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   Many kids in western countries make pocket money by themselves. You may wonder 1.they manage to do so.

   Some kids make pocket money by helping look after the neighbors’ pets while they are away on vacation. Some take up babysitting. The kids charge different fees,depending on 2. long they stay with the babies. Once they reach sixteen,they are free to do 3. they like. They can make money by delivering newspapers or by working in fast food restaurants,especially during the summer holidays.

   It is believed 4. kids benefit a lot from making pocket money. First of all,once the kids learn the value of money,they will not easily waste any. Another benefit is 5. they learn to manage money. With the money they* ve made,kids can buy 6. they need or want. In short,making pocket money does a lot of good for kids.

That is 7. they should be encouraged to do so.

1. how   2. how   3. what / whatever

4. that   5. that   6. what / whatever

7. why


题目来源:2016年英语周报高三新课标 > 第35期 2015-2016高三课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. He was (so,as) worried about his exam that he couldn’ t go to sleep.


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12. One reason for his preference for city life is he can have easy access to places like shops and hospitals.


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7. After the accident,I opened my eyes slowly and realized if I was still alive.


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7. Being honest is always appreciated,but you have to be careful about(你如何说事情) .


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3. Without the new taxes,houses built before World War II (has,have) lower costs than more modem houses do.


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10. Never (has,have) the weather been so bad in the months of June and July.


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6. Only when (Jane,has,arrived) can we start the party.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. —There is still a copy of the book in the library.Will you go and borrow (it,one) ?

一No,I'd rather buy (it,one) in the bookstore.

