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Four Wonders of the Web

Google Works Miracles

  GOOGLE(www.google.com)is a daily miracle to millions of people.If the Internet had only this very fast search engine, it would have justified its existence many times over.It is the most popular search engine on the web with a 54% market share, ahead of Yahoo! You type almost anything, however unclear, into the space provided and in a second it has come up with hundreds of references.If knowledge is power, then Google commands the gateway.

Yahoo Becomes Giant

  YAHOO(www.yahoo.com)was the first wonder of the web, and in many respects, it still is.It started in January 1994 when two California graduate students, Jerry Yang and David Filo, started compiling(编译)a database of links, mainly for their personal use.But well before the end of the year, it had become recognizable as Yahoo we know today.In the past seven years, Yahoo had grown rapidly, partly through a long string of buys.Yahoo now offers almost everything you could want:emails, instant messages, chats, clubs, photo albums and a lot more.

eBay Enables Everyone to Buy and Sell

  eBAY(www.ebay.com), which deals with online trading and shopping services, is the most impressive large Internet company where people buy and sell goods and services worldwide.It has, for instance, opened up a global marketplace in which people from Beijing, San Francisco, or Moscow can bid(投标)against each other for products put up for sale by someone in London.The company's online service permits sellers to list items for sale,buyers to bid on items of interest, and eBay users to browse(浏览)through listed items that is available online seven days a week.

Amazon Makes Buying a New Experience

  Amazon(www.amazon.com)started out as an online bookstore, constantly putting up new book titles it offered for sale.In the late 1990s, Amazon had more than four million titles after adding CDs, videos, DVDs and games.It continued to add new lines of business including toys, computer software, electronics, like MP3 players, power tools, home improvement products and online sales.For regular users, Amazon has made itself the shortest possible path between wanting and buying.


What is Google used mainly for?

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Commanding the gateway.


Searching for information.


Storing reference books.


Providing extra space.


“Rome is not built in one day” but Yahoo is built in one ________.

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What goods did Amazon sell when it started its business?

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Videos and games.


Different books.


Power tools.


MP3 players.


Which of the following is true?

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Buying and selling can only be done through Amazon.


If you feed in something unclear, Google will refuse to do the searching.


Yahoo owns more market shares than any other companies on the web.


eBay Company's online service is always there for its users.



考查细节理解。根据第一个标题内容的中间部分“It is the most popular search engine on the web…”可知它的主要功能是搜索信息。根据本段最后一句可知A项只是一个形象的比喻,因此不能选。









科目:高中英语 来源:黄冈重点作业 高三英语(下) 题型:050


Home Alone 4

  Starring French Stewart , Mike Weinberg , Missi Pyle , Barbara Babcock , Jason Beghe , Claire Carey and Joanna Going.

  Christmas this year looks gloomy to Kevin. His parents have separated, and he decides without careful thinking to spend the holidays with his dad, Peter, and his dad's rich girlfriend, Natalie. Natalie lives in an unusual mansion- a “smart house” in which almost everything reacts to remote commands: doors open and close at will , the chandelier (吊灯) rises and lowers , a swinging bookcase leads to a secret bar , etc. . Even better , the serious butler (男管家) , Prescott , and sweet housekeeper, Molly, are at Kevin's beck and call. But just as Kevin settles into his wonderful surroundings , Peter and Natalie leave to pick up some royal houseguests at the airport , including an 11-year-old crown prince.

  In their absence , the snaky Marv and Vera break in , intending to kidnap (绑架) the crown prince. But they didn't realize they'd be facing off with Kevin instead and, while it may not be his house , he still has to protect it. With the help of the house's high-tech. magics , Kevin repeatedly prevents them by turning the tables ( and the swinging bookcases, shower jest and chandelier) on them. All the funny characters build to a cheerful Christmas Day result in which everyone gets into the action during an unexpected reunion between Kevin and his parents, Natalie and the royal family.

1.Where do you think you can see this article?

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A.In a magazine which tells you a true story.

B.In a newspaper which explains how a boy deals with his enemy.

C.On the text which tells a film that is on the way to be shown in the near future.

D.A book , written by a famous writer, is going to be published.

2.According to the sentence underlined , what's the way Kevin is treated?

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A.He is forbidden to do anything and others are very strict with him.

B.He can do whatever he likes and others just try to satisfy him.

C.All the persons here dislike him and would like to punish him.

D.All the persons here like him and would buy whatever he wants.

3.What can you imagine about the result of the article?

[  ]

A.Justice is done and the bad persons are punished.

B.All are very happy at the very end and a great Christmas is celebrated.

C.Kevin's parents are divorced and Kevin has got a new mother.

D.The little prince dislikes Kevin and goes away with his family for Christmas.

4.Of the following descriptions, which do you agree with most?

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A.Marv and Vera must be very cruel and clever, and make a lot of money finally.

B.Kevin is bright, brave and gloomy.

C.Natalie is rich , beautiful and has a high social position.

D.Mike Weinberg is a person in the film who helps Kevin a lot.

5.What can you infer from the title “Home Alone 4”?

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A.There must he four persons alone at home.

B.It must be a series of TV play.

C.The main character in it must be four years old.

D.There should be altogether 4 performances , focused on one person.


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省湛江市第二中学2009 -2010学年度高一第一学期期末考试 题型:阅读理解

第—节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Thailand’s giant pandas have finally produced a baby. Chiang Mai zoo director Thanapath said eight-year-old female Lin Hui gave birth to a baby panda weighing about 200 grams.
The pandas, Lin Hui and Chuang Chuang, the zoo’s star residents(居民), had shown no interest in reproducing the traditional way since they both arrived on a 10-year loan from China in 2003. The zoo workers’ effort of artificial insemination(人工授精) worked. The baby panda will officially belong to China but Thailand will raise it for about 24 months, Thanapath said.
Thanapath said Lin Hui is very protective of her child and won’t allow any officials to get close. “She holds the baby very carefully.” he said. “She knows how to be a mother even though she has never been one before.” The baby panda appears to be getting along well with its much larger mother.
The birth appeared on the front pages of many Thai newspapers, which carried photos of the baby which is so tiny that it can be held in the hands of a zoo keeper. Other pictures showed the mother Lin Hui gently holding her baby. Thanapath said, “It is great happiness to see the baby panda.We are so happy that we can breed(繁殖)a panda. Every worker at the zoo is proud and I think every Thai will be proud too.”
Breeding pandas is a common practice in China, where dozens are born each year. But it is a rare thing outside of the country. Giant pandas are among the world’s most endangered animals. Nearly 1,600 pandas are believed to survive in China and about 180 are being raised in zoos worldwide.
41. According to the passage, the two pandas, Lin Hui and Chuang Chuang, ______________.
A. are regarded as the best residents
B. arrived in Thailand four years ago
C. had a baby panda in the traditional way
D. are very popular in the zoo in Thailand
42. The baby panda that Lin Hui gave birht to ______________.
A. will be sent to China in two years        B. is her second baby
C. weighs about one kilogram             D. will stay in Thailand for ten years
43. From Paragraph 3 we learn that Lin Hui_______________.
A. doesn’t know how to protect her baby
B. allows people to touch her baby
C. loves her baby very much
D. always leaves her baby alone
44. We can infer that Lin Hui’s giving birth_________________.
A. set a good example to China          B. was hot news in Thailand
C. was a result of good luck             D. attracted the world’s attention
45. The fact that breeding pandas is a common practice in China indicates that_________________.
A. all pandas in the world should live in China
B. few countries in the world want to breed pandas
C. pandas won’t be in danger in the near future
D. China plays a leading role in breeding pandas


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省哈尔滨市五县2009-2010学年高二下学期期末联考试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

IV.阅读理解(共20小题;每题2分; 满分40分)
Football--called soccer in the United States--is probably the most popular sport in the world today, It has been popular for a long time. But many years ago each country had different rules for its own football game.
In 1863 a group of people met in England to change this. They wrote a set of rules for all countries to follow. They also planned for soccer teams from different countries to play against each other. The idea worked. These rules are the same today, more than 100 years later.  Now teams from all the world compete in the famous World Cup. The cup is a series of games which is held every four years. Team from many countries plays to see which is the best. Soccer is so popular today that it is not unusual for 600 million people to watch a World Cup match on television.
How did the World Cup start? The soccer team from Uruguay won the Olympic championship in soccer in 1924 and 1928. That country decided to have the first World Cup games in Montevideo in 1930, These first games were not very successful. Only thirteen teams arrived to play and eight of them were from South America.
It didn't seem like a world championship. The team from Uruguay won the Cup that first year.
56. In 1863 a group of people met in England______.
A. to play for football teams from different countries
B. to learn the rules for football
C. to write a set of rules for football
D. to have matches between teams from different countries
57. The rules written in 1863 are _____.
A. the same as today's     B. different from today's
C. changed a lot          D. changed a little
58. When did the first World Cup take place?
A. In 1930.        B. In 1924.         C. in 1928        D. In 1934
59. The first World Cup was not successful because
A. the Olympic champion didn't take place   
B. some of the teams arrived too late
C. all teams were from South America       
D. it did not seem like a world championship


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届云南省芒市秋季学期高二期末英语卷 题型:阅读理解



Education for Japanese children is free for the first nine years and all children must go to school for six years of primary schooling and three years of secondary schooling. In the primary and secondary school, about 99.9% of school-age children are present. School usually begins at 8 o’clock in the morning and ends at 3 o’clock in the afternoon on weekdays and at noon on Saturdays. The school year begins in April and ends in March. There is a summer holiday in August and a winter holiday during the New Year season.

After nine years of schooling, students can enter the three-year high school by passing an examination and by paying a small charge each year. After high school, students can go on to study at different kinds of colleges, usually for four years. There are also two-year junior colleges.

1. The passage mainly discusses _____________.

A.colleges in Japan

B.free education in Japan

C.education in Japan

D.school time in Japan

2.If you want to go to high school in Japan, you must ______________________.

A.pay a small amount of money

B.study at primary and secondary school for 9 years

C.take part in the exam and pay a little money

D.pass the exam and pay a little money

3. What is not mentioned in the passage?

A.Types of colleges.

B.Times for schooling

C.The teaching staff(教职员工)

D.The number of children attending schools

4.How many days do the Japanese students have to go to school every week?

A.Two days

B.Four and a half days

C.Five days

D.Five and a half days


