







Madame Curie, her father was a physics teacher, was born            76.           

in 1867. Her interest in the science was encouraged by her father£®   77.           

Graduated from middle school at 16£¬she couldn¡¯t go on with        78.           

her study because Poland was under the role of Tsarist(ɳ»Ê)         79.           

Russia and women are not allowed to enter college£®In 1891£¬       80.           

she left Paris and entered Pads University, where she did           81.           

her research work after graduation£®In 1895£¬she married to        82.           

Pierre Curie£®Pierre joined in his research and they succeeded        83.           

in find the element producing radiation in 1902£®One year          84.           

late£®they shard the Nobel Prize for physics with Becquerel£®        85.           

76£®her¡úwhose   77£®È¥µôthe   78£®Graduated¡úGraduating   79£®ÕýÈ·    80£®are¡úwere

81£®ÔÚleftºó¼Ófor    82£®È¥µôto    83£®his¡úher    84£®find¡úfinding    85£®late¡úlater


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºÁÉÄþÊ¡´óÁ¬ÊеڶþÊ®ÈýÖÐѧ2009--2010ѧÄê¶È¸ß¶þÏÂѧÆÚÆÚÖп¼ÊÔÓ¢ÓïÊÔÌâ ÌâÐÍ£ºÌî¿ÕÌâ

µÚËIJ¿·Ö  Ð´×÷£¨¹²Á½½Ú£¬Âú·Ö35·Ö£©
Welcome to our English Corner. It set up about four years before. Since then on many high school students have joined in it. The students from different schools gather round on Sunday mornings, and there are also some college students or foreigners. We talked about everything we know and show interest in. We also exchange our effective method in English learning. We think we have learned much here.
The English Corner is a really addition to our English class and popular with students. Parents and teachers appreciate them very much because they all believe it is of great help to their children. If you want to know much about it, you may talk to students here.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºÁÉÄþÊ¡2009-2010ѧÄê¶È¸ßÒ»ÏÂѧÆÚÆÚÖп¼ÊÔÓ¢ÓïÊÔÌâ ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥´Êƴд



µÚËIJ¿·Ö Ð´×÷£¨¹²35·Ö£©



1.It¡¯s ______(»ÄÌƵÄ) of him to say that the ban on smoking in public places will be removed.

2.Do you have any ______(ÒÔÇ°µÄ) experience of this type of work?

3.The book explores the relationship between religion and ______(ÎÄÃ÷).

4.This hotel can ______(Ϊ¡­Ìṩס´¦, ÈÝÄÉ) up to 5,000 guests.

5.It¡¯s many years since Mount Vesuvius last ______(±¬·¢).

6.It is ________(¾ø¶ÔµØ) impossible for them to finish the task in just one day¡¯s time.

7.Between Italy and France, there is a mountain______(ɽÂö) called the Alps.

8.The report called for ______(½ô¼±µÄ) action to reduce lead in petrol.

9. She is one of the most ______(ÓÐÓ°ÏìµÄ) figures in local politics.

10.In order to meet the increasing demands of electricity, the local government has determined to make a reservoir to ______(·¢µç) electricity.



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(M-----Mike, T-----Tony)

M: Hi, Tony. How was your (76) v _____to the Western Forest last weekend?         76._______

T: It was wonderful(77) i_______ .                                                                     77._______

The air is fresh, the water is clean and the trees are so green.

M: Did you see any wild animals on the hills?

T: (78) N______ except some unknown birds flying and singing in the woods.        78._______

M: (79) S______ exciting. Why isn¡¯t there wildlife?                                             79._______

T: My dad told me that there used to be plenty of wildlife in the mountain,

including goats, deer and so on, but they are all in danger of (80) d_______        80._______

out today.            

M: What do you think seems to be the (81 )c________ of that?                           81._______

Perhaps the local people didn¡¯t realize the (82)i_________ of the forest               82._______

and wildlife, so that they kept cutting down trees for firewood and hunting wildlife for food or money.

M: What a shame! But what is done today?

T: Today many (83)m _______ have been taken                                                    83._______

 to (84) p_______ the forest from being damaged or destroyed.                          84._______

M: So you can(85) e ______ fresh air, clean and water and green trees today!          85_______

T: Exactly!


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ĦÍгµÓкܶàºÃ´¦; ¿ì½Ý¡¢·½±ã¡¢Ê¡Ç®; ϸÚÖ°¹¤ (laid-off workers) ¿ÉÒÔ¿ªÄ¦ÍгµÎªÉú.




±êÌâ: The Ban on Motorcycles in Guangzhou;




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Welcome to our English Corner. It set up about four years before. Since then on many high school students have joined in it. The students from different schools gather round on Sunday mornings, and there are also some college students or foreigners. We talked about everything we know and show interest in. We also exchange our effective method in English learning. We think we have learned much here.

 The English Corner is a really addition to our English class and popular with students. Parents and teachers appreciate them very much because they all believe it is of great help to their children. If you want to know much about it, you may talk to students here.

