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I was tired and hungry after a long day of work. When I walked into the living-room, my 12-year-old son looked   36   at me and said, “I love you.” I didn't know what to say.   37   several seconds all I could do was to stand there and    38    down at him . My first thought was that he must need   39 with his homework or he was trying to   40  me for some news.
Finally I asked, “What was that all about?” “Nothing,” he said. “My teacher said we should   41 our parents that we love them and sees what they say. It’s   42 .
The next day I called his teacher to find out more about this “experiment” and how the other parents had   43 .
“Basically, most of the fathers had the   44   reaction as you did,” the teacher said. “When I first   45  we try this, I asked the children what they thought their parents would say. Some of them thought their parents would have heart trouble.
“The   46  is,” the teacher explained, “feeling loved is an important part of  47  . It is something all people   48 . What I'm trying to tell the children is that it's too   49  we don't all express those feeling. A boy   50   tell his dad he loves him.”
The teacher, a middle-aged man, understands how   51  it is for some of us to say the things that would be good for us to say.
When my son came to me that evening, I held on to him for a (n)  52  moment. And just   53  he pulled away , I said in my deepest , most manly voice , “Hey , I love you , too . ”
I don't know if saying that made either of us healthier, but it did feel pretty good. Maybe next time one of my children says “I love you”, it would not take me a whole   54   to think of the right        55  .

A.restB.timeC.help D.paper
A.a matterB.an experiment C.a wordD.a sentence
A.suggested B.agreedC.allowedD.planned


【小题1】D 考察常识。Look up抬头看。我的儿子12岁,他要看着我,应该是抬头。故使用look up抬头。
【小题2】B 介词辨析。For后面接一段时间,表示在“一段时间之内”;本句指几秒钟,我说不出话来。
【小题3】C 上下文串联。根据上文可知儿子看着我,那么我也应该是盯着儿子看,我个高,故使用look down。
【小题4】C 名词辨析。A休息B时间C帮助D纸;我以为儿子这样说是希望我帮助他做作业。Help和with连用。
【小题5】B 动词辨析。A报告B准备C回答D原谅;或者儿子这样说是让我为一些消息做好准备。
【小题6】B 动词辨析。A帮助B告诉C询问D生产;老师让学生们告诉他们的父母:我爱你。
【小题7】B 上下文串联。根据下一行this “experiment”,可知这是老师做的一个实验。
【小题8】B 动词辨析。A说B反应C做D解释;我和老师联系询问其他的父母亲的反应是什么。
【小题9】A 形容词辨析。A同样的B不同的C通常的D普通的;老师告诉我说大部分的父母亲都有同样的反应。
【小题10】.A 动词辨析。A建议B同意C允许D计划;本句是指老师建议孩子们这样做。
【小题11】A 名词辨析。A意义B观点C方法D原因;这样做的意义就是告诉我们感觉被爱是身体健康的某一方面。
【小题12】B 名词辨析。A身体B健康C工作D学习;感觉被爱是身体健康的某一方面。
【小题13】D 动词辨析。A拥有B知道C带走D需要;被爱是每个人都需要的东西,我们无法缺少这样的爱。
【小题14】A 形容词辨析。A坏的B好的C迟的,晚的D早;如果我们不表达自己的感情,那真是太糟糕了。
【小题15】D 情态动词辨析。A也许B可能C敢D应该;孩子应该告诉父母亲他爱他们。
【小题16】D 形容词辨析。A容易的B多的C经常D困难;这位老师知道对于我们来说说出这样的话是有些困难的。
【小题17】D 形容词辨析。A更多B满的C确定的D额外的;那天晚上儿子回来以后,我额外地多拥抱他一会。
【小题18】A 连词辨析。在他推开我之前,我告诉他:I love you。
【小题19】A 上下文串联。根据文章43空前的The next day可知之前我思考了一天。说明我曾经花了一天的时间思考这个问题的答案。
【小题20】A 名词辨析。A答案B结果C原因D实验;我花了一天的时间来思考这个问题的答案。


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年山东省新泰一中北校区高二第一次月考英语试卷 题型:完型填空

Just Help the Next Person
The only highway to go to work that we had to drive was closed down due to an accident on the bridge. A truck had hit the bridge and made it 36 for any traffic to go over it. So in order to get to 37 I had to go a number of miles out of my way.
Not being that 38 with this road and not knowing 39 all the pot holes in the road were, I topped a hill and right in my path was a big pot hole. I felt and heard the familiar sound of a flat tire. I 40 as far to the right as possible and stopped. I tried several times to change the tire, but 41 .
There I sat out in the country and no way to 42 with anybody. Just then, I looked in my rear view mirror and a 43 was pulling out of a pasture behind me. I was 44 and scared at the same time.
I was struggling to get the 45 out when this man in the pickup pulled in behind me. He got out to introduce himself and 46 to help me. When he got the spare out we discovered that the spare is also 47 . He told me he would take the tire and have it 48 and call my husband.
We got the tire fixed 49 he took me back to my car. My husband was there 50 us when we got back. The kind stranger stayed there and helped my husband 51 the tire. After they finished we 52 thanked him and offered to pay him for his 53 .
I will never forget his words, " your thanks is 54 enough pay and I just hope if this ever happens to my wife or daughter someone will be so 55 as to help them."

A.catch upB.get in touchC.have to doD.put up
A.listening toB.worrying aboutC.waiting onD.searching for
A.more thanB.less thanC.rather thanD.better than


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届广东省中山市侨中高三第二次模拟考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

One man tells of driving on a long and lonely road, the last 65 miles of it unpaved, in order to watch Indian dances in the state of Arizona. After the dances, he returned to his car only to find that it had a flat tire. He put on the spare and drove to the only service station in that town.
“Do you fix flats?” he inquired of the attendant.
“Yes,” came the answer.
“How much do you charge?” he asked.
With a twinkle in his eye, the man replied, “What difference does it make?”
This is what has been called a “Hobson’s choice”. A Hobson’s choice is a situation that forces a person to accept whatever is offered or go without.
According to Barbara Berliner, the phrase was inspired by sixteenth-century entrepreneur (企业家) Thomas Hobson. There was no choice by the customer — it was strictly Hobson’s choice.
But often we really have a choice, and the choice does make a difference. We may not always believe it. We may feel as if we have no choice, but almost always there is a choice in the matter. And when we realize that we do most things by choice, then we are taking control of our own lives.
Someone challenged me to try an experiment that completely changed my perspective. “For the next seven days,” he said, “eliminate the words ‘I have to’ from your vocabulary and say ‘I choose to’. Don’t say, ‘I have to work late tonight’. Instead, say, ‘I choose to work late’. When you choose to do it, you take control of your life. Instead of saying, ‘I have to stay home’, try ‘I choose to stay home’. The way you spend your time is your choice. You are responsible. You have control.”
In just seven days I was no longer saying “I have to” and I felt better about my decisions. I learned that there is very little in my life I actually have to do. You and I decide to do certain things because we believe that it will be for the best. When we eliminate “I have to” from our vocabularies, we take control.
Try it for a week and you see what happens. I think you’ll see it’s a change for the better.
【小题1】 What did the attendant mean by saying “What difference does it make”?

A.The man didn’t need to pay for the work.
B.It was unnecessary for the man to ask about the price.
C.There was no need for the man to have the tire fixed.
D.The man should keep silent.
【小题2】The author learnt from the experiment that he      .
A.could become more challenging
B.could spend more time relaxing himself
C.should take pleasure in helping others
D.actually changed his attitudes towards life
【小题3】What does the underlined word “eliminate” mean?
【小题4】What is the situation where we have a “Hobson’s choice”?
A.We have no choice but to follow.
B.We should often change our choice.
C.We should make preparations before a journey.
D.We should think twice before taking action.
【小题5】 The purpose of writing this text is to            .
A.advise us to become active in life
B.explain what Hobson’s choice is
C.tell an interesting story about the author
D.accept others’ advice modestly


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年河北省衡水中学高二第一次调研考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Last Friday my brother and I were driving home together after doing some shopping and gave our attention to an interesting conversation. Because of this distraction (分心)my brother took a wrong turn.
Unfortunately, the wrong turn took us towards a bridge and we had no way to turn back. Unwillingly, my brother paid the bridge fee and drove on. He was clearly frustrated by the mistake and the needless waste of $4.
We eventually reached an exit and, as we took it, my brother noticed a young fellow pulled over to the side of the road. He came out of his car and tried to phone someone. I was busy trying to figure out which way we would go next but my brother pulled over and asked the guy if he needed any help. And he did. He had a flat tire and needed a tool to get it off.
My brother gave him a wrench, and then began to help him change the flat. The young man said that this had been a bad week for him: earlier he had gotten into a minor car accident, and now this flat on his way home from work. But he called us “a breath of fresh air” and kept thanking us because he really would have been stuck if we hadn’t come along.
After we finished the job he thanked us again and pulled out $20 from his pocket and tried to give it to us. “No,” I said. “We were never supposed to even get on that bridge,we took a wrong turn. But now we know why we did. It was to help you. Thank you for turning our mistake into an opportunity to serve.” 
What I loved most was that my brother was able to see a chance to help. His reaction in the situation is a lesson for everyone and we felt so good the rest of the day.
【小题1】When did the author and his brother notice the young man who had a flat tire?

A.Before they arrived at a bridge.
B.When they were passing through an exit.
C.When the young man stopped them for help.
D.After they came back to the right road.
【小题2】We can learn from the text that the writer’s brother ________.
A.didn’t know the roads well
B.was a warm-hearted young man
C.made the turn to help the young man
D.regretted making a wrong turn all the way home
【小题3】What did the young man mean by calling the writer and his brother “a breath of fresh air” ?
A.He had been in the hot sun waiting for help for so long.
B.His car’s air conditioner was broken.
C.They calmed him down by offering him a cold drink.
D.They changed his bad luck and the bad mood he was in.
【小题4】Which of the following sentences best describes the writer’s experience?
A.It’s no use crying over spilt milk.
B.God helps those who help themselves.
C.Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.
D.If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河北省石家庄市高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The sun was just coming up when I headed out to work last May at 6 a.m. Not quite dark but dark enough to need my headlights. I turned onto one of the lonely rural country roads.

Maybe it was because I was listening to the radio, maybe it was because I was already thinking about some projects at work, that I didn’t spot the dark object on the road until I was too late. I ran over it and felt the back left tire pull, and then sink. I stopped and got out of the car.

No mystery here---- my back left tyre was cut like a loaf of bread. Back 50 yards was a piece of sharp iron I had run over. I had never changed a tyre. I looked up the road. Not a car in either direction. The nearest service station was miles away. I threw up my hands. Then I remembered---- my cell phone! I powered it up before realizing, I didn’t know who to call.

Wouldn’t you know it, I spotted a car coming from the opposite direction. The driver slowed as he approached. I guessed he could see I was in trouble. He stopped his car, got out and immediately saw the trouble. “Madam, would you like me to change that tyre for you?” he asked. The man couldn’t have been more friendly. I was frightened out there and he put me completely at ease. “There,” he said, after putting on the spare, “you are all set to go.”

“Good thing for me that you were driving this way,” I told him, as I climbed back into my car.

“Funny you should say that,” he said. “Just like you, I was heading to work, but my job is in the opposite direction. I made a wrong turn at some point. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

1.The writer didn’t notice the object on the road because ______.

A. it was rather dark then                 B. she didn’t use her headlights

C. there was much traffic                  D. she was careless when driving

2.From Paragraph 4 we learn that______.

A. the writer felt quite anxious

B. no one would like to help the writer

C. the writer was a new driver

D. the cell phone should be powered up

3.What did the man do when he saw the writer?

A. He stopped and laughed at her.

B. He walked over to frighten her.

C. He helped her without hesitation.

D. He drove away in the opposite direction.

4.The end of the story tells us that the man ______.

A. went a wrong way                       B. felt the writer funny

C. didn’t know what he was doing     D. come specially to help the writer



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年山东省北校区高二第一次月考英语试卷 题型:完型填空

Just Help the Next Person

The only highway to go to work that we had to drive was closed down due to an accident on the bridge. A truck had hit the bridge and made it 36 for any traffic to go over it. So in order to get to 37 I had to go a number of miles out of my way.

Not being that 38 with this road and not knowing 39 all the pot holes in the road were, I topped a hill and right in my path was a big pot hole. I felt and heard the familiar sound of a flat tire. I 40 as far to the right as possible and stopped. I tried several times to change the tire, but 41 .

There I sat out in the country and no way to 42 with anybody. Just then, I looked in my rear view mirror and a 43 was pulling out of a pasture behind me. I was 44 and scared at the same time.

I was struggling to get the 45 out when this man in the pickup pulled in behind me. He got out to introduce himself and 46 to help me. When he got the spare out we discovered that the spare is also 47 . He told me he would take the tire and have it 48 and call my husband.

We got the tire fixed 49 he took me back to my car. My husband was there 50 us when we got back. The kind stranger stayed there and helped my husband 51 the tire. After they finished we 52 thanked him and offered to pay him for his 53 .

I will never forget his words, " your thanks is 54 enough pay and I just hope if this ever happens to my wife or daughter someone will be so 55 as to help them."

1. A. busy        B. narrow       C. fearful       D. unsafe

2. A. school      B. city          C. work        D. shop

3. A. satisfied    B. involved       C. identified     D. familiar

4. A. where      B. what          C. when         D. which 

5. A. placed      B. rode          C. pulled        D. managed

6. A. failed      B. abandoned      C. passed       D. dropped

7. A. catch up    B. get in touch     C. have to do    D. put up

8. A. truck       B. pickup        C. car          D. bike

9. A. excited     B. relieved       C. determined    D. nervous

10.A. car        B. wheel         C. spare         D. trunk

11.A. refused     B. offered        C. pretended     D. promised

12.A. flat        B. damaged       C. invisible      D. lost

13.A. sold       B. painted        C. packed        D. fixed

14.A. but        B. so            C. and           D. though

15.A. listening to  B. worrying about  C. waiting on    D. searching for

16.A. break      B. change         C. clean         D. repair

17.A. both       B. all            C. neither        D. everyone

18.A. imagination  B. trouble       C. diligence      D. patience

19.A. more than   B. less than      C. rather than     D. better than

20.A. polite      B. active         C. kind          D. wise


