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    If you’ve always felt that you look 1.(attractive) in videos than you do in photographs,you,re not alone. A recent study 2. (do) by researchers at UC Davis and Harvard has found this to be true. It turns out that looking attractive in photos isn’t easy due to 3. the researchers are calling the “frozen face effect."

    In the study,university 4. (volunteer) were asked to watch 20 videos of various faces,after 5. they were given 20 stills pulled from the videos they had just watched. When they were then asked to rank the imagery based 6.attractiveness,the videos consistently ranked higher than the corresponding stills. The researchers even

7. (try) giving the subjects a series of photos shown as a group,but regardless,the video ranked higher — 8. (apparent) we humans like moving faces.

    Maybe a portrait(人像) photographer's most prized skill has to do with bringing out 9.best in people or Photoshop; but in reality it may just be the ability 10.(overcome) the “frozen face effect." 

1. more attractive。考查形容词的比 较级。由than可知应填attractive的比较级。

2. done。考查过去分词作定语的用 法。do与study之间是逻辑上的 动宾关系,且do所表示的动作己 完成,故填done。

3. what。考查连接词。设空处引导 宾语从句,且在从句中作calling 的宾语,故填what。

4. volunteers。考查名词。由 were 可知主语是复数名词,故填 volunteers 。

5. which。考查关系词。faces后面 是“介词+关系代词”引导的定语 从句,且设空处指代整个主句的 内容,故填which。

6. on / upon。考查介词。(be) based on / upon意为“根据”。

7. tried。考查一般过去时。try所表示的动作发生在过去,故填tried。

8. apparently。考查副词。设空处 修饰整个句子,故填apparently。

9. the。考查定冠词。疮容词虑:高 级前用定冠词the。

10. to overcome。考查不定式作定 语的用法。ability后需跟不定 式作定语,故填to overcome。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高三新课标 > 第41期 2015-2016高三课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Karla L. Miller writes a Washington Post advice column(专栏) on finding your way around the modern workplace. Each week she will answer one or two questions from readers.

Question: I'm Sam. I work part-time,paid hourly. There are only two employees: me and my boss. I receive no paid holidays or sick time,no health insurance,and orie week's paid vacation. For me,this job is just a job,and the salary I earn doesn't guarantee a 24/7 on-call mentality.

   From almost the beginning,my boss has freely called me at home,called my personal cellphone,and emailed my personal account during my off-hours and vacation.

   Five years later,it's still happening despite my having politely asked her several times not to contact me during my non-working hours.

   Each time I ask,she apologizes and stops for a while,but always goes back to the behavior. I never take her phone calls on my cell,but she hasn't got my point.

   The point is,it is never anything that can't wait until the next business day!I am ready to lose it.

Answer: If it won't cost you your job,call block and email filters(过滤器) are one easy path to inner peace.

   It puzzles me that your boss seems to agree she's out of bounds,but then continues to contact you.

   Either she occasionally gets enough response from you to make it worth trying,or she can't help firing off questions on impulse(—时冲动) .

   You could ask her,once and for all,whether she's OK with waiting for .responses.— in which case her afler-hours calls and emails will be answered the next business day 一 or whether she wants instant answers 一 in which case,you will be tracking the time you spend responding so you can be paid for it.

11. What,s Sam's problem?

   A. His salary is too low.

   B. His job is very challenging.

   C. His working hours are too long.

   D. His boss always contacts him during off-duty time.

12. Which word can best describe Sam's feeling when he was writing the letter?

   A. Upset. B. Disappointed.

   C. Calm. D. Excited.

13. What does the underlined part “she's out of bounds” in the text probably mean?

   A. What she's doing is acceptable.

   B. What she's doing is hard to explain.

   C. She's doing what she is not supposed to do.

   D. She has the right to do whatever she wants.

14. Karla L. Miller advises Sam to .

   A. give up his current job

   B. keep silent about the matter

   C. turn off his cellphone during his off-hours

   D. talk about the matter with his boss seriously


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   When nine-year-old Buddy awakened on that Saturday before dawn,there was almost two feet of snow on the ground. However,he wasn't about to let a little 1  weather keep him from a most important job. Buddy had just become an altar boy(祭坛侍者) , and had been 2 to get to the church before 6 a.m.

   When Buddy came downstairs,his mother had just 3  . “The roads haven’t been 4,honey ,” she said,looking out at the 5 deserted street. “I can't drive you to church — we’d get 6 . Maybe you’d better stay home."

   “No,Mom." Buddy was 7 . After all,a promise was a promise. “I can 8 , honest. It’ 11 be fun."

   Buddy's mother looked 9 . It was almost two miles to church. But,their little town was 10 and safe. What harm could possibly come to her 11 ? And she was proud that he took his 12 so seriously. “Well...” she smiled. “Be sure to put on 13 clothes."

    At first,since his route was downhill,breaking a path through the new snow was 14 . It seemed like a winter wonderland (仙境)all quiet and clean. But as Buddy 15 walking,the drifts (雪堆) seemed higher and higher. His legs began to 16 . He hoped to reach the church so someone there would help him 17 ,and sit him near a heater to warm his quickly-freezing fingers and toes.

   18,Buddy came to the front of the church. He found that the snow on the church stairs was 19 undisturbed. He was the first one there. Although he was extremely 20 and his legs shook from pushing through the drifts,he felt proud of himself.

1. A. changeable   B. bad   C. uncertain   D. wet

2. A. asked   B. encouraged   C. advised   D. taught

3. A. called back   B. settled down   C. given in   D. got up

4. A. built   B. repaired   C. widened   D. cleared

5. A. dirty   B. crowded   C. dark   D. strange

6. A. stuck   B. cold   C. weak   D. lost

7. A. excited   B. firm   C. nervous   D. surprised

8. A. drive   B. stay   C. walk   D. wait

9. A. frightened   B. curious   C. doubtful   D. painful

10. A. beautiful   B. peaceful   C. clean   D. quiet

11. A. son   B. family   C. daughter   D. friend

12. A. honor   B. responsibilities   C. interest   D. chances

13. A. pretty   B. comfortable   C. warm   D. special'

14. A. difficult   B. easy   C. boring   D. fun

15. A. kept   B. stopped   C. enjoyed   D. hated

16. A. move   B. bend   C. work   D. ache

17. A. around   B. away   C. in   D. on

18. A. Immediately   B. Gradually   C. Finally   D. Suddenly

19. A. roughly   B. completely   C. usually   D. naturally

20. A. tired   B. afraid   C. patient   D. careful


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

     Although Im still young to be thinking about college,I 1. (have) my eye on the University of Washington — Seattle for a while now. Since I am a competitive gymnast,my college search began at the end of eighth grade,in hopes 2.earning a scholarship. Seattle is 3 ,000 miles from New Jersey and my parents originally laughed at the idea of me 3. (go) to school so far away. I eventually convinced them 4. (take) me for a visit.

     Ranked 14th 5. (global) by U.S. News & World Report,the University of Washington is a public institution. 6. is clear that students there take academics and athletics very seriously — exactly 7. I was looking for.All of the facilities(设备) are state-of-the-art,and the dorms are super clean. I completely fell in love with the school; even hearing about the 8. (rain) weather in Seattle couldnt make me love it less.

     A few weeks after my visit,my dream came closer to 9. (real) when I received a verbal(口头的) commitment to the University of Washington. College is still a few years away,but I can't wait to be a part of such 10. amazing place.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Yoga is a kind of sport that is very popular around the world now. Everyone,1. young or old,men or women,can do yoga. It’s 2.(benefit) to people's health,both physically and 3. (mental) .

   Why do people like yoga? There's a short answer and a long aliswer to that question. The short answer is 4. yoga helps you feel better and makes you healthier in body,mind and spirit. If you are interested,read on.

   Yoga began in India about 5 ,000 years ago. At that time,people wanted to be free,healthy and live 5. long life,so this kind of exercise was bom. The early yoga was part of a religion. Usually yoga 6. (teach) one to one then 一 one teacher with one student. Yoga is an Indian word 7. (mean) “to join together”. There are three parts of yoga altogether: exercise,breathing and meditation(冥想). In the past,more attention was paid 8. the spirit. The idea behind the exercise was to unite the mind,body and spirit. Yoga can help you feel 9. (relax) and have fewer worries and 10. (ill) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Once,in a lovely garden,lived the most beautiful butterfly in the world. She was so pretty,and had won so many beauty contests 1.she became very proud. One day,a cockroach(蟑螂)got fed up with her showing off,and decided 2. (teach) her a lesson.

   She went to see the butterfly,and in front of everyone she 3. (say) that the butterfly unfairly won those 4. (compete) and that in fact the cockroach was more beautiful.

   The butterfly was angry and said to the cockroach, “I 5. (beat) you in a beauty contest,with whichever judge you choose.”

   “OK,I accept. See you on Saturday,” answered the cockroach,and left 6. waiting for a reply.

   That Saturday everyone went to the beauty contest. The butterfly arrived 7. (complete) confident of victory until she saw 8. the judges were: cockroaches,worms,beetles. All of them preferred the ugliness and bad smell of the cockroach.

   The butterfly was left 9. (cry) and disappointed,wanting never to enter another beauty contest in her life. Fortunately,the cockroach forgave the butterfly for her pride and 10. became friends.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Mother: Hi,honey. Do you have anything exciting 1 . (report) today?

Mary: The big news is that George won. He actually 2. (come) in first in the spelling bee today.

Mother: Well,that's quite 3. achievement,and he should be proud 4. himself.

So,what was the winning word?

Miary: Mayonnaise(蛋黄酱) .Can you believe it? I guess it's a lot 5. (hard) to spell than you think.

Mother: M-A-Y-O-N …Is it one “n” or two?

Mary: See what I mean?

Mother: You know,I can remember when Georges parents and his teachers were really 6. (worry) about his spelling.That was just a couple of years ago. He sure has come a long way. So what happens next?

Mary: There is a play-off against the 7.(win) from Central High next week,and then the districts,and after that the state. Who knows,maybe we 8. (be) neighbours to the next national champ.

Mother: Maybe. 9. (speak) of mayonnaise,could you get me the jar from the fridge?

Mary: Only if you can spell it 10. (correct) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   For more than 10 years,the “SAS Survival Guide,” a book about outdoor tips by John “Lofty” Wiseman,has been a necessity in my camping backpack. The 400-page handbook usually comes with me on camping trips and has helped me search for food or use the sun and stars to find my way. But whenever I fly,I leave the book behind. However,what would happen if my plane crashed on a deserted island? Could I possibly create shelter from whale bones without this guide?

   But no fear: the “SAS Survival Guide” comes in an app(应用程序) and it's every bit as terrific as the book.

   The user-friendly app includes guidelines from the book,and then some. There are tips for building a fire,treating a snake bite and searching for mushrooms. The first aid guide includes instructions for saving yourself if you are choking. And there are warnings: If you happen to kill a polar bear,Wiseman warns,do not eat the liver(内脏) ,because it contains deadly amounts of vitamin A.

   Sixteen videos show Wiseman teaching survival techniques,including one in which he kills a chicken. aSave the feathers. They can be useful for insulating (绝缘) clothing ,” he advises. But don't worry,no chickens were harmed in the testing of this app.

   In other videos,Wiseman shows how to build shelter from plants with feathery green leaves,how to obtain drinkable water with a bag and how to construct a house from blocks of hard snow or ice. 

   There is room for improvement. Step-by-step videos would be more helpful than a series of pictures showing varipus knot (结) types. And the search function is complicated. On a recent camping trip,I ran across a black bear. Backing away,I searched the app for “bear,” which gave me more than 50 hits,including “bearings." Worried the bear would attack me as I looked through the results,I instead made a wide arc (弧) around her along the bank of a river. Fortunately,this was the right course,I later learned.

   Still,it's a helpfiil app. If only Wiseman had tips on keeping a cellphone's battery life in the wilderness.

28. The author feels the book “SAS Survival Guide” is.

   A. out-of-date   B. very helpful

   C. easy to carry   D. too thick to read

29. According to John “Lofty” Wiseman,if you are eating a polar bear,you .

   A. should avoid eating its liver

   B. can take in enough vitamin A

   C. should be careful not to choke

   D. can save its fur to make clothes

30. The videos on the “SAS Survival Guide” app.

   A. are all about outdoor tips from the book

   B. show how to make various knots clearly

   C. teach people how to live in the wild

   D. are shot by John “Lofty” Wiseman 

31. The author shows one of the apps weaknesses.

   A. by example   B. by process

   C. by comparison   D. by classification


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. (There,It) remains a certain doubt among the people about the practical value of the project.

