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   Life skills,unfortunately,is an abstract and broad term for the abilities one would need for full participation in everyday life. So recently,I did a casual survey among my friends. I asked how they would determine whether an individual has,say,good social skills.

   One said the language of such individuals would be grammatically correct and they would express their ideas clearly. Another said good eye contact was important. Yet another added to the list the ability to get along with people,not to take things personally and the ability to help others.

   If most adults have difficulty defining the positive behaviours that are necessary to life skills,how do we know if students have acquired them the way I can describe on a report card?

   Marlaine Paulsen Cover,founder of Parenting 2.0,has done just that.

   Cover created a communication tool called the Life Skills Report Card (LSRC) . Similar in format to academic report cards,the LSRC divides life skills into five primary categories: personal care,organisation,respect for self and others,communication,and social. Sub-categories on the LSRC include: sleep,exercise,spirit'safety,time utilization,finances,ownership in problems and conflicts,altruism (无私) , and environmental consciousness.

   She found that societies around the globe routinely supported children's active learning for music,sports,and academics. When it came to life skills,however,the popular perspective (观念) was simply “children learn what they live”.

   “Yet when children are poor in certain life skills,society is quick to pass a whole person judgment,” Cover says.

   Life skills are necessary,because — to quote Scottish poet and novelist Robert Louis Stevenson — uto be what we are,and to become what we are capable of becoming,that is the only end of life”.

32. Why does the author raise the questions in Paragraph 1 ?

   A. To present different ideas.

   B. To expect reasonable answers.

   C. To express his disappointment.

   D. To introduce points for discussion.

33. How did the author feel about the result of the survey?

   A. It was practical. B. It was worrying.

   C. It was convincing. D. It was predictable.

34. What do we know about Cover's LSRC?

   A. It has been widely used at schools.

   B. It strongly emphasizes personal care.

   C. It aims to change people's ideas about life skills.

   D. It has something in common with academic report cards.

35. Cover''s words show that people tend to.

   A. ignore the importance of life skills

   B. encourage children's active learning

   C. compare academic skills with life skills

   D. look down upon children with poor life skills

32. D 33. B 34. D 35. A



32. D.写作手法题。作者在文中探讨的主题是生 存技能,所以第一段所提的问题就是为了引起 人们的思考,引出本文要讨论的话题。

33. B.推理判断题。根据第藏段If most adults have difficulty defining the positive behaviours that are necessary to life skills,how do we know if students have acquired them the way I can describe on a report card?可知,作者调査完发规 大家的说法不一,为此感到担忧,因为夭人都 搞不清什么是生存技能时,我们怎么能设计出 教授、评价孩手们的生存技能的报告单呢?

34. D.细节理解題。根据第五段的Similar in format to academic report cards 可知,二者在整 体设计上较为相似。

35. A.推理判断题.根据倒数第三段的When it came to life skills,however,the popular perspective wis simply “children learn what they live”和倒数第二段可知,Cover认为人们没有 认识到生存技能的重要性。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高三新课标 > 第49期 2015-2016高三课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一 个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写 出修改后的词。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只充许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

   Of all the outdoor activity,I like climbing most,especially in late autumn when the sun hangs highly in the sky. Yesterday afternoon,our friends and I put on our sports shoes so off we went. Half an hour later,we reached on the top of the hill near our school,which we enjoyed a wonderful view. To the south,a big river cross the city lies in the sunlight. Near the river is our school,which is like beautifully designed garden. When the sun started to go down,we went back. On the way back,we meet many other students who were talking and laughing all the way. Obviously,we both had a good time that afternoon.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   In middle school,I began volunteering. We’d assist teachers at daycares with poor kids or go shopping for 41 citizens. I loved how it felt to help those in need and see them 42 .

   So as my bar mitzvah(犹太男孩的成人仪式) approached,I wanted to celebrate my “coming of age” by 43 in an even bigger way. But how was I going to do that?

   I come from a middle:class family,44 I knew that I couldn't just make a large donation. I had to be 45 . And in sixth grade,it 46 me. I thought: There must be other people like me. What if we all collaborated (合作 )?

   I decided to ask people to donate $2 each to a worthwhile 47 . To encourage people to 48 ,I decided to record my own song and give the MP3 as a donation 49 . The song is called “Fight for a Cause”.

   I also had to figure out which charity the donations would 50 . I decided to let the donors 51 for their favorite.

   I 52 a Greek physicist named Archimedes,who once said, “Give me a lever(杠杆) 53 enough and a place to stand,and I can move the Earth." So I named my organization the Archimedes Alliance. Pretty 54,right?

   Finally,in the summer before eighth grade,my bar mitzvah arrived. I gave a speech,and lots of people donated on the spot. I felt so 55 and excited.

   Then I sent an e-mail to everyone I knew and who my parents knew,letting them know how to donate. I have to admit,I was seriously 56 . Few people donated and even fewer passed along my 57 . I realized: This is going to be way 58 than I thought. But I was 59 . So I kept sending e-mails and talking about my project to 60 the message.

   The Archimedes Alliance eventually raised $40,101.60,which we donated to the charity that got the most votes.

41. A. lazy   B. senior   C. great   D. smart

42. A. smile   B. work   C. help   D. cry

43. A. giving up   B. giving in   C. giving out   D. giving back

44. A. but   B. unless   C. so   D. until

45. A. creative   B. brave   C. generous   D. greedy

46. A. hurt   B. hit   C. kicked   D. knocked

47. A. person   B. hospital   C. charity   D. school

48. A. buy   B. make   C. choose   D. donate

49. A. result   B. fact   C. example   D. gift

50. A. protect   B. disturb   C. benefit   D. challenge

51. A. vote   B. fight   C. care   D. cheer

52. A. remembered   B. changed   C. thanked   D. recognized

53. A. cheap   B. heavy   C. long   D. soft

54. A. honest   B. terrible   C. wrong   D. awesome

55. A. tired   B. proud   C. bored   D. curious

56. A. pleasant   B. guilty   C. confident   D. disappointed

57. A. postcard   B. story   C. song   D. message

58. A. bigger   B. better   C. harder   D. further

59. A. determined   B. kind   C. careful   D. worried

60. A. write   B. spread   C. read   D. use


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The USA 

   Well,imagine how my sister felt when she went off for the first time to New York for a business trip. After a fey days she was still amazed at how friendiy everyone was to her until she took a taxi back to her hotel one night. First she gave just the name of the hotel,but when asked she said the address too. Then she was asked how to get there,but of course she didn’t know. Imagine how frightened she was when the driver started shouting at her for not knowing the way.

The UK

   A friend was in London for a conference. He took a taxi and there were no problems: the driver knew the way and was very cheerful. The problem started when he realised he had stupidly left his laptop on the back seat!He called the company up and,in a panic,went straightaway to their Lost and Found office. He was over the moon to find the laptop waiting for him,and then very surprised that it was one of 2 ,900 left in taxis over the past six months!


   Well,my brother took a Mediterranean cruise (巡游) one summer and had a day in Tunis. He spent most of the afternoon in the Medina buying presents when he suddenly realised hed completely lost track of time and there was only half an hour before the ship left the port. There had been loads of yellow taxis in the centre so he wasnt too bothered until he stood on the pavement and waited for one to appear — and of course there wasnt a single one in sight!Nothing!He questioned a passer-by who explained that the cost for the taxi ride goes up in the evening so the taxi drivers disappear until they can charge higher prices!Luckily for my brother the man then offered to give him a lift and he caught the boat on time!

21. What was the author's sister's trip by taxi in the USA like?

   A. Unpleasing and scary.

   B. Tiring but impressive.

   C. Relaxing and exciting.

   D. Interesting but strange.

22. The underlined part “over the moon” in Paragraph 2 can best be replaced by “ ”.

   A. very happy   B. extremely sad

   C. quite surprised   D. pretty annoyed

23. Why couldn’t the author's brodier find 汪 taxi?

   A. Because it was too late.

   B. Because the weather was bad.

    C. Because he didn't know how to call a taxi.

   D. Because the taxi drivers disappeared on purpose.

24. What do the three stories have in common?

   A. They are all about taking a taxi.

   B. They are all about business trips.

   C. They are all about great services.

   D. They are all about the authors family.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

   I really think the way most young people use modem technology are almost antisocial. Last week my cousin came over for the dinner. She’s seventeen and addicting to her mobile phone. All through dinner she was on her phone,send messages and chatting online. We were both there having a conversation,but she was in her own little world. It was quite strange and annoyed. When I asked her about it,her reply was “Well,I need to stay touch with my friends”. However,I'm really not convinced that this way of using technological really does this. After all,there had lots of us there together but he wasn’t in touch with us at all!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


假定你是李华,你校下周日将举行“为爱奔跑(Run for Love) ”公益活动,旨在为贫困地区的学生 和残疾儿童募捐。请给外教海伦写封电子邮件邀她一同参加,要点如下:

1. 活动的时间、地点及目的;

2. 活动的内容:跑步、捐款等。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Helen,

I'd like to invite you to join us for the Run for Love.                                                                                                                                     

Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

    In the past few years,quite a number of men and women61. (choose) to do something less competitive. They are afraid that the stress of work robs them of joy and 62. (happy) and brings them harm both physically and mentally.

    In fact,however,stress isn't such 63.bad thing as it is often supposed to be. Above all,64. it gets out of control,a certain amount of stress 65. (be) important as it provides motivation,challenges and a purpose to an otherwise meaningless,idle life. Moreover,people 66.stress tend to express their full range of potential and realize their own 67. (person) worth — the very aim of a human life. Last but not least,research has shown that modest amounts of stress can 68. (actual) strengthen the immune(免疫的) system and be good for health.

    Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way 69. (escape) it. Developing our adaptive abilities to deal with it can prevent us from 70. (defeat) by a competitive society.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   We all love watching fireworks,from the attractive shows on the Fourth of July (a national holiday in the US that celebrates the beginning of the United States as a nation) to the Roman candle burning in the backyard. But let's 41 and think about the price we pay for just a few minutes of 42

   First,the amount of money we spend on fireworks is 43 . The excitement is gone 44 . Let's face it,what we really are doing is burning 45 . Yet,year after year,thousands of cities and towns spend our tax dollars on fireworks displays. Those tax dollars would be put to much better 46 feeding our hungry and housing our homeless.

   Second,there is the matter of 47 . Fireworks contain chemicals that are harmful to people and animals. Over the years,these chemicals will 48 the air we breathe and the water we drink.

   Third,let's 49 the trash left behind after a fireworks display. What a 50 !One would probably 51 that those who set off the fireworks would have the politeness to 52 the trash afterwards. 53,they don't. The mess they leave behind 54 the kind of attitude many Americans have toward our 55 .

   Fourth,fireworks are 56 . Some fireworks can damage your hearing,especially the fireworks used in public displays that give off a big BANG. Losing your 57 is too high a price to pay.

   58 all the safety warnings,we still see injuries and deaths as a result of fireworks. Approximately 10,000 Americans are injured every year by fireworks.

  In my view,all consumer fireworks should be 59 . Public fireworks displays should be kept to a minimum and should be paid for through volunteer ftmding,not tax dollars. Finally,those people in 60 of fireworks displays should be responsible for cleaning up the mess they make.

41. A. stop   B. decide   C. continue   D. follow

42. A. doubt   B. hesitation   C. surprise   D. excitement

43. A. limited   B. worthwhile   C. absurd   D. necessary

44. A. in time   B. in a flash   C. for free   D. for a while

45. A. paper   B. oil   C. time   D. money

46. A. use   B. place   C. shape   D. play

47. A. interest   B. expense   C. pollution   D. safety

48. A. absorb   B. poison   C. reduce   D. clean

49. A. forget   B. consider   C. research   D. explain

50. A. mess   B. shame   C. pity   D. lesson

51. A. warn   B. order   C. forbid   D. expect

52. A. save   B. leave   C. pick up   D. figure out

53. A. Therefore   B. However   C. Otherwise   D. Anyhow

54. A. changes   B. adopts   C. reflects   D. shares

55. A. environment   B. partners   C. society   D. behavior

56. A. beautiful   B. dangerous   C. bright   D. complex

57. A. memory   B. relatives   C. hearing   D. sight

58. A. Without   B. Besides   C. Beyond   D. Despite

59. A. banned   B. discussed   C. encouraged   D. produced

60. A. need   B. charge   C. honour   D. case


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   I didn't go to Colorado to ski. I went because I was persuaded to attend a two-day class at the Bridgestone Winter Driving School there.

   Everyone in my family came along with me. The first morning,we sat in a small classroom and our instructor,Robert,told us what to expect. The course,he explained,was designed to make the cars slip and slide on ice and snow. “If you listen to us,” Robert assured the class, “you’11 be fine."

   On a snowy day when I was 4,I had a car accident. I wasn't seriously hurt that day,but over the years the shock transformed into anxiety. When it snowed,I often called another parent at the elementary school my daughter attends to ask if he or she wouldn't mind driving my daughter the half-mile to school in the morning.

   That first morning in Colorado,after we left the classroom and headed out to the track,my heart was racing. By the time Robert said, “Cristina,it's your turn." I was lightheaded. I carefUlly did what I was instructed to do but when I turned,I pulled the wheel too hard and hit a block of ice,my car turning almost 180 degrees. When the car came to a stop,I sat rigid,trying to catch my breath. Part of me wanted to get out and never drive again. But I was sitting there safely,wasn,t I? I had overcome one of my greatest fears — losing control of the car. I even felt a little excited.

   For the rest of the class,I continued practising,and I got better enough so that a week later,when I arrived home and there was snow on the ground,I didn't even think about calling another parent to drive my daughter to school. “I can do this,” I told myself. And I did.

24. In the classroom,Robert intended to help participants to .

   A. know each other

   B. build up confidence

   C. learn about the course

   D. put theory into practice

25. The accident made the author afraid to .

   A. have kids in her car   B. drive on snowy days

   C. drive long distances   D. be in a car by herself

26. What can best describe the author's feelings after the first practice?

   A. Mixed. B. Puzzled.

   C. Thankful. D. Regretful.

27. What do we know about the class?

   A. It's tiring. B. It's helpful.

   C. It's expensive. D. It's interesting.

