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   In the United States,Christmas is celebrated through the country. Many people,regardless of their religion,put up and decorate a Christmas tree. The tree can be a real evergreen or 1. can be an artificial tree. Lights,strings and even popcorn can be used to decorate a Christmas tree. On the top of the tree is a star or an angel. The decorations are usually red and green.

   The purpose of a Christmas tree is to have a central location to place gifts. According to legend,Santa Claus leaves presents under the tree. Children in the US often write lists of things 2. want Santa to bring them. Many parents bring their children to shopping malls across the country to tell a man dressed as Santa 3. they want. On Christmas Eve many children leave milk and cookies for Santa. Of course it is the parents 4. buy the gifts from the wish lists and even eat the cookies and drink the milk.

   On Christmas Day children usually wake up early and run to the tree so they can see what Santa brought 5. . Adults can also exchange gifts at 6. time.

1. it   2. they   3. what

4. that   5. them   6. this

题目来源:2016年英语周报高三新课标 > 第36期 2015-2016高三课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


5. Let's listen to that song once more, ?

6. 1 am coming with you to the concert, ?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


5. As soon as he started smoking,she asked him not so.

6. 1 never thought I would see her again,but yesterday I would.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Life hasn't always been easy for Sareana Kimia,16. Her parents split up when she was young,and she hasn't seen her dad since she was 10.In June 2014,she and her mom,Shefali Gupta,found out that they would soon be evicted(逐出) from their home. Sareana knew that her mom had money problems.

   Even before the eviction,Gupta had become very sad. Because she didn't have health insurance,Gupta couldn’t get a doctor's help for her emotional problems.

   Sareana took charge of things at home. For example,she often cooked her family's. meals. When she and her mom were about to lose their home,it was Sareana who arranged a place for them to stay.

   For years,Sareana had been an active volunteer with several organizations. She even started her own group,Youth for National Change. It works to support the rights of young people.

   Sareana called a few adults she had worked with. After finding out about her situation,one couple opened their doors right away. But by August 2014, the couple no longer had room for Sareana and her mom. The two ended up living in their car. They didn’t want to go to a homeless shelter out of fear that they could be split up. Through it all,Sareana kept working on projects and studying. “At no point did I let what was going on change my daily routine,” she says.

   Sareana is homeschooled online and goes to classes at a nearby college. Last fall,school bills began piling up. She had no way to pay them. A friend suggested that she try raising funds online. After a newspaper ran an article about Sareana,donations poured in — nearly $30,000!She paid for school and had enough money left to rent a small apartment. She and her mom moved into it in January 2015.

1. What happened to Sareana in 2014?

   A. She lost her father.

   B. She became homeless.

   C. Her mom abandoned her.

   D. Her house was destroyed.

2. Sareana started an organization to .

   A. teach people to cook   B. support poor people   C. earn money   D. help youth

3. After moving out from the nice couple's house,Sareana and her mom lived.

   A. in a vehicle   B. in her school

   C. in a friend's house   D. in a homeless shelter

4. Sareana finally found her own apartment .

   A. by raising money

   B. by doing part-time jobs

   C. with the help of her friends

   D. with the help of her college

5. Which of the following words can best describe Sareana?

   A. Modest. B. Intelligent.

   C. Optimistic. D. Determined.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   When I watched wild baboons(狒狒) in Africa,it seemed as if they ate everything. But did they really? They have simple stomachs. If baboons eat foods that have a lot of fiber, they get very little nutrition from that food,and then they don't have room for more nutritious foods. Baboons need foods with a lot of nutrients. Baboons should be picky eaters.

   In the 1990s,a team of primatologists(灵长类 动物学家) solved this riddle. By watching wild baboons,the team of primatologists found that the monkeys ate whatever they could find as long as the foods had a lot of protein and fat. Baboons avoided foods with lots of fiber. Many foods had high protein or high fat,and many foods had low fiber. So it looked as if baboons ate everything.

   Research on baboon foods made me wonder how baboons found their foods. I knew baboons were smart. For their size,they have big brains,and they remember a lot of things. Even though some baboon troops have more than 100 monkeys,baboons easily remember their friends and enemies. I reasoned that baboons might memorize the locations of some foods.

   For 18 months I lived in a tent in Ruaha National Park in Tanzania. I camped next to the river. I studied only m往le baboons because females have babies,and I didn't want to scare the little ones. Each morning,I picked a different male monkey. Everywhere he went,I followed. Every time he ate,I wrote down the food type and how much he ate.

   I discovered that baboons did not find baobab trees(猴面包树) randomly. Instead,the monkeys walked quickly and directly to baobab trees. The same was not true for other foods. Baboons used more random patterns to find elephant dung (粪便) , young antelopes,and grasses. Sometimes they found these foods on their way to the baobab trees!

6. What does the underlined part “this riddle” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

   A. Where wild baboons live.

   B. How wild baboons find foods.

   C. If wild baboons eat everything.

   D. If wild baboons have simple stomachs.

7. Wild baboons enjoy foods with .

   A. lots of protein and fiber

    B. lots of protein and fat

   C. lots of fat and fiber

   D. lots of fiber only

8. What do we know about wild baboons?

   A. They have few friends.

   B. They are not very smart.

   C. They have many enemies.

   D. They have a good memory.

9. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

   A. How the author studied wild baboons.

   B. The living environment of wild baboons.

   C. How female wild baboons give birth to babies.

   D. Differences between male and female wild baboons.

10. It can be inferred that wild baboons know the locations of.

   A. grasses   B. baobab trees

   C. elephant dung   D. young antelopes


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

            Four habits of highly emotionally intelligent people 

   It has increasingly become accepted that emotional intelligence (EI) is an important factor in our success and happiness,not only at work,but in our relationships and all areas of our lives. 1 Here are four habits that people with high El have:

   1. They focus on the positive. While not ignoring the bad news,emotionally intelligent people do not spend a lot of time and energy focusing on problems. 2 These people focus on what they are able to do and what is within their control.

   2. They surround themselves with positive people. People with a lot of El don't spend a lot of time listening to complainers. They are aware that those people are not helpful to them. 3 You can spot these folks as they tend to smile and laugh a great deal and attract other positive people. Their warmth,openness,and caring attitude let others look upon them as more trustworthy.

   3. They look for ways to make life more fun,happy,and interesting. Whether it is in their workplace,at home,or with friends,high El people know what makes them happy and look for opportunities to expand their enjoyment. 4 Therefore,they do whatever they can to brighten someone else's day.

   4. 5 People with high El are so busy thinking of possibilities in the future that they don't spend a lot of time worrying about things that didn't work out in the past. They take the learning from their past failures and apply it to their actions in the future.

   A. They are willing to let go of the past.

   B. They know how they can use their energy wisely.

   C. So what sets emotionally intelligent people apart?

   D. They receive pleasure and satisfaction from seeing others happy.

   E. So they always spend time with people that look at the bright side of life.

   F. Instead,they use the incident to create awareness of how to not let it happen again.

   G. Rather,they look at what is positive in a situation and look for solutions to a problem.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   A study of about 250 Dutch employees shows 1. a holiday improves health and well-being and positively affects work performance,at least 2. (temporary) .

   Other research also reported an association between taking frequent vacations 3. a lower risk of heart disease. American workers who take regular vacations have a significantly 4.(strong) sense of well-being than those who don't. And 5. doesn’t matter what their income is.

   However,vacations 6. (be) not without their health perils(危险) .One dangerous time is in the week or so before a vacation starts,which is related to 7. (rise) levels of workload and is more common in women,8. also experi- ence a rise in home load. The first few days of a vacation can also give rise to various physical

9. (problem) , such as fever,bad mood,poor sleep quality,or an upset stomach.

   The causes of these phenomena are not yet well understood,but we can do something to minimize their perils.10. example,to exercise at the end of your last workday and not to hurry in the first few days of your vacation.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

9. He likes this house with the beautiful gardea in front,but he doesn’t have enough money to buy(it,one) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

根据括号内的汉语提示用含it的内容补全下面句子(每空一词) 。

2. —Steven's parents have bought him a computer.

    (难怪) that he looks so happy.

