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Who says Americans worship the almighty (全能的) dollar? It's not true. Having enough free time is more important to most Americans than being rich, according to a new survey.
Only 13 percent of more than 2,400 people questioned in the telephone survey ranked being wealthy as most important to them, while 67 percent ranked free time as their top priority (优先考虑的事), higher than having a successful career, getting married, and having children. "Everyone wants free time to do the things they want to do, young, middle-aged or old," said Richard Morin, of the Pew Social ~ Demographic Trends Project, which conducted the survey. "So our desire to play unites us."
The survey also showed that people who were educated in university valued career success over wealth, so did middle-aged people. Not surprisingly, those who didn't have money, ranked wealth very highly. This included minorities, first generation Americans and less educated people. The survey also revealed that a disproportionate (不成比例的) number of people under the age of 30 and retired people in the group made $ 20,000 or less a year. But the emphasis on wealth lessens with age, with younger people putting value on it but hardly any seniors. "It just diminishes (减弱) with time as the reality sets in that you would never be rich," Morin said. "But also, as for old people the reality sets in that you don't have to be rich to lead a very comfortable and fulfilling life. "
While wealth was not at the top of people's list of priorities, 43 percent still said it was somewhat important.
小题1:The survey showed that the majority of American people ranked ______ as the most important.
A.wealthB.a successful careerC.marriageD.free time
小题2:Who cares least for wealth, according to the passage?
A.Young people B.First generation Americans
C.Old peopleD.Less-educated people
小题3: According to the survey, what did middle-aged people regard as more important?
A.success in career B.education levelC.wealthD.comfort
小题4: What is the belief of old people according to the third paragraph?
A.Wealth is as important to the old as health.
B.One needs to put money away for his retired life.
C.One doesn't have to be rich to live a satisfying life.
D.One would never get rich until he retires.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The Pacific island nation of Nauru used to be a beautiful place.Now it is an ecological disaster area.Nauru's heartbreaking story could have one good consequence-other countries might learn from its mistakes.
For thousands of years,Polynesian people lived in the remote island of Nauru,far from western civilization.The first European to arrive was John Fearn in 1798.He was the British captain of the Hunter, a whaling ship.He called the island Pleasant Island.
However, because it was very remote, Nauru had little communication with Europeans at first.The whaling ships and other traders began to visit,bringing guns and alcohol.These elements destroyed the social balance of the twelve family groups on the island.A ten-year civil war started,which reduced the population from 1,400 to 900.
Nauru's real troubles began in 1899 when a British mining company discovered phosphate(磷酸盐)on the island.In fact,it found that the island of Nauru was nearly all phosphate,which was a very important fertilizer for farming.The company began mining the phosphate.
A phosphate mine is not a hole in the ground;it is a strip mine.When a company strip-mines,it removes the to player of soil.Then it takes away the material it wants.Strip mining totally destroys the land.Gradually, the lovely island or Nauru started to look like the moon.
In 1968,Nauru became one of the richest countries in the world.Every year the government received millions and millions of dollars for its phosphate.
Unfortunately, the leaders invested the money unwisely and lost millions of dollars.In addition,they used millions more dollars for personal expenses.Soon people realized that they had a terrible problem—their phosphate was running out.Ninety percent of their island was destroyed and they had nothing.By 2000,Nauru was financially ruined.Experts say that it would take approximately$433,600,000 and more than 20 years to repair the island.This will probably never happen.
小题1:What might be the author's purpose in writing the text?
A.To seek help for Nauru's problems.
B.To tell a heartbreaking story of a war.
C.To show the importance of money
D.To give a warning to other countries
小题2:What was Nauru like before the Europeans came?
APeaceful and attractive             B.Modern and open
C.Rich and powerful                       D.Greedy and aggressive
小题3:The ecological disaster in Nauru resulted from
A.soil pollutionB.phosphate overmining
C.farming activity D.whale hunting
小题4:Which of the following was a cause of Nauru's financial problem?
A.Its phosphate mining cost much money
B.It spent too much repairing the island
C.Its leaders misused the money
D.It lost millions of dollars in the civil war.
小题5:What can we learn about Nauru from me last paragraph?
A.The leaders will take the experts' words seriously
B.The ecological damage is difficult to repair.
C.The island was abandoned by the Nauruans
D.The phosphate mines were destroyed


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Wen Jiabao arrived in Singapore yesterday for an official visit to the country. It is the first visit by a Chinese premier to Singapore in eight years. In the arrival statement, When said he is looking forward to the meeting with Singing pore on ways to deepen East Asian cooperation between two nations so as to contribute to the building of a peaceful, harmonious relationship.
Premier Wen Jiabao and Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong agreed to jointly develop an environmentally friendly city in northeastern China. The city will be a model for sustainable development, a Singapore government statement said.The”Sino-Singapore Tjanjin Eco—city” will be developed by a joint venture formed by Chinese and Singapore companies.”This eco-city, to be built in Tianjin, well become another highlight in our relations,” When said after signing an agreement with Lee, who agreed,“On the Singapore side, on all levels,we’ll  give this project our full support.”
The two sides will share expertise and experiences in urban planning, environmental protection, resources conservation,recyeling,use of renewable resources and wastewater re-use. China’s  economil planning agency issued a set of guidelines earlier this month welcoming foreign investment in environmentally friendly areas such as recycling,”clean”industries and environmental protection.
Bilateral relations between China and Singapore have seen big progress even though the two countries established diplomatic ties only 17 years ago, When said during his talks with Lee.
China and Singapore have also kept close contact and coordination on regional issues, he added. When said China and Singapore are both important Asian countries that share common interests in many areas.
Title: Wen’s visit to Singapore
Main points
General   小题1:   of Wen’visit
To   小题2:   with Singapore
To   小题3:  
Agreements 小题4:  in the visit
Another 小题5: friendly city to be built in Tianjin.
Co-operation in city planning, environment protection, recycling and so on for  小题6: 
Co-operation in   小题7:  for a  小题8:  Asia.
Guidelines 小题9: by China
China’s  小题10:  for clean industries and environmental protection.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The dyed bun scandal (染色馒头丑闻) deals another blow to shoppers' confidence in buying food products, as well as the reputation of local sellers. Li Zhen reports on shoppers’ reactions in Shanghai.
An investigation by the municipal government revealed that Shanghai Shenglu Food Company produced more than 3,000 steamed buns daily. These were then sold across the city, including large supermarkets such as Hualian, Lianhua and Dia.
Fewer steamed buns were for sale at this Lianhua Supermarket. More than 32,000 buns were taken off store shelves when the scandal emerged.
Mr. Wang, Sales Manager of Lianhua Supermarket, said, “We removed the dyed steamed buns produced by Shenglu as soon as we learned of the incident. We gave customers who had bought the steamed buns from our outlets refunds with their receipts. Despite the scandal, our sales volume has been fine so far.”
However, most customers we met remained concerned about food safety. Steamed buns are a regular breakfast food for Ms. Gao. She used to buy them mostly from supermarkets because she felt it was in a clean and safe environment.
But now, she has second thoughts about buying the popular snack.
Ms. Gao, Shanghai shopper, said, “I can’t believe that even steamed buns from the supermarkets are no longer safe. The only places I trusted to shop at were major supermarkets and specialist shops. But now even there, product quality cannot be guaranteed. I really don't know where to buy my goods from in the future.
Shoppers at supermarkets who still bought steamed buns said they had few options. “I feel like giving up supermarkets. But I really don’t know where to do my food shopping. I can't make these things myself.” said Ms. Tang, Shanghai shopper.
小题1:The colored buns were sold in some large supermarkets EXCEPT ______.
A.HualianB.Lianhua C.ShengluD.Dia
小题2: What Ms. Gao and Ms. Tang said suggests that ______.
A.they still trust major supermarkets when shopping
B.they will make food by themselves
C.they will never go to supermarkets
D.they feel confused about where to buy safe food
小题3:The underlined word in the last paragraph can be replaced by ______.
A.choices B.ideas C.hintsD.marks
小题4:What is the main idea of this passage?
A.Major supermarkets removed the dyed steamed buns.
B.Dyed steamed buns brought great loss to major supermarkets.
C.Famous supermarkets are involved in the bun scandal.
D.Dyed bun scandal hurts consumers’ confidence.
小题5:Where can you most probably read the passage?
A.In a fashion magazine.B.In a newspaper.C.In a guideline book.D.In an official document.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

1. 我细细地看了这篇文章,了解到那是为农村妇女写的。
I ___________________the text and realized that it was __________________ women in the countryside.
2. 我发现林巧稚把毕生都奉献给了病人,而自己却选择了独身。
I discovered that Lin Qiaozhi __________ her patients and had chosen not to have a family ___________.
3. 多亏了他的研究,联合国在消除世界饥饿的战斗中又多了些方法。
______________his research, the UN has more tools in the battle ______________.
4. 他们主要是想保持土壤肥沃且免受病害。
They ______________ keeping their soil ___________________.
5. 在人们感到沮丧的时候,他可以使他们开怀大笑,于是他们就对自己的生活感到比较满足。
He made people laugh at a time when they ______________, so they could feel _____________their lives.
6. 不是所有文化背景下的人都以同样方式寒暄,接触陌生人时,距离太近或太远都会使他们不舒服。
Not all cultures ______________________the same way, _____________________ in the same way with
touching or distance between people.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

OLYMPIA, March 24—Luo Xuejuan, a swimming gold medalist at the Athens 2004 Olympic Games, became the first Chinese person to relay the Olympic Flame in Greece on Monday, receiving the flame from the first Olympic torchbearer(火炬手), Greek Alexandros Nikolaidis.
Despite her previous experience as a torchbearer in the Beijing leg of the Athens 2004 torch relay, Luo felt honored and proud of being chosen as the first Chinese torchbearer, the Xihua News Agency reported Luo as saying in an interview.
She talked about the great responsibility that she felt, as she believed she was representing every Chinese athlete and even Chinese person by running her leg of the relay.
Regarding missing the torch lighting ceremony because she had to be in an assigned location to wait for the flame, Luo felt no regret. “Even though I couldn’t see it, I was able to feel the flame light and knew that it was happening at a place nearby,” she said.
Luo expressed her belief that even if people couldn’t communicate with words, the Olympic Flame enables the transmission of the Olympic spirit and brings smiles wherever it might go. In Luo’s mind, the Olympic spirit represents purity, competition, friendship, enthusiasm, peace and harmony.
小题1:Why didn’t Luo see the torch lighting ceremony?
A. She was late for the ceremony.
B. She was not allowed to go there.
C. She waited for the flame as the next torchbearer.
D. The ceremony took place at a place far away.
小题2:Choose the best explanation for the underlined word “leg” in Paragraph Three.
A. One of the long parts that connect the feet to the rest of the body.
B. The part of a pair of trousers.
C. One of the long thin parts on the bottom of a table.
D. One part of a journey or race.
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Luo Xuejuan was the first Olympic torchbearer in Greece.
B. Luo had never been selected as a torchbearer before.
C. Luo believed that the Olympic flame helped communication among people.
D. Luo felt regretful because she missed the torch lighting ceremony.
小题4:What’s the best title of the passage?
A. Luo Xuejuan: A Swimming Gold Medalist.
B. The Torch Lighting Ceremony
C. The Torch Relay Had Begun
D. Luo Xuejuan: the First Chinese Torchbearer of Athens Torch Relay
小题5:This passage is most likely to be seen in a        .
A. novel        
B. newspaper
C. magazine
D. textbook


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A small town in southwest Britain is banning (禁止) plastic bags in an attempt to help the environment and cut waste-a step that environmentalists believe is a first for Europe.
Shopkeepers in Modbury population 1,500, agreed to stop handing out disposable plastic bags to customers on Saturday. They said paper sacks and cloth carrier bags would be offered instead.
Last month, San Francisco became the first U.S. city to ban plastic grocery bags. Internationally, laws to discourage the use of plastic bags have been passed in parts of South Africa and Ireland, where governments either tax shoppers who use them or fine companies that hand them out. Bangladesh already bans them, and so do at least 30 remote Alaskan villages.
Modbury, about 225 miles southwest of London, has also declared a bag ammesty (宽限期), allowing local people to hand in plastic bags that have piled up at home. They will be sent for a recycling.
The Modbury ban was the idea of Rebecca Hosking, who saw the effect of bags on marine life while working in the Pacific as a wildlife camerawoman. She said response in the town so far had been “really positive”.
“Modbury is quite an old-fashioned town and a lot of people have wicker(柳条) baskets to go out shopping anyway, ”Hosking told Sky News Television.
The World Watch Institute, an environmental research agency, states that 100 billion plastic bags are thrown away each year in the United States alone. More than 500 billion are used yearly around the world.
小题1:The underlined word “disposable” in the passage probably means        .
小题2:It can be inferred from the passage that         .
A.most of the people in Modbury continue to use plastic bags
B.fewer and fewer plastic bags will be used in the world
C.San Francisco is the first city to ban plastic bags in the world
D.most countries in the world have passed laws to ban plastic bags
小题3:Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?
A.Environmental Protection B.Big Cities Banning Plastic Bags
C.British Town Banning Plastic BagsD.Effect of Plastic bags on Sea Animals


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Officials in the Midwestern U. S. town of Joplin, Missouri, say the death from Sundays’ big tornado reaches 116 and that search efforts continue for possible survivors trapped in rubble (碎石). Search and rescue teams are conducting their third sweep through the nearly 10 kilometer – long and one – kilometer wide area of destruction left by the tornado. They are working as quickly as possible while weather conditions remain relatively stable. More storms are forecast for the erea.
Joplin Fire Chief Mitch Randles said there are areas with large piles of rubble that might hold survivors. “We are still finding individuals. We did rescue seven individuals from underneath rubble yesterday and , of course, we are also finding dead folks as well.” Said mre folks and that is why we are doing these searches. We want to make every opportunity that we can to find everybody that is in the rubble and that has survived to this point.”
Randles said the current sweep involves a slower pace that previous searches and that he plans a fourth search, possibly on Wednesday, using specially trained dogs. “We are searching every structure that has been damaged or destroyed in a more in-depth manner, “he said.” I have dogs and dog handlers coming from all over the country do help us in that effort.”
Joplin City Manager Mark Rohr said the Red Cross and other volunteer organizations are helping people who were left homeless by the tornado and that the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, is on hand to help. “Joplin is a great city. We have suffered a great loss, “said Rohr.” We will recover and we will recover strongly and we have a lot of help and a lot of volunteers to make that easier.”
The tornado that struck Joplin was classified by the Natioonal Weather Service as an F – 4, with winds of more than 300 kilometers per hour. It lasted only  20 minutes, but it killed more that 100 people, injured more than 400 others, and destroyed or heavily damaged some 2,000 homes, businesses, churches and a hospital. Authorities have registered more than 1,700 calls about missing people and they hope to resolve most of those cases soon, as victims are identified and survivors come forth and reunite with loved ones.
This was the worst tornado to strike the United States in 60 years. It was the latest in a wave of violent storms that have swept Midwestern and southern states in recent weeks, leaving more than 300 people dead an causing more than $2 billion dollars in damage.
小题1:The best headline for this newspaper article would be          .
A.Difficulties in the Rescue
B.The Great Loss Brought by the Tornado
C.Search for Survivors After the Disaster
D.Worst Tornado in the USA
小题2:The word “resolve” in Para 5 probably means         .
小题3:The number of death caused by the tornado that struck Joplin reached more than       .
小题4:From the text, it can be inferred that           .
A.many victims might be under the ruins
B.it was impossible to find out surviors
C.the tornado lasted several weeks
D.the bad weather influenced the rescue greatly


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Some weird, wild and wonderful stories coloured the news in 2010:
★A Copenhagen bus company has put "love seats" on 103 of its vehicles for people looking for a partner. "Even love at first sight is possible on the bus," said a spokesman for the British owned Arriva company to explain the two seats on each bus that are covered in red cloth and a "love seat" sign.
★Shoppers at an international luxury fair in Verona, Italy, found a cell-phone-equipped golden coffin among the items on display. The phones will help "the dead" contact relatives if they have been buried alive by mistake.
★A man in New York came up with a disarming way to set off his latest bank heist , approaching the clerk’s window with a large bunch of flowers and handing over a hold-up note saying“give me the money!”
★ An Englishman who lost all his legs and arms in an electrical accident successfully swam across the Channel, a challenge he had been preparing for two years. The whole cost is 400 dollars.
★A set of artificial teeth made for Britain's war-time prime minister Winston Churchill known as "the teeth that saved the world" sold for nearly 18,000 pounds (21,500 euros, 24,000 dollars) at auction.
★A British woman caused an Internet hate campaign after she was caught on camera dumping a cat in a rubbish bin. She was fined 250 pounds (400 dollars, 280 euros) after pleading guilty.
★The BBC apologized completely and without any doubts after a radio presenter jokingly announced that Queen Elizabeth II had died.
★Two Australian men needed surgery after shooting each other in the bottoms during a drinking session to see if it would hurt were charged 400 dollars separately.
★ A Kuwaiti MP(议员) proposed state-aid for male citizens to take second wives, in a bid to reduce the large number of unmarried women in the oil-rich state.
小题1:What is special about the coffin in the second news?
A.It is goldenB.It has a cell phone.
C.It is a luxuryD.It has many items
小题2:What is the probable meaning of the underlined wordheist in the third news?
A.robberyB.proposalC.beggingD.raising money
小题3:Who has to spend 400 dollars to do the surgery?
A.A British woman who dumped a cat in a rubbish bin.
B.One who bought Winston Churchill’s artificial teeth.
C.An Australian man who shot in bottom to test the hurt.
D.An Englishman crossing the Channel without legs and arms.
小题4:From the last news we can infer that _________.
A.In Kuwait many men are eager to get married
B.A lot of rich single men lived in Kuwait
C.There are quantities of oil in Kuwait
D.There are many single women in Kuwait

