精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
     Sneaker is a kind of shoe worn by many people all over the world. Some say that the word "sneaker"
is another word for tennis shoe,   1  no one really knows where the word came from.   2   say it came from
the old English verb "sneak", which   3   to move silently and quickly. The only thing we are   4   is that
when you put on a pair of sneakers, you   5   light-hearted, light-footed and ready to play.
     Sneakers of some kind are used by   6   who play tennis, basketball, and other sports. New design
has been made   7   for people who run slowly. But perhaps sneakers are  8  used by children in the
United States. In fact American children of   9   ages would much rather  play in sneakers than anything
else, except perhaps   10   at all.
     New York City once held a poetry contest (诗歌比赛) for children. The subject was only "sneaker".
Thousands of children sent in their   11   and praised the sneakers they love. One prize winner called
   12   poem "The Sneaker and the World Peace". "When everyone is wearing sneakers," she said, "it
will be impossible to   13  ."
     American school children can be seen every day   14   sneakers of all colours. They put them on in
the morning and take them off   15  . Sneakers are   16   washed. In fact the older and dirtier they are,
the   17   loveable they are. When their sneakers wear out (穿破), children hate to throw them off. How
do you explain the closeness between   18  ? Perhaps another young   19   in the New York Poetry
     Contest said it best. "A shoe is just a shoe," he said. "But a sneaker is a   20  ."
(     )1. A. however                  
(     )2. A. All                      
(     )3. A. appears                  
(     )4. A. excited about            
(     )5. A. think                    
(     )6. A. men                      
(     )7. A. lovely                    
(     )8. A. only                      
(     )9. A. all                      
(     )10. A. some shoes              
(     )11. A. photos                  
(     )12. A. her                      
(     )13. A. explain                  
(     )14. A. dressing                
(     )15. A. the next day            
(     )16. A. forever                  
(     )17. A. much                    
(     )18. A. sneakers and
             other shoes
(     )19. A. girl                    
(     )20. A. sneaker                  
B. but            
B. Some          
B. remains        
B. sure of        
B. feel          
B. women          
B. specially      
B. greatly        
B. some          
B. no shoes      
B. compositions  
B. his            
B. guide          
B. wearing        
B. at noon        
B. always        
B. many          
B. boys and girls
B. man            
B. friend        
C. or                    
C. People                
C. means                
C. surprised at          
C. consider              
C. those                
C. lively                
C. hardly                
C. little                
C. no children          
C. poems                
C. its                  
C. hate                  
C. putting on            
C. at bedtime            
C. seldom                
C. most                  
C. children and sneakers
C. woman                
C. poem                  
D. and                  
D. The others          
D. wants                
D. pleased with        
D. suggest              
D. these                
D. cheaply              
D. finally              
D. old                  
D. some sneakers        
D. drawings            
D. their                
D. love                
D. having              
D. in the evening      
D. sometimes            
D. more                
D. winners and sneakers
D. winner              
D. shoe                
1-5:  BBCBB    6-10:  CBBAB    11-15:  CACBC   16-20:   CDCDB

科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



I have never learned as much math in my life as I did last year, It was because of Ms. Pam  21    I truly understood what I was learning. It might not seem  22     a big deal to some,but to me it is. I have never met a woman so caring and so determined to teach her  23  .

I never really wanted to work for good   24   in math class. I never knew how to study math and never understood some of the concepts. I can remember trying to sneak (偷偷溜出) the classroom    25    Ms. Pam caught me and yelled across the   26   ," Lauren, are you coming to extra help during lunch?" It was a nightmare… She would always  27  me with one foot out of the door; it never   28  . Even then I just thought of it as a thing I had to do. It was funny to see how everyone would be in her room during lunch and then again after school. She would  29  everyone to come every day,just so we could do our homework in  30  .

Many of the students thought of her as a bit of nag (唠叨),but  31  they knew that she was right and   32   for it. Many of her tests were hard at first,but as the year progressed,many students felt them easier,so did I. I knew that it was because of her.

Even outside class,she was  33  as ever. She always wanted to know what was going on in my(and everyone else’s)life,and she was always looking out for everyone’s best interest.

    Ms. Pam is a sweet woman with a sense of   34   that you just have to laugh at. When regents were approaching,she was more concerned than ever about everyone doing well. Many of her precious students   35  high,and so she  36  the same from us. Day after day there were students in the classroom   37   problems. When it was time for our big test,I knew I was ready. I walked out of that test with my head  38 . I knew that I was a  39  and Ms. Pam had made me that way, I appreciated all the hard work that she put into helping me and my fellow students. I knew that I would  40  her.

21. A. how                     B. what                   C. that                        D. why

22. A. like                           B. as                        C. so                           D. as if

23. A. students               B. children         C. classmates            D. family

24. A. life                         B. salary                C grades             D. subjects

25. A. while                              B. unless                  C. before                         D. until

26. A. seat                  B. classroom         C. yard                 D. kitchen

27. A. see                                 B. catch                  C. help                              D. beat

28. A. succeeded               B. stopped              C. worked             D. failed

29. A. encourage            B. let                         C. forbid                   D. hope

30. A. confusion                      B. peace                             C. surprise                      D. home

31. A. inside                             B. outside              C. almost                       D. hardly

32. A. praised              B. scolded               C. respected                   D. blamed

33. A. frightened            B. caring                  C. hard                 D. right

34. A. duty                  B. time                  C. foolishness              D. humour

35. A. jumped                          B. scored            C. grew                           D. drank

36. A. hoped                      B. received              C. wished                    D. expected

37. A. previewing                 B. making                 C. learning                      D. reviewing

38. A. low                                    B. hanging         C. high                        D. down

39. A. failure                            B. student              C. success                       D. hero

40. A. hate                           B. miss                C. forget                         D. marry


科目:高中英语 来源:2009-2010学年黑龙江省哈师大附中高一下学期模块考试英语试题 题型:完型填空

A while ago my family and I went sledding(滑雪橇) and as I watched my children climbing up the slope I started thinking.
Many people are convinced that most of today’s   26   problems are because of the “me” generation. Youngsters are just out for themselves and pay no   27   to others or their needs. Indeed, a common belief is that today’s youngsters won’t do anything  28   there is something in it for them.
Yet, while sledding, I saw a   29  side. I watched my two oldest children (then five and four) take my youngest(then two years old)by the hand to help her up the slippery slope  30   they went up. They would have been   31  without her, but not once did they try to sneak (溜掉)by her without helping. And when the sled  32  my two daughters was aimed toward the edge, it was my five year old son who ran to them to  33  them from falling and hurting themselves.
These children sometimes   34  among themselves and, on occasion, behave horribly. But I can  35  them shopping and know that they won’t ask for anything, I can talk to them about tsunami or hurricane victims and know that they will offer to  36  some of their own money to the cause, and I can ask them to play with those children  37  on the sideline(作为旁观者) and know that they will befriend(照顾)them.
Perhaps, therefore, the “me” generation is to blame  38   much of society’s problems—not the youngsters who want everything,   39  the adults who have taught them to selfishly  40   only of themselves.
Most adults have been   41  at some time or another, sadly, many   42  that disappointment down to their children. Then the children learn to put themselves first!
Most young children want to help. We can  43  that feeling by teaching the lesson my children learned while sledding: Life is a slippery slope with  44  of bumps(撞伤) and bruises(擦伤), but we can all make it to the  45  if we remember to help those who need it.
26.A.social         B.private                   C.serious                    D.slight
27.A.thought            B.attention                         C.permission             D.pleasure
28.A.if                                  B.as                             C.while                                 D.unless
29.A.same                          B.different                          C.strange                            D.moral
30.A.some time                 B.any time                          C.each time                        D.the time
31.A.faster                         B.slower                     C.easier                               D.lighter
32.A.containing                 B.loading                    C.driving              D.carrying
33.A.avoid                           B.stop                                  C.help                                   D.warn
34.A.cry                               B.cooperate                       C.assist                                D.fight
35.A.take                      B.drive                                 C.accompany            D.guide
36.A.lend                   B.send                                  C.collect                     D.pay
37.A.forgotten                   B.missed                    C.left                                    D.ignored
38.A.of                                 B.within                               C.on                             D.for
39.A.and                    B.but                                    C.thus                                  D.though
40.A.consider           B.speak                                C.believe                    D.think
41.A.depressed                 B.surprised                         C.disappointed                  D.embarrassed
42.A.extend                        B.intend                       C.pass                                  D.spread
43.A.encourage                 B.strengthen                      C.discourage                     D.approach
44.A.opportunities  B.occasions                  C.promises                         D.fates
45.A.top                     B.bottom                   C.middle                     D.tip


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省哈师大附中2009-2010学年度高一下学期4月月考英语试题 题型:完型填空

II. 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)
A while ago my family and I went sledding(滑雪橇) and as I watched my children climbing up the slope I started thinking.
Many people are convinced that most of today’s   26    problems are because of the “me” generation. Youngsters are just out for themselves and pay no   27   to others or their needs. Indeed, a common belief is that today’s youngsters won’t do anything   28  there is something in it for them.
Yet, while sledding, I saw a   29  side. I watched my two oldest children (then five and four) take my youngest(then two years old)by the hand to help her up the slippery slope  30   they went up. They would have been   31  without her, but not once did they try to sneak (溜掉)by her without helping. And when the sled  32  my two daughters was aimed toward the edge, it was my five year old son who ran to them to  33  them from falling and hurting themselves.
These children sometimes   34  among themselves and, on occasion, behave horribly. But I can  35  them shopping and know that they won’t ask for anything, I can talk to them about tsunami or hurricane victims and know that they will offer to  36  some of their own money to the cause, and I can ask them to play with those children  37  on the sideline(作为旁观者) and know that they will befriend(照顾)them.
Perhaps, therefore, the “me” generation is to blame  38   much of society’s problems—not the youngsters who want everything,   39  the adults who have taught themselves.
Most adults have been   41  at some time or another, sadly, many   42  that disappointment down to their children. Then the children learn to put themselves first!
Most young children want to help. We can  43  that feeling by teaching the lesson my children learned while sledding: Life is a slippery slope with  44  of bumps(撞伤) and bruises(擦伤), but we can all make it to the  45  if we remember to help those who need it.
26.A.social            B.private                C.serious                  D.slight
27.A.thought            B.attention                    C.permission             D.pleasure
28.A.if                         B.as                         C.while                        D.unless
29.A.same                    B.different                    C.strange                  D.moral
30.A.some time             B.any time                    C.each time                  D.the time
31.A.faster                   B.slower                   C.easier                        D.lighter
32.A.containing            B.loading                        C.driving                D.carrying
33.A.avoid                   B.stop                          C.help                          D.warn
34.A.cry                       B.cooperate                  C.assist                         D.fight
35.A.take                      B.drive                         C.accompany            D.guide
36.A.lend                        B.send                          C.collect                   D.pay
37.A.forgotten                 B.missed                  C.left                           D.ignored
38.A.of                        B.within                       C.on                               D.for
39.A.and                  B.but                           C.thus                          D.though
40.A.consider           B.speak                        C.believe                  D.think
41.A.depressed              B.surprised                   C.disappointed              D.embarrassed
42.A.extend                  B.intend                  C.pass                          D.spread
43.A.encourage             B.strengthen                 C.discourage                 D.approach
44.A.opportunities     B.occasions               C.promises                   D.fates
45.A.top                   B.bottom                  C.middle                  D.tip


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏同步题 题型:完形填空

      I have never learned as much math in my life as I did 1ast year.It was because of Ms.Pam__1__
I truly understood what I was learning.It might not seem __2__a big deal to some, but to me it is.I have
never met a woman so caring and so determined to teach her __3__.
     I never really wanted to work for good __4__ in math class.I never knew how to study math and
never understood some of the concepts.I can remember trying to sneak out of the classroom  __5__
Ms.Pam caught me and yelled across the__6__, "Lauren, are you coming to extra help during lunch?"
It was a nightmare…she would always __7__me with one foot out of the door, it never __8__.Even
then I just thought of it as a thing I had to do.It was funny to see how everyone would be in her room
during lunch and then again after schoo1.She would__9__everyone to come every day, just so we
could do our homework in __10__.
     Many of the students thought of her as a bit of nag, but __11__ they knew that she was right and
__12__for it.Many of her tests were hard at first, but as the year progressed, so did I. I knew that it
was because of her.
     Even outside class, she was __13__as ever.She always wanted to know what was going on in my
(and everyone else's)life, and she was always looking out for everyone's best interest.
     Ms.Pam is a sweet woman with a sense of __14__that you just have to laugh at.When exams were
approaching, she was more concerned than ever about everyone doing well.Many of her precious
students __15__ high, and so she __16__the same from us.Day after day there were students in the
classroom__17__problems.When it was time for our big test, I knew I was ready.I walked out of that
test with my head__18__.I knew that I was a__19__and Ms.Pam had made me that way.I appreciated
all the hard work that she put into helping me and my fellow students.I knew that I would __20__her.
(     )1. A. how     
(     )2. A. as      
(     )3. A. students    
(     )4. A. grades      
(     )5. A. while      
(     )6. A.  seat      
(     )7. A. see      
(     )8. A. succeeded
(     )9. A. forbid  
(     )10. A. peace    
(     )11. A. inside  
(     )12. A. praised  
(     )13. A. frightened  
(     )14. A. duty  
(     )15. A. jumped  
(     )16. A.  expected  
(     )17. A. previewing  
(     )18. A. high  
(     )19. A. failure  
(     )20. A. hate  
B. what  
B. 1ike  
B. children  
B. salary  
B. until  
B. classroom  
B. help  
B. stopped    
B. 1et  
B. confusion  
B. outside  
B. scolded    
B. caring    
B. time      
B. grew  
B. received  
B. reviewing  
B. hanging  
B. student  
B. miss
C. why    
C. so    
C. classmates    
C. 1ife    
C. before    
C. yard    
C. catch   
C. worked    
C. encourage    
C. surprise    
C. almost    
C. blamed        
C. hard  
C. foolishness  
C. scored  
C. wished  
C. learning  
C. low    
C. success
C. forget  
D. that          
D. as if        
D. family        
D. subjects      
D. unless        
D. kitchen      
D. beat          
D. failed        
D. hope          
D. home          
D. hardly        
D. respected    
D. right        
D. humour        
D. drank        
D. hoped        
D. making        
D. down          
D. hero          
D. meet          


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


A while ago my family and I went sledding(滑雪橇) and as I watched my children climbing up the slope I started thinking.

     Many people are convinced that most of today’s   26    problems are because of the “me” generation. Youngsters are just out for themselves and pay no   27   to others or their needs. Indeed, a common belief is that today’s youngsters won’t do anything   28   there is something in it for them.

    Yet, while sledding, I saw a   29   side. I watched my two oldest children (then five and four) take my youngest(then two years old)by the hand to help her up the slippery slope   30   they went up. They would have been   31   without her, but not once did they try to sneak (溜掉)by her without helping. And when the sled  32  my two daughters was aimed toward the edge, it was my five year old son who ran to them to  33  them from falling and hurting themselves.

    These children sometimes   34   among themselves and, on occasion, behave horribly. But I can  35  them shopping and know that they won’t ask for anything, I can talk to them about tsunami or hurricane victims and know that they will offer to  36  some of their own money to the cause, and I can ask them to play with those children  37  on the sideline(作为旁观者) and know that they will befriend(照顾)them.

    Perhaps, therefore, the “me” generation is to blame   38   much of society’s problems—not the youngsters who want everything,   39  the adults who have taught them to selfishly   40   only of themselves.

    Most adults have been   41   at some time or another, sadly, many   42   that disappointment down to their children. Then the children learn to put themselves first!

  Most young children want to help. We can  43  that feeling by teaching the lesson my children learned while sledding: Life is a slippery slope with  44  of bumps(撞伤) and bruises(擦伤), but we can all make it to the  45  if we remember to help those who need it.

26.A.social          B.private                     C.serious                    D.slight

27.A.thought            B.attention                         C.permission             D.pleasure

28.A.if                                  B.as                             C.while                                 D.unless

29.A.same                           B.different                          C.strange                            D.moral

30.A.some time                 B.any time                          C.each time                        D.the time

31.A.faster                         B.slower                     C.easier                               D.lighter

32.A.containing                 B.loading                    C.driving                D.carrying

33.A.avoid                           B.stop                                  C.help                                   D.warn

34.A.cry                               B.cooperate                        C.assist                                D.fight

35.A.take                        B.drive                                 C.accompany            D.guide

36.A.lend                   B.send                                  C.collect                     D.pay

37.A.forgotten                   B.missed                    C.left                                    D.ignored

38.A.of                                 B.within                               C.on                             D.for

39.A.and                    B.but                                    C.thus                                  D.though

40.A.consider           B.speak                                C.believe                    D.think

41.A.depressed                 B.surprised                         C.disappointed                  D.embarrassed

42.A.extend                        B.intend                         C.pass                                  D.spread

43.A.encourage                 B.strengthen                      C.discourage                      D.approach

44.A.opportunities  B.occasions                    C.promises                         D.fates

45.A.top                     B.bottom                   C.middle                     D.tip

