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Name: Sam Champion
Hot job: TV Weatherman
Where: ABC-TV, New York City
When you were a child, did you plan to forecast wind, rain, and snow on TV?
I wanted to be a foreign journalist. I took courses in weather science at Eastern Kentucky University, but I majored in broadcasting news.
How did you finally become a weatherman?
My first job in the early 1980s was at the local TV station in Paducah, Kentucky. I did everything from turning on the lights in the morning to writing and delivering morning news. I put together weather forecasts, and became interested in them.
Back then, how did you forecast weather?
Independent companies collected computer information that showed, for example, how a single weather system might split into snow or snow mixed with rain. The information was often opposite and the job of a weatherman was to study the information and make the best educated guess about the storm.
Has weather forecasting changed much with new technology?
Advanced computers, satellites, and Doppler radar (sound waves used to track storms) have made forecasting more exact. But we still know very little about how weather is shaped. So far, we just have theories.
 Any advice for children who’d like to become weather scientists?
To me, weather is the most exciting field in the world. There are still so many more questions about weather than answers. After all, if we can’t foresee floods or hurricanes, how safe a society are we? Weather forecasting is wide open for scientists who love to solve puzzling problems. The next generation of meteorologists (weather scientists) will unlock many of Earth’s weather secrets. So get a general knowledge of Earth science, and study meteorology in college.
   Thanks, Sam.
40. Judging from the writing style, the text is _________.
A. a diary        B. an interview      C. a news story       D. an announcement
41. As a child, ABC-TV’s Sam Champion wanted to be a____________.
A. space scientist    B. weatherman      C. news reporter      D. meteorologist
42. Present weather forecasting technology___________.
A. has made weather report more exact than ever   
B. is still not perfect
C. hasn’t changed much in the last 50 years
D. both A and B
43. The study of weather science is called____________.
A. meteorology       B. forecasting        C. geography       D. Earth science

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

City Varieties
The Headrow, Leeds.Tel.430808
Oct10-11only A Night at the Varieties. All the fun of an old music hall with Barry Cryer, Duggle Brown, 6 dancers,  Mystina, Jon Barker, Anne Duval and the Tony Harrison Tri- o. Laugh again at the old jokes and listen to your favourite songs.
Performances:8pm nightly.
Admission:£5;under 16or over 60:£4.
York Theatre Royal
St Leonard's Place, York.Tel.223568
Sept23-Oct17 Groping for Words - a comedy by Sue Townsend. Best known for her Adrian Mole Diaries, Townsend now writes about an evening class which two men and a woman attend. A gentle comedy.
Admission: First night, Mon:£2:Tues-Fri:£3.25-5.50;Sat:£3.50-5.75.
Halifax Playhouse
King's Cross Street, Halifax.Tel.365998
Oct 10-17 On Golden Pond by Ernest Thompson. This is a magical comedy about real people. A beautifully produced, well-acted play for everyone. Don't miss it.
Admission:£2.Mon:2 seats for the price of one.
Grand Theatre
Oxford Street, Leeds.Tel.502116
Restaurant and Café.
Oct 1-17 The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13. Sue Townsend's musical play, based on her best-selling book.
Performances: Evenings 7:45October 10-17, at 2: 30pm. No Monday performances.
Admission: Tues-Thurs:£2-5;Fri&Sat:£2-6.
64.Which theatre offers the cheapest seat?
  A. Halifax Playhouse. B. City Varieties.
  C. Grand Theatre.     D. York Theatre Royal.
65. If you want to see a play with old jokes and songs, which phone number will you ring to book a seat?
  A.502116                     B.223568               C.365998                     D.430808
66. We may learn from the text that Sue Townsend is ____.
  A. a writer             B. an actress          C. a musician         D. a director


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Below is adapted from a dictionary.
▲Noun 1(a)[U] liquid without color, smell or taste that falls as ran, in lakes, rivets and seas, and is used for drinking, washing, etc: Water is changed into steam by heat and into ice by cold. ○drinking water ○ mineral water. (b)[U]this liquid as supplied to homes, factories, etc in pipes: The water was turned off for several hours a day during the drought. ○ hot and cold running water ○ [attrib] water shortages (c)[sing]mass of this liquid, esp a lake, river or sea: She fell into the water and drowned. ○ The flood water cowered the whole area. (d)[sing]surface of a lake, river, sea, etc: float on the water ○ We could see fishes under the water
2[U](exp in compounds)preparation containing water or sth similar to water: rose-water ○ soda-water
3 waters[pl](a)mass of water(in lake, river, etc)the (head-)waters of the Nile, ic the lake from which it flows(b)sea near a particular country: British waters ○ in home/ foreign waters 4[U]state or level of the tide: (at)high/low water
▲idioms he in /get into hot water(in formal) be in/get into trouble or disgrace: A person who
breaks a law can be in hot water with the police.
·cast one’s bread upon the waters(formal) do good make him drink you can give a person the
opportunity to do something but he may still refuse to do it.
·Still waters run deep a quiet or apparently calm person can have strong emotions, much
knowledge or wisdom.
·Blood is thicker than water Family is more important than anyone or anything else.
·Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water When deeds without expecting anything in
·fish in troubled waters try to gain advantages for oneself from a disturbed state of affairs
·hold water(in formal)(of an argument, an excuse, etc)be capable of standing up to examination or
testing; be valid
·in smooth water(s) make even and easy progress: The business seems to be in smooth withers
there days.
·keep one’s head above water stay out of debt, difficulty etc: I’m managtag to keep my head
above water, though I am not earning much.
·pour oil on troubled waters (try to) calm a disagreement or violent dispute, etc
·water under the bridge event, mistake, etc that has already occurred and cannot be changed, so
there is no point in worrying about it.
verb [Tn] pour or sprinkle water on (sth): water a flowerbed, lawn, plant 2[Tn]give water to
(an animal) to drink 3[Tn] add water to (a drink )to dilute it: The owner of the pub was accused of
watering the beer.
Phrasal verb water sth down(a)make (a liquid)weaker by adding water(b)weaken the effect of
sth, eg by making the details less vivid: The criticisnts have been watered down so as not to offend
▲Saying You can take a horse to water, but you can’t you are making a change, save what
matters to you and dispose of the rest
·It is no safe to wading in an unknown water it is dangerous for one to be involved in an
uncertain adventure.
·Too much water drowned the miller much gaining is good, but too much goes the opposite.
45.Fill in the blank in the sentence “If you’re caught cheating in the exam, you will___________.”
A.pour oil in troubled waters        B.be in hot water
C.cast your bread upon the waters      D.have to hold water
46.When we say it is “water under the bridge” to a friend who is upset by a mistake he/she has made, we mean “___________.”
A.forget it    B.correct it   C.worry about it  D.avoid it
47.Choose a word to complete the sentence “They gave the press the___________description of what really had happened.”
A.watered-down  B.waters      C.water D.watered
48.Which of the following can be used to describe Jack, who has invested a lot of money in stocks without knowing anything about the stock market?
A.Still waters run deep.
B.Too much water drowned the miller.
C.It is no safe to wading in an unknown water.
D.You can take a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Here are some advertisements taken from a newspaper.
Dear Drew Carter,
Your first year on this earth has been a pleasure ride for all of us. We love you!
Dad and Mom and many friends
The Doctors Virgil and Marjorie Lawlis are pleased to announce the engagement(订婚)of their daughter Diana Susan to Mr. Robert Brent Clarke, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Clarke of Herford, Texas.
A spring wedding is planned in Houston.
Mr. And Mrs. Davis K. Isbell announce the marriage of their daughter Dang to Mr. Stanley Foss, son of Mrs. John Sipe of Ada, Minnesota.
The wedding will be early April at Abiding Love Lutheran Church.
Miss Stephanie Story and Mr. Warren Kurio married on February 5, at half past seven o’clock in the evening at Highland Park Presbyterian Church in Dallas, Texas. The bride(新娘)is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Brule Story Jr. of Dallas. The groom(新郎)is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stanley Kurio of Austin.  
68.What would be the best title for the first advertisement?
A.We Love You                B.Happy 1st Birthday
C.One Year Old               D.Our One-Year-Old Son
69.Lawlis and Clarke are going to get married        .
A.in a church                   B.where Clarke’s parents live
C.against their parents’ will          D.to Lawlis’s parents’ joy
70.Who got or will get married in spring?
A.Not only Lawlis and Clarke but also Isbell and Foss.
B.Neither Lawlis and Clarke nor Isbell and Foss.
C.Either Isbell and Foss or Story and Kurio.
D.Neither Lawlis and Clarke nor Story and Kurio.
71.Who are now a married couple?
A.Lawlis and Clarke.     B.Dand Isbell and Foss.
C.Story and Kurio.                   D.The text doesn’t say.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Trip 1  Black Bear Count
There have been fires in this area in the last few years and the Office of the National Park is not sure how many black bears are still living. Some bears have been seen since the fires, and the Office has asked for young people to help count them. The entire trip will last three hours. Bookings necessary.
Cost: Free         When: May 8
Trip 2  Garland Valley
Bring your drink and lunch for this walk in a beautiful area of the Blue Mountains. Garland Valley is close to the town of Garland but is part of the National Park. Many wild animals live in this area, including many rare birds. This is a great walk for bird-lovers. The trip lasts four hours. Bookings necessary.
Cost: $ 15         When: May 8, May 15
Trip 3   Flashlight Adventure
Put on your warm clothes, bring a flashlight and a pair of glasses, and come for a night walk along the Dungog Valley. A guide will lead the tour. Many of the animals you will see on this trip can only be seen at night. The guide will tell you about the lives of the animals you see. Numbers are strictly limited on night trips, so be sure to book early. This walk lasts two and a half hours.
Cost: $ 12         When: May 8, May 15, May22
Equipment to be needed:
?Please bring enough water and food for all walks.
?Wear good walking shoes—no high heels.
?Wear a hat for day walks.
?Dress warmly for night walks.
?Children must be with an adult.
?Make sure your flashlight works well and bring extra batteries for night walks.
?Follow all instructions from guides during the walks. The mountains are a dangerous place.
Bookings for the above trips can be traded by telephone (893 — 4847) or on the Internet at www. Bluemountaintour. com
72. Where are these trips?
A. In a large city.                  B. In a park in the mountains.
C. In a special kind of zoo.            D. In three different countries.
73.   On which trip might you see animals that sleep during the day?
A. Black Bear Count  B. Garland Valley 
C. Flashlight Adventure  D. None of the trips.
74.   Which of the following is NOT necessary for the three trips?
A. Good walking shoes    B. A pair of glasses     
C. Food and water   D. A sleeping-bag
75.   What is the best title for the passage?
A. Adventure Travel in America      
B. Hunting around the Great          Mountains
C. Interesting Trips in the East of the USA 
D. Discovery Trips in the Blue Mountains


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

What to do if you don't feel popular?
●Try to take part in activities. Call your friends. Plan to do something. The worst feeling is staying home alone, because it makes you feel even more lonely.
●Try to make new friends. Choose friends carefully, not just because you think they're popular. And remember, making good friends takes time. Choosing a popular person to be friends with is okay. If they are nice. 
●Be yourself(保持独立). If you want to become friends with someone who's popular, don't make yourself into someone you are not just to impress that person.
●Be nice. Be friendly. Be outgoing(开朗的). But don't overdo it!Talk to trusted friends if you are feeling really bad. Or you might want to write it down in a journal(期刊)or diary.
●Do something special for yourself. You could take pictures of your friends, or collect their school pictures, and take a collage(拼贴画)to hang on your wall. This will remind(提醒)you, when you are feeling unpopular, that you really do have friends.
●Think up your own ideas. These suggestions might not work for everyone.
What to do if you have a problem with your teacher?
●Talk to your parents, or another adult who will listen to you and perhaps can help. Talk to your friends. Maybe they have had problems with the same teacher, too.
●Don't give the teacher a reason to have problems with you. Do your work, complete your task, attend the class seriously and take notes. Maybe you just need to give the teacher a chance(机会).
●Try to find out what the problem is.
●Talk to the teacher if you feel comfortable doing this. Don't be nasty(闹别扭的), but express your concerns(关心). Listen to the teacher, as well.
●Just accept the fact that you're not going to love all your teachers.
72、What do we mean by saying“ not feeling popular?”
A、Not liked by our classmates or workmates.    B、Not doing what we want.
C、Not showing any interest in anything.        D、Not so happy.
73、What does the underlined word “overdo” mean?
A、Do something too much or in an extreme way.     B、Try your best to do something.
C、Do something carefully.                     D、Work too hard.
74、The writer __________.
A、believes that your friend will help you out if you take their pictures
B、suggests that you discuss the reason of problem with your teacher when you feel uncomfortable
C、wants you to know that students usually hates teachers
D、is not too sure if his advice will certainly work on you
75、What's the best title of this passage?
A、Why We Have Problems at School?    
B、Always be Yourself.
C、How to Handle Problems at School?
D、Don't Be Afraid of Problems With Others.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Chinese sword play
Learn Chinese swordsmanship and practice Chinese sword play under the instruction of a professional in Ditan Park every Sunday afternoon.
Fee: 60 yuan(US$ 7.2)
Time/Date: 2 pm --- 3:30 pm, October 10.
Place: Meet at the south gate of Ditan Park, across the overpass north of the Lama Temple, Chaoyang District.
Tel: 8457-2772
See Lu Xun’s former residence
Visit the museum and former residence of Lu Xun, the father of Chinese modern literature, and learn about this period of Chinese history, from 1910 to the late 1930’s.
Fee: 50 yuan(US$ 6)
Time/Date: 2:30 pm --- 4:30 pm, October 16
Place: Meet in front of Lu Xun’s Museum, Fuchengmennei Dajie, Xicheng District
Tel: 6432-9341
Hike on Heifengkou Great Wall
Heifengkou Great Wall is about one and a half hours’ drive north of Beijing. The hike starts from the village at the foot of the mountain where the Great Wall meanders to the top.
Fee: 150 yuan(US$ 18) for adults, 100 yuan(US$ 12) for kids under 12.
Time/Date: 8:30 am --- 5:30 pm, October 16
Pick-up: Meet at 8:30 am in front of the Big Easy, at the South Gate of Chaoyang Park, returning by 5:30 pm.
Contact Lucy at lucy @ highclub. cn, or 6553-3920 for signing up.
Tai Chi class
This is a beginner’s level of Chen-style Tai Chi class, instructed by Paul Wang, who speaks excellent English and has a lot of experience teaching Westerners. He is the 12th generation master of Chen-Style Tai Chi, Tai Chi Sword, and Shaolin Temple longquan.
Time/Date: 10 am --- 11:30 am, October 12.
Fee: 60 yuan(US$ 7.2)
Place: In front of Jintai Gallery, inside the West Gate of Chaoyang Park, Chaoyang District
Tel: 6432-9341
Contact Gina at linshujuan@chinadaily. com. cn.
60. The underline word “residence” in the second text possibly refers to ______ .
A. a work    B. a famous person     C. a park        D. a house
61. If John wants to learn Chinese sword play, he may go to _____.
A. Ditan Park at 2 pm --- 3:30 pm, October 10
B. Fuchengmennei Dajie at 2:30 pm --- 4:30 pm, October 16
C. the South Gate of Chaoyang Park at 8:30 am
D. Chaoyang Park at 10 am --- 11:30 am, October 12.
62. If you are free from 10:00 am --- 11:30 am, you may go to _____.
A. learn Chinese sword play
B. hike on Heifengkou Great Wall
C. visit the museum and former residence of Lu Xun
D. take the Tai Chi class 
63. In which section of the newspaper can you find the information above?
A. Sports.    B. Entertainment.     C. Advertisements.    D. Brief


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

           PEKING HOUSE
SUNDAY       CLOSED      5~11:00pm
MONDAY     12~2:00pm     5~11:30pm
TUESDAY     12~2:00pm    5~11:30pm
WEDENESDAY 12~2:00pm    5~11:30pm
THURSDAY    12~2:00pm    5~11:30pm
FRIDAY       12~2:00pm     5~Midnight
SATURDAY    CLOSED       5~Midnight
YORK (01904) 6837555

63. In Peking House you can ____________.
A. have your order delivered with no extra charge  
B. have your order delivered for an extra fee
C. only order your food and carry it away        
D. only order your food and eat it there
64. All food is _____________.
A. delivered to Peking House from a modern central kitchen
B. cooked by experienced cooks from China
C. prepared in Peking house’s well equipped kitchen
D. served in Peking House’s unique and modern kitchen 
65. We can get all kinds of services from Paiges Basic except________.
A. giving advice for free.                            B. changing pets’ bad behavior.
C. going to hosts’ home for training.        D. curing Pets’ disease.
66. Of the last two advertisements, which one doesn’t provide the exact address?
A. The first one.         B. The second one.      C. Neither one.           D. We have no idea.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

★Share Flat. Happy Valley big flat, 1 room ready for use immediately, quiet
and convenient, fully furnished, park view. $6,800 including bills with maid(女佣).
Female nonsmoker. No pet. Sara 25720836 or 10077809.
★Moving Sale: 2 armchairs, red/ brown at $400 each; coffee table, black, wood,$800; oil painting, big, $900; Tianjin carpet, green, 3×7, $600; double bed, $500; mirror, big square, $500;  fridge, big, double-door, $1,000; old pictures, $140 up, each.  Tel: Weekend, 2521-6011; Weekday, 2524-5867.
★Part-time Laboratory Assistant Wanted. Required by busy electronics company to help with development of computer. Should have an electronics degree and some practical experience of working in an electronics laboratory. Hours 9:30am-1:00pm, Mon.-Fri. Fourteen days, paid leave. Salary 6,598-10,230 dependent on experience. Letter of application to: Mrs G Chan, NOVA ELECTRONICS, 45 Gordon RD, Hung Hom Knowloon.
49. The one who puts on the first advertisement probably wants to ______.
A. rent a beautiful flat of her own in Happy Valley
B. find another lady to share the cost to rent a flat
C. share her room in a flat with whoever has no pet
D. find a maid to look after herself
50. According to the advertisements, you may _______.
A. buy an old picture for $150
B. call 25720836 to see a beautiful lake
C. buy two armchairs for $400
D. hire a maid (女佣)by paying $6,800
51. If you want to buy some old furniture, you should  ______. 
A. get in touch with NOVA  ELECTRONICS
B. call 2524-5867 any day except Monday
C. do it before you move to another place
D. call either 2524-5867 on Monday or 2521-6011 on  Saturday
52. Once you get a part-time job in NOVA ELECTRONICS,  _______.
A. you will be given 14 days off each year besides weekends
B. you will get $6,598 each month no matter how experienced you are
C. your have to work at least 8 hours a day
D. you should write a letter of application to Mrs G Chan

