精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情


71. All his _____(财产) belong to his country.

72. They visited the exhibitions of ______(当代的) Japanese paintings.

73. He made a ______(集中的) effort to finish the work on time.

74. He lived in a small ______(定居点) on the edge of the desert.

75. The police have issued a detailed  ______(描述) of the gunman.

76. The source of the river lies in Tibet and its b______ cover much of the country.

77. At the meeting he s______ the importance of learning English.

78. Her bright clothes were not a______ for a funeral.

79. First aid is a very important first step in the t_____ of burns.

80. To his fans’ d_______, Ping An won the opportunity to attend the Spring Festival Gala easily.

  71. possessions    72. contemporary     73. concentrated   74. settlement

  75.description    76. branches   77. stressed    78. appropriate

  79. treatment     80. delight


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


71. 至少伤病让我有时间与我的朋友和家人呆在一起了。

At least the ______ gave me time to be with my friends and family.

72. 发烧是生病的症状。

A fever is a ______ of illness

73. 未经允许看别人的私人信件是不合法的。

It's ______ to read people's private letters without permission.


The musician spent her spare time _______ poetry.

75. 受伤的人不省人事但仍活着。

The old man is unconscious but still_____.

76. 他注意到一个陌生人在商店附近闲逛。

He ______ a stranger hanging around the store.
77. 他因作伪证而受到惩罚。

He was punished for giving false ______.
78. 请接受我最衷心的祝贺

Please accept my sincere _______.

79. 他不是我们的亲儿子--他三岁时我们领养的。
He's not our natural son we _______ him when he was three.

80. 圣诞节时吃火鸡是英格兰的传统。

It's _________ in England to eat turkey on Christmas Day


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



All _______! The ship is about to depart.


We should look at every _______ of the problem.


Helen is___ about travelling abroad on her own.


He asked all the _______ in the next race to gather together.


The musician ______ a new piece for the  concert.


The scientist said they hadn’t found any ______ of life on other planets.


Nowadays, many kids are ________ to computer games.


John was made ________ of our school basketball team.


She finally______ her dream of becoming an actress.


The headmaster offered his _________ on the good results we got.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


71. He was suspected of p_________________(毒害his wife.

72. No one can p_________________(预测)what will happen one day.

73. Teachers shouldn’t show p_______________(偏爱) to any student.

74. The picture by Picasso a_______________(吸引) to all the students here.

75.It was t_______________(典型的) of her to help others when they are in trouble.

76.He has lost f_______________(信任)in me

77.I found it hard to c______________(表达) my feeling in words.

78. May I e_______________(交换) seats with you?

79. He is gifted and good at writing p______________(诗歌).

80. He a_____________ (申请) for the job.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


71.Fashion designers have to p ___________ what fashion will be like at least one year ahead.

72. Tom’s grandma had to have him a____________ because she was too old to take care of him by herself.

73. During the summer holiday my husband t__________ the old bedroom into a beautiful sitting-room.

74. Our plans need to be f____________ enough to cater for the needs of everybody.

75. You can e__________ your RMB for dollars in Bank of China.

76.During the Middle Ages, the main ___________(目的) was to represent religious themes.

77. He was arrested on charges of corruption and __________(滥用) of power.

78.The government must __________(禁止) the public from advertising cigarettes.

79.I hope that my advice will ___________(加强) your resolve to quit smoking.

80.You should be __________(感到羞愧) of yourself for telling such lies.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


71. In my whole life, I’ve never __________(故意)hurt anyone and I just don’t think I could.

72. The __________(现象), which has been jokingly named “Chinese-style street crossing”, is now being taken seriously by the government.

73. Due to the high rate of __________(失业), thousands of people in the country are out of work.

74. Those who are __________(上瘾)to chatting online usually don’t work hard.

75. His __________(偏见)against women caused him to lose a potential employee.

