D.the road

2.Tommy’s mother told him_________

       A.to hurry straight round to Mrs. Blakey’s house with the note

       B  to play snowfight with the other kids

       C.to look at the toy-shop window

       D.to look for the note

3. Mrs. Blakey “told Tommy to tell his mother it would be all right” means_______.

       A.she didn’t mind the note being torn

       B.Mrs. Hendry’s request was inconvenient

       C.she thought she could accept Mrs. Hendry’s invitation

       D.she would find the missing words

4.Which of the statements is true according to the story?

       A.After taking the note to Mrs. Blakey, Tommy hurried straight home

       B.Tommy looked for the missing part of the note but could not find it

       C.Mrs. Blakey guessed correctly what the missing words were

       D.Mrs. Blakey expected to find Mrs. Hendry when she was going to her home at four o’clock

