精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

1 What has Jack been doing

A. Seeing a film.          B. Listening to the radio.     C. Watching the 100-meter dash.

2 How did Bill get on in the high jump?

    A. He failed.              B. He cleared the l .8 meters. C. He got the seventh place.

3 How many first places has their class got?

    A. Seven.                B. Four.                C. Six.



W: Hello, Jack. What have you been doing?

M: Watching the 100-meter dash.

W: Oh! Who came first?

M: Tom, of course. He ran the race in 11.8 seconds. How’s Bill getting on in the high jump?

W: Fine! And it’s his turn to clear the l.8 meters. Do stay and watch a while.

M: OK. Let’s cheer him on. Bill! Well done! He has cleared it.

W: Good! Our class has got seven first places already.



科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:001


1. The government will give them________.

    A. expensive cars          B. colored TV sets      C. cheap houses

2. What do the two people think of the overseas students who come back?

    A. They said it was good for the country only.

    B. They said it was good for the students only.

    C. They agree with what the government will do.



科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:001


1.  Stamp-collecting began in________

    A. 1921                B. 1854             C. 1941

2.  In some countries________.

    A. only men and children collect stamps

    B. More and more stamp-collecting schools are set up

    C. People can learn how to collect stamps in school

3.  Why do many children like to collect stamps?

    A. Because every stamp has a famous person’s head on it.

    B. Because every stamp has an important place on it.

C. The speech has not told us much about that.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:001


1 What does Peter ask Anna to do?

    A. Go to a party.

    B. Go to the cinema and have dinner together.

    C. Go to the park.

2 When will they plan to go out?

    A. Tomorrow evening.       B. On Thursday evening.     C. On Wednesday evening.

3 How will they go?

    A. By bike.              B. By car                C. On foot



科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:001


1 Where does the conversation take place?

A.    In a restaurant.             B. In a hospital.           C. At a food store.

2 What’s wrong with the man?

A. He has been suffering a stomachache for 2 days.

B. He has been using the restroom over 5 times a day.

C. He has not eaten anything for several days.

3. How is the man’s temperature?

A. A little bit lower.        B. Normal.              C. A little bit higher



科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:001


1 What does the man need?

    A. A taxi.                B. A train.               C. A bag.

2 When is the man leaving home?

    A. At 2:30.              B. At 3:00.              C. At 3:30.

3 What does the man want the driver to do?

    A. Drive carefully.            B. Be on time.             C. Help him carry his bags.


