精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

I was cleaning out an old box when an old card caught my eye : Queen City Casket Company . “What is it ?” I wondered . I   36     it over . There , in faded ink , was a hand-scrawled(手写的)   37     . Immediately my mind traveled     38    many years .

I was nine years old , walking down the cold , wet streets of Springfield , with a bag of magazines on my shoulder . On my    39     that day , I came to that Company finally , whose owner , Mr Rader , had always taken me there to ask his workers    40     they wanted any magazines .

Shaking off the     41    like a wet dog , I entered Mr Rader’s office . After a quick glance he     42    me over to the fire-place . Noticing the     43    in the top of my     44    , he said , “ Come with me !” pulling me into his pickup    45     . We pulled to a stop before a shoe store . Inside , a salesman    46     me with the finest pair of Oxfords I had    47     seen . I     48    about 10 feet tall when I got up    49     them . “ We’d like a pair of new socks too,” Mr Rader said .

Back in his office , Mr Rader took out a     50    , wrote something on it , and handed it to me . With    51     eyes , I read , “ Do to others as you would have them do to you .” He said affectionately (深情地), “Jimmy , I want you to    52     I love you”.

I said good-bye , and for the first time I    53     a flicker of hope that somehow things would be    54     . With people like Mr Rader in the world , there was hope , kindness and love , and that would always make a    55     .

36.A.read                             B.thought                  C.turned                    D.passed

37.A.address                  B.list                        C.message                 D.information

38.A.forward                 B.so                          C.ahead                     D.back

39.A.return                    B.rounds                   C.trip                        D.arrival

40.A.if only                   B.how                      C.whether                 D.why

41.A.dust                      B.sweat                     C.tail                         D.rain

42.A.led                        B.followed               C.watched                 D.carried

43.A.hole                             B.mud                             C.water                     D.cover

44.A.magazine                   B.shoe                          C.sock                      D.bag

45.A.truck                     B.factory                   C.home                     D.store

46.A.dressed                  B.fitted                     C.showed                  D.comforted

47.A.ever                             B.already                  C.never                     D.hardly

48.A.appeared               B.seemed                  C.looked                   D.felt

49.A.for                        B.with                             C.on                         D.in

50.A.pen                      B.paper                     C.card                      D.notebook

51.A.tearful                   B.unbelievable           C.curious                  D.puzzled

52.A.admit                    B.know                     C.consider                 D.express

53.A.sensed                   B.received                 C.lost                        D.gained

54.A.mistaken               B.right                      C.all right                 D.possible

55.A.deal                      B.fortune                  C.choice                    D.difference

36---55     CCDBC   DAABA   BADDC   ABACD 


36 C

 turn over把翻过来。作者看到的是一张卡片,卡片的一面注有地址,要想看到内容,得把它翻过来。

37 C

 根据后文,Mr Rader在卡片上写的是送给作者的赠言。address地址;list目录;information消息,信息。

38 D


39 B


40 C

 作者是卖杂志的,Mr Rader帮作者询问他的工人是否需要杂志。

41 D

 根据第二段首句和空格后面的wet dog可推出答案。

42 A

 作者是在Mr Rader的办公室,当时又冷又潮,故Mr Rader把他带到炉火旁取暖。

43 A

 下文提到Mr Rader给作者买的是一双鞋和袜子,因此可推测作者的鞋子坏了。

44 B

 根据下文Mr Rader给作者买的东西可推出答案。

45 A

 pick up皮卡;一种小型货车。

46 B


47 A

 Mr Rader给作者买的鞋子是作者那时曾经见过的最好的鞋子。

48 D


49 D

 本题考查在特定语境下使用介词的能力。in …穿着……。

50 C


51 A

 Mr Rader给了作者无私的帮助,令作者非常感动。

52 B


53 A

 作者当时的生活条件很差,九岁就沿街卖杂志,Mr Rader对他无私的帮助让他感到生活又充满了希望。

54 C


55 D

 世界上有Mr Rader这样的好心人,就会有希望,生活就会出现转机,有所不同。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

—Would you like to work in my company?

—Sorry, I’d rather ____ here, but I’d  rather my brother _____ to your company.

A. staying, goes    B. to stay, to go        C. stay, went      D. to stay, goes


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

—According to the agreement,you must finish the work by this month.

—Don’t worry.We’re trying hard and it   that long.

A.hasn’t lasted           B.won’t last

C.didn’t last            D.doesn’t last


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Some scientists claim that we humans are the only living things that are conscious(有意识的)-we alone are aware that we are thinking.

No one knows how consciousness works –it is one of science’s last great mysteries.

All your thoughts take place in the cerebrum(大脑皮质),which is at the top of your brain, and different kinds of thought are linked to different areas, areas, called association areas.

Each half of the cerebrum has four rounded ends called lobes(脑叶)-two at the front (frontal and temporal lobes)and two at the back (occipital and parietal lobes).

The frontal lobe is linked to your personality and it is where you have your bright ideas.

The temporal lobe is where you hear and understand what people say to you.

The occipital lobe is where you work out what your eyes see.

The parietal lobe is where you record touch, heat and cold, and pain.

The left half of the brain controls the right side of the body. The right half controls the left side.

One half of the brain is always dominant (in charge).Usually, the left brain is dominant, which is why 90% of people are right-handed.

68.Which part of your cerebrum is most active when you are making a telephone call?

A. The frontal lobe.              B. The temporal lobe.    C. The occipital lobe.            D. The parietal lobe.

69.Which of the following statements is true?

A. One’s personality has something to do with the frontal lobe.

B. Bright ideas come from the parietal lobe.

C. The occipital and temperal lobes are at the back of the cerebrum.

D. The occipital lobe is in charge of sound.

70.From the passage, we know the reason why around 10% of people are left-handed is that _______.

A.their frontal lobe is usually dominant                    B.their temporal lobe is usually dominant

C.their right brain is usually dominant                      D.their left brain is usually dominant


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

People of Burlington are being disturbed by the sound of bells. Four students from Burlington College of Higher Education are in the bell tower of the ___1___ have made up their minds to ___2___ the bells nonstop for two weeks as a protest (抗议) against heavy trucks which run ___3___ through the narrow High Street.

“They not only make it ___4___ to sleep at night, but they are ___5___ damage to our houses and shops of historical ___6___,” said John Norris, one of the protesters.

“__7___ we must have these noisy trucks on the roads,” said Jean Lacey, a biology student. “Why don’t they build a new road that goes ___8___ the town? Burlington isn’t much more than a ___9___ village. Its streets were never ___10___ for heavy traffic.”

Harry Fields also studying ___11___ said they wanted to make as much ___12___ as possible to force the ___13___ to realise what every body was having to ___14___. “Most of them don’t ___15___ here anyway,” he said, “They come in for meetings and that, and the Town Hall is soundproof(隔音), ___16___ they probably don’t ___17___ the noise all that much. It’s high time they realized the ___18___.”

The fourth student, Liza Vernum, said she thought the public were ___19___ on their side, and even if they weren’t they soon would be.

___20___ asked if they were ___21___ that the police might come to ___22___ them.

“Not really,” she said, “Actually we are ___23___ bell-ringers. I mean we are assistant bell-ringers for the church. There is no ___24___ against practising.”

I ___25___ the church with the sound of the bells ringing in my ears.

1. A. college   B. village       C. town   D. church

2. A. change   B. repair  C. ring    D. shake

3. A. now and then B. day and night     C. up and down      D. over and over

4. A. terrible   B. difficult     C. uncomfortable   D. unreasonable

5. A. doing     B. raising       C. putting       D. producing

6. A. scene     B. period C. interest       D. sense

7. A. If   B. Although    C. When  D. Unless

8. A. to   B. through      C. over    D. round

9. A. pretty     B. quiet   C. large   D. modern

10. A. tested   B. meant C. kept    D. used

11. A. well     B. hard    C. biology      D. education

12. A. effort   B. time    C. trouble       D. noise

13. A. townspeople B. other students    C. government officials  D. truck drivers

14. A. stand    B. accept C. know  D. share

15. A. shop     B. live     C. come  D. study

16. A. but       B. so       C. or       D. for

17. A. notice   B. mention     C. fear    D. control

18. A. event    B. loss     C. action D. problem

19. A. hardly  B. unwillingly C. mostly       D. usually

20. A. I   B. We     C. She     D. They

21. A. surprised     B. afraid  C. pleased       D. determined

22. A. seize    B. fight   C. search D. stop

23. A. proper  B. experienced       C. hopeful      D. serious

24. A. point    B. cause  C. need   D. law

25. A. left      B. found  C. reached      D. passed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Why does teaching as a career ______ many people?

A. apply for                     B. attract to                  C. appeal to           D. agree with


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

He’s lucky enough to have many people ___ him with the work.

A. help    B. to help    C. helped     D.helping


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The fire _______ before the fire-fighters arrived.

A. has been put out      B.was put out         C. had put out        D. had been put out

