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第II卷 主观题(共三大题,满分35分)



1. Apples are now so a_____________ in market that they are cheap as dirt.

2. Your sympathy has brought us great ____________(安慰).

3. The young man r_____ his position in the company so that he could set up his own business.

4. Without a password, you can’t get a___________ to the computer system.

5. It really a___________ me when people forget to say “thank you”.

6. Cycling is highly b_____________ to health and the environment.

7. It will be easy for you to record your major life changes such as acquiring a new job, moving, getting ____________ (离婚), losing your job.

8. The Red Cross has started d____________ food and blankets to villages in the flood area.

9. He is active in p______________ in various school activities.

10. One of the w___________ to the accident said the driver appeared to be drunk.

1.abundant   2.comfort   3.distribute   4.resign       5.participate  

6.witness    7.access     8.annoy     9.beneficial    10.divorce  


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省2009-2010学年度高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:单词拼写




1. You must a_________ to your teacher for the rude things you said to her.

2. Lewis was much  ______(欣赏)for his work on the advanced medical research.

3. Have you been s________ on me?.

4.You can __________(查阅)a telephone directory for the number.

5. Careless driving a____________ for many accidents.

6. Dictionaries are not p____to be brought into the classroom when students take exams.

7. The last __________(一场)of the play was very impressive.

8. The girl had a ____________(猛烈的) toothache after eating too many candies.

9. Your plan is good in ___________(理论),but does it work in practice?

10. Hard work is f______________ to success.



科目:高中英语 来源:山西省09-10学年度高二下学期期中考试(英语) 题型:短文改错

第II卷 主观卷(共25分)





I first met Li Meng at a friend birthday party five years ago. Then I invited Li Meng

over in my place. We listen to my CDs together and soon became good friends.

Three years ago, Li Meng’s parents invited I to spend two wonderful week in

Qingdao with them during the summer holiday. Li Meng and I loved walking along

the beautifully beaches there. Last year I was ill but had to stay in hospital for a week.

Li Meng came see me every day. Then, her father has changed jobs and they moved

to another city. Since then we haven’t see each other much, but we’ve kept

writing to each other.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


第II卷  主观题

V. 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

51. I must a __________ to you for not being able to meet you at the airport.

52. There has been an 8% d__________ in his income because of the financial crisis.

53. Though time was l_________, we finished the work on time.

54.A lot of people a__________great importance to becoming rich and famous.

55.I will a__________ it if you can help us with the work.

56. Nobody is admitted to the building without p_____________of the police.

57. C __________drove him to open the letter addressed to his sister.

58. He played the violin beautifully by the side of the street and many p_________ put coins into his hat on the ground.

59.He s__________ in the final examinations and was awarded the first prize.

60. Mary used to sing songs in a pub to earn some e___________ money when she was a college student.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

第II卷 主观题(满分35分)


56. Hearing the 2009 World Winter University Games______(宣布) open, all the people in the Harbin Sports Center Gym burst into cheers.

57. The well-known singer was ________ (伴奏)at the piano by Mr Wang.

58. If you want to get the job, you have to speak _____(坚定地)and bravely to the boss to make him believe in you.

59. Finally, after years of unhappy marriage, Lucy got _______(离婚).

60. The teacher smiled with________ (满意)at the progress of his students.

61. Mr. White gets up early and runs every day, which he thinks is b______ to his health.

62. They say such ill things about you out of e______.

63. This species has a________ well to winter climates.

64. I feel much s________ for those homeless people on the street.

65. Don’t waste p________ time talking to him. He is not worth it.

