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第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)
It was 4 o’clock in the morning on June 9, 2003 when I received the phone call. “This is the emergency room calling and your son was just  21  in with severe burns on his face, neck and arms. We have called for a(n)  22  and are going to fly him to the burn unit in Seattle.” Seattle was 350 miles from his college, so we knew immediately this was  23  .
The doctor described the  24  , which caused the burns. At 6 am, our son and his friends decided to barbecue hamburgers in the courtyard of their apartment. When they  25  the charcoal(木炭), it burst into flames because they had sprayed too much petrol. The flames  26  my son’s shirt tail and shot from his waist to well over his head.
27  , one of the boys was quick-minded, grasped my son, and  28  him on the grass. While it saved his life, it was not in  29  to save him from severe burns and the terrible scars.
After he  30  from the treatments, the doctors told him they would not do plastic surgery(整容) for 6 months  31  it takes that long for the skin to stop shrinking and wrinkling. So he had to return to college with scars typical of severe burns.
When I was a child, my mother told my sister, who had a 10-inch, very  32  scar on her arm, “Nancy, if you ignore the scar, other people will ignore it. It does not mean they will not  33  it, but it means it will not matter to them if it doesn’t matter to you.”
I  34  this wisdom on to my son. He kept my advice in  35  and returned to school with his head held high--glad he was alive.
By the end of the six-month waiting period, he decided that the scars didn’t  36  , so he made the  37  to give up any plastic surgery.
We all have “scars” that we believe  38  people to keep away from us. And we spend a lot of time thinking that if only we looked differently, or dressed differently, people would like us better.
But you see, people will only judge you by your looks, or your clothes, if you are judging yourself by these same  39  standards. Put your imperfections(缺点;瑕疵) out of your mind and concentrate on what you value  40  yourself, and your beauty will shine through.
21. A. brought             B. given                  C. turned                       D. showed
22. A. doctor             B. hospital                C. aircraft                    D. ambulance
23. A. serious               B. terrible                C. dangerous                D. important 
24. A. event                 B. process                C. reason                       D. accident
25. A. got                   B. lit                       C. burned                     D. moved
26. A. took               B. held                 C. caught                        D. attracted
27. A Fortunately         B. Surprisingly        C. Happily                     D. Slowly
28. A. pushed              B. threw                C. dropped                   D. rolled
29. A. shape              B. place                   C. fact                            D. time
30. A. benefited           B. recovered          C. suffered                     D. relaxed
31. A. if                    B. while                   C. because                      D. although
32. A. normal              B. violent              C. obvious                  D. popular
33. A. mention            B. notice                C. laugh                         D. hide
34. A. sent                   B. kept                    C. handed                       D. passed
35. A. mind                B. life                   C. practice                   D. heart
36. A. grow          B. matter                 C. exist                        D. appear
37. A. mistake             B. effort                C. decision                     D. request 
38. A. invite              B. cause                  C. allow                        D. remind
39. A. false                 B strict                     C. moral                        D. general 
40. A. by                 B. over                  C. beyond                       D. within

21-25: ACADB  26-30:CADDB    31-35:CCBDA   36-40 :BCBAD



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年高考预测试题英语(二) 题型:完型填空

"Daddy" Bruce Randolph was around five-feet-eight and slightly built.At the age of sixty-one, he   36   Daddy Bruce's Barbecue Restaurant in the "Five Points" area, a   37   section of Denver.There is debate about   38   his ribs(排骨) were the best in town but no debate on the man himself.He fed people - not just his   39   , but the poor and the homeless.Every Thanksgiving, Daddy and his son began   40   for the crowds of the homeless.He wanted them to have a great    41   on the one day this country celebrates Thanksgiving.
In the   42   years of his project, he paid for everything out-of-pocket.But as time went by, the   43   sky-rocketed as the crowds grew.That's when Daddy's admirers, athletes, politicians, policemen   44   others stepped in to   45  .They donated tons of turkeys, potatoes and ribs and even donated their   46   to stand beside the old man and volunteered to cook and   47   .
It seemed there was an endless   48   of food to feed the crowds.No one ever walked away 49   from Daddy Bruce.It was Daddy who started the whole thing and managed it   50 a few year ago when he edged toward ninety.He had become too   51   to work anymore.He was one of die few people who lived to see a city street   52   in his honor—“Bruce Randolph Boulevard".A couple of years later.Daddy Bruce died.When asked why he   53   to feed the thousands of poor and hungry people for over twenty-five years, his   54   was simple, "You can't beat love.If you give just one thing, you get more things   55  .That’s why I do it."
36.A.built           B.opened     C.passed       D.sold
37.A.poor           B.rich       C.beautiful       D.lonely
38.A.what           B.why      C.where       D.whether
39.A.customers       B.admirers   C.friends      D.volunteers
40.A.cooking      B.looking     C.caring       D.waiting
41.A.holiday       B.surprise    C.dinner       D.thank
42.A.early          B.later      C.past          D.recent
43.A.prices         B.foods      C.customers      D.costs
44.A.as soon as       B.as many as C.as far as     D.as well as
45.A.pay         B.buy       C.interview       D.help
46.A.money        B.time      C.dinner       D.food
47.A.serve          B.pay       C.eat         D.share
48.A.supply        B.hope      C.exchange       D.production
49.A.happy         B.angry           C.thankful           D.hungry
50.A.before        B.after      C.until         D.since
51.A.long           B.old        C.hopeless        D.discouraged
52.A.named        B.rememberedC.built         D.praised
53.A.helped        B.supported  C.expected        D.volunteered
54.A.question      B.love      C.reply         D.plan
55.A.away          B.back      C.out               D.down


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年全国大联考(新课标)高考预测试卷英语 题型:完型填空

The simplest way to say it is this: I believe in my mother.My __36__ began when I was just a kid.I __37__ becoming a doctor.
My mother was a domestic.Through her work, she observed that __38__ people spent a lot more time reading than they __39__ watching television.She announced that my brother and I __40__ watch two to three pre-selected TV programs during the week.With our free time, we had to read two books each from the Detroit Public Library and __41__ her written book reports.She would mark them up with check marks and highlights.Years later we realized her marks were a __42__.My mother was illiterate.
When I entered high school I was a(n) __43__, but not for long.I wanted the fancy clothes.I wanted to __44__ the guys.I went from being an A-student to a B-student to a C-student.One night my mother came home from __45__ her various jobs and I complained about not having enough Italian knit shirts.She said, “Okay, I'll give you all the money I make this week scrubbing floors and cleaning bathrooms, and you can buy __46__ food and pay the bills.With everything __47__, you can have all the Italian knit shirts you want.” I was very __48__ with that arrangement but once I got through allocating money, there was __49__ left.I realized my mother was a financial genius to be able to __50__ our heads and any kind of food on the table, __51__ buy clothes.I also realized that immediate satisfaction wasn't going to get me anywhere.Success required intellectual preparation.I went back to my __52__ and became an A-student again, and eventually I __53__ my dream and I became a doctor.
My story is really my mother's story—a woman with __54__ formal education or property who used her position as a parent to change the lives of many people around the globe.There is no job __55__ than parenting.This I believe.
36.A.belief       B.work C.education  D.promise
37.A.majored in      B.got used to      C.dreamed of      D.got tired of 
38.A.lazy B.easy-going      C.successful        D.reliable
39.A.spent       B.paid C.took       D.did
40.A.could only      B.could not        C.must not D.should often
41.A.read to   B.present to        C.teach      D.explain to
42.A.joke        B.means      C.tool D.trick
43.A.A-student        B.B-student        C.C-student        D.D-student
44.A.get rid of      B.hang out with C.break away from     D.keep in touch with
45.A.making    B.stopping   C.working        D.getting
46.A.your brother    B.yourself   C.your sister       D.the family
47.A.left over B.paid off   C.used up    D.carried out
48.A.angry     B.pleased    C.disappointed    D.bored
49.A.anything       B.everything       C.something       D.nothing
50.A.put an idea into                   B.gave an impression on  
C.keep a roof over                    D.have eyes in the back of       
51.A.let alone        B.let out      C.let in       D.leave alone
52.A.guys      B.mother   C.studies     D.play 
53.A.made       B.fulfilled   C.changed        D.tried
54.A.little        B.much       C.few        D.high
55.A.more interesting      B.less important   C.more important       D.less interesting


科目:高中英语 来源:云南省陆良二中2009-2010学年高二下学期期末试卷(英语) 题型:完型填空

阅读下面短文,从短文所给各题的四个选项(A, B, C, D)中选能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。
Dear Doctor,
My husband and I got married in 1965 and for the first ten years of our marriage I was very happy to   36   home and raise our three children.Then four years ago, our youngest   37   went to school and I thought I might go back to   38 .
My husband was very   39   and helped me to make my decision.He pointed out all of the things I can do around the   40  , and said he thought I could be a great   41   in business.
After several weeks of job-hunting, I found my   42   job, which is working for a small public relations firm.At first, my husband was very   43  of me and would tell his friends, "My clever little wife can   44   that company she's working for."
But as his joking words were close to   45  , my husband stopped talking to me about my job.I have received several promotions and pay increases, and I am now   46   more money than he is.I can buy my   47   clothes and a new car.Because of our joint incomes, my husband and I can do many things that we had always   48   of doing, but we don't do these things because  he is very   49 .
We   50   about little things and my husband is very critical of me in front of our friends.For the first time in our marriage, I think there is a possibility that our marriage may come to a(an)   51 .
I love my husband very much, and I do not want him to   52   lower, but I also love my job.I think I can be a good wife and a working woman, but I don't know   53 .Can you give me some   54  ? Will I have to choose one or the other or can I keep both my   55   and my new career?
Please help.
36.A.look                B.stay                        C.see                         D.study
37.A.person                    B.man                       C.child               D.lady
38.A.school                    B.factory                   C.study               D.work
39.A.restricted         B.opposite                  C.disappointed            D.supportive 
40.A.group                     B.house                     C.firm                       D.husband 
41.A.success                   B.failure                    C.mother                   D.helper 
42.A.awkward         B.convenient              C.useful                     D.present
43.A.warm                     B.fond                C.proud                     D.comfortable 
44.A.run                        B.walk                C.hire                        D.sell 
45.A.awareness        B.beliefs               C.reality               D.ambition 
46.A.making                   B.building                  C.producing        D.growing  
47.A.cheap                     B.own                       C.important         D.incredible
48.A.agreed                    B.believed                 C.dreamed                 D.supposed 
49.A.unhappy          B.confident         C.discouraging           D.certain
50.A.communicate   B.strike               C.fight                D.change
51.A.absence                  B.end                        C.exam               D.question 
52.A.gain                B.add                        C.feel                    D.suffer 
53.A.what               B.where                     C.why                   D.how 
54.A.duties                     B.advice                    C.fun                     D.enjoyment
55.A.husband           B.child               C.friendship     D.boss 


科目:高中英语 来源:北京市石景山区2010届高三下学期统一测试一 题型:完型填空

In a class I teach for adults, I recently did the “unpardonable.” I gave the class homework!
The assignment (任务) was to “go to someone you love   36   the next week and tell them you love them. It   37  to be someone you have never   38   those words to before or at least haven’t shared those words with for a long time.” That doesn’t   39   like a very tough assignment,   40   you stop to realize that most of the men  were over 35 and were   41  in the generation of men that were taught that expressing emotions is not “macho (男子汉气概的).” Showing feelings or crying (heaven forbid!) was just not done   42  this was a very threatening assignment for some.
At the   43   of our next class, I asked if someone wanted to   44   what happened when they told someone they loved them. I fully expected one of the   45   to volunteer, as was usually the   46 , but on this evening one of the men raised his hand. He appeared quite moved and a bit   47  . As he unfolded out of his chair, he began by saying, “Dennis. I was quite   48   with you last week when you gave us the assignment. I didn’t feel that I had   49  to say those words to and   50 , who were you to tell me to do something that personal? But as I began driving home my conscience (良知) started talking to me. It was telling me that I   51   exactly who I needed to say I love you to. You see, five years ago, my father and I had a heated   52   and really never resolved it since that one. We   53  seeing each other unless we absolutely had to at Christmas or other family gatherings. But   54   then, we hardly spoke to each other. So last. Tuesday   55  I got home, I had convinced myself. I was going to tell my father I loved him.”
36.A.after  B.before      C.for    D.within
37.A.has to       B.ought to    C.had better D.can
38.A.told   B.said   C.talked       D.spoken
39.A.look  B.hear  C.listen D.sound
40.A.when B.until  C.that   D.unless
41.A.born  B.grown      C.raised       D.risen
42.A.And  B.But   C.So     D.For
43.A.beginning B.end   C.middle      D.stating
44.A.announce  B.share C.answer      D.ask
45.A.men  B.adults       C.students    D.women
46.A.case  B.thing C.story D.experience
47.A.afraid       B.shaken      C.terrible     D.worried
48.A.happy       B.pleased     C.angry       D.satisfied
49.A.everybody       B.nobody     C.someone   D.anyone
50.A.else   B.except      C.beside       D.besides
51.A.thought    B.considered       C.knew D.guessed
52.A.disagreement    B.encouragement C.disappointment D.discouragement
53.A.imagined  B.risked       C.avoided    D.escaped
54.A.still   B.even  C.just   D.only
55.A.by the time      B.at the time       C.for the time      D.during the time


科目:高中英语 来源:人教版新课标20092010学年度高二下学期期末考试试题(英语) 题型:完型填空



When I was about 12, I suddenly developed a great passion (strong feeling) for writing poetry. I gave up all my other hobbies, such as 36 stamps, and spent all my 37  time reading poetry and writing it. This habit of writing poetry on every possible time soon got me 38  trouble at school. If a lesson didn’t interest me, I 39 take out my notebook and start 40  poems in class. Of course I 41 this very cautiously, but it was not 42 I got caught. One day while I was 43 writing a poem during a geography lesson, I looked up to 44 the teacher standing over me, fuming with anger because I was not 45 attention. He tore the poem up, with a 46 not to waste time in his lesson.

47 I felt certain that I had written a good poem , 48 that evening I wrote it out again from 49.Not long after, I read 50 a poetry contest and I decided to send in my poem. Weeks later, long after I had given up 51, I got a letter informing me that I had won first 52.Everyone at school was very surprised, 53 the geography teacher, who 54 me more carefully than ever. He 55 that I not write poetry in his class!

36.A.gathering           B.collecting     C.keeping      D.picking

37.A.spare        B.important      C.extra          D.other

38.A.with          B.to             C.into         D.on

39.A.might         B.ought to      C.should      D.would

40.A.writing      B.reading        C.reciting        D.enjoying

41.A.made          B.got           C.opened        D.did

42.A.long ago      B.long before    C.soon after     D.soon before

43.A.happy       B.angry        C.busy         D.sad

44.A.find         B.warn        C.ask          D.answer

45.A.calling             B.devoting     C.giving         D.paying

46.A.notice       B.look        C.warning      D.word

47.A.At the same         B.All the same  C.At the time   D.The same as

48.A.so           B.and          C.as            D.since

49.A.brain         B.memory            C.mind          D.reciting

50.A.through      B.courage      C.hope         D.wish

52.A.victory       B.position      C.prize         D.gift

53.A.expect        B.besides        C.as well as     D.especially

54.A.guarded      B.watched      C.observed      D.inspected

55.A.suggested     B.requested     C.promised      D.insisted


