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Do people ever consider the possibility that, if they’re exposed to increased reports about a social problem, it’s the reporting that has increased rather than the problem? It’s increasingly clear that this is the case with school bullying(欺凌):Only news reports about it have increased, not the behavior itself. In fact, both bullying and fear of it are down among US middle school students
The rate of students who reported fearing an attack or harm at school at all has dropped dramatically, from nearly 12% in 1995 to less than 4% in 2011. For black and Hispanic students, it’s an even more encouraging shift—from more than 20% of both groups of students worried about being attacked at school to less than 5% in 2011.
The decline in actual physical violence in schools is even more dramatic: It was down 74% between 1992 and 2010, according to the latest US Department of Justice data.
What about cyberbullying? Online harassment increased from 6% in 2000 to 9% in 2005 to 11% in 2010 between, and it’s interesting to note that it increased less between 2005 and ’10 than in the first 5 years tracked. Because social media is very much a reflection of school social life for young people, the peer aggression seen in social media is a lot like the peer aggression seen on school bathroom walls. So once it finds its “dead level,” it will probably decline in the same way verbal and written aggression have.
Besides education and crime prevention at the social level, medicine treatment and better access to mental healthcare also contribute to this downward trend in victimization of self and others.
The rise of social media is what people don’t typically think of as a positive force in society. But Finkelhor, director of the Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire says, “These technologies might have prevented crime and bullying by providing more ways of help, more forms of social supervision, and interesting activities that destroy forms of alienation(异化) that lead to crime”.
小题1:From the first paragraph we learn that __________.
A.school bullying has increased because of increased reports
B.school bullying has decreased because of increased reports
C.the number of reports on school bullying has increased
D.the number of reports on school bullying has decreased
小题2:The underlined word is closest in meaning to "_________".
小题3:The cyberbullying is still increasing probably because ________.
A.it isn't as easy to control as the other school bullying
B.it hasn't been concerned by the governments
C.it isn't part of school social life
D.it hasn't come to its top level
小题4:Finkelhor believes that social media have a ________ influence on the falling trend of school bullying.


小题1:由第一段Only news reports about it have increased, not the behavior itself 一句可知,学校欺凌事件本身并未增加,只是欺凌事件的报道多了起来。故选择C项。
小题2:第四段说的是网络欺凌。欺凌还不能算是犯罪,排除A项。但欺凌是一种“侵犯”。aggression: 冒犯、侵犯。故选择B项。
小题3:从第四段So once it finds its “dead level,” it will probably decline in the same way verbal and written aggression have.一句可知,社交媒体是现实社会的反映,一旦网络欺凌事件达到峰值(dead level)极有可能会减少。故选择D项。
小题4:由最后一段Finkelhor 的话(These technologies might have prevented crime and bullying by providing more ways of help, more forms of social supervision, and interesting activities …)可知,Finkelhor认为网络等现代技术可预防犯罪和欺凌,原因在于其提供了更多救助方法、更多社会监管以及有趣的活动。故A项正确。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Animals are considered to be endangered if the species is close to extinction throughout all or most of its environment. Animals become endangered for a variety of reasons.
Some animals become endangered when their habitats contain resources for humans. For example, commercial forest cutting in the Amazon Rainforest has seriously reduced the population of many animal species and lead to the extinction of other groups. Land itself is an important resource to humans since it provides us with living space, and when people replace animal habitats with human habitats, it can lead to larger loss of natural species.
Commercial and industrial operations may reduce land or water for animals and pollute their environment. Due to water pollution, the baiji, a fresh water dolphin native to China, was declared extinct, meaning it’s unlikely the population can recover. Even noise pollution from human activities can lead to the disorder of animal behavior.
Another cause that makes animals become endangered is over-fishing or over-hunting. Over-hunting whales led to near extinction of many species of whales.
The introduction of a non-native species to a habitat may make animals become endangered. The native species may not defend against a new one, and the effects can be dangerous. In Australia, the introduction of the common house cat led to the extinction of the red-fronted parakeet and has seriously damaged the populations of several small animals.
Introduced species can also bring new diseases with them. As a result, animals become endangered. Native animals may not have the power to fight against non-native diseases, and population levels can suffer. Another cause of disease is human-introduced chemicals. The use of DDT is believed to be one of the leading causes in driving the California Condor to near extinction.
When animals become endangered, the entire food chain can be affected. For example, in 2008 disease seriously harmed the honeybee, which is largely responsible for pollinating(授花粉)  plants, including many fruits and vegetables. Without their pollination, a very large part of the human diet could be reduced. In fact, if the honeybee should become extinct, our life would be affected and billions of dollars would be lost. Therefore, many people argue that when animals become endangered it is in man’s own self-interest to protect them.
小题1:The passage is mainly about ______.
A.ways of protecting animals’ habitats
B.effects caused by species endangerment
C.dangers of bringing in non-native species
D.reasons why animals become endangered
小题2:Which of the following examples shows that environmental pollution may cause species endangerment?
A.The extinction of the whales.
B.The extinction of the red-fronted parakeet.
C.The decreasing population of the dolphin.
D.The effect of the honeybee on the human diet.
小题3:Why is it dangerous to introduce a non-native species to a habitat?
A.Native species are likely to die from the new diseases.
B.It’s hard for non-native species to survive.
C.Non-native species will take up more space.
D.Native species are so powerful for non-native species.
小题4:The California Condor is in danger of dying out because of ______.
A.loss of habitatB.harmful chemicals
C.forest cuttingD.unfamiliar diseases
小题5:We can infer from the last paragraph that ______.
A.humans are to blame for species extinction
B.small animals mean little to the whole food chain
C.protection of the honeybee has cost billions of dollars
D.humans protect animals for the benefit of themselves


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

As people in Beijing and northern China struggle with severe air pollution this winter,the toxic(有毒的)air is also making life hard for plants and even food crops of China.
"in the last 50 years there has been a 1 6-fold increase in ozone(臭氧)pollution”in the Beijing area,said Hanqin Tian of Auburn University in Alabama,who studies the effects of China's pollution and climate change on plants.
Ozone is particularly harmful to plants because it damages the pores(气孔)  on leaves,called stomata,which plants use to regulate how much water evaporates from the leaves.That,in turn,affectS how much water a plant must take up through its roots.Changes in water uptake by plants have been documented in other parts of the world,including the United States,as having major impacts on regional groundwater and surface water supplies.
In studies of the long-term productivity of plants,Hanqin Tian and some of his colleagues show that ozone pollution,along with climate change,has been lowering plant productivity in China,which reduces the amount of carbon and other pollutants that the plants Can absorb to fight all the emissions from the burning offossil fuels.
The worst effects on plants are likely to be in areas where the growing pollution problem is just fairly new, said Arthur Chappelka, also a plant researcher at Auburn University.Some plants are more resistant to pollutants than others,he said,and the plants that are living today in long-polluted urban areas are likely to be only those that are very pollution tolerant.
Away from the cities, however, where crops are necded to feed China’s yast population, the effeets of the growing pollution on crops is a significant concern.
“In some ways it affects the crop production and food securiy of China,”said Hanqin Tian.“Air quality is really important for human health, plants and ecosystem and sustainability.”
The problem is bound to get worse as China continues to develop economically, he said, and so he and other researchers continue to urge the Chinese government to take action to reduce emissions from cars and industries.
小题1:ozone does harm to plants mainly by ________.
A.exposing them to strong sunlight
B.damaging the structure of their leaves
C.adding more pores to the roots
D.making the land unfit for the plants to grow
小题2:Which of the following statement does Hanqin Tian support?
A.Ozone pollution has increased 1 6 times in the past 30 years.
B.Ozone pollution has lowered plant productivity alone.
C.Plants can take in a large amount of carbon and other pollutants.
D.The toxic air has few effects on food supply in China.
小题3:What Can we infer from the passage?   
A.Healthy foods are not available in Beijing.
B.Some kinds of plants aren’t affected by air pollution.
C.Crops in China are hard to feed its large population.
D.People should stop developing economically
小题4:According to the passage,the Chinese govemment should
A.care more about developing economy
B.reduce the number of cars and industries
C.continue to make more researches
D.take measures to reduce carbon emissions
小题5:What′S the best title of the passage?
A.Polluted air damages plants and crops
B.Air pollution is becoming more serious
C.China’s air pollution and climate changes
D.Food security in China


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The Segway Human Transporter was invented by Dean Kamen.It is a two-wheeled vehicle designed for a single rider standing upright over its single axle(轴) and navigate using a set of handlebars resembling those on a bicycle.Electrically powered, it could travel over 15 miles on a single charge and reach speeds up to twelve miles per hour.Its speed and direction can be controlled by riders' changing their weights.
A college dropout and self-taught engineer, Kamen already held over 100 patents for his inventions when he developed the one he hoped would revolutionize short-distance travel.While still in college, Kamen started developing the medical devices (设备) that made his name.Later, he changed focus to the challenges faced by wheelchair users.His robotic wheelchair known as IBOT could climb stairs.This robot ended up paving the way for the Segway.
Before showing his most recent invention, Kamen had kept it a top secret for months.When it turned out to be little more than a motor scooter, many publicly expressed their disappointment.On closer examination, however, even his critics(批评家) had to admit that the vehicle was an engineering achievement.It answered the prayers of anyone who is worn out when walking downtown.Not everyone welcomed the Segway's arrival, though.Some complained it was too expensive, while others said it would further weaken the average American ' s fitness.A Japanese inventor even accused Kamen of stealing the idea for the Segway from him.
Despite the controversy, the U.S.postal service began using Kamen's invention a month after its appearance, and a factory was built with plans to produce about 40,000 Segways every month.The argument is still on whether the Segway will be remembered as the greatest invention since the light bulb, or just another forgettable electronic device.Anyway, trips to the local supermarket will never be the same again.
小题1:Which statement best describes the critics' reaction to the Segway?
A.Nothing but an electrical device.
B.A disappointing engineering mistake.
C.An expensive and disappointing invention.
D.Disappointing, but still a successful device.
小题2:Which is not a feature of the Segway?
A.One person at a time can ride on it.
B.It has two wheels with a single axle.
C.It is powered by electricity and can go up to 12mph.
D.Riders increase the speed by moving the handlebars
小题3:Some people expressed dissatisfaction with the Segway because of its______.
A.high costB.danger to traffic
C.being difficult to useD.contribution to laziness
小题4:Shortly after the Segway appeared, there were _________.
A.hopes for a larger model of it
B.no plans to do anything more with it
C.some discussions on the unforgettable device
D.plans to make tens of thousands of them a month


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

A funny thing happened on the way to the communications revolution: we stopped talking to one another.
I was walking in the park with a friend recently, and his cell phone rang, interrupting our conversation. There we were walking and talking on a beautiful sunny day and... I became invisible, absent from the conversation. The telephone used to connect you to the absent. Now it makes people sitting next to you feel absent. Why is it that the more connected we get, the more disconnected I feel? Every advance in communications technology is a tragedy to the closeness of human interaction(互动). With email and instant messaging over the internet, we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another. With voice mail, you can conduct  entire conversations without ever reaching anyone. If my mom  has a question, I just leave the answer on her machine.
As almost every contact we can imagine between human  beings gets automated(自动化), the alienation index(疏远指数) goes up. You can't  even call a person to get the phone number of another person  any more. Directory assistance is almost always fully automated.
I am not against modern technology. I own a cell phone,  an ATM card, a voice mail system, and an email account. Giving them up isn't wise... they're a great help to us. It's some of  their possible consequences that make me feel uneasy.
More and more. I find myself hiding behind e­mail to do a job meant for conversation. Or being relieved that voice mail   picked up because I didn't really have time to talk. The industry devoted to helping me keep in touch is making me lonelier ...or at least facilitating my antisocial instincts.
So I've put myself on technology restriction: no instant   messaging with people who live near me, no cell phoning in the presence of friends, no letting the voice mail pick up when I'm at home.
小题1:Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?
A.The Advance of Communications Technology
B.The Consequences of modern Technology
C.The Story of Communications Revolution
D.The Automation of Modern Communications
小题2:The sentence “Now it makes people sitting next to you feel absent” means that ________.
A.the people sitting beside you have to go away to receive a phone call
B.you can hardly get in touch with the people sitting beside you
C.modern technology makes it hard for people to have a face-­to­-face talk
D.people can now go to work without going to the office
小题3:The writer feels that the use of modern communications is ________.
小题4:The passage implies that ________.
A.modern technology is bridging the people
B.modern technology is separating the people
C.modern technology is developing too fast
D.modern technology is interrupting our communication


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Astronomers have captured(捕获) the first direct image of a planet being born.
Adam Kraus, of the University of Hawaii’s Institute for Astronomy, said the planet is being formed out of dust and gas circling a 2-million-yea-old star about 450 light years from Earth.
The planet itself, based on scientific models of how planets form, is believed to have started taking shape about 50,000 to 100,000 years ago.
Called LkCa 15b, it’s the youngest planet ever observed. The previous record holder was about five times older.
Kraus and his colleague, Michael Ireland from Macquarie University and the Australian Astronomical Observatory, used Keck telescopes on Mauna Kea(a volcano on the island of Hawaii, US) to find the planet. Kraus presented the discovery Wednesday at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland.
Observing planets while they’re forming can help scientists answer questions like weather planets form early in the life of a star or later, and whether they form relatively close to stars or father away.
Planets can change orbits(轨道) after forming, so it’s difficult to answer such questions by studying older planets.
“These very basic questions of when and where are best answered when you can actually see the planet forming, as the process is happening right now,” Kraus said.
Scientists hadn’t been able to see such young planets before because the stars they’re circling around outshine(光亮强过) them. Kraus and Ireland used two techniques to overcome this problem.
One method, which is also used by other astronomers, was to change the shape of the telescope mirrors to remove light distortion(扭曲) created by the Earth’s atmosphere. The other method they used, which was unique, was to put masks with several holes over most of the telescope mirrors. The combination of these techniques allowed the astronomers to obtain high-quality images that let them see the planet next to the bright star.
The star LkCa 15—the planet is named after its star—was the team’s second target. They immediately knew they were seeing something new, so they plan to gather more data on the star.
小题1:The research on younger planets helps scientists _____________.
A.study why planets change orbits after forming
B.understand how planets move around their stars
C.answer questions about the age of stars and planets
D.know the relationship between planets and their stars
小题2:Why are young planets like LkCa 15b hard to discover?
A.Their stars are brighter than them..B.They are very far from the earth.
C.They are generally too small.D.They rarely form.
小题3:According to the text, Kraus and Ireland _____________.
A.have been working in the same university
B.observed the planet on a volcano in Hawaii
C.used two new methods in the observation
D.cut holes in the mirrors when observing
小题4:Which of the following would be the best title for the text?
A.Youngest planet seen as it’s forming.
B.Planet 450 light years away discovered.
C.World’s first direct image of a planet taken.
D.New technique helps discover young planets.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In the second half of each year, many powerful storms are born in the tropical Atlantic and Caribbean seas. Of these, only about a half a dozen generate (引起,导致) the strong, circling winds of 75 miles per hour or more that give them hurricane status, and several usually make their way to the coast. There they cause millions of dollars of damage, and bring death to large numbers of people.
The great storms that hit the coast start as innocent circling disturbances hundreds--- even thousands--- of miles out to sea. As they travel aimlessly over water warmed by the summer sun, they are carried westward by the trade winds. When conditions are just right, warm, moist air flows in at the bottom of such a disturbance, moves upward through it and comes out at the top. In the process, the moisture in this warm air produces rain, and with it the heat that is converted to energy in the form of strong winds. As the heat increases, the young hurricane begins to swirl in a counter-clockwise (逆时针方向) motion.
The average life of a hurricane is only about nine days, but it contains almost more power than we can imagine. The energy in the heat released by a hurricane’s rainfall in a single day would satisfy the entire electrical needs of the United States for more than six months.
Water, not wind, is the main source of death and destruction in a hurricane. A typical hurricane brings 6 to 12 inch downpours resulting in sudden floods. Worst of all is the powerful movement of the sea, the mountains of water moving toward the low-pressure hurricane center. The water level rises as much as 15 feet above normal as it moves toward shore.
小题1:When is an ordinary tropical storm called a hurricane?
A.When it begins in the Atlantic and Caribbean seas.
B.When it hits he coastline.
C.When it is more than 75 mils wide.
D.When its winds reach 75 miles per hour.
小题2:What is the worst thing about hurricane?
A.The destructive effects of water.
B.The heat they release.
C.That they last about nine days on the average.
D.Their strong winds.
小题3:The counter-clockwise swirling of the hurricane is brought about by           .
A.the low-pressure area in the center of the storm
B.the force of waves of water.
C.the trade winds
D.the increasing heat
小题4:Apparently the word “downpour” in the fourth paragraph means           .
A.heavy rainfall
B.dangerous waves
C.the progress of water to the hurricane center
D.the increasing heat


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It’s common for parents to feel emotional when the moment comes for their child to leave home and go to university. Even parents who don’t speak about the event are likely to feel a sense of sadness because it’s the end of an era where you and your family were at the centre of your child’s world. As a parent you’ll probably continue to support your child in different ways, but the main job of raising your child is over. It’s a huge change for everyone involved.
There are a few things that you can do to make the transition easier. Plan carefully for your child’s departure and think about how you can help. Many parents take their child to university for the first time. If you decide to do that, be ready to feel a real wrench when the time comes to say goodbye. Your child will probably be as nervous as you are about the moment when you finally say goodbye – but that might not show!
Be positive and cheerful about the choice your child has made to continue studying, and plan to leave once you’ve unpacked the car and looked around your child’s new living accommodations. If you can, save your tears for the car – you’ll make things easier on your child and yourself.
The more you’ve invested in being a parent, the more you’ll feel a sense of loss, so the sadness you feel now is a sign that you’ve been a good mom or dad. Remind yourself that parenting is all about raising an independent and confident child who functions well without you. If your child quickly settles and starts enjoying himself, you should congratulate yourself.
It’s also only fair to allow yourself some time to grieve. Don’t expect to pick yourself up and move on straight away. But you may decide to find a hobby or sport to fill your extra time. Perhaps you’ve always wanted to learn a new language, go to yoga classes or take up swimming. You may decide to spend more time with family and close friends, who are likely to be feeling the absence of your child as well.
Agree on the best approach to staying in touch before your child leaves, and stick to your agreement. Try not to panic if your child doesn’t respond immediately – remember, they’re starting a new and busy life.
小题1:The underlined word “wrench” in Paragraph 2 means a feeling of ________.
A.sorrowB.regret C.angerD.love
小题2:What does good parenting consist of?
A.Supporting your child in different ways all the time.
B.Congratulating yourself when your child goes to college.
C.Preparing your child to stand on their own feet in the future.
D.Investing as much as possible in the growth of your child.
小题3:What’s NOT advised as the way to recover from your child’s departure?
A.Developing a new hobby or sport
B.Learning a new language.
C.Spending more time with close friends
D.Staying in touch with your child.
小题4:What would be an appropriate title for the whole passage?
A.Staying in Touch with Your Child
B.Preparing to Say Goodbye to Your Child
C.Dealing with Your Child Leaving Home for University
D.Life after Your Child Has Left Home for University


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Scientists know of more than 1,000 volcanoes on the surface of Venus, Earth’s “sister” planet. A big question has been: Are they still active? The scientists say yes.
Their evidence for recent volcanic activity on Venus comes from a lava(熔岩) flow in the planet’s northern hemisphere. The flow is hotter than the rocks around, which means the lava might still be cooling off. “The flow we studied seems to be very young---it is still warm inside,” Nataliya Bondarenko said.
Venus is a difficult planet to study from Earth because it is surrounded by thick clouds. Telescopes on Earth can’t see through these clouds, so the best information about Venus comes from spacecraft orbiting it.
Bondarenko and her colleagues studied the lava flow using data from NASA’s Magellan mission. That spacecraft spent four years in orbit around Venus and used radar to make a map of 98 percent of the planet’s surface. On October 11th, 1994, the mission ended, and the spacecraft plunged (跌落) through Venus’ heavy cloud cover and crashed onto the planet below.
While in orbit, the Magellan craft sent microwaves, which can go through Venus’ clouds, to the surface. Microwaves are invisible and can be as long as three feet. These waves are a kind of energy, like light. And like light, they bounce off surfaces. The way the waves bounced off the Venus’ surface and back to the craft supplied information that the scientists used to estimate the temperature of various parts of the planet’s surface. Bondarenko’s team found that the lava flow was hotter than its surroundings---which may mean the lava flow is in the process of cooling.
The scientists say the lava flow can’t be very old because if it were, it would have cooled off enough that Magellan wouldn’t have noticed the difference in microwaves. She adds that the flow appears in a 1978 view of the surface that a craft called the Pioneer Venus Orbiter captured.
小题1:What happened to Magellan in the end?
A.It was floating in space forever.
B.It flew into heavy clouds.
C.It returned to the Earth.
D.It fell onto Venus.
小题2:How could Bondarenko judge the temperature of the Venus?
A.By looking at it with a powerful telescope.
B.By measuring the thickness of clouds over Venus.
C.By calculating the microwave bouncing off Venus’s surface.
D.By orbiting Venus for 4 years in a spacecraft.
小题3:The best title for the passage may be “______ ”.
A.Warm lava on Venus
B.More volcanic eruptions on Venus
C.Venus is just like a big active volcano
D.Lava flows are first found on Venus

