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I was fortunate enough to travel to South Africa,         I met some women who have organized themselves into a group.








【解析】句意:我非常幸运去了一次南非,在那里我看见了一些结组自助的妇女。考查定语从句,先行词为South Africa,代入从句中为“l met some women… in South Africa.”。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

On my first trip in the United States , I went to San Antonion . I was on foot . So I went to only three places there : the Alamo , the River Walk , and the Art Gallery . I especially enjoyed visiting the Alamo , a well- known building in America .

When I arrived at the Alamo , I was deeply impressed because it was well kept and in good shape . The Alamo was erected in about 1722, was later used as a fort(保垒) , and has been kept as a state monument(纪念馆) to the Texan War of Independence against Mexico . During the battle , all of the Texan defenders were killed . I was surprised at the exhibition of rifles , guns , cannons and swords .

I was especially attracted by the paintings of a war . The paintings expressed the feelings of a painter very well . Even thought about 160 years have passed since the Battle of the Alamo , the exhibit is well kept . When I came out after seeing the exhibition , I felt as if I had a victory . The outer wall of the Alamo was destroyed here and there . When I touched the wall , I could feel the damage . After the war , little remained of the Alamo . All of the windows and doors were destroyed . The top part of the gate way disappeared without a trace(遗迹) . I will remember the Alamo forever . It is one of the best places to visit in San Antonio .

It can be inferred according to the passage that the author may be a____ .

A. writer                             B. Chinese            

C. European                               D. foreigner to Americans

The underlined word “erected” (in Paragraph2) means ______ .

A. found               B. invented            C. repaired            D. built

People come to visit the Alamo now for ______ .

A. its height and shape

B. its history and the story about it

C. the exhibits in it

D. its shape

Which of the following may be the best title for this passage ?

A. A Famous Building in America

B. My First Visit to America .

C. The Texan War of Independence against Mexico .

D. My Impressions of the Alamo in San Antonio , Texas .


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届江苏省泰州中学高三年级学情调研测试(英语) 题型:阅读理解

They were going to Fort Lauderdale — three boys and three girls — and when they boarded the bus, they were carrying sandwiches and wine in paper bags, dreaming of golden beaches and sea tides as the gray, cold spring of New York went behind them.
As the bus passed through New Jersey, they began to notice Vingo. He sat in front of them, completely in silence.
Deep into the night, outside Washington, the bus pulled into Howard Johnson’s, and everybody got off except Vingo. The young people began to wonder about him. When they went back to the bus, one of the girls sat beside him and introduced herself.
“Want some wine?” she said. He smiled and took a swig from the bottle. He thanked her and became silent again. After a while, she went back to the others, and Vingo nodded in sleep.
In the morning, they awoke outside another Howard Johnson’s, and this time Vingo went in. The girl insisted that he join them. He ordered black coffee and some cookies as the young people talked about sleeping on beaches. When they returned to the bus, the girl sat with Vingo again, and after a while, slowly and painfully, he began to tell his story. He had been in prison in New York for the past four years, and now he was going home.
“Are you married?”
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?” she said.
“Well, when I was in prison I wrote to my wife,” he said, “I told her that I was going to be away for a long time, and that if she couldn’t stand it, if the kids kept asking questions, and if it hurt her too much, well, she could jus forget me. I’d understand. Get a new man, I said — she’s a wonderful woman. I told her she didn’t have to write me. And she didn’t. Not for three and a half years.”
“And you’re going home now, not knowing?”
“Yeah. Well, last week, when I was sure the parole (假释) was coming through, I wrote her again. We used to live in Brunswick, just before Jacksonville, and there’s a big oak (橡树) just as you come into town. I told her that if she didn’t have a new man and if she’d take me back, she should put a yellow handkerchief on the tree, and I’d get off and come home. If she didn’t want me, forget it — no handkerchief and I’d go on through.”
“Wow,” the girl exclaimed, “Wow.”
She told the others, and soon all of them were in it, looking at the pictures Vingo showed them of his wife and three children.
Now they were 20 miles from Brunswick, and the young people took over window seats on the right side, waiting for the approach of the great oak. Vingo stopped looking, tightening his face, as if protecting himself against still another disappointment.
Then Brunswick was ten miles, and then five. Then, suddenly, all of the young people were up out of their seats, shouting and crying.
Vingo sat there astonished, looking at the oak. It was covered with yellow handkerchiefs — 20 of them, 30 of them, maybe hundreds, flying in the wind. As the young people shouted, Vingo slowly rose from his seat and made his way to the front of the bus to go home.
【小题1】At the beginning of the story, the young boys and girls ______.

A.showed a great interest in VingoB.didn’t notice Vingo at all
C.wanted to offer help to Vingo D.didn’t like Vingo at all
【小题2】The underlined part “Howard Johnson’s” is most probably a(n) ______.
A.bus stationB.apartmentC.hospital D.restaurant
【小题3】How did Vingo feel on the way home?
A.Ashamed. B.Relaxed. C.Nervous. D.Disappointed.
【小题4】The paragraphs following this passage would most probably talk about ______.
A.Vingo’s experience in prison
B.the young people’s travel to Fort Lauderdale
C.Vingo’s three lovely children
D.the dialogue between Vingo and his family


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年湖北省荆州市毕业班质量检查(Ⅱ)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

Three boys and three girls boarded the bus to Fort Lauderdale, dreaming of golden beaches as the gray cold of New York disappeared behind them. They noticed an old man, who sat in front of them, dressed in a plain, ill-fitting suit, never? ? ? , and his dusty face? ? ? his age.?

He was ? ? in his seat like a stone, and the young people began to? ?? about him, trying to? ? his life and his age. Deep into the night, outside Washington, one of the girls went up to him and introduced herself. “Want some wine?” He took ?? the glass and drank.

Slowly and ? ? ? he told his story. His name was Vingo, he had been in? ? ? in New York for the past four years, and now he was going home. “When I was in prison I wrote to my wife,” he said. “I told her that I was going to be away for a long time, and that if she couldn't? ? ? it, if the kids kept asking questions, if it? ? ? too much, she could just forget me, I'd understand.”

“Last week, knowing I would be? ? ? , I wrote her again. We used to live in Brunswick and there's a big oak tree just as you come into town. I told her that if she would? ? ? me back, she should put a yellow handkerchief on the tree, and I'd? ? ? and come home with her. If she didn't ? ? ? me, forget it, no handkerchief, and I'd go on through.”

  “Wow,” the girl exclaimed. She told the others, and soon all of them put their faces against the window, waiting for the ? ? ? of Brunswick.

Then Brunswick was ten miles, and then five. Then, suddenly, all of the young people were up out of their seats, screaming ? ? ? , all except Vingo. Vingo sat there? ? ? , looking at the oak tree. It was almost ? ? ? with yellow handkerchiefs, 20 of them, 30 of them, maybe hundreds, a tree that stood like a huge flag of ? ? , blowing in the wind. As the young people shouted, the old man rose and? ? ? his way to the front of the bus to go home.

1.A. moving??????? ????????????? B. leaning???????? ????????????? C. stopping???????? ????????????? D. heading

2.A. proved??????? ????????????? B. masked???????? ????????????? C. betrayed??????? ????????????? D. abandoned

3.A. rooted???????? ????????????? B. annoyed?????? ????????????? C. relaxed?????????? ????????????? D. alarmed?

4.A. hear???????? ????????????? B. care????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. wonder????????? ????????????? D. speak

5.A. bother???????? ????????????? B. describe???????? ????????????? C. imagine????????? ????????????? D. know

6.A. away????????? ????????????? B. in???????????? ????????????? C. out???????????? ????????????? D. over

7.A. terribly??????? ????????????? B. eagerly?????????? ????????????? C. painfully???????? ????????????? D. casually

8.A. hospital??????? ????????????? B. prison???????? ????????????? C. company???????? ????????????? D. work

9.A. support??????? ????????????? B. believe???????? ????????????? C. stand??????????? ????????????? D. ignore

10.A. lasted???????? ????????????? B. influenced???????? ????????????? C. cost??????????? ????????????? D. hurt

11.A. hopeless???? ? ????????????? B. convenient????????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. successful?? ????????????? ????????????? D. free

12.A. take????????? ????????????? B. refuse??????????? ????????????? C. call??????????? ????????????? D. write

13.A. get out??????? ????????????? B. get off????????? ????????????? C. get on?????????? ????????????? D. get in

14.A. remember????? ????????????? B. believe?????? ????????????? ????????????? C. miss???????? ?? ????????????? D. accept

15.A. entrance?????? ????????????? B. beauty????????? ????????????? C. existence??????? ????????????? D. approach

16.A. amazingly????? ????????????? B. joyfully???????? ????????????? C. definitely????????? ????????????? D. desperately

17.A. shocked??????? ????????????? B. puzzled???????? ????????????? C. terrified???????? ????????????? D. depressed

18.A. covered??????? ????????????? B. surrounded????? ????????????? C. spotted????????? ????????????? D. dotted

19.A. wishes???????? ????????????? B. welcome??????? ????????????? C. victory?????? ????????????? ????????????? D. success

20.A. felt??????????? B. forced??????????? ????????????? C. made???????????? D. pushed



科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江西省新余市高三上学期期末质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空


Each time I was feeling disappointed, my mother would say to me “ Tomorrow will be another day. If you can        on, some day something nice will happen. And you will come to know that it wouldn’t have happened if not for that previous         .”

What mother said was absolutely right, as I         after my graduation from college. I had made up my mind to try for a          in radio, then         my way up to sports announcer. I went to Springfield and knocked on the door of each station—and got        each time. In one studio, a warm-hearted woman told me that         stations couldn’t risk employing a(n)         person. “ Please go out to the faraway or lonely district and find a small station which will give you a         ,” she said. I came back home to St-Louis.

While there were no radio-announcing jobs in St-Louis, my father said Wards Holding Corporation had opened a store and wanted a local athlete to manage its         department. Since St-Louis was where I had played high school football, I         . The job sounded just         for me. But I wasn’t employed. My disappointment must have         . “Tomorrow will be another day,” Mom         me. I tried WOC in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The program director, Jack Green, told me they had already hired an         .

As I went away from his office, my frustration boiled over (爆发). I asked         , “How can a young man get to be a sports announcer if he cannot get a job in a radio station?” I was just patiently waiting for the elevator          I heard Jack Green calling, “What did you say about sports just now? You mean you know something about football?” Then he stood me         a microphone and told me to         an imaginary game.

On the way to my home, as I have many times since, I thought of my mother’s words. From time to time I         what direction my life might have taken if I had had the job at Wards Holding Corporation

1.A. take                            B. put                              C. move                             D. carry

2.A. concern                     B. doubt                             C. disappointment           D. amazement

3.A. recovered                 B. discovered                    C. recognized                    D. developed

4.A. job                              B. plan                      C. trip                                 D. research

5.A. come                          B. go                          C. push                               D. work

6.A. put off                                 B. broken away       C. turned down                D. fed up

7.A. no                               B. big                                  C. small                              D. famous

8.A. selfish                                  B. confident                      C. inexperienced             D. independent

9.A. tip                               B. reward                          C. challenge                         D. chance  

10.A. sports                      B. food                               C. clothes                          D. radio

11.A. hesitated B. applied                     C. refused                  D. agreed

12.A. right                                  B. important                      C. boring                            D. funny

13.A. disappeared                     B. hidden                           C. shown                            D. died

14.A. warned                    B. reminded                      C. recognized                    D. demanded

15.A. athlete                              B. actor                              C. announcer                    D. artist

16.A. aloud                                 B. secretly                         C. silently                  D. equally

17.A. while                                 B. where                            C. after                               D. when

18.A. within                                B. before                           C. beyond                 D. beneath

19.A. play                          B. perform                         C. broadcast                      D. present

20.A. say                            B. wonder                          C. dream                            D. learn



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年河北省邯郸市高二上学期期末考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

On my first trip in the United States , I went to San Antonion . I was on foot . So I went to only three places there : the Alamo , the River Walk , and the Art Gallery . I especially enjoyed visiting the Alamo , a well- known building in America .

When I arrived at the Alamo , I was deeply impressed because it was well kept and in good shape . The Alamo was erected in about 1722, was later used as a fort(保垒) , and has been kept as a state monument(纪念馆) to the Texan War of Independence against Mexico . During the battle , all of the Texan defenders were killed . I was surprised at the exhibition of rifles , guns , cannons and swords .

I was especially attracted by the paintings of a war . The paintings expressed the feelings of a painter very well . Even thought about 160 years have passed since the Battle of the Alamo , the exhibit is well kept . When I came out after seeing the exhibition , I felt as if I had a victory . The outer wall of the Alamo was destroyed here and there . When I touched the wall , I could feel the damage . After the war , little remained of the Alamo . All of the windows and doors were destroyed . The top part of the gate way disappeared without a trace(遗迹) . I will remember the Alamo forever . It is one of the best places to visit in San Antonio .

1.It can be inferred according to the passage that the author may be a____ .




D.foreigner to Americans

2.The underlined word “erected” (in Paragraph2) means ______ .





3.People come to visit the Alamo now for ______ .

A.its height and shape

B.its history and the story about it

C.the exhibits in it

D.its shape

4.Which of the following may be the best title for this passage ?

A.A Famous Building in America

B.My First Visit to America .

C.The Texan War of Independence against Mexico .

D.My Impressions of the Alamo in San Antonio , Texas .


