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If you were to walk up to Arthur Bonner and say, “ Hey, Butterfly Man,” his face would break into a smile. The title suits him. And he loves it.

Arthur Bonner works with the Palos Verdes blue butterfly(蝴蝶), once thought to have died out. Today the butterfly is coming back — thanks to him. But years ago if you’d told him this was what he’d be doing someday, he would have laughed, “ You’re crazy.” As a boy, he used to be “ a little tough guy on the streets”. At age thirteen, he was caught by police for stealing. At eighteen, he landed in prison for shooting a man..

“ I knew it had hurt my mom,” Bonner said after he got out of prison. “ So I told myself I would not put my mom through that pain again.”

One day he met Professor Mattoni, who was working to rebuild the habitat(栖息地) for an endangered butterfly called El Segundo blue.

“ I saw the sign ‘ Butterfly Habitat’ and asked, ‘ How can you have a habitat when the butterflies can just fly away?’” Bonner recalls. “ Dr. Mattoni laughed and handed me a magnifying glass(放大镜) , ‘Look at the leaves.’ I could see all these caterpillars(蝴蝶的幼虫) on the plant. Dr Mattoni explained, ‘ Without the plant, there are no butterflies.’”

Weeks later, Bonner received a call from Dr. Mattoni, who told him there was a butterfly that needed help. That was how he met the Palos Verdes blue. Since then he’s been working for four years to help bring the butterfly back. He grows astragalus, the only plant the butterfly eats. He collects butterflies and brings them into a lab to lay eggs. Then he puts new butterflies into the habitat.

The butterfly’s population, once almost zero, is now up to 900. For their work, Bonner and Dr. Mattoni received lots of awards. But for Bonner, he earned something more: he turned his life around.

For six years now Bonner has kept his promise to stay out of prison. While he’s bringing back the Palos Verdes blue, the butterfly has helped bring him back, too.

41. When he was young, Arthur Bonner _______.

 A. broke the law and ended up in prison           B. was fond of shooting and hurt his mom

 C. often laughed at people on the streets            D. often caught butterflies and took them home

42. Bonner came to know the Palos Verdes blue after he _______.

 A. found the butterfly had died out                   B. won many prizes from his professor

 C. met Dr. Mattoni, a professor of biology        D. collected butterflies and put them into a lab

43. From the last sentence of the text, we learn that raising butterflies has _________.

 A. made Bonner famous                 B. changed Bonner’s life

 C. brought Bonner wealth               D. enriched Bonner’s knowledge

44. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

 A. A Promise to Mom                          B. A Man Saved by Butterflies

 C. A Story of Butterflies                      D. A Job Offered by Dr. Mattoni



41. A

解析:这是一道细节题。根据第二段中“At eighteen,he landed in prison for shooting a man.”可判断出你Arthur Bonner年轻时因为违法被关进了监狱。

42. C

解析:这是一道细节题。根据倒数第三段中的“Weeks later,Bonner received a call from Dr. Mattoni,who told him there was a butterfly needed help. That was how he met the Palos Verdes blue.”可判断出当Arthur Bonner遇到Dr. Mattoni后知道了the Palos Verdes。

43. B

解析:这是一道细节推断题。根据短文最后一句话“For six years now Bonner has kept his promise to stay out of prison. While he’s bringing back the Palos Verdes blue,the butterfly has helped bring him back,too.”可推断出六年来Bonner遵守着自己远离监狱的诺言,所以饲养蝴蝶改变了Arthur Bonner的生活。

44. B

解析:这是一道标题选择题。这篇短文讲述了Arthur Bonner在年轻人因为无违法而蹲进了监狱,后来通过饲养蝴蝶而改变了生活,是蝴蝶挽救了他。因此最好的题目是:A Man Saved by Butterflies。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(2007年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试山东卷,24)_____________ worries me the way he keeps changing his mind.

A.This              B.That                 C.What              D.It


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(2007年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试陕西卷,16) —There is still a copy of the book in the library. Wall you go and bottow          ?      

—No, I’d rather buy         in the bookstore.

A.it; one                       B.one; one                              C. one; it                     D.it; it


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Our “Mommy and Me” time began two years ago. My next-door neighbor and fellow mother, Christie, and I were out in our front yards, watching seven children of age 6 and under ride their bikes up and down. “I wish I could take one of my children out alone,” said Christie.

Then we worked out a plan: When Christie takes one of her children out, I’ll watch her other three. And when she watches two of mine, I’ll take someone out.

The children were extremely quick to accept the idea of “Mommy and Me” time. Christie’s daughter, McKenzie, went first. When she returned, the other children showered her with tons of questions. McKenzie was smiling broadly. Christie looked refreshed and happy. “She’s like a different child when there’s no one else around,” Christie shared with me quickly. With her mother all to herself, McKenzie didn’t have to make an effort to gain attention.

Just as Christie had noticed changes in McKenzie, I also discovered something different in each of my children during our alone times. For example, I am always surprised when my daughter, who is seldom close to me, holds my hand frequently. My stuttering(口吃的)son, Tom, doesn’t stutter once during our activities since he doesn’t have to struggle for a chance to speak. And the other son, Sam, who’s always a follower when around other children shines as a leader during our times together.

The “Mommy and Me” time allows us to be simply alone and away with each child —talking, sharing, and laughing, which has been the biggest gain. Every child deserves(应得到)to be an only child at least once in a while. 64. What is the text mainly about?

 A. The experience of the only child being with mother.

 B. The advantage of spending time with one child at a time.

 C. The happy life of two families.

 D. The basic needs of children.

65. Right after McKenzie came back, the other children were _____________.

 A. happy  B. curious  C. regretful  D. friendly

66. What is one of the changes the author finds in her children?

 A. The daughter acts like a leader.  B. Sam holds her hand more often.

 C. The boys become better followers. D. Tom has less difficulty in speaking.

67. The author seems to believe that ___________.

 A. having brothers and sisters is fun

 B. it’s tiring to look after three children

 C. every child needs parents’ full attention

 D. parents should watch others’ children


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(2007 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试浙江卷,16) —He got his first book published. It turned out to be a bestseller.

   —When was _____?

   —_____ was in 2000 when he was still in college.

 A. that; This          B. this; It            C. it; This              D. that; It


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


 Growing up in Philadelphia, Lieberman started cooking with his stay-at-home dad when he was seven. His food-loving family had two kitchens, and he quickly learned what was the best way to bake his cakes. Lieberman improved his kitchen skills greatly during a year abroad before college, learning from a cook in Italy and studying local specialties(地方特色菜) in Germany, Spain and France. At Yale, he was known for throwing dinner parties, single-handedly frying and baking while mixing drinks for dozens of friends. Just for fun, he and some friends decided to tape a show named Campus Cuisine about his cooking. Lieberman was a real college student showing his classmates how to do things like make drinks out of dining-hall fruit. That helped the show become very popular among the students. They would stop Lieberman after classes to ask for his advice on cooking. Tapes of the show were passed around, with which his name went beyond the school and finally to the Food Network.

 Food Network producer Flay hopes the young cook will find a place on the network television. He says Lieberman’s charisma is key. “Food TV isn’t about food anymore,” says Flay “Its about your personality (个性) and finding a way to keep people’s eyeballs on your show.”

 But Lieberman isn’t putting all his eggs in one basket. After taping the first season of the new how, Lieberman was back in his won small kitchen preparing sandwiches. An airline company (航空公司)was looking for some one to come up with a tasteful, inexpensive and easy-to-make menu to serve on its flights, Lieberman got the job.

41. We can learn from the text that Lieberman’s family__________.

A. have relatives in Europe                      B. love cooking at home

C. often hold parties                               D. own a restaurant

42. The Food Network got to know Lieberman _______.

A. at one of his parties                     B. from his teachers

C. through his taped show                       D. on a television program

43. What does the word “charisma” underlined in the text refer to?

A. A natural ability to attract others.          B. A way to show one’s achievement.

C. Lieberman’s after-class interest.            D. Lieberman’s fine cooking skill.

44. Why did the airline company give Lieberman the job?

A. He could prepare meals in a small kitchen.     B. He was famous for his shows on Food TV.

C. He was good at using eggs to make sandwiches.

D. He could cook cheap, delicious and simple meals.

45. What can we learn about Lieberman from the text?.

A. He is clever but lonely.                       B. he is friendly and active.

C. He enjoys traveling around.                        D. He often changes his menus.

