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8. —Oh dear,I forgot the textbook again.

—You , (have always left / are always leaving) something.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

is taken,ignored,was damaged,were offered,did I find,

is being questioned,is being built,wasn't listening,

was writing,has been reflected,had attacked,had been invited

1. How many jobs had you applied for before you this one?

2. Everyone in our class to the dance party and we had a great time.

3. The robber is said to have been arrested and now.

4. —Do you know the answer?

—Sorry,I. Would you repeat the question?

5. Thousands of fans light showers yesterday to greet the superstar on his 40th birthday.

6. People's unhappiness with the headmaster in the recent elections.

7. Rock will stop showing off,if no notice of him.

8. Mary mentioned that the dog her daughter more than once.

9. So difficult it to deal with the problem that I decided to ask for help.

10. A fire broke out in our lab and a lot of new equipment.

11. Lily a book last year,but I don't know whether she has finished it.

12. The channel with the aid of the latest technologies.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  The new electric sports car delivers a(n) 1. (amaze) amount of power. It goes from 0-60 in a(n) 2. (surprise) 4 seconds,and it has an unexpected battery range of 244 miles. People who come to test-drive the new electric car are very 3. (impress) by its performance. This little car's balance and ability to hug the road is 4. (satisfy) for even our most 5. (experience) drivers.

   The carefully thought-out design is very 6. (please) to customers who see it for the first time. The 7. (astonish) thing that people quickly learn about the car is that its technology is green. The battery takes only three hours to fully recharge,and people are 8.(encourage) to learn that they can produce their own solar power to recharge it. Having heard so much about this car,customers are 9. (excite) to get behind the wheel of this newcomer to the auto world.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. I’m very proud of my (achieve) as program director.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. It soon became clear that Andrew was (firm) in charge.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

12. Out of all the films V ve seen,this one is(sadder / the saddest) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. —Have you finished your essay?

—No,but I (have done / have been doing) it all day long.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

13. Archaeologists (have explained / had explained) recently that there are many special areas for making cheese and wine in an ancient underground city.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. That candidate who I had interviewed before I (speak) to all the others is still my favorite.

