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1. How much do you _________(要价) for mending shoes?                   1.___________

2. If she _______(继续) drinking like that, I’ll have to carry her home.           2. __________

3. The car couldn’t start because the _______(发动机)went wrong.          3.___________

4. It is _________(极其) cold in the South Pole.                             4. __________

5. The teacher walked the children out of the ________(幼儿园).               5. __________

6. I have _________(后悔) not having studied hard.                         6.___________

7. The newspaper described her as a ______(有前途的) young pianist.          7. ___________

8. The girl was so angry that she __________(撕) the letter into pieces.         8. ___________

9. He started his first _______(航海)with only one ship and ten men.         9. ___________

10. I felt a _________(急剧的) pain in my stomach.                         10. __________

1.charge     2. continues    3. engine     4. extremely      5. kindergarten 

6. regretted   7. promising    8.tore       9. voyage        10. sharp



科目:高中英语 来源:甘肃省天水市2009-2010学年高一下学期第二阶段考试英语试题 题型:单词拼写




1. How much do you _________(要价) for mending shoes?                   1.__________

2. If she _______(继续) drinking like that, I’ll have to carry her home.          2. __________

3. The car couldn’t start because the _______(发动机)went wrong.          3.___________

4. It is _________(极其) cold in the South Pole.                            4. __________

5. The teacher walked the children out of the ________(幼儿园).              5. __________

6. I have _________(后悔) not having studied hard.                         6.___________

7. The newspaper described her as a ______(有前途的) young pianist.          7. __________

8. The girl was so angry that she __________(撕) the letter into pieces.          8. __________

9. He started his first _______(航海)with only one ship and ten men.         9. ___________

10. I felt a _________(急剧的) pain in my stomach.                         10. _________



科目:高中英语 来源:陕西省同步题 题型:填空题

1. How long can you________(保持平衡) on one leg?
2. The decision was made in my________(缺席).
3. The prisoner will be at________(自由) next month.
4. He has got used to the________(乡村的) way of life.
5. These________(人造的) flowers are very beautiful.
6. Please________(传达) my best wishes to your family.
7. His actions were based on a false________(假设).
8. There is a limit to what one person can________(容忍).
9. He________(捐献) much money to charity to help those homeless children.
10. She can't keep her room in a state of________(混乱).


科目:高中英语 来源:北京期中题 题型:填空题

1. How could you t________________ his rude behavior for such a long time?
2. S________________ by trees, the lake looks beautiful and peaceful.
3. He would like to buy some local s________________ wherever he travels.
4. Yesterday a famous professor made a speech, strongly o_______ further research into gene-therapy.
5. After hard training, their performance in track and field was greatly e_________________.
6. Jim went to put up the tent. ________________(同时) Peter started to prepare supper.
7. The latest ________________(统计) prove that the epidemic has been under control.
8. This is the ________________(原始的) photo without being edited.
9. Lack of communication may cause serious _________(冲突) between bosses and employees.
10. I am in a ________________(进退两难的境地) over whether to tell him the truth or not.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



1. How much do you _________(要价) for mending shoes?                   1.__________

2. If she _______(继续) drinking like that, I’ll have to carry her home.          2. __________

3. The car couldn’t start because the _______(发动机)went wrong.          3.___________

4. It is _________(极其) cold in the South Pole.                            4. __________

5. The teacher walked the children out of the ________(幼儿园).              5. __________

6. I have _________(后悔) not having studied hard.                         6.___________

7. The newspaper described her as a ______(有前途的) young pianist.          7. __________

8. The girl was so angry that she __________(撕) the letter into pieces.          8. __________

9. He started his first _______(航海)with only one ship and ten men.         9. ___________

10. I felt a _________(急剧的) pain in my stomach.                         10. _________

