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Justice has long ____ . (法网恢恢) Whoever breaks law will be punished by the people after all.

A. shoulders  B. hands  C. fingers  D. arms



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届湖南省怀化市高三上学期期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Virginia is set to begin enforcing the toughest drunken-driving punishment, one that will require thousands of first-time offenders—whether they were highly drunk or slightly over the limit—to install in their cars blood- alcohol testing devices that can lock the ignition. The devices work like this—A driver must blow into a blood alcohol device linked to the car’s ignition. If the result is higher than the legal limit, the car will not start. The device also requires random “rolling retests” once the driver is on the road.
Virginia’s current law requires only repeated offenders or those with a blood alcohol level of 0.15 or higher to have an ignition interlock device in their cars.
The new law, which takes effect in July, will roughly increase the number of people required to use ignition interlock devices four times, and offenders will have to pay about $ 480 for a typical six-month installation.
The measure has caused a debate between groups battling drunken driving and those representing offenders. Such groups as Mother Against Drunken Driving and The Washington Regional Alcohol Program say that Virginia’s 274 alcohol-related road deaths and more than 5,500 injuries in 2010 remained unacceptably high despite years of cracking down on drunken driving. Ignition interlock devices, they say, reduce repeat offenses. But some public defenders and lawyers argue that the devices are too severe a punishment for offenders at the legal blood alcohol limit 0.08, and that the court system will be burdened by more cases going to trial and lower-income drivers will be affected by the fees.
Del. Sal R. Iaquinto, who sponsored the bill, had a simple reply for concerns about the costs of the interlock devises: “How much does a life cost?” “Blowing into a tube for six months, you will remember that,” Iaquinto said, “And you’re not likely to offend again.”
【小题1】The underlined word “ignition” in Paragraph 1probably refers to the part in a car where ___________.

A.the alarm goes offB.the engine startsC.the door opensD.the car is fueled
【小题2】Who are required to install the blood alcohol devices according to the current law?
A.The first time drunken-driving offenders.
B.The drivers who are not able to pay offence fees.
C.The repeat drunken-driving offenders.
D.Drivers whose blood alcohol level is below 0.15.
【小题3】The reason why some defenders and lawyers oppose the new law is that ____________.
A.fewer cases go to trial
B.lower-income drivers will not afford to drink again
C.interlock devices increase repeat offenses
D.the devices are too severe a punishment for offenders
【小题4】The debate aroused by the measure implies that ___________.
A.prevention is better than cureB.no law is absolutely perfect
C.punishment is the key to allD.justice has long arms
【小题5】What is Del. Sal R. Iaquinto’s attitude towards the new law?


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年山西省高三第八次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Virginia is set to begin enforcing the toughest drunken-driving punishment, one that will require thousands of first-time offenders­­—whether they were highly drunk or slightly over the limit – to install (安装) in their cars blood-alcohol testing devices that can lock the ignition. The devices work like this-A driver must blow into a blood alcohol device linked to the car’s ignition. If the result is higher than the legal limit, the car will not start. The device also requires random “rolling retests” once the driver is on the road.

Virginia’s current law requires only repeat drunken-driving offenders or those with a blood alcohol level of 0.15 or higher to have an ignition interlock device in their car.

The new law, which takes effect in July, will roughly increase the number of people required to use ignition interlock devices four times, and offenders will have to pay about $ 480 for a typical six-month installation.

The measure has caused a debate between groups battling drunken driving and those representing offenders. Such groups as Mothers Against Drunk Driving and the Washington Regional Alcohol Program say that Virginia’s 274 alcohol-related road deaths and more than 5,500 injuries in 2010 remained unacceptably high despite years of cracking down on drunken driving. Ignition interlock devices, they say, reduce repeat offenses. But some public defenders and lawyers argue that the devices are too severe a punishment for offenders at the legal blood alcohol limit of 0.08, and that the court system will be burdened by more cases going to trial and lower-income drivers will be affected by the fees.

Del. Sal R. laquinto, who sponsored the bill, had a simple reply for concerns about the costs of the interlock devices: “How much does a life cost?” “Blowing into a tube for six months, you will remember that, ” Iaquinto said, “ and you are not likely to offend again. ”

1.The ignition probably refers to the part in a car where ______.

A.the alarm goes off                       B.the car is fueled

C.the key is placed                        D.the engine starts

2.Who are required to install the blood-alcohol devices according to the current law?

A.The repeat drunken-driving offenders.

B.The first time drunken-driving offenders.

C.Drivers whose blood alcohol level is below 0.15.

D.The drivers who are not able to pay offence fees.

3.Some groups support the new law because ______.

A.the government can be financed to build roads

B.some traffic deaths and injuries may be avoided

C.lower-income drivers will not afford to drink again

D.the court system is forced to work more effectively

4.The debate aroused by the measure suggests that ______.

A.justice has long arms

B.punishment is the key to all

C.no law is absolutely perfect

D.prevention is better than cure



科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏省扬州市高三开学考试英语题 题型:单项填空

— It’s reported in the local newspaper that the murderer was caught in a small town.

— ______

A. Justice has long arms.               B. Lies have short legs.

C. One false move may lose the game.    D. Kings go mad, and the people suffer for it.



科目:高中英语 来源:2011年安徽省六校教育研究会高二素质测试英语题 题型:阅读理解

As the United States nears the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks that killed more than 3,000 people, President Obama announced Sunday night that the al Qaeda(基地组织) leader and mastermind of that horrific day, Osama bin Laden, has been killed.

CNN reports that a senior government official confirmed that bin Laden was shot by a small team of U.S. soldiers while in a mansion with family members outside Islamabad(伊斯兰堡). His body is now in American custody(拘押) and is being handled according to Islamic customs. Three other adult men were killed in the firefight, including a son of bin Laden's, who was a senior member of the terrorist organization.

"Justice has been done," the president announced, saying that the operation he ordered after receiving intelligence information is "the most significant achievement to date in our nation's effort to defeat al-Qaeda."

The immediate reactions ranged from cautious to ecstatic. Crowds cheered outside the White House. But officials said a "worldwide caution" would be set for Americans in case of al Qaeda retaliation(报复).

Will bin Laden's death be the justice Americans have sought for nearly a decade?

Gordon Felt, president of Families of Flight 93, said it does bring comfort.

"This is important news for us, and for the world. It cannot ease our pain, or bring back our loved ones. It does bring a measure of comfort that the mastermind of the September 11th tragedy and the face of global terror can no longer spread his evil," Felt said.

President Obama says this victory does not close the book.

"His death does not mark the end of our effort. There's no doubt that al Qaeda will continue to pursue attacks against us. We must and we will remain cautious," he noted.

1.The underlined word “ecstatic” most probably means _________.    

A. scared              B. extremely happy and excited

C. doubtful            D. amazed

2.The author mentions all of the items listed below EXCEPT_________. 

A. Four people were killed in the firefight.

B. Families of the victims in the 9/11 attacks celebrated together.

C. President Obama thought highly of the Anti-Terrorist Military Action

D. Obama thought that al Qaeda will continue attack against the United States.

3.It can be inferred from the text _________. 

A. The 9/11 attacks happened on September 11, 2001.

B. Osama bin Laden has three sons.

C. Some soldiers were injured in the firefight.

D. More than 3000 people were killed in the 9/11 attacks.

4.From the last paragraph we can learn that _________.  

A. Osama bin Laden’s death will put an end to terrorism.

B. President Obama doesn’t think bin Laden's death is a victory.

C. The United States will make efforts to defeat the al-Qaeda

D. The al Qaeda has a new leader now.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010届高考二轮复习必备词汇及应用训练系列:名词(一) 题型:单项填空

15. Justice has long ____ . (法网恢恢) Whoever breaks law will be punished by the people after all.






