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     Jim Carrey is one of the most recognized faces in the world-and certainly because of his rubbery face.
     Born in Ontario, Canada on January 17th, 1962 to a poor family, young Jim Carrey led a tough life, yet
one good thing came out of it. He developed a great sense of humor to cope with life. At 15, he started
performing at a Toronto comedy club. Later he moved to LA and soon came to the attention of Rodney and
went on his tour.
     Jim Carrey got his big break in 1990 0n the comedy show In Living Color. There Carrey perfected many
characters, most widely-known one "Fire Marshal Bill", who always went up in flames. The show stopped
when critics claimed that it encouraged kids to play with fire. This argument put Carrey's name in the headlines
for the first time.
     He broke into feature films in one single successful year, 1994, making it the Year of the Funny Face.
First there was Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, a surprise hit showing Carrey's wacky (古怪) style. Next came
TheMask, tailor-made for him and a hit with audiences. There was still Dumb and Dumber, which ended up
on top of the box office.
     Carrey has slowed down, but his films have continued to make waves if not quite of the previous quality.
There was Barman Forever, then a sequel to Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls, which didn't quite retake the
sparkle (光彩) of the earlier one: Next came Liar, Liar, a terrific success everywhere, putting him back on
top. Then came The Truman Show, a film which proved Jim Carrey was more than just a funny face. Snubbed
(冷落) by the Oscars, he was clearly considered golden by the fans.
1. All of the following films are considered of excellent quality EXCEPT _____.
[     ]
A. Liar, Liar
B. Dumb and Dumber
C. The Truman Show
D. Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
2. Which of the following statements about Jim Carrey is TRUE?
[     ]
A. He has achieved his fame completely due to his face.
B. His hard early life helped develop his style of humor.
C. He received universal praises for his part in In Living Color.
D. Not many people like his performing style.
3. The underline word"sequel" in Paragrah 5 probably refers to _____.
[     ]
A. an adapted film of the original
B. a film that continues a story
C. a comedy show of a strange style
D. a comment on a funny film
4. What can be the best title of the passage?
[     ]
A. Jim Carrey-More Than a Funny Face
B. Jim Carrey-Famous "Fire Marshal Bill"
C. Jim Carrey's Great Films
D. Jim Carrey's Acting Career

科目:高中英语 来源:山东省济南世纪英华实验学校2011-2012学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:050


  If you ask about the hottest star in South Korea this year, you will certainly hear the name Rain.The 22-year-old singer is powerful and energetic on stage.His dances and voice are great! On December 18, Rain and other Korean stars, including Baby V, O, X and As One, amazed their fans at the concert “Night of Love” in Beijing.“I love his small eyes and good build(体格),” Said Hanna Kim, 12, a Korean girl who studies in China, “He's a nice person.”

  Rain's real name is Jung Ji Hoon(郑智薰).His music teacher thinks his eyes are wet and smiles are sunny.He wrote lots of the songs on his first CD during rainy days.So his teacher gave him the name Rain.

  When he was a child, he liked to be quiet.He wasn't good at studying.So no one noticed this tall boy in class.But he surprised his classmates in Grade Six.He danced for them all.Everyone looked at him in a different way.So he began to dance more.“I enjoy dancing,” he said.Rain really wanted to sing and dance.He worked hard at school, so that his father would let him dance.He gave up rugby(橄榄球)and put all his time and energy into dancing.When his mother died four years ago, he held the sadness in and kept on practising day and night.

  Now Rain has won awards with his music.His CDs have sold millions and he has acted in TV shows.Rain doesn't want to sing forever, though.He dreams of doing a different job.“When I stop singing, I'd like to design clothes.Being a designer is my childhood(童年)dream,” he said.


Whose does the word “his” in the sentence “I love his small eyes and good build …” refer to(指)?

[  ]




Baby V.O.X's.


As One's.


Rain's music teacher's.


Why did Jung Ji Hoon get his name of Rain?

[  ]


Because he liked rain.


Because he was born on a rainy day.


Because he was caught in a rain in his mother's arms on the day when he was born.


Because many songs of his first CD were written by him during rainy days.


Rain began to attract others' attention when ________

[  ]


he began to go to school


he was twelve years old


he was in Grade Six


his mother died


Rain also likes to be ________ besides singing and dancing.

[  ]


a rugby player


a scientist


a clothes designer


a salesman


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省扬州中学2012届高三最后冲刺热身英语试题 题型:050


  Pineapple Awards Celebrate Fruits of Science

  We live in a world of wonder but not in a world of magic.And understanding that world does not mean learning a few tricks at Hogwarts.Instead, it means understanding how important science is in our daily lives.

  Just take a moment and look around your home.The electric lamp on your desk, the silicon microchip in your mobile phone, your mother's laundry detergent; they are all the results of science.

  To get people more aware of these wonders that surround us, guokr.com, a science website, and Zhejiang Provincial Science and Technology Museum have established the “Pineapple Science Awards.” The awards are to be given annually and recognize recent achievements in chemistry, physics, medicine and biology, mathematics and psychology.There are also two special awards for discoveries that are imaginative, fun and thought-provoking.

  Zhou Xinyue's research certainly met those criteria.The Sun Yat-Sen University professor was among the first group of Pineapple winners.She conducted an experiment that showed that counting money can ease pain.Professor Zhou had people count money and then dipped their hands into hot water.It turns out that after flipping through a brick of RMB, people can keep their hands in hot water for a longer time.I suppose this proves that although money can't buy you happiness, it can certainly make your life less painful.

  If that sounds a bit frivolous, it's all in keeping with the spirit of the awards.They are intended to be light-hearted.That is why the pineapple was chosen as the awards’ symbol.Ji Shisan, the founder of guokr.com, said, “This nutritive fruit has a bright color and pleasing taste while shaped in a strange way, which indicates the awards are pleasing, interesting, nourishing, and a bit strange.”

  Pineapple winner Zhou Xinyue added, “Some research topics seem to be weird but actually have deep meaning, which inspires us in a different way.The topics might be funny, but the research method should be serious and scientific.”

  Are you interested in science? Then reach for the sky.You might end up with a pineapple in your hands.


The awards recognize achievements in following fields EXCEPT ________.

[  ]










The examples in Para.2 are to ________.

[  ]


show how important science is in our daily lives


prove learning a few tricks at Hogwarts is necessary in our daily lives


get people more aware of these wonders that surround us


indicate that some research topics seem to be weird and have little meaning


From Para.5 we can know ________.

[  ]


whether the pineapple was chosen as the awards’ symbol


how the pineapple was chosen as the awards’ symbol


why the pineapple was chosen as the awards’ symbol


why the pineapple looks so strange


According to Zhou Xinyue, ________.

[  ]


if you reach for the sky you might end up with a pineapple in your hands


the topics sounding funny doesn't mean the research method isn't serious or scientific


although the pineapple looks strange, it has a bright color and pleasing taste


counting money can ease pain and money can buy you happiness


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



In front of 60,000 fans, the former Olympic and world champion, Liu Xiang got his third National Games gold medal in the final of the men’s 110 meters hurdles at the Olympic Sports Center in Ji Nan, Shandong province.

Before winning this game, Liu joined in the Shanghai Golden Grand Prix meet(上海国际田径黄金大奖赛) in September, 2009 and won the second place in men’s 110 meters hurdles with a very slight loss to his solid rival–American athlete, Terrence Trammell.That was the first time that he had shown up on the track and in public after his 13 month’s lay–off.So, this game on October 25, in 11th Chinese National Games was very critical for him to handle.After crossing the finishing line, Liu said, “The most important thing was to finish the race safely and smoothly.The result is not very good but the effort was not bad.”

With the final result of 13.34 seconds, Liu became the first Chinese hurdler to win a National Games title three times.“I’m feeling very good now,” Liu said.“I started to compete at the National Games at the age of 18 and now I’m 26.I hope I can run at the Games again in four years’ time because, for all Chinese athletes, is a dream and it is also my starting point.I would just like to thank all the people who have supported me and all the spectators who cheered for me here.”

It is hard for most of Liu’s fans to forget the heartbroken moment at Bird’s Nest last year at the Beijing Olympics because of the foot injury.Thirteen months later, however, the strong-minded man thrilled the home crowd with the strong comeback and would gain another take–off in his career.“I never thought of coming back when I got injured and I felt my future was in doubt,”Liu said, “But now I have seen there is still a future.”

1.When will the 12th Chinese National Games be held?

A.2012                  B.2013                C.2014                D.2015

2.Which of the following statement is TRUE?

A.Liu Xiang was very confident after he knew his foot was badly injured.

B.Liu Xiang beat Terrence Trammell in the Shanghai Golden Grand Prix meet.

C.Liu Xiang had won three gold medals in the National Games before October 25, 2009.

D.Liu Xiang couldn’t have won this gold medal without his strong will and people’s support.

3.What’s the best title for the article?

A.A Legend–Liu Xiang                          B.Liu Xiang Is Back

C.Champion of The National Games             D.Never Give Up


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



In front of 60,000 fans, the former Olympic and world champion, Liu Xiang got his third National Games gold medal in the final of the men’s 110 meters hurdles at the Olympic Sports Center in Ji Nan, Shandong province.

Before winning this game, Liu joined in the Shanghai Golden Grand Prix meet(上海国际田径黄金大奖赛) in September, 2009 and won the second place in men’s 110 meters hurdles with a very slight loss to his solid rival–American athlete, Terrence Trammell.That was the first time that he had shown up on the track and in public after his 13 month’s lay–off.So, this game on October 25, in 11th Chinese National Games was very critical for him to handle.After crossing the finishing line, Liu said, “The most important thing was to finish the race safely and smoothly.The result is not very good but the effort was not bad.”

With the final result of 13.34 seconds, Liu became the first Chinese hurdler to win a National Games title three times.“I’m feeling very good now,” Liu said.“I started to compete at the National Games at the age of 18 and now I’m 26.I hope I can run at the Games again in four years’ time because, for all Chinese athletes, is a dream and it is also my starting point.I would just like to thank all the people who have supported me and all the spectators who cheered for me here.”

It is hard for most of Liu’s fans to forget the heartbroken moment at Bird’s Nest last year at the Beijing Olympics because of the foot injury.Thirteen months later, however, the strong-minded man thrilled the home crowd with the strong comeback and would gain another take–off in his career.“I never thought of coming back when I got injured and I felt my future was in doubt,”Liu said, “But now I have seen there is still a future.”

1.When will the 12th Chinese National Games be held?

A.2012                  B.2013                C.2014                D.2015

2.Which of the following statement is TRUE?

A.Liu Xiang was very confident after he knew his foot was badly injured.

B.Liu Xiang beat Terrence Trammell in the Shanghai Golden Grand Prix meet.

C.Liu Xiang had won three gold medals in the National Games before October 25, 2009.

D.Liu Xiang couldn’t have won this gold medal without his strong will and people’s support.

3.What’s the best title for the article?

A.A Legend–Liu Xiang                          B.Liu Xiang Is Back

C.Champion of The National Games             D.Never Give Up


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

第二部分  阅读理解(共25小题。第一节每小题2分,第二节每小题1分;满分45分)

第一节  阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在


Few students would dream of getting a job as a shoe shiner working along the street. College students, in their own eyes and in the eyes of the public, are expected to get at least a proper job, if not working in a high-income or white-collar position.

Cai Yong’s decision to work as a shoe shiner shocked not only his parents, who had high hopes for him, but also his girlfriend.

“It is right for young graduates to be ambitious (有抱负的). But they have to start in a solid and down-to-earth way,” Cai said. Cai is not alone in making such a choice. The company has got 12 college students in all.

“I come for the 800 yuan monthly pay,” said Xiao Ji, who is a student from Nanjing University. “I have grown up and no longer live on my parents,” he said.

    “Working as shoe shiners can mean a bright future,” Cai said.

    Not everyone can accept this job choice. Cai’s girlfriend left him because she felt ashamed to be with a shoe shiner, and Cai accepted the fact. “This is the price to be paid for a job,” he said.

      A former shoe shiner, Zhong Haibo, from a medical college, believes it was a good training for the rest of his life. “There is nothing I can’t do after working as a shoe shiner,” Zhong said, meaning that such kind of experience in early life is helpful in a future job.

41. Cai Yong decided to work as           .

A. a college teacher  B. a company manager    C. a shoe shiner   D. a medicine maker

42. Why did Cai’s girlfriend leave him?  

A. They didn’t get along well with each other.   B. Her parents didn’t like him.

    C. She found it a shame to marry a shoe shiner.  D. Cai had got a new girlfriend.

43. Most people think Cai’s choice           .

A. unbelievable     B. nice                   C. enjoyable      D. wonderful

44. From the passage we know Zhong Haibo           .

A. doesn’t like college life                            B. thinks highly of working as shoe shiners

C. is a middle school student                         D. is still a shoe shiner at the moment

