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A boy walked along Carver Street, singing a sad song. He walked with his head down. Once he looked up and noticed the sign across the empty street, painted on the side of an old house. On the sign a big woman with yellow hair and a five-mile smile held out a big bottle. “Coca-Cola. Drink Coca-Cola,” the sign said.
“Boy!” the silence was cut by a sudden cry. He turned around quickly to see who had called.
An old woman was standing at her door.
“You boy! Come here this minute!”
Slowly the boy ___1___ onto the cold flat stones leading to the old woman’s house. When he arrived at her house, she ___2___ out her hand and wrapped(缠住) her ___3___ old fingers around his arm.
“Help me inside, boy”, she said, “Help me ___4___ to my bed. What’s your name?”
“Joseph,” he said.
The old woman on the bed tried to ___5___ up, raising herself on her elbow(肘). Water ___6___ from her eyes and mouth. The sight of her made Joseph feel ___7___.
“I am dying, Joseph. You can see that, can’t you? I want you to write a ___8___ for me. There’s paper and pencil on the table there.”
Joseph looked down at the ___9___, and then looked out the window. He saw the sign again: “Coca-Cola. Drink Coca-cola.”
“I want my silver pin to ___10___ to my daughter.”
Joseph bent his small body over the table and ___11___ the pencil slowly across the paper.
“There’s my Bible(圣经),” the old woman said. “That’s for my daughter, too. I want a ___12__ Christian burial(基督葬礼) with lots of singing. Write that down, too. That’s the last ___13__ of a poor old woman.”
The boy labored over the paper. Again he looked out the window.
“Here. Bring it here so I can ___14___ it.”
Joseph found the Bible, and ___15___the paper inside, laid it next to the bed.
“___16___ me now, boy,” she sighed. “I’m tired.”
He ran out of the house.
A cold wind blew through the ___17___ window, but the old woman on the bed ___18___ nothing. She was dead. The paper in the Bible moved back and forth in the wind. ___19___ on the paper were some childish letters. They ___20___ the words “Coca-Cola. Drink Coca-cola.”
1. A. rushed    B. struggled    C. hurried       D. stepped
2. A. reached  B. let      C. pushed       D. pointed
3. A. firm       B. smooth       C. dry     D. fresh
4. A. back       B. over    C. away   D. ahead
5. A. sit   B. get      C. stand   D. wake
6. A. rolled     B. burnt  C. burst   D. ran
7. A. ill   B. sick    C. unpleasant  D. funny
8. A. letter      B. note    C. will    D. message
9. A. table      B. pen     C. paper  D. woman
10. A. send     B. go      C. belong       D. come
11. A. moved  B. drew   C. used    D. pulled
12. A. great    B. merry C. splendid     D. real
13. A. hope     B. chance       C. opinion      D. wish
14. A. sign      B. read    C. remember   D. copy
15. A. setting  B. hiding C. placing       D. laying
16. A. Hold    B. Leave  C. Excuse       D. Pardon
17. A. large    B. open   C. small  D. pretty
18. A. did       B. saw     C. felt     D. knew
19. A. Described    B. Printed       C. Recorded    D. Written
20. A. formed B. spelled       C. organized   D. repeated
 1-5DACBA 6-10DBCCB 11-15ADDAC 16-20BBCDA

1. D。根据后面的 a cold flat 来判断是“走”上冰冷的台阶。
2. A。从本句这两个动作来看是先伸出手,然后再用她那干枯的手指缠住他的胳膊。
3. C。因为年纪大了,又是快要死了的人,所以手是“干瘪无肉的”。
4. B。根据前面的 Help me inside 的动作,后面应该是把我扶“上”床,而不是扶回到床前。
5. A。根据下文让小孩写遗嘱,应该是想坐起来说遗嘱的内容,根据语境不能是站起来。
6. D。如果仅指眼泪可以选答案 A, 因为这儿既指眼泪又指口水,所以用 run 最合适。
7. B。从下文 I am dying 来看老太太病得很严重了,be ill 和 feel sick 是英语里的习惯用法。
8. C。根据上文的 I am dying 和下文“死在床上”可知让小孩写的是遗嘱 will,而不是信 letter。
9. C。上文和下文都提到了“纸”。
10. B。silver pin 本是属于老妇人的,现在因为她快要死了,所以留下遗嘱给她女儿,go 表示去向和归属,不选 belong(属于)。
11. A。从上文 Joseph bent his small body over the table 形容小孩拿铅笔写字,就好像在纸上“移动”(move)。
12. D。因为是葬礼,不可能是“快乐的或辉煌的”,而是“真正的”。
13. D。从上下文的语境可以得知,那是可怜的老太太最后的“愿望”,而不是“希望”。
14. A。根据常识,遗嘱写完了要“签字”。
15. C。根据老太太的交代,找到了(圣经),把写有遗嘱的纸“放”在里面,而不是“藏”在里面。
16. B。根据后一句 I’m tired 来看,老太太想让小孩离开,让她自己留在那儿,leave sb (be) 意为“别管…,让….在那儿”。
17. B。从前面的 through 一词可知窗户是“开着的”。
18. C。从下文 She was dead 来判断,她没有知觉了。
19. D。从上文可知是纸上“写”的遗嘱,written 的逻辑主语是后面的 letters。
20. A。文章一开始就为文章的结尾埋下了伏笔,再根据文章中间叙述小孩拿着铅笔在纸上移动来看,小孩不太会写字,只是把广告牌上的字母抄了下来,所以就形成了 Coca-Cola. Drink Coke-Cola。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Visitors from space may have landed on our planet from time to time, maybe hundreds of times during the long, empty ages while Man was still a dream of the far future. Indeed, they could have landed on 90% of the earth as recently as two or three hundreds years ago, and we could never have heard of it. If one searches through old newspapers and records from some certain places, one can find many reports of strange events that could be some explanations about visiting from outer space. A writer, Charles Fort, has made a collection of UFO sightings in his book Lo! One is tempted(引诱) to believe them more than any modern reports, for the simple reason that they happened long before anyone had ever thought of space travel. Yet at the same time, one cannot take them too seriously, for before education on science was popular, even sightings of meteors(流星) and comets(彗星) made people believe the most unbelievable stories, as they still do today.
56.小题1:According to the passage, visitors from outer space may have landed on the earth      .
A.long before man had dreamed of itB.long before there were human beings
C.in the last few hundred yearsD.after the space travel began
57.小题2:Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.Charles Fort sighted a lot of UFOs himself.B.All sightings of UFOs are believable.
C.There may be living things on other planets.D.People have seen visitors from other planets everywhere.
58.小题3:According to the passage,           .
A.UFOs are only seen in recent yearsB.UFOs sightings are not new
C.UFOs are just meteors and cometsD.UFOs are invented by people


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

On a cold evening I was waiting for a taxi in New York. About 5 minutes later, I was picked up by a driver, and he said how horrible some people were. I knew there was a part of me that wanted to be silent, but I had to listen out of kindness.
The man told me that he had just come from JFK Airport without a customer. Over the course of that taxi ride, what started as anger changed slowly and he mentioned that he had read an article which said that the happiest people are the ones that give, so he hoped he’d have more chance to give in his life. I was really starting to enjoy being with this man.
As we arrived at the place where I wanted to go, I paid my money by credit card. I pulled out an extra $20 and said, “Sir, since we’ve been talking about giving this whole time, I want to share that feeling with you. I’ve already paid my money, but here’s an extra little bit. You can tell the next passenger in this taxi that their ride is a gift from another.”
I thought I was pretty cool at this point. But he turned toward me, tears in his eyes, and he said, “Sir, I have a better idea. You give that $20 to a homeless person around here and I will give the next passenger a free ride myself.”
It was a great honor meeting that man and learning the lesson of how everyone gives and adds joy to another with their generosity.
小题1:According to the text, when the author got in the taxi, the taxi driver was________.
小题2:The author gave the driver an extra $20 in order to_________.
A.help him to get out of troubleB.know what he was really like
C.experience the joy of givingD.learn how to get along with others
小题3:What can be inferred from the taxi driver’s words in Paragraph 4?
A.A driver should be willing to help.
B.People should understand each other.
C.The driver was deeply moved.
D.One needs to keep an optimistic attitude (乐观态度).
小题4:What would be the best title for the text?
A.A cold evening in New YorkB.Learning from a taxi driver
C.A gift to a generous strangerD.Always being a happy person


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

—Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest restaurant is?
—Where is the nearest restaurant, please?
—Oh, the restaurant? The nearest one is the City Restaurant. ___2___
—I‘m ——er—— I’m afraid I don‘t quite ……you see, ____3____
—I see. Simply walk two blocks straight ahead, then turn left, and the City Restaurant is about 10 metres ahead. ____4____
—Can I take a bus?
—Of course you can. but ____5____ It‘s only a few minutes’ walk.
—Thank you very much.
—Not at all.
A.What did you say?
B.I‘m a total stranger here.
C.You can‘t miss it.
D.I beg your pardon?
E. It‘s just opposite the No. 5 Department Store.
F. I don‘t think it is necessary.
G. It‘s not very far.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The very wealthy English Baron Fitzgerald had only one child, a son, who understandably was the apple of his eye. His wife died when the child was in his early teens. So Fitzgerald devoted himself to fathering the kid. Unfortunately the son died in his late teens.
Meanwhile, Fitzgerald’s wealth greatly increased. He spent a lot on art works of the masters. Later Fitzgerald himself because seriously ill. Before his death, he had carefully prepared his will as to how his wealth would be settled—to sell his entire collection at an auction (拍卖).
Because of the large quantity and high quality of his collection, a huge crowd of possible buyers gathered for the auction. Many of them were museum directors and private collectors eager to bid (出价).Before the auction, the art works were shown, among which was a painting of Fitzgerald’s son by an unknown artist. Because of its poor quality, it received little attention.
When it was time for the auction, the auctioneer gaveled (敲槌) the crowd to attention. First the lawyer read from Fitzgerald’s will that the first art work to be auctioned was the painting of his son.
The poor-quality painting didn’t receive and bidders...except one—the old servant who had served the son and loved him, and who for emotional reasons offered the only bid.
As soon as the servant bought the painting for less than one English pound, the auctioneer stopped the bidding and asked the lawyer to read again from the will. The crowd became quiet, and the lawyer read from the will:“Whoever buys the painting of my son gets all my collection.”Then the auction was over.
小题1:The English Baron Fitzgerald was ______.
A.a museum directorB.a master of artC.an art collector D.an art dealer
小题2:Why did the old servant bid for the painting of Fitzgerald’s son?
A.He was devoted to the family.B.He saw that no one bid for it.
C.He knew the content of the will.D.He found it cheap for him to buy.
小题3:Fitzgerald’s will showed ______.
A his desire to fool the bidders                  B. his invaluable love for his son
C. his sadness at the death of his son             D. his regret of having no children to take over his wealth


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Looking for a low-cost path to self-knowledge? A way to mine your subconscious①for clues to your motivations, desires and fears? No need to have years of treatment or analysis. Just look to your dreams.
“You can ignore your dreams, but you are really doing harm to yourself,” says Lauri Quinn Loewenberg. “If so, you’re letting red flags pass you by, letting great ideas pass you by.”
Some sleep researchers believe dreams are more directly related to our moods and emotions and can serve as tools to self-understanding. Dreams occur during the REM (rapid eye movement) cycles of sleep each night. For adults, that means about every 90 minutes. The first period of REM sleep may be short, 5 to 10 minutes, followed by longer periods, finally reaching an hour or more in the fourth or fifth period.
When people are dreaming, brain scans show a lot of activities. The brain is online during dreams. The experiences you have during the day are connected during dream sleep. People we know or experiences we’ve had at different times in our lives may be different in the same dream.
AmyBeth Gilstrap has had the same recurring② dream that annoyed her since Hurricane Katrina drove her and her daughter and friends out of New Orleans. Ms. Gilstrap says, “It is always spies. My job is to get people to some place.” She’s certain the dream is related to her effort in the hurricane to help several families leave. Sometimes her cats also are part of that dream. That’s because she went back into New Orleans, before it was allowed, to rescue her cats.
Today, through brain scans scientists have known that the parts of the brain that control emotion and long-term memory are active during REM sleep.
1. The passage is mainly to tell readers ______.
A. dreams are mainly caused by hard work     B. dreams can offer us key to self-knowledge
C. dreams are only activities of our brains      D. how dreams help us solve our problems
2. According to the words from Lauri Quinn Loewenberg, ______.
A. dreams can make you feel badly ill         B. you often have red flags in your dreams
C. dreams will make your life colorful         D. you may get great help from your dreams
3. According to the passage, the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 5 refers to ______.
A. Ms. Gilstrap’s dream   B. Ms. Gilstrap’s job   C. Hurricane Katrina   D. New Orleans
4. According to the passage, when you are dreaming at night, ______.
A. your dream is connected with your work that day
B. the dream will generally last about 5 to 10 minutes
C. the longer dream should be in the later part of the sleep
D. your eyes will still move slowly during the time


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The Quiet Hero 沉默的英雄
It was Mother’s Day, the day we celebrate everything mothers are and everything we do. But I’ll   1   that Sunday in 2000 was bittersweet for me. As a single mother I   2   to think of my shortcomings — how many evenings I couldn’t spend with my children, and how many things I couldn’t   3   my waitress’ salary to buy.
But what   4   kids I had! My daughter Maria was a senior in college, and Denny was home visiting from his freshman year at Harvard University. They were   5   impolite enough to complain, but there was so much more I   6   I had done for them. I just hoped they   ___7 .
As I walked into the   8   quietly to start breakfast, I was greeted by a vase   9   a dozen red roses! When had Denny possibly slipped down to leave them? But even their delicate beauty was overshadowed by the note sitting beside them, in the quick, manly   10   of an eighteen-year-old. It was about a story that happened between Denny and me long ago. It   11  :
She took a day off from her busy   12   to take the boy to see his hero in the flesh at the stadium. It took 3.5 hours just to get there, and they had to be there early   13   he could see his hero take batting practice.   14   their arrival, she took her hard-earned money to buy an overpriced T-shirt on which was   15   his hero making a diving catch. After the game, of course he had to   16   his hero’s signature, so she stayed with the little boy   17   one in the morning…
It took me long enough to   18   it, but I finally know who the   19   hero is. Mom, I love you!
And suddenly, it was a   20   Mother’s Day, after all.
A.admitB.adoptC.deny D.refuse
A.intendedB.likedC.tended D.hesitated
A.stressB.spareC.strengthen D.spend
A.poorB.greatC.faithless D.pretty
A.wishedB.hopedC.expected D.desired
A.supportedB.understoodC.approved D.disgusted
A.1iving-room B.kitchenC.bed loom D.study
A.includingB.containingC.possessing D.pinning
A.handwritingB.descriptionC.tone D.scratch
A.wroteB.recordedC.memorized D.read
A.eventB.contentC.schedule D.circumstance
A.orB.forC.but D.so
A.AtB.InC.On D.By
A.impressedB.printedC.presented D.pressed
A.buyB.abandonC.get D.swap
A.beforeB.untilC.after D.when
A.seeB.hearC.realize D.tell
A.actualB.trueC.imaginary D.visual
A.sadB.bitterC.happy D.exciting


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A tourist comes out of the airport. There are a lot of taxis, but he asks every taxi-driver’s name, and takes the third taxi. It costs 5 from the airport to the hotel. “How much does it cost for the whole day?” the tourists asks. “100,” says the taxi-driver. This is very expensive, but the tourist accepts the price.
The taxi-driver takes the tourist everywhere. He shows him all monuments and all the museums. In the evening they go back to the hotel. The tourist gives the taxi-driver 100 and says, “What about tomorrow?” The taxi-driver looks at the tourist. “ Tomorrow? It’s another 100 tomorrow.” But the tourist says, “That’s OK. If that’s the price. See you tomorrow.” The taxi-driver is very pleased. The day the taxi-driver takes the tourist everywhere again. And in the second evening they go back to the hotel. The tourist gives the taxi-driver another 100 and says, “I’m going home tomorrow.” He likes the tourist, above all, 100 a day is a good money. “So you are going home, where do you come from?” he asks.
“I come from New York.”
“New York!” says the taxi-driver, “I have a sister in New York. Her name is Susannah, Do you know her?”
“Of course I know her. She gave me 200 for you.”
小题1:The tourist is _______.
an Englishman
a Frenchman.
a Swedish.
an American.
小题2:The tourist asks every taxi-driver his name because_______
A.he is afraid f being cheated
B.he knows one of the taxi-drivers
C.he knows of one of the taxi-drivers
D.there is a friend of his among the taxi-drivers.
小题3:Why is the taxi-driver very pleased with the tourist?
A.None but the tourist agrees to the price given without arguing with him
B.His sister knows the tourist.
C.His sister had brought so much money to him
D.He wants to be the guide of the tourist.
小题4: We can conclude that _______
A.he tourist will give the taxi-driver another 200
B.the tourist makes fun of the taxi-driver
C.the tourist will give the taxi-driver half of sum
D.the taxi-driver insists that the tourist should pay him another 200


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Mr. Peter Johnson, aged twenty-three, battled for half an hour to escape from his trapped car yesterday when it landed upside down in three feet of water. Mr. Johnson took the only escape route—through the boot(行李箱).
Mr. Johnson’s car had finished up in a ditch(沟渠) at Romney Marsin, Kent after skidding on ice and hitting a bank. “Fortunately, the water began to come in only slowly,” Mr. Johnson said. “I couldn’t force the doors because they were jammed against the walls of the ditch and dared not open the windows because I knew water would come flooding in.”
Mr. Johnson, a sweet salesman of Sitting Home, Kent, first tried to attract the attention of other motorists by sounding the horn and hammering on the roof and boot. Then he began his struggle to escape.
Later he said, “It was really a half penny that saved my life. It was the only coin I had in my pocket and I used it to unscrew the back seat to get into the boot. I hammered desperately with a hammer trying to make someone hear, but no help came.”
It took ten minutes to unscrew the seat, and a further five minutes to clear the sweet samples from the boot. Then Mr. Johnson found a wrench and began to work on the boot lock. Fifteen minutes passed by. “It was the only chance I had. Finally it gave, but as soon as I moved the boot lid, the water and mud poured in. I forced the lid down into the mud and scrambled clear as the car filled up.”
His hands and arms cut and bruised(擦伤), Mr. Johnson got to Beckett Farm nearby, where he was looked after by the farmer’s wife, Mrs. Lucy Bates. Huddled in a blanket, he said, “That thirty minutes seemed like hours.” Only the tips of the car wheels were visible, police said last night. The vehicle had sunk into two feet of mud at the bottom of the ditch.
小题1:What is the best title for this newspaper article?
A.The Story of Mr. Johnson, A Sweet Salesman
B.Car Boot Can Serve As The Best Escape Route
C.Driver Escapes Through Car Boot
D.The Driver Survived A Terrible Car Accident
小题2:Which of the following objects is the most important to Mr. Johnson?
A.The hammer.B.The coin.
C.The screw. D.The horn.
小题3:Which statement is true according to the passage?
A.Mr. Johnson’s car stood on its boot as it fell down.
B.Mr. Johnson could not escape from the door because it was full of sweet jam.
C.Mr. Johnson’s car accident was partly due to the slippery road.
D.Mr. Johnson struggled in the pouring mud as he unscrewed the back seat.
小题4:“Finally it gave” (Paragraph 5) means that _______. 
A.Luckily the door was torn away in the end
B.At last the wrench went broken
C.The lock came open after all his efforts
D.The chance was lost at the last minute
小题5:It may be inferred from the passage that _______. 
A.the ditch was along a quiet country road
B.the accident happened on a clear warm day
C.the police helped Mr. Johnson get out of the ditch
D.Mr. Johnson had a tender wife and was well attended

