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My 9 year old daughter and I were flying from our home in Carolina to spend a week with my husband in Florida. We were______about the trip because we hadn't seen him for five months,and_______her Dad terribly.

As usual on the Charlotte to Miami flight,the plane was totally_______.Because we did not get our boarding passes until we_______at the gate,Kallie and I could not get seats together and were______by the aisle(过道).I asked two passengers in my row if they would switch places with Kallie and me,_______we could be together.They_______,saying they thought they should stay in their assigned seats.

Meanwhile,a mother and her three children were in a______several rows ahead of us.There had been a mistake in their boarding passes,and_______the whole family had been split up.The passengers in her row_______refused to move elsewhere.She was very_______about the younger boy sitting with strangers.She was in tears,yet nobody______to help her.

There were a troop of Boy Scouts(童子军) on_______.Suddenly the Scout leader stood up and said,“Ma’am,I think we can help you.”He then_______five minutes rearranging his group so that adequate space was_______for the family.The boys followed his directions cheerfully and without_______,and the mother's relief was obvious.

Kallie,however,was beginning to panic at the_______of not being next to me.I told her that there wasn’t anything I could do.______,the man sitting next to the Scoutmaster,______to me and asked,“Would you and your daughter like our seats?” _______to himself and the Scoutmaster.We traded seats and continued our trip,very much relieved to be together and watch the scenery from Kallie’s window seat.

1.A. worried B. excited C. anxious D. eager

2.A. loved B. considered C. imagined D. missed

3.A. full B. crowded C. empty D. overweight

4.A. reached B. arrived C. landed D. knocked

5.A. divided B. blocked C. separated D. connected

6.A. in case B. even if C. as if D. so that

7.A. prevented B. refused C. agreed D. promised

8.A. panic B. hurry C. rush D. seat

9.A. however B. otherwise C. therefore D. instead

10.A. too B. even C. ever D. also

11.A. concerned B. curious C. particular D. content

12.A. suggested B. offered C. provided D. supplied

13.A. duty B. watch C. board D. spot

14.A. took B. cost C. paid D. spent

15.A. convenient B. available C. probable D. comfortable

16.A. permission B. excuse C. apology D. complaint

17.A. thought B. end C. feeling D. sense

18.A. Immediately B. Puzzlingly C. Clearly D. Amazingly

19.A. turned up B. turned around C. turned out D. turned away

20.A. sticking B. keeping C. waving D. referring


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东湛江第一中学高一上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Sam lives in a small ______ (dust) village on the edge of the desert.

2.For him, this will be an ______ (entire) new hobby.

3.His project is wonderful but the cost is too high, so almost everyone ____________ (agree) with him.

4.My brother is__________(rely)and you can follow his words.

5.She’s _________ (gradual) recovering from the deadly disease.

6.You’d better recite these words, because they are___________(frequent) used.


It was the first time _______ I’d seen the night face to face.


After _________ from college, we finally got the chance to take a bike trip.


I stayed awake _______ ________ until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself.


She insisted that she _______ ________ the trip properly.

11.Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane ______ _________(take) off .


The country _______ _________ _______ too many wars.


My father always asks me how I ____________ ____________ ____________ my study.


As a student, we should learn to _______ _______ _______ our time to study.


It ______ _______ more _______ German than the English we speak at present.

16.She said, “My brother left home three years ago.”(改为间接引语)

She said __________ brother __________ __________ home three years __________.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏省高三上学期期中模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

- Have you heard about the shark attack accident at the SeaWorld show?

- Yea, how horrible! A trainer ______ in front of the audience.( )

A.had been killedB.has been killed

C.was killedD.is killed


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届福建省高三12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



It happens every day, everywhere I go.At the supermarket and the post office, people keep telling me to enjoy my kids while they are ________I spend my days taking care of them and answering ________ questions about everything from why we have two eyes but one nose to ________ there are toilets in the heaven.They ________ me from eating a full meal or getting a full ________ sleep.

Yet, the other day, when I took my kids to a children’s museum, I began to ________ what people were trying to tell me.It was the ________ time we had gone there without diaper (纸尿片) bag, baby bottle or stroller (小推车).As I watched my sons paint there, I was suddenly ________by a wave of ________My babies weren’t babies any more.

Now I’m paying more attention to the ________ that won’t happen when my kids are ________I’m enjoying the minute when Christ looked up the sky and cried ________ “Wow! The moon!” In a few ________ , it will take a rare Shrek card or something else to get him that excited.I’m ________ the moment when Nicholas put down his fork at dinner and asked, “Mommy, how are you doing?” About ten years from now, he ________ not care about me.When they’re in primary school, they won’t want to hold my ________ any more.In junior high school, they won’t hug me and say, “I love you, too.” In high school, they won’t even want to be ________together with me.

Pretty ________ they’ll both be gone.And I’ll ________ through the supermarket and the post office alone, warning young ________ to enjoy their kids while they are little.Hope they’ll listen.

1.A.well B.humorous C.funny D. little

2.A.endless B.boring C. strange D.special

3.A.how B.whether C.why D.when

4.A.make B.turn C.take D.keep

5.A.day’s B.time’s C.night’s D.bed’s

6.A.realize B.admit C.remind D.admire

7.A.very B.real C. first D.best

8.A.hit B.thrown C.stuck D.moved

9.A.happiness B.sadness C.luck D.failure

10.A.accident B.event C.scene D.moment

11.A.younger B. older C.worse D.better

12.A.excitedly B.disappointedly C.lovely D.shyly

13.A.days B.weeks C.months D.years

14.A.measuring B.pleasing C.treasuring D.surprising

15.A.might B.should C.must D.need

16.A.hair B.hands C.bag D.basket

17.A.seen B.talked C.carried D.treated

18.A.quickly B.slowly C.soon D.more

19.A.come B.go C.wander D.pass

20.A.fathers B.mothers C.people D.ladies


科目:高中英语 来源:2015年黑龙江哈尔滨第三十二中学高三上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Although the United States covers so much land and the land produces far more food than the present population needs,its people are by now almost entirely an urban society Less than a tenth of the people are engaged in agriculture and forestry(林业),and most of the rest live in or around towns,small and large.Here the traditional picture is changing:every small town may still be very like other small towns,and the typical small town may represent a widely accepted view of the country,but most Americans do not live in small towns any more.Half the population now lives in some thirty metropolitan areas(1arge cities with their suburbs、of more than a million people each—a larger proportion than in Germany or England,let alone France.The statistics(统计)of urban and rural population should be treated with caution because so many people who live in areas classified as rural travel by car to work in a nearby town each day.As the rush to live out of town continues.rural areas within reach of towns are gradually filled with houses,so that it is hard to say at what moment a piece of country becomes a suburb But more and more the typical American lives in a metropolitan rather than a small town environment.

1.If now America has 250 million people.how many of them are engaged in agriculture and forestry?

A.About 25 million.

B.More than 25 million.

C.Less than 25 million.

D.Less than 225 million

2.Which of the following four countries has the smallest proportion of people living in metropolitan areas?

A.United States.




3.What’s the meaning of the word“metropolitan”in the middle of the passage?

A.Of a large city with its suburbs.

B.Of small and large towns.

C.Of urban areas.

D.Of rural areas.

4.According to the passage,what can we learn about small towns in the United States?

A.Most small towns become gradually crowded.

B.Small towns are still similar to each other.

C.As the traditional picture is changing,towns are different.

D.Small towns are turning into large cities.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年高陕西西安临潼区华清中学三一模考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Every day ____ a proverb aloud several times until you have it memorized.

A. read B. reading

C. to read D. reads


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山东蒙阴一中高二学优班10月模块测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Welcome to the Electronic Village to explore new ways of language teaching and learning.

Electronic Village Program(Thursday,June 18,2015)


·9:00 am to 10:00 am

·Room 501

Nearpod is a software program that creates a rich context(语境)for students to learn vocabulary. The presenter will show how to use it.


·2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

·Room 502

Our students come from different backgrounds but have the same desire to learn on-line. The presenter will use examples from his first on-line class to explain how any teacher can begin teaching on-line with TEO.


·10:30 am to 11:30 am

·Room 601

Kahoot software can be used to create grammar tests which can be graded on a network. It can provide students with instant feedback(反馈),including reports about their strengths and weaknesses.


·3:30 pm to 4:20 pm

·Room 602

Uses of Prezi in listening and speaking courses draw students’attention to speaking more fluently. The presenter will show how students can use Prezi to confidently present on a variety of topics,including introducing family,friends,and hobbies.

1.Nearpod can be used to

A. offer grammar tests

B. teach listening on-line

C. help vocabulary learning

D. gain fluency in speaking

2.If you want to improve your speaking skills,you can go to

A. Room 501

B. Room 502

C. Room 601

D. Room 602

3.Which of the following can assess your grammar learning?

A. Nearpod.

B. Kahoot.


D. Prezi.

4.A teacher who wants to learn on-line teaching is expected to arrive by

A. 9:00 am

B. 10:30 am

C. 2:00 pm

D. 3:30 pm


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江苏射阳第二中学高二上学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

This special school accepts all disabled students, _____ educational level and background.( )

A.according to B.as a consequence of

C.in addition to D.regardless of


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林松原油田高中高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错






注意: 1、每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2、只允许修改10处,多者从第11处不计分

All parents wish their children, especially senior high students, can go to top universities and have a bright future. So they always expects their children to make fully use of their time to study. They don’t allow them watch TV, play computer games or go out to play with their friends. Some students just complained that their parents are only concerned about their grades but not their other need.

To my opinion, how our parents are doing is out of nothing but the love. The most important thing, I think, is that they should learn to communicate with our parents, telling them that we’ll never let them down and will work harder to earn trust and respect from them.

