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—The chicken is delicious.

—Well,at least it is______the one I cooked last time.

A.as bad as                          B.no worse than

C.no better than                   D.not better than



考查形容词比较级的固定结构。no+形容词比较级+than意思是“?和……?一样不……”,no worse than 的意思是“和……一样不差”,no better than的意思是“和……一样不好”,not better than的意思是“不如……”。


科目:高中英语 来源:桂壮红皮书活题巧解巧练 高考英语 题型:050

  Tens of thousands of baby penguins face starvation after two giant icebergs broke off the Antarctic ice sheet and blocked their parents' way to feeding areas.

  Adelie and emperor penguins nesting on the Ross Island are now forced to walk long distances over the icebergs to obtain food for their chicks, born during the NovemberDecember breeding season.

  “The penguins are having to walk 50 km further than usual to reach the sea.”said Dean Peterson. The flightless birds travel on land at just one to two km per hour.

  The problem could halve the chick survival (存活) rate at the three Adelie penguin colonies on Ross Islandestimated at 130,000 breeding pairs. In all Antarctica, there is an estimated three million Adelie penguin breeding pairs.

  Around 12,000 breeding pairs of emperor penguins, the largest penguin species at up to four feet tall, are also affected.

  The iceberg broke from the vast Ross Ice shelf, south of New Zealand, in March 2000 and are now sandwiched between Ross Island and Franklin Island, 93 miles to the earth.

  Scientist Peterson estimated that penguins were taking days to make the round trip to the sea to fish, and then back to their casts to regurgitate(反刍) food for their chicks.

  “At that point they were quite tired and probably don't have much to regurgitate,”he said. Penguins already have long odds on reaching adulthood, with only 10 percent surviving beyond adolescence (青春期).

  “We are probably looking at halving that againwe are sitting down at maybe the five percent rate.”Peterson said, adding some penguins already appeared to be leaving the Ross Island to breed elsewhere.

  Penguins come ashore to breed and then take it in turns to leave the nest to fetch fish and other sea food to feed their young.

  Researchers say large blocks of the Antarctic ice sheet are breaking off for several reasons, including global warming.

  Emperor and Adelie penguins are limited to Antarctica. The emperors weigh up to 66 pounds while Adelie penguins are much smaller, weighing around 11 pounds.

1.After the long trip, the mother penguins ________.

[  ]

A.are too tired to feed their young

B.can't bring up much to feed their young

C.are too hungry themselves

D.have already eaten up all the food

2.The underlined phrase“have long odds on”probably means ________.

[  ]

A.have little chance of

B.have no difficulty in

C.spend long time in

D.have great hope of

3.From what scientist Peterson said, we infer that ________.

[  ]

A.the survival rate of penguins is dropping

B.there are few penguins left on Ross Island

C.the present situation can cause the penguins to die out

D.penguins usually have a high survival rate

4.Which of the following best supports the main idea of the passage?

[  ]

A.Global warming caused the icebergs to break off.

B.The long trip made mother penguins too tired to feed their young.

C.The change of weather affects penguins.

D.Broken icebergs endanger penguin chicks.


科目:高中英语 来源:新世纪五星级题库 题型:050


  When a young short-toed treecreeper (旋木雀)hatches from the egg, it is hairless, blind, and helpless. At birth it weighs 0.8 gram. Its manifestations (现象) of life are wholly out of tune with its quest (追求) to achieve a weight of 8 to 9 grams as quickly as possible, the latter being the weight of an adult treecreeper. To achieve this end the chick must eat, and it must also be warmer than its environment. It gets food from its parents, but warmth from its mother alone. In all this the youngster does not do much of an active nature. On the first day it begins to stretch itself, raising its neck high and opening its beak. It also responds to the feeding calls of its parents, which are made only if the chick does not open up. During the first few days, the chick cannot see, but it can tempt the parents to provide feedings by sending out a begging call.

  Heartman (1953) took six of the seven young pied flycatchers (relatives of the treecreeper) out of their nest. Since there was now only one chick in the nest, the parents were not as quick to provide frequent feedings. The other six chicks, now hungry, were then brought near the nest so that their parents could hear all the seven even they could see only one. At once the rate (率) of attempted feedings doubled. The one chick in the nest could not handle the large amount of food, naturally, so the parents ended up eating some of it themselves.

1.How many different types of birds are referred to in the passage?

[  ]


2.According to the passage, which of the following is the most important in satisfying the baby treecreeper's need for warmth?

[  ]

A.The materials in the nest.

B.The mother bird.

C.The father bird.

D.The other chicks of the hatch.

3.The purpose of the parent treecreeper's feeding calls is to ________.

[  ]

A.note the need for food

B.warn the babies against its enemy

C.increase the variety of food

D.get the baby to open its mouth

4.Which of the following helps newborn treecreepers to gain weight?

[  ]

A.Begging noises.

B.Low body temperature.


D.Good eyesight.

5.It is most likely that the writer is using these paragraphs as ________.

[  ]

A.an introduction to a discussion of various kinds of birds

B.a broad description of bird development

C.a set of instruction for raising birds

D.examples of a general statement about bird feeding


科目:高中英语 来源:2004全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(天利38套)·英语 题型:050



  Tens of thousands of baby penguins (企鹅) face starvation after two giant icebergs broke off the Antarctic ice sheet and blocked their parents' way to feeding areas.

  Adelie and emperor penguins nesting on the Ross Island are now forced to walk long distances over the icebergs to obtain food for their chicks, born during the November-December breeding (繁育) season.

  “The penguins are having to walk 50 km further than usual to reach the sea,” said Dean Peterson. The flightless birds travel on land at just one to two km per hour.

  The problem could halve (平分) the chick survival (存活) rate at the three Adelie penguin colonies on Ross Islandestimated at 130,000 breeding pairs. In all Antarotica, there is an estimated three million Adelie penguin breeding pairs.

  Around 12,000 breeding pairs of emperor penguins, the largest penguin species at up to four feet tall, are also affected.

  The icebergs broke from the vast Ross Ice shelf, south of New Zealand, in March 2000 and are now sandwiched between Ross Island and Franklin Island, 93 miles to the north.

  Scientist Peterson estimated that penguins were taking days to make the round trip to the sea to fish, and then back to their nests to regurgitate (反刍) food for their chicks.

  “At that point they were quite tired and probably don't have much to regurgitate,” he said. Penguins already have long odds on reaching adulthood, with only 10 percent surviving beyond adolescence(青春期).

  “We are probably looking at halving that againwe are sitting down at maybe the five percent rate,” Peterson said, adding some penguins already appeared to be leaving the Ross Island to breed elsewhere.

  Penguins come ashore to breed and then take it in turns to leave the nest to fetch fish and other sea food to feed their young.

  Researchers say large blocks of the Antarctic ice sheet are breaking off for several reasons, including global warming.

  Emperor and Adelie penguins are limited to Antarctica. The emperors weigh up to 66 pounds while Adelie penguins are much smaller, weighing around 11 pounds.

1.After the long trip, the mother penguins ________.

[  ]

A.are too tired to feed their young

B.can't bring up much to feed their young

C.are too hungry themselves

D.have already ate up all the food

2.The underlined phrase “have long odds on” probably means ________.

[  ]

A.have little chance of
B.have no difficulty in
C.spend long time in
D.have great hope of

3.From what scientist Peterson said, we can infer that ________.

[  ]

A.the survival rate of penguins is dropping

B.there are few penguins left on Ross Island

C.the present situation can cause the penguins to die out

D.penguins usually have a high survival rate

4.Which of the following best supports the main idea of the passage?

[  ]

A.Global warming caused the icebergs to break off.

B.The long trip made mother penguins too tired to feed their young.

C.The change of weather affects penguins.

D.Broken icebergs endanger penguin chicks.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏省滨海中学高二上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

The emperor penguin is the tallest and heaviest of all living penguin species and lives in Antarctica. The male and female are similar in size, reaching 122 cm in height and weighing anywhere from 22 to 45 kg. The back and head are black, contrasting sharply with the pale-yellow breast and bright-yellow ears. Like all penguins, it is flightless, with a streamlined body and their wings stiffen and flatten into flippers(鳍状肢) for a marine habitat.
Its diet consists primarily of fish, but can also include animals with hard shells. In hunting, the species can remain underwater up to 18 minutes, diving to a depth of 535 m. Its unusually structured hemoglobin(血红蛋白)allows it to function at low oxygen levels.
The emperor penguin is perhaps best known for the journeys adults make each year in order to mate and to feed their babies. The only penguin species that breeds(繁殖) during the Antarctic winter, it goes on a long journey of 50-120 km over the ice to breeding areas which may include thousands of individuals. The female lays a single egg, which is incubated(孵化)by the male while the female returns to the sea to feed; parents take turns searching for food at sea and caring for their chick. They both care for the chick until it is able to enter the water to find food on its own. During the process of incubation, the male can lose up to 1/3 to 1/2 of his body weight. One of the coolest things about the male is that if the chick comes out its egg before the female returns, the male can actually produce a special liquid to feed the chick. He can only do this for a short time. If the female doesn’t return, he must leave the chick to go on with his own life. The emperor penguin can typically live for 20 years in the wild, although observations suggest that some individual may live to 50 years of age.
【小题1】We can learn from paragraph 1 that ____.

A.the emperor penguin is the world’s largest kind of penguin
B.the emperor penguin has pale-yellow ears
C.the male and female emperor penguins are of different sizes
D.the emperor penguin lives in the most northern area on the Earth
【小题2】The emperor penguin can stay underwater for a long time mainly because of its ____.
A.strong wingsB.streamlined bodyC.structured hemoglobinD.special diet
【小题3】The emperor penguin differs from other penguin species in that ____.
A.it gives birth in the Antarctic winterB.it feeds mainly on fish
C.the male won’t search for food on his ownD.it can only live for a short time
【小题4】According to the passage, ____.
A.the egg of the emperor penguin is mainly incubated by the female
B.many emperor penguins will stay together to breed
C.the male emperor penguin will give up his own life to feed the chick
D.the female emperor penguin will leave the chick forever once it lays an egg


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届江苏省高二上学期期中考试英语题 题型:阅读理解

The emperor penguin is the tallest and heaviest of all living penguin species and lives in Antarctica. The male and female are similar in size, reaching 122 cm in height and weighing anywhere from 22 to 45 kg. The back and head are black, contrasting sharply with the pale-yellow breast and bright-yellow ears. Like all penguins, it is flightless, with a streamlined body and their wings stiffen and flatten into flippers(鳍状肢) for a marine habitat.

Its diet consists primarily of fish, but can also include animals with hard shells. In hunting, the species can remain underwater up to 18 minutes, diving to a depth of 535 m. Its unusually structured hemoglobin(血红蛋白)allows it to function at low oxygen levels.

The emperor penguin is perhaps best known for the journeys adults make each year in order to mate and to feed their babies. The only penguin species that breeds(繁殖) during the Antarctic winter, it goes on a long journey of 50-120 km over the ice to breeding areas which may include thousands of individuals. The female lays a single egg, which is incubated(孵化)by the male while the female returns to the sea to feed; parents take turns searching for food at sea and caring for their chick. They both care for the chick until it is able to enter the water to find food on its own. During the process of incubation, the male can lose up to 1/3 to 1/2 of his body weight. One of the coolest things about the male is that if the chick comes out its egg before the female returns, the male can actually produce a special liquid to feed the chick. He can only do this for a short time. If the female doesn’t return, he must leave the chick to go on with his own life. The emperor penguin can typically live for 20 years in the wild, although observations suggest that some individual may live to 50 years of age.

1.We can learn from paragraph 1 that ____.

  A. the emperor penguin is the world’s largest kind of penguin

  B. the emperor penguin has pale-yellow ears

  C. the male and female emperor penguins are of different sizes

  D. the emperor penguin lives in the most northern area on the Earth

2.The emperor penguin can stay underwater for a long time mainly because of its ____.

  A. strong wings     B. streamlined body     C. structured hemoglobin     D. special diet

3.The emperor penguin differs from other penguin species in that ____.

  A. it gives birth in the Antarctic winter        B. it feeds mainly on fish

  C. the male won’t search for food on his own   D. it can only live for a short time

4.According to the passage, ____.

  A. the egg of the emperor penguin is mainly incubated by the female

  B. many emperor penguins will stay together to breed

  C. the male emperor penguin will give up his own life to feed the chick

  D. the female emperor penguin will leave the chick forever once it lays an egg


