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The structure and workings of the university are ever changing. The university of the past is not like the university of the present and the university of the present will not be like the university of the future. This “adaptation” to the times is what can make some universities great or make some universities among the worst in the nation.

In the past the university was very set in their ways. They did things the way they wanted them done. They paid no attention to the rest of the society and the way the ones paying the bills wanted them done. In the past the professors would lecture endlessly to the students, which often left the students bored and with no idea what was really said to them in the lecture. This is no way to try and teach students; students need interaction with the professors that are paid to teach them. As Paulo Freire believed there needs to be communication between the students and the professors and the class should not be totally memorization. This is the way that things were done in the past.

In the present many universities have either changed or are changing the way that they run their universities. The universities now are taking on many of the modern educational beliefs in order to make changes in the teaching methods. Universities are breaking down many of the divides between majors that they offer. By breaking these barriers the universities are becoming less specialized and more diverse. This goes along with the ideas of Berry who believes that the schools are over-specialized and that the universities are now just machines that are merely meant to produce workers. In the past few years the colleges have been lowering the standards of admission, which in turn lowers the standards of all the schools below the college level. The universities are now on the right track by increasing the standards of admission into their colleges.

1.In the author’s view, what can decide a university’s quality?

A. What its structure is like.                                   B. How its workings are run.

C. What times it belongs to.                                   D. Whether it’ll adjust itself.

2.Which of the following is NOT a feature of universities in the past?

A. They were run in a fixed way.

B. They ignored the needs of society.

C. They had lower standards of admission.

D. Professors lacked interaction with students.

3.What is the author’s main attitude towards universities in the present?

A. Positive.                  B. Doubtful.                          C. Passive.                   D. Uncertain.

4.What would the author most probably focus on in the following part of this passage?

A. Universities in the future.     

B. The standards of schools.

C. The admission into some colleges.

D. Other changes of teaching methods.










1.D 推理题。根据文章第一段3,4行This “adaptation” to the times is what can make some universities great or make some universities among the worst in the nation.可知大学能否适应时代的变化是一所大学能否变好的关键。故D正确。

2.C 细节题。根据文章第一段4行They did things the way they wanted them done. They paid no attention to the rest of the society and the way the ones paying the bills wanted them done. In the past the professors would lecture endlessly to the students, which often left the students bored and with no idea what was really said to them in the lecture.可知ACD三项都是以前的大学教育的特点,只有C项在文章中没有提及。

3.A 推理题。根据文章第三段前4行In the present many universities have either changed or are changing the way that they run their universities. The universities now are taking on many of the modern educational beliefs in order to make changes in the teaching methods可知现在的大学对于现代社会的变化也采取了一些相应的变化。可知作者对于现在的大学持有一种认可的态度。故A正确。

4.A 推理题。在这篇文章中,作者首先讲述了过去的大学存在的诸多问题,接着叙述了现在的大学为了适应时代的变化所作出的改变。在接下来的部分应该是在讲述未来的大学的发展趋势。故A正确。




科目:高中英语 来源:志鸿系列训练必修一英语人教版 人教版 题型:031

Match the word in column A with the paraphrase in column B.





a.event that causes great harm or damage




c.(of the earth)shake


d.severe damage or destruction


e.built to give protection, especially from rain, wind or attack


f.invisible gas into which water is changed by boiling


g.save or bring away sb./sth.from danger


h.source of pride and pleasure



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

“Boys and girls, you should ________ when having lectures,”asked the teacher.

  1. A.
    behave yourself
  2. B.
    behave yourselves
  3. C.
    behave you
  4. D.
    behave yours


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

Mary kept weighing herself to see how much ________ she was getting.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
    the heavier
  4. D.
    the heaviest


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

These crosstalk artists often made the audience ________ them.

  1. A.
  2. B.
    to applaud
  3. C.
  4. D.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

The deer was lucky that it just missed ____

  1. A.
  2. B.
    to be caught
  3. C.
    being caught
  4. D.
    to catch

