精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
1. Mistakes,__________ (如果有的话),should be corrected.
2. Henry looked about_________ (似乎在寻找什么).
3. She studies very hard_______ (尽管体弱).
4. -Would you like to come to the paty?
    -_________ (是的,我愿意).
5. He was late because he had overslept and________ (误了火车).
6. _______ (如果他早接受我的建议的话),he would have succeeded.
7. It is suggested that we__________ (去看电影).
8. He didn't come,but he _______ (应该来).
9. It's a waste of time________ (和他争论).
10. -He will retum at the weekend.
      -________ (恐怕不能).
1.if any  
2.as if in search of something  
3.though rather weak  
4. Yes, I' d like to  
5. missed the train  
6. Had he taken my advice  
7.(should) go to see a film
8. should have/ought to have  
9. (in) arguing with him
10. I'm afraid not

科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省同步题 题型:填空题

1.He broke the law and was caught trying to f        the country.
2.Each year Americans c       a high percentage of the world's energy.
3.They put their arms around each other and h       .
4.When I got to the airport,he was already a       the plane. 
5.Do you know the p       for obtaining a new passport?Next year,I will go to Australia.
6.Rice is the          (主要的)crop of India.
7.A party of soldiers was landed secretly at night on the enemy coast;
their         (使命)was to blow up the radio station.
8.         (非官方的)estimates put the figure at over 2 million. 
9.The        (辨认)of the crash victims was a long and difficult task.
10.They came to a         (妥协)over the exact amount to be paid.


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1.The research is so designed that____ ____ (一旦开始) nothing can be done to change it.
2. Nobody was surprised when Nancy's boyfriend broke up with her
  since she___  him____ dirt( 把他当下等人对待) .
3. Life  ____  him   ____(注定)working 12 hours a day.
4. The books in the library _____ ____    (分类)by subject.
5. The house on the hill  ___   (俯视)the village.


科目:高中英语 来源:0103 期中题 题型:填空题

1. As is known to us, Bank of China has many ______(分支机构)all over the country.
2. Newspapers can keep us well ______(知晓的,了解的)about what is happening all over the world.
3. It is very difficult to ________(联系)the result with the unknown cause.
4. They are________(讨论) about the problem with education.
5. Her work has ________(有助于)greatly to our understanding of this difficult subject.
6. The ______(屋顶)of the buildings were broken in the hurricane. 
7.  We must arrange a ______(方便的) time and place for the meeting.
8. She was strongly ________(推荐)for the post.
9. She doesn't have enough _____(力气)to carry it upstairs.
10. I only caught a ______(一瞥)of the parcel, so I can't guess what was inside it.


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. add______ 合计    
2. calm_______ 使平静
3.  have got____ 不得不,必须
4 be concerned____ 关心
5. go_____ 经历,经受  
6. set____ 写下
7. ____ purpose 故意
8. _______order to 为了….
9. _____dusk 在黄昏  
10. face____face 面对面


科目:高中英语 来源:0101 期中题 题型:填空题

admission amusement announce advance investigate conclude central length athletic attract
1. Having asked several witnesses, the police made a _____ that he had lied.
2. We were shocked by the _____ made by the mayor that all the gas supplies would be examined.
3. Only ticket-holders will be _____ into the stadium.
4. The government has began to make the _____ into the pollution of the river
5. The actress is so _____ that everyone present paid attention to her.
6. The hotel is right in the _____ of the town and you will not miss it.
7. I fell in love with the book the moment I read it because it is full of  _____stories about his childhood.
8. He owes money to a list of people as _____ as your arm.
9. Over 150  _____ will compete in the Indoor Championships at the stadium.
10. Many of the nations of southeast Asia will one day be as _____ as Japan or South Korea.


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

用would rather完成句子。
1. I____cheat in the examination.
2. I____ get money by dishonest means.
3. I think I____commit myself to going with you.
4. I would rather that you________too much last night.


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

1. He always looked____ (乐观的)even in defeat.
2. The problems facing the President are____ (巨大的).
3. I have a pain in my throat and it hurts to s____.
4. I think pay is their mam m____for working.
5. Teachers provide a model for children to i____.


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:填空题

He____his name_______his clothes.
=He____his clothes    his name.

