精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
1.His parents were also accused of ________(帮助他逃跑).
2.Three people died in the accident and 12 were ________(严重受伤).
3.If we leave it as it is. it will ________(失血而死).
4.I can hardly believe the fact that she ________(毒死她的丈夫).
5."I didn't mean to upset you. " he said ________(温柔地).
6.I felt my reputation ________(受到伤害) by the newspaper article.
7.At last. we managed to ________(塞进6个人) into the car.
8.The police will only interview the child ________(当着父母的面).
9.There is ________(很多压力) on us senior students.
10.Good food and plenty of exercise ________(必不可少的) a healthy life.
1. aiding his escape/aiding him to escape
2. badly injured
3. bleed to death
4. poisoned her husband
5. mildly
6. had been damaged
7. squeeze six people
8. in the presence of his parents
9. a lot of pressure
10. are essential to/for

科目:高中英语 来源:广东省同步题 题型:填空题

1. People ________(乐意) pay more money for good sevices.
2. The doctor ________ that ________(劝他戒烟).
3. The problem can't be settled ________(用暴力).
4. With his last jump, he ________(平) the world record.
5. It was a ________(可怕的) experience.
6. I don't like people ________(对动物残忍的).
7. His efforts ________(奖赏) by success.
8. The people who work here are ________(既有教养又思想开放).
9. I ________(收到)a gift but I didn't ________(接受) it.
10. We thank our customers ________(因为他们的一贯支持).


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省同步题 题型:填空题

1.She was ________(气得发抖).
2.He ________(站起来) from the seat to welcome us.
3.Hearing the news, she ________(突然大笑起来).
4.It was raining heavily outside and my dress ________(淋得不成样子).
5.He received serious ________(伤) during the car crash.
6.The news of his sudden death ________(使……震惊) us greatly.
7.He often ________(埋头于) himself in the books.
8.It was ________(很荣幸的事) to have you as my friend.
9.The woman thanked the firefighters for ________(营救) her child from the burning house.
10.Students are busy ________(正在准备) the coming exam.


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省同步题 题型:填空题

1.I have ________(证人) to the killing.
2.They are very ________(乐于助人的) to foreign visitors.
3.Water was found ________(在30米深处).
4.The child was found ________(抛弃) but unharmed.
5.His face was ________(映照在镜子里).
6.She was a ________(美人) in her day.
7.I ________(清晰地记得) the day when I first met him.
8.Some mushrooms ________(含有致命毒素).
9.This pencil needs ________( 削尖).
10.Order something ________(美味的) to eat.


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省同步题 题型:填空题

1.Thousands of people are ________(挨饿) because of the failure of this year's harvest.
2.He has been ________(与……斗争) his illness for many years.
3.You can ________(扩大词汇量) by reading.
4.Dr. Yuan is now ________(传播知识) in many countries.
5.We had to borrow some money to ________(装备我们的店).
6.Dr. Yuan's kind of rice is the most ________(合适的) for China's farmland.
7.To avoid ________(混淆),please write your names on your bags.
8.Through physical exercise,you can ________(减少你的体重) by 5 kilograms.
9.Maybe the plan will not ________(使每个人满意).

