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The earth is getting warmer. The planet is suffering. But what can you do about it? Reduce the amount of waste you generate. Use cleaner energy sources and go greener today, starting with these steps:
1. Get a reusable water bottle
Americans buy about 25 billion single-serving plastic water bottles each year. That's an average of 83 bottles per person per year. Plastic bottles take plenty of resources to produce, including fuel for transportation and petroleum to make the plastic. Even recycling bottles uses energy.
2. Eat less meat
You don't need to become a vegetarian to help save the planet. Eating meat just one day less a week can reduce your negative impact on the environment. More water, energy and land are required to produce meat than to produce grain.
3. Switch to energy-efficient light bulbs
Most households use standard incandescent (白炽的) bulbs. But compact fluorescent (荧光的) light bulbs, or CFLs, use 66 percent less energy than standard bulbs, produce just as much light, last up to 10 times longer and don't need to be replaced as often. If every household in the United States replaced just one incandescent light bulb with a CFL bulb, it would equal removing one million cars from the road.
4. Buy organic and local food
Did you know that only 1 percent of pesticides (杀虫剂) applied to crops reach the pests they target? The rest enter the environment. Organic food is grown without the use of pesticides. Organic farming can use 50 percent less energy than traditional farming methods. Buying local food saves on the fuel used to transport food grown elsewhere, thousands of miles across the country or around the world.
5. Recycle your electronics
Everyone knows the importance of recycling glass and plastic, but what about cell phones, computers, CDs and batteries? Electronics are responsible for about 40 percent of toxic (有毒的) heavy metals such as lead and mercury. Check with your city's recycling facilities to see if they take electronics.
72. The readers of this passage are called on to ______.
A. help reduce global warming               B. use water in a wise way              
C. donate money for charity                 D. keep a balanced diet
73. What is an advantage of CFLs according to the passage?
A. They use more energy but produce more light.                                  
B. They can last longer so don't need to be replaced often.
C. They cost less than standard incandescent bulbs.                                      
D. They are as energy-efficient as incandescent bulbs.
74. Which of the following figures is correct according to the passage?
A. Every year an American buys 63 plastic water bottles on average.                  
B. Eating meat one day less a week helps cut environment costs.                                  
C. 99 of the pesticides used on crops is effective in practice.                                        
D. Electronics account for half of poisonous heavy metals on the earth.
75. Which can be the best title for this passage?
A. Why is the earth getting warmer?           B. What can we do about pollution?              C. How can you lead a greener life?              D. Who is to blame for global warming?

72---75   ABBC



科目:高中英语 来源:云南省2010届高三下学期第二次统一检测 题型:阅读理解

The earth is getting warmer. The planet is suffering. But what can you do about it? Reduce the amount of waste you generate. Use cleaner energy sources and go greener today, starting with these steps:
1. Get a reusable water bottle
Americans buy about 25 billion single-serving plastic water bottles each year. That's an average of 83 bottles per person per year. Plastic bottles take plenty of resources to produce, including fuel for transportation and petroleum to make the plastic. Even recycling bottles uses energy.
2. Eat less meat
You don't need to become a vegetarian to help save the planet. Eating meat just one day less a week can reduce your negative impact on the environment. More water, energy and land are required to produce meat than to produce grain.
3. Switch to energy-efficient light bulbs
Most households use standard incandescent (白炽的) bulbs. But compact fluorescent (荧光的) light bulbs, or CFLs, use 66 percent less energy than standard bulbs, produce just as much light, last up to 10 times longer and don't need to be replaced as often. If every household in the United States replaced just one incandescent light bulb with a CFL bulb, it would equal removing one million cars from the road.
4. Buy organic and local food
Did you know that only 1 percent of pesticides (杀虫剂) applied to crops reach the pests they target? The rest enter the environment. Organic food is grown without the use of pesticides. Organic farming can use 50 percent less energy than traditional farming methods. Buying local food saves on the fuel used to transport food grown elsewhere, thousands of miles across the country or around the world.
5. Recycle your electronics
Everyone knows the importance of recycling glass and plastic, but what about cell phones, computers, CDs and batteries? Electronics are responsible for about 40 percent of toxic (有毒的) heavy metals such as lead and mercury. Check with your city's recycling facilities to see if they take electronics.
72. The readers of this passage are called on to ______.
A. help reduce global warming               B. use water in a wise way               C. donate money for charity                      D. keep a balanced diet
73. What is an advantage of CFLs according to the passage?
A. They use more energy but produce more light.                                   B. They can last longer so don't need to be replaced often.                                        C. They cost less than standard incandescent bulbs.                                         D. They are as energy-efficient as incandescent bulbs.
74. Which of the following figures is correct according to the passage?
A. Every year an American buys 63 plastic water bottles on average.                   B. Eating meat one day less a week helps cut environment costs.                                   C. 99 of the pesticides used on crops is effective in practice.                                         D. Electronics account for half of poisonous heavy metals on the earth.
75. Which can be the best title for this passage?
A. Why is the earth getting warmer?           B. What can we do about pollution?              C. How can you lead a greener life?          D. Who is to blame for global warming?


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省绍兴市2010届高三下学期教学质量调测 题型:阅读理解

The black robin is one of the world’s rarest birds. It is a small, wild bird, and it lives only on the island of Little Mangere, off the coast of New Zealand. In 1967 there were about fifty black robins; in 1977 there were fewer than ten. These are the only black robins left in the world. The island has many other birds, of different kinds, large and small; these seem to multiply very happily.
Energetic steps are being taken to preserve the black robin. Detailed studies are going on, and a public appeal for money has bee made. The idea is to buy another island nearby as a special home, a “reserve”, for threatened wild life, including black robins. The organizers say that Little Mangere should then be supplied with the robin’s food—it eats only one kind of seed. Thousands of the required plants are at present being cultivated in new Zealand. The public appeal is aimed at the conscience of mankind, so that the wild black robin will not die out and disappear form the earth in our time at least.
Is all this concern a waste of human effort? Is it any business of ours whether the black robin survives or dies out? Are we losing our sense of what is reasonable and what is unreasonable?
In the earth’s long, long past, hundreds, of kinds of creatures have evolved, risen to a degree of success—and died out. In the long, long future, there will be many new and different forms of life. Those creatures that adapt themselves successfully to what the earth offers will survive for a long time. Those that fail to meet the challenges will disappear early. This is nature’s proven method of operation.
The rule of selection—“the survival of the fittest”—is the one by which human beings have themselves arrived on the scene. We, being one of the most adaptable creatures the earth has yet produced, may last longer than most. You may take it as another rule that when, at last, human beings show signs of dying out, no other creature will extend a paw to put off our departure. On the contrary, we will be hurried out. For nature, tough fair, is a hard-hearted mistress. She has no favorites.
Life seems to have grown too tough for black robins. I leave you to judge whether we should try to do something about it.
57.The black robin is dying out mainly because__________.
A.people have been very careless about its survival
B.its only food supply is far from enough on Little Mangere
C.the other birds on the island have destroyed it
D.the appeal for money has come at the wrong time
58.In Paragraph 3, the writer puts forward three questions to__________
A.make a comparison     B.make an argument
C.introduce a topic             D.present his own idea
59.As for selection and survival, the decisive factor seems to be__________.
A.the ability to adapt to changed or changing conditions
B.the number of wild life reserves that are available
C.the concern and generosity of the public
D.the size of the home, or the amount of space one has to live in
60.The writer’s attitude towards the protection of the black robins is__________.
A.active         B.passive         C.unconcerned        D.Optimistic


科目:高中英语 来源:四川省资阳市2010届高三下学期第二次模拟考试 题型:阅读理解

The Middle East countries and other world powers have been facing major political tensions (紧张) which have made the stability (稳定) of the oil prices very unforeseeable. Each day the prospect (前景) of oil prices has become more and more unclear.
Water fuel has been developed as an alternative (替代) source of fuel which has fast become popular around the world. This exciting technology has various advantages. More than 70 percent of the Earth is covered with water and this fuel source does not produce any harmful pollutants or dangerous emissions either. They in fact also double the mileage of the cars that are powered by them.
Water fuel technology has been known to be the best additional form of fuel source for petrol (汽油) or other fuel sources. However, any say that this technology can be only an additional source and not a replacement is totally incorrect and misleading. Such ideas have been suggested by those who look down on this technology. On the contrary, this technology has numerous benefits such as it does not produce any harmful emissions which can affect the climatic changes. It further helps to reduce the level of noise produced by the engines.
Various researches reflect that running costs on fuels for automobiles can be easily saved up to 40 percent with the help of water cell technology. This technology can easily work on various cars powered by gas. It can also be used for trucks, vans and other vehicles. The tap water can also be easily used directly and you do not need any special water that is specifically treated to be used for this purpose. You can easily find a lot of details so that you can adapt your car to use the technology.
57. We can learn from the first paragraph that the price of oil ______.
A. is going down at present               B. has been rising for a long time
C. is unstable for political reasons          D. is decided by powerful countries
58. People holding the opposite idea think that ______.
A. the world climate won’t be influenced by fuel
B. the engines will give out less noise than before
C. petrol can’t be completely replaced by water fuel
D. water fuel can’t act as an additional source for gas
59. We can learn from the text that ______.
A. the Middle East countries are at peace now
B. a new kind of energy has been found recently
C. vehicles using the new technology cost much more
D. the world will be cleaner with the use of the new fuel
60. What is the best title for the text?
A. Water fuel — Lower Cost            B. Water fuel — a Safer Choice
C. Water fuel — a Long Way to Go       D. Water Fuel — Becoming a Reality Now

