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A successful scientist is generally a good observer.  He makes full 36  of the facts he observes.  He doesn’t accept ideas which are not  37   on obvious facts,  and therefore refuses to accept authority as the only   38   for truth.  He always  39    ideas carefully and makes experiments to prove them.
The rise of    40    science may perhaps be considered to    41   as far back as the    42    of Roger Bacon,  the wonderful philosopher of Oxford,  who live    43    the years 1214 and 1292.  He was probably the first in the Middle    44    to suggest that we must learn science    45    observing and experimenting on the things around us,  and he himself    46   many important discoveries.
Galileo,  however,  who lived more than 300 years later (1564-1642),  was the greatest of several great men,     47    in Italy,  France,  Germany,  or England,  began by    48    to show how many important    49    could be discovered by observation.  Before Galileo,  learned men believed that large bodies fell more    50    towards the earth than small ones,     51    Aristotle said so.  But Galileo,  going to the    52     of the leaning Tower of Pisa,  let fall two  53    stones and proved Aristotle was wrong.  It was Galileo’s    54    of going direct to Nature,  and proving our    55    and theories by experiment,  that has led to all the discoveries of modern science.
A.plansB.opinions C.worldD.ability


小题1:考查名词及语境的理解。 A. use 使用;B.time时间;C.speed速度;D. trust相信。make use of 利用;使用;make full use of 充分利用。根据A successful scientist is generally a good observer.他充分利用他观察到的任何事实,故选A。
小题2:考查动词及语境的理解。A. worked 工作;B.based基础;C.lived 居住;D.written写。be based on/upon 以……为基础;基于…….根据He makes full 36 of the facts he observes.他不能接受不以事实为依据(be based on/upon)的观点,故选B。
小题3:考查名词及语境的理解。A.  reason原因;B.cause原因;C.advice建议;D.result结果。reason 能够对一个事物的发生或它的性质作出解释的东西;它与for连用;cause 是导致一个事物发生的条件或原因。它与 of连用.根据句子意思,是指“不能接受某种权威来说明真理的合法性”,应用reason。故选A。
小题4:考查动词及语境的理解。A. thinks认为;B.checks 检查;C.has 有;D.learn学会。check. v. 证明无误, 核对无误。意思最恰当。他总是要检查一下这个观点并且做很多实验来证明它,故选B。
小题5:考查形容词及语境的理解。A. natural 自然的;B.physical 物理的;C.ancient古代的;D.modern现代的。根据最后一句话中has led to all the discoveries of modern science. 的modern science“现代科学”,此处选modern意思最恰当。故选D。
小题6:考查动词及语境的理解。 A. date日期;date back 词组,意为“回溯至”。 B.keep 保持;C.look 看;D.take拿。现代科学的时代最远能追溯到(date back)培根时代,故选A。
小题7:考查名词及语境的理解。 A. study 学习;B.time n. 这里指“时代,年代”。C. year 年;D.birth出生。现代科学的时代最远能追溯到(date back)培根时代(time),故选B。
小题8:考查代词及语境的理解。A.  both  两者都;B.each每个;C.between与and连用,表示“在……和……之间”;D.among表示三者以上。培根生活在1214-1292期间,故选C。
小题9:考查名词及语境的理解。A. Schools学校; B.Ages,The Middle Ages n.中世纪;中古时代,专有名词。C.Days天;D.Count计数;他可能是中古时代(he Middle Ages)的第一个让我们通过对我们周围事物的观察和实验来学科学,故选B。
小题10:考查介词及语境的理解。by + doing 表示“通过做……(的途径)”,惯用法;with + sth 表示“用……(来做……)”。他可能是中古时代的第一个让我们通过对我们周围事物的观察和实验来学科学,故选B。
小题11:考查动词及语境的理解。make, do 与名词有固定搭配关系:do + one’s best / one’s duty / sb a favour / harm / good /…;make + a discovery / an appointment / arrangements / a bed / a change / a decision…这里是make discoveries他自己有了很大的发现,故选B。
小题12:考查连词及语境的理解。 A. who引导定语从句修饰 great men ; B.when在定语从句中只能作状语;C.that 不能引导非限制性定语从句; D.where在定语从句中只能作状语;根据句意故选 A。
小题13:考查名词及语境的理解。A. ways 方法;B.degrees, by degrees 词组,相当于副词,意为:逐渐地。C.levels 水平;D.chance机会。伽利略逐渐地显示出通过观察而得到的事实是多么地重要,故选B。
小题14:考查名词及语境的理解。 A. truths 事实;B.problems问题;C. people人们; D. subjects学科。根据上文意思,He doesn’t accept ideas which are not on obvious facts应为:truths. 事实, 真理, 原理,故选A。
小题15:考查副词及语境的理解。 A. slowly慢慢地;B.rapidly迅速地; C.lightly轻轻地; D.heavily重重地。rapidly. adv. 快,迅速地。意思最恰当。根据常识在伽利略以前有学问的科学家都认为大的物体比小的物体落地要快,故选B。
小题16:考查连词及语境的理解。A.  although 尽管;B.because因为; C.when当……时候; D.If如果。根据句子意思,应为because conj. 因为在伽利略以前有学问的科学家都认为大的物体比小的物体落地要快,因为亚里士多德是这样说的,故选 B。
小题17:考查名词及语境的理解。 A.  place地方;B. foot脚; C. top顶部;D. ceiling天花板。根据常识但是伽利略走到比萨的斜塔的顶部,拿着两个不等重量的石头,要证明亚里士多德是错误的,故选C。
小题18:考查形容词及语境的理解。A. big大的;B. small小的; C. equal相等的;D.unequal不等的。根据上文Before Galileo,  learned men believed that large bodies fell more        towards the earth than small ones, Aristotle said so. 可知他必须拿着不同大小的球做实验来证明,故选D。
小题19:考查名词及语境的理解。A. spirit精神;B. skill 技术; C. theory 理论;D. discovery发现。spirit of going direct to Nature对自然不断探索的精神。 science spirit 科学精神;world spirit时代精神, 世界潮流。根据上文可知伽利略对自然不断探索的精神,故选A。
小题20:考查名词及语境的理解。A. plans计划; B. opinions 意为“观点”,“通过实验证明我们的观点和理论”。 C. world世界; D. ability 能力。通过实验来证明我们的观点和理论,从而导致了现代科学的出现,故选B。 

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

School education is very important and useful. Yet no one can learn everything from school. A teacher, no matter how much he knows, can not teach his students everything they want to know. The teacher’s job is to show his students how to learn. He teaches them how to read and how to think. So much more is to be learned outside school by the students themselves.
It is always more important to know how to study by oneself than to learn some facts or a formula by heart. It is actually quiet easy to learn a certain fact in history or a formula(公式) in mathematics. But it is very difficult to use a formula in working out a maths problem. Great scientist, such as Einstein, Newton and Galileo, didn’t get everything from school. But they were all so successful and invented so many things for men. They worked hard all their lives, wasting not a single moment. They would ask many questions as they read and they did thousands of experiments.
小题1:According to the passage, a good teacher should be one who is to_________.
A.help his students to gain a good memory.
B.train his students’ ability to learn
C.teach his students everything he knows
D.have his students studying long hours
小题2:If a student want to learn better, the most important thing for him to do is_______.
A.to learn all the useful facts and formula by heart
B.to do everything as his teacher have said in class
C.to absorb (吸收) as much knowledge from his teacher as possible
D.to think more while he is studying
小题3:The main reason for the success of the great scientists is that________.
A.the teachers who had taught them were all experienced.
B.they used to work and study without a moment’s rest.
C.they had received more schooling than other people
D.they know how to study and worked hard
小题4:What’s the good advice the writer gives us?
A.We can learn better without teachers
B.We should do more asking and thinking while studying
C.We should pay enough attention to classroom
D.Book knowledge is of little use


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

While only about 200 astronauts have had the excitement of looking down at Earth and commanding systems on the International Space Station, actually thousands of everyday middle­school students have experienced by Middle School Students, or EarthKAM, a camera system.
EarthKAM is an educational activity and outreach(扩展)investigation that also results in remote Earth sensing and observation. Using the Internet, the students control a special digital camera fixed aboard the space station, enabling them to photograph the Earth's coastlines, mountain ranges and other geographic items of interest from the unique advantage point of space.
While EarthKAM offers a powerful way for students to investigate Earth from the unique perspective of space, it is also inspiring the next generation of flight controllers for space programs—involving university students to control and operate the camera system and related activities from the ground.
In the interview, Brion Au, one of the investigation developers at NASA's Johnson Space Centre, said,“EarthKAM is a payload(有效载荷)by students, for students. They are in charge. This system provides a viewpoint that the astronauts have...it's just awe­inspiring!”So far, students have captured more than 40,000 photos of the Earth from the space station as it orbited the Earth once every 90 minutes, traveling at 17,500 miles an hour. The team at EarthKAM posts these photographs online for the public and participating classrooms around the world to view.
Au explains that this education investigation is inspiring students to explore the world by examining Earth, while promoting social studies, art, geography, science, technology, and math, among other important lessons involving research and teamwork. EarthKAM was started by Dr. Sally Ride, originally flying on the shuttles. The camera is located in the window Observational Research Facility, also known as the WORF, one of many the station's research facilities.
小题1:How have thousands of students experienced similar excitement as astronauts?
A.In the space station.B.In the spaceship.
C.Using a camera system.D.Teaming up with astronauts.
小题2:What equipment should the students need for the research?
小题3:What doesn't belong to the next generation of flight controllers for space programs?
A.University students' controlling the camera system.
B.University students' operating the camera system.
C.University students' related activities from the ground.
D.University students' investigating Earth from space.
小题4:Who are responsible for EarthKAM?
A.The astronauts.B.The students.
C.The investigation developers.D.The teachers.
小题5:What's the main idea of the last paragraph?
A.DR.Sally Ride explains the details of EarthKAM
B.Why the team at EarthKAM posts these photographs online.
C.EarthKAM provides a viewpoint that the astronauts have.
D.Brion Au explains the details of EarthKAM.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Scientists around the world have been studying the warming of waters in the Pacific Ocean known as El Nino (厄尔尼诺). The appearance of El Nino is known to affect the weather around the world. Scientists still do not completely understand it. Yet they now find they can use it to tell about the future in different areas of the world.
One example is the work of two scientists at Columbia University in New York, Mark Cane and Gordon Eshel. A scientist of Zimbabwe(津巴布韦), Roger Buckland worked with them. They have found that when El Nino appears, Zimbabwe has little or no rain. This means corn crops in Zimbabwe are poor. The last El Nino was in 1991 to 1993. That was when southeastern Africa suffered a serious lack of rain.
The scientists wrote about their recent work in the publication(出版物)Nature. Their computer program can tell when an El Nino will develop up to a year before it does. They suggest that this could provide an effective early warning system for southern Africa, and could prevent many people from starving.
小题1:El Nino is known as ___.
A.the changing of the weather in southern Africa
B.the warming of waters in the Pacific Ocean
C.the weather which brings drought(旱灾)to Africa
D.the weather phenomenon(现象)that brings heavy rains to Africa
小题2:Scientists study El Nino in order that ___.
A.they can provide a kind of early warning to the place that will suffer from drought
B.they can tell why Zimbabwe has little or no rain
C.they can do some research work in this field.
D.they can put all this information into their computers.
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Scientists come to understand how El Nino appears.
B.Three scientists from the USA work on this subject.
C.Southern Africa suffered a serious drought and many people died from hunger.
D.El Nino has something to do with Zimbabwe’s poor crops.
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true according to the article?
A.The computer is used in this research work.
B.Scientists know when an El Nino appears by means of the computer program.
C.The scientists published their results of the research work.
D.Nature is the name of the article written recently by the scientists.
小题5:What’s the best title for this passage?
A.Appearance of El Nino is Predictable(可预测的)
B.Drought in Zimbabwe
C.Early Warning System
D.Weather in Africa


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Our English course for kids or children focuses on learning English in an enjoyable way. Classes are small and individual attention is very important.
During the rest of the day students are encouraged to make use of the opportunities to speak and improve their English with the presence of monitors and teachers who will always use English with them.
There are three classes in the morning from Monday to Friday. The focus is primarily on spoken English; students will learn functional English to help them in real social situations. Special attention will be given to useful vocabulary for the afternoon’s activities or trip. The course will finish with a group presentation.
Maximum number of students in class is 8. This allows for greater participation and a greater degree of individual attention. Please note that this is a guaranteed maximum.
Each class is with a different teacher. This means that students practice English with the
added benefit of listening to more accents and experience a variety of teaching styles.
Classes are arranged by level. On arrival students take a level test to assess their oral, reading and written abilities. Students are then placed in a class where teachers agree they will benefit most.
We live and study on campus. There is no time wasted in traveling to class. There are short breaks between classes to allow students to refresh, prepare for the next class or make a start on homework. Homework is beneficial to reinforcing language learned during the day so teachers will set some short tasks each night. Students will have opportunity to do these when they choose--after class, before or after meals or at the end of the day.
Teachers are native-English speakers from all over the world, graduates, TESOL qualified, and experienced. Our teachers know what ifs like to learn a language. They will encourage and help all the students一from children to teenagers.

小题1:In the morning lessons, students will_____.
A.make sure of the opportunity to make a personal presentation
B.learn spoken English for the afternoon activities
C.practise speaking English with teachers individually
D.get into real social situations to practise functional English
小题2:According to the passage, each class is with a different teacher in that_____.
A.students themselves have their own favourite teachers
B.students can make friends with different teachers
C.students can learn English spoken with different accents
D.different teachers teach students different courses
小题3:What information can you get from the passage?
A.There is no need for students to do any homework there.
B.All the teachers are native and full of experience.
C.Students don’t have lunch together with their teachers.
D.Not more than eight students are allowed to learn in a class.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

How to Study Smarter, Not Harder
Here are some of our favorite study tips that will help any student study smarter, not harder:
Recite As You Study
Reciting—saying things out loud should first take place as you read through each paragraph or section. Test yourself. This will help you to understand as well as learn faster because it is more active than reading or listening. It will also help you to notice your mistakes and the topics you have trouble understanding.
Take Fuller Notes
Notes should be in your own words, brief and clear. They should be tidy and easy to read. Writing notes will help you better than just underlining as you read, since it forces you to rewrite ideas in your own words.
Study the Middle
The best time to review is soon after you’ve learned something. You are more likely to remember the material at the beginning and the end of the lesson, so make sure you focus on the middle when you review.
Sleep On It
Study before going to bed, unless you are very tired. It’s easier to remember material you’ve just learned after sleeping than after an equal period of daytime activity, because your brain continues to think even after you’ve fallen asleep.
Combine Memory and Understanding
There are two ways to remember: by memorizing and by understanding. Multiplication tables, telephone numbers, and math formulas are better learned by rote. Ideas are best learned by understanding.
The more ways you have to think about an idea, the more meaning it will have; the more meaningful the learning, the better you can remember it. Pay attention to similarities in ideas and concepts, and then try to understand how they fit in with things you already know. Never be satisfied with anything less than a completely clear understanding of what you are reading. If you are not able to follow the thought, go back to the place where you first got confused and try again.
小题1: You can notice your mistakes by _______.
A.saying things out aloudB.taking notes
C.studying the middleD.sleeping on it
小题2:When taking notes, you should _______ to better help you with reading.
A.underline important notes
B.write notes in your own words
C.take down every detail
D.write as quickly as possible
小题3:The writer advises you to _______ as it is easier for you to remember material.
A.study after a period of activity
B.do some exercise after studying
C.study as soon as you get up
D.study before going to sleep
小题4:Which of the following is NOT helpful for your understanding?
A.Thinking about an idea in different ways.
B.Relating ideas and concepts with what you already know.
C.Reading from the beginning to the end without stop.
D.Going back to what first made you confused and start again.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Sometime early in the next century, human beings will move to Mars. They will live there for about a year, and then will be replaced with another group of pioneers. Building the base on Mars will advance our knowledge of the solar system and aid in our understanding of the earth.
We already know that Mars resembles the earth in many aspects: general size, presence of water, length of day, range of temperatures. These resemblances have caused many people to consider a centuries-long project: to terraform Mars. Terraforming means altering a planet’s surface so that Earth’s life forms can survive there. This concept, previously found only in science fiction is now being seriously considered by scientists.
Terraforming Mars is theoretically simple: add nitrogen and oxygen to the atmosphere; pump water to the surface; and add the earth’s plants and animals in the order in which they developed on Earth. But it will take at least 300 years.
Some people think that such a project is too huge for humans to undertake, but there are very good reasons to make the attempt. The earth now contains some 6 billion people, and no one has any idea of how many humans the earth can support. Our very existence and numbers are threatening many other species. We also have had some experience with terraforming our own planet: altering the landscape, the atmosphere and the climate. Currently terraforming earth has become a wiser activity as we try to control global warming, air and water pollution, and preserve some natural living places.
While the possibility of such a project is small, it is not impossible .Even if earth –bound societies come and go in the next 300 years, the project can continue through the work of the Mars settlers without the need for constant backing from the earth.
The future existence of all the people in our world may very well depend upon our ability to terraform Mars.
小题1:What would be the best title for this passage?
A.Terraforming Mars.B.Saving the Earth
C.Travelling to Mars.D.A Newly-found Place
小题2:What does the underlined word “altering” mean in the second paragraph?
小题3:According to the passage the main purpose of terraforming Mars is to ________.
A.do some scientific research work
B.find out its similarity to earth
C.avoid the dying away of many other species
D.find on Mars living place for the increasing human beings
小题4:The main reason for causing many people to consider terraforming Mars is that _______.
A.there are some resemblances between Earth and Mars.
B.terraforming Mars is theoretically simple
C.we have had some experience with terraforming our own planet: Earth
D.the development of science and technology is very rapid
小题5:What’s the author’s attitude towards the project?


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The past week was possibly the most eventful in the history of customer technology markets,or to be precise, the 7-inch (17.8-cm) tablet (平板电脑)market. Never before have three of thebiggest players in the industry scheduled what could be truly historic productlaunches (上市)so close together.
Despite its name, the 7.9-inch iPad Mini is one of the largest among the mini-tablets. It's gotall the aesthetics of its earlier 9.7-inch iPad and is unbelievably thin-just 7.2 mm, 23 percentthinner than the iPad.
Apple's iPad Mini
Release date: Nov 2,2012 (Wi-Fi version)
Operating system: iOS 6
Size: 19.9 x 13.5 x 0.7 cm
Prices: $329 (16GB Wi-Fi), $429 (32GB Wi-Fi), $519 (64GB Wi-Fi), or $459 (16GB Data)
$559 (32GB Data), $659 (64GB Data)
Google may have been forced to cancel its Android event in New York City on Oct 29 due to the threat of hurricane Sandy, but that isn't stopping it from making same big announcements. For starters, Google has confirmed (证实)that the Nexus 10 will be running Android 4.2 out of the box, so get excited. It will also come equipped with a 10-inch display running at an impressive 2560x1600 resolution. On the inside, it'll have a A15 dual-core (双核)processor running alongside 2GB of RAM(内存),so expect the Nexus 10 to be a speedy little tablet. Google's Nexus 10 Release date: Nov 13,2012 Operating system: Android 4.2 Jelly Bean Size: 26.4 x 17.8x0.9 cm Prices: $399 (16GB), $449 (32GB)
Microsoft's Surface is a bold product with some great touches. It doesn't feature a camera and focuses on Office software, which suggests Microsoft is focusing this product on an executive toy. There's no 3G connection (only Wi-Fi) so owners won't have to worry about an extra contract.
The real delight, however, is Metro, the impressive navigation interface (导航界面).It is beautifully designed with brightly colored squares for navigation. Pre-orders for Surface in the US sold out over the weekend, so it would seem customers are excited.
Microsoft's Surface
Release date: Oct 26,2012
Operating system: Windows 8 RT
Size: 27.5 x 17.2 x 0.9 cm
Prices: $499 (32GB M-Fi)
小题1:What can be inferred from the first paragraph?
A.The three biggest companies made a new product together.
B.A technology has been introduced to tablet industry.
C.The three companies launched their new products nearly at the same time.
D.The tablet market, in October was out of control.
小题2:What is the 7.9-inch iPad Mini's major contribution to the customers?
A.Wi-Fi versionB.Operating system
C.Prices D.Size
小题3:How many technologies will be introduced to the Nexus 10 according to Google?
小题4:Which tablet with 32GB Wi-Fi is the most expensive?
A.Microsoft's Surface.B.Apple's iPad Mini.
C.Google's Nexus 10.D.A15 dual-core processor.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

People diet to look more attractive.Fish diet to avoid being beaten up,thrown out of their social group,and getting eaten as a result.That is the fascinating conclusion of the latest research into fish behavior by a team of Australian scientists.
  The research team have discovered that subordinate(低一等的) fish voluntarily diet to avoid challenging their larger competitors."In studying gobies we noticed that only the largest two individuals,a male and female,had breeding(繁殖)rights within the group," explains Marian Wong."All other group members are nonbreeding females,each being 5-10% smaller than its next largest competitor.We wanted to find out how they maintain this precise size separation."
  The reason for the size difference was easy to see.Once a subordinate fish grows to within 5-10% of the size of its larger competitor,it causes a fight which usually ends in the smaller goby being driven away from the group.More often than not,the evicted fish is then eaten up.
  It appeared that the smaller fish were keeping themselves small in order to avoid challenging the boss fish.Whether they did so voluntarily,by restraining how much they ate,was not clear.The research team decided to do an experiment.They tried to fatten up some of the subordinate gobies to see what happened.To their surprise,the gobies simply refused the extra food they were offered,clearly preferring to remain small and avoid fights,over having a feast.
  The discovery challenges the traditional scientific view of how boss individuals keep their position in a group.Previously it was thought that large individuals simply used their weight and size to threaten their subordinates and take more of the food for themselves,so keeping their competitors small.
  While the habits of gobies may seem a little mysterious,Dr.Wong explains that understanding the relationships between boss and subordinate animals is important to understand how hierarchical(等级的)societies remain stable.
  The research has proved the fact that voluntary dieting is a habit far from exclusive to humans."As yet,we lack a complete understanding of how widespread the voluntary reduction of food intake is in nature," the researchers comment."Data on human dieting suggests that,while humans generally diet to improve health or increase attractiveness,rarely does it improve long-term health and males regularly prefer females that are fatter than the females' own ideal."
小题1:When a goby grows to within 5-10% of the size of its larger competitor,it _________.
A.leaves the group itselfB.has breeding rights
C.eats its competitorD.faces danger
小题2:The underlined words "the evicted fish" in Paragraph 3 refer to _________.
A.the fish beaten up B.the fish driven away
C.the fish found outD.the fish fattened up
小题3:The experiment showed that the smaller fish _________.
A.fought over a feastB.preferred some extra food
C.challenged the boss fishD.went on diet willingly
小题4:What is the text mainly about?
A.Fish dieting and human dieting.B.Dieting and health.
C.Human dieting.D.Fish dieting.

