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“Drink your milk. It’s good for you!” You’ve probably heard that many times, and it’s true. Milk contains calcium, which is a necessary nutrient for keeping bones and teeth healthy and strong. The U.S. government even requires milk as part of the National School Lunch Program, saying that students should drink one cup of fat-free or low-fat milk at each meal.

Last Thursday, however, a group of doctors asked the government to remove milk from the lunch program. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) says, “Milk is high in sugar, high in fat and high in animal protein, all of which have negative effects on health.” “One of the only reasons people talk about dairy, or promote it, is that it is going to help build strong bones.” says Dr. Neal Barnard, president of the PCRM. There are better and healthier ways to get calcium such as eating beans, broccoli, cereals and tofu. Orange juice and soymilk that have calcium added to them also supply the nutrient.

Of course, calcium is important for healthy bones and teeth, but your genes, how much vitamin D you take in and getting an hour’s worth of exercise every day all play a part.

Some nutritionists disagree with the idea that milk isn’t important. Keri Gans, a dietitian, says, “I think it’s irresponsible to take away this beverage that children enjoy, especially among those who are unable to meet their nutrient needs for the day, and remove it from the lunch line.”

The U.S. government is studying the request of the PCRM, but a decision may be a long way off. Meanwhile, Marion Nestle, a professor at New York University, puts it best: “Milk has nutrients. Other foods have the same nutrients. It’s just a food. Like other foods, too much might be a problem.”

1.What is mainly talked about in the first paragraph?

A.The concern about students’ health.       B.Traditional attitudes towards milk.

C.Ways to keep bones and teeth healthy.       D.The practice of the U.S. government.

2.According to Dr. Neal Barnard, milk is preferred mainly because _____.

A.children like its taste                     B.people ignore its disadvantages

C.it contains more calcium than other foods     D.the calcium in it can build up bone strength

3.We can learn from the text that _____.

A.bone strength is determined by many factors

B.people’s diets shouldn’t contain animal protein

C.the opinion of the PCRM will soon be accepted

D.people should turn to vegetables for calcium








1.细节题。从第一段可知牛奶可以给我补充钙,能够使我们的骨骼牙齿更加健康,及Last Thursday, however, a group of doctors asked the government to remove milk from the lunch program.可知,第一段知识传统的对于牛奶的观点,故选B

2.细节题。从文章One of the only reasons people talk about dairy, or promote it, is that it is going to help build strong bones.” says Dr. Neal Barnard, 可知牛奶被推崇只要是因为它里面含有的钙能使骨骼强健,故选D

3.推断题。从文章Of course, calcium is important for healthy bones and teeth, but your genes, how much vitamin D you take in and getting an hour’s worth of exercise every day all play a part.可知骨骼的健壮与很多的因素有关,故选A


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科目:高中英语 来源:广东省兴宁市第一中学2009---2010学年度高一下学期5月月考英语试题 题型:阅读理解

三.阅读 (共两节,满分40分)
第一节阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
E:\Zujuan\WCFUpload\Upload\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\Rar$DI00.718\全品高考网      Bicycles are a great way to get around. They’re fun to ride, especially down hills. And, as you speed along the road, you might also think of ways in which you could improve your bike— make it safer, more efficient, or more comfortable. In fact, the two-wheeled machines make for some cool science projects.
This year's International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), held last May in Cleveland, featured(had)three bicycle projects from three countries. Like many of the other experiments presented at ISEF, the bike projects showed that some of the most interesting scientific research often begins by taking a closer look at things you care about.
Renato Angulo Chu had even grander ambitions(雄心). The 12th-grader from Lima, Peru, wanted to address some of his country's economic troubles.
"I see a problem in my country," Renato said. "If you go to the forests in Peru, in some places you cannot find electricity. If you go with my bicycle, you can turn on the lights."
Renato, 16, spent 3 years designing his special Multibike. The device looks like a fixed exercise bike. It has wires fixed along the frame(结构) and a blender strapped(fastened) to the back. Turning the pedals(踏蹬) operates the blender. The same principle can be used to sharpen knives or sweep city streets.
The Multibike can work either as a fixed bike or as a bicycle able to travel city streets and country roads. It's made from inexpensive materials, and the user gets exercise while pedaling to operate a machine.
"You pedal the bike, and you can mix any drink you want," Renato said. More importantly, he added, the same concept(概念) could be used to bring light to houses in remote regions of the rainforest.
46. What can we learn from the first paragraph?
A. Bicycles are the best way to go about
B. Bikes should be made more comfortable to ride.
C. You can improve your bicycle for science research.
D. Many inventions are connected with the bicycle.
47. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A. ISEF is an exhibiton displaying bicycle experiments designed by students.
B. Looking closely at things you are concerned about can lead to scientific research.
C. Renato’s improvement of the bicycle has solved the country’s great problem.
D. Renato’s special bicycle will soon be put into use in remote areas.’
48. The underlined word “address” in the third paragraph probably has the same meaning as _______.
A. make address written        B. give up            C. work at             D. speak at
49. Renato’s special Multibike has all the following EXCEPT  ________.
A. making knives sharp                       B. mixing any kind of drinks
C. producing electricity                       D. operating a machine with its own electricity
50. It can be inferred that Renato’s special bicycle is mainly designed for ________.
A. distant areas in the rainforest without electricity.
B. the use of his own family to make life easier.
C. the competition of ISEF to win money to support remote rainforests
D. enough exercise by pedaling it


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省菱湖中学2010年高三下学期第二次模拟考试(英语) 题型:阅读理解

Below is adapted from a dictionary.
▲Noun 1(a)[U] liquid without color, smell or taste that falls as ran, in lakes, rivets and seas, and is used for drinking, washing, etc: Water is changed into steam by heat and into ice by cold. ○drinking water ○ mineral water. (b)[U]this liquid as supplied to homes, factories, etc in pipes: The water was turned off for several hours a day during the drought. ○ hot and cold running water ○ [attrib] water shortages (c)[sing]mass of this liquid, esp a lake, river or sea: She fell into the water and drowned. ○ The flood water cowered the whole area. (d)[sing]surface of a lake, river, sea, etc: float on the water ○ We could see fishes under the water
2[U](exp in compounds)preparation containing water or sth similar to water: rose-water ○ soda-water
3 waters[pl](a)mass of water(in lake, river, etc)the (head-)waters of the Nile, ic the lake from which it flows(b)sea near a particular country: British waters ○ in home/ foreign waters 4[U]state or level of the tide: (at)high/low water
▲idioms he in /get into hot water(in formal) be in/get into trouble or disgrace: A person who
breaks a law can be in hot water with the police.
·cast one’s bread upon the waters(formal) do good make him drink you can give a person the
opportunity to do something but he may still refuse to do it.
·Still waters run deep a quiet or apparently calm person can have strong emotions, much
knowledge or wisdom.
·Blood is thicker than water Family is more important than anyone or anything else.
·Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water When deeds without expecting anything in
·fish in troubled waters try to gain advantages for oneself from a disturbed state of affairs
·hold water(in formal)(of an argument, an excuse, etc)be capable of standing up to examination or
testing; be valid
·in smooth water(s) make even and easy progress: The business seems to be in smooth withers
there days.
·keep one’s head above water stay out of debt, difficulty etc: I’m managtag to keep my head
above water, though I am not earning much.
·pour oil on troubled waters (try to) calm a disagreement or violent dispute, etc
·water under the bridge event, mistake, etc that has already occurred and cannot be changed, so
there is no point in worrying about it.
verb [Tn] pour or sprinkle water on (sth): water a flowerbed, lawn, plant 2[Tn]give water to
(an animal) to drink 3[Tn] add water to (a drink )to dilute it: The owner of the pub was accused of
watering the beer.
Phrasal verb water sth down(a)make (a liquid)weaker by adding water(b)weaken the effect of
sth, eg by making the details less vivid: The criticisnts have been watered down so as not to offend
▲Saying You can take a horse to water, but you can’t you are making a change, save what
matters to you and dispose of the rest
·It is no safe to wading in an unknown water it is dangerous for one to be involved in an
uncertain adventure.
·Too much water drowned the miller much gaining is good, but too much goes the opposite.
45.Fill in the blank in the sentence “If you’re caught cheating in the exam, you will___________.”
A.pour oil in troubled waters        B.be in hot water
C.cast your bread upon the waters      D.have to hold water
46.When we say it is “water under the bridge” to a friend who is upset by a mistake he/she has made, we mean “___________.”
A.forget it    B.correct it   C.worry about it  D.avoid it
47.Choose a word to complete the sentence “They gave the press the___________description of what really had happened.”
A.watered-down  B.waters      C.water D.watered
48.Which of the following can be used to describe Jack, who has invested a lot of money in stocks without knowing anything about the stock market?
A.Still waters run deep.
B.Too much water drowned the miller.
C.It is no safe to wading in an unknown water.
D.You can take a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届河南灵宝第三高级中学高二下期第三次质量检测英语卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


1.Having finished her project, she was invited by the school            (speak) to the new students.

2.Before you quit your job, ______     (consider) how your family would feel about your decision.

3.Before driving into the city, you are required to get your car ____     (repair).

4.I can't stand __________________________.(laugh at)

5.____________(see)from the mountain ,No 3 senior high school of Lingbao is beautiful.

6.If you don't like the drink you___________ (order) just leave it and try a different one.

7.When        (ask)for his views about his teaching job, Philip said he found it very interesting and rewarding.

8.That piece of music sounds quite familiar. Who _________ (play) the piano upstairs?

9.I remembered          (lock) the door before I left the office, but forgot to turn off the lights.

10.The island,       (join) to the mainland by a bridge, is easy to go to.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012年北师大版高中英语必修一Module8Unit24练习卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

“In my country, men usually go to restaurants on their own. They always take their shoes off before they go in. Then they usually sit on the floor around a small, low table. In the evening they often sing songs.”

“You usually take chocolates or flowers. But you always take an odd number of flowers, and you remove the paper before you give them to the hostess. You can also send flowers before you arrive. you don’t usually take wine except when you visit very close friends.”

“We always offer our guests something to drink when they arrive, tea, coffee or perhaps water or soft drinks. We think it is polite to accept a drink even if you’re not thirsty. If you visit someone you always stay for a few drinks. When you have had enough to drink, you tap your cup or put your hand over it. If you say no, your host will insist that you have more to drink.”

“People’s private lives are very important so they never ask you personal questions about your family or where you live or your job. They never talk about religion or matters of finance, education or politics, but usually stay with safe subjects like the weather, films, plays, books and restaurants.”

“It’s difficult to know when to leave, but an evening meal usually lasts about three or four hours. When the host serves coffee, this is sometimes a sign that the evening is nearly over, but you can have as much coffee as you want.”

“If the invitation says eight o’clock then we arrive exactly at eight. With friends we know well, we sometimes arrive about fifteen minutes before.”

“Obviously it depends on the occasion, but most dinner parties are informal. The men don’t usually wear a suit, but they may wear a jacket and tie. Women are usually smart but casual.”

1. The writer of the passage is probably_____.



C.the English


2. What should you bring when you are invited to have dinner?

A.Wine and cigarettes.

B.Tea or drinks.

C.Money and presents.

D.Chocolates or flowers.

3. Which of the following subjects are never talked about among the people?

A.Politics, education, religion, or matters of finance.

B.Family, books or plays.

C.Weather, restaurant, or film.

D.Job, money, weather or film and play.

4. When the hostess serves coffee after the meal, it means _____.

A.the evening meal will start at once

B.the guests can stay more hours

C.the evening meal has ended, the guests should prepare to leave

D.there has not been any tea and other drinks

5. Which of the following statements isn’t right?

A.If you are invited for dinner, you should arrive on time.

B.You should take off your shoes first after you step into the host’s door.

C.The hostess always offer the guests something to drink when they arrive.

D.You should accept the hostess’ drinks even if you’re not thirsty.



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届福建省高二第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Bicycles are a great way to get around. They’re fun to ride, especially down hills. And, as you speed along the road, you might also think of ways in which you could improve your bike— make it safer, more efficient, or more comfortable. In fact, the two-wheeled machines make for some cool science projects.

This year's Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), held last May in Cleveland, featured(had)three bicycle projects from three countries. Like many of the other experiments presented at ISEF, the bike projects showed that some of the most interesting scientific research often begins by taking a closer look at things you care about.

Renato Angulo Chu had even grander ambitions. The 12th-grader from Lima, Peru, wanted to address some of his country's economic troubles.

"I see a problem in my country," Renato said. "If you go to the forests in Peru, in some places you cannot find electricity. If you go with my bicycle, you can turn on the lights."

Renato, 16, spent 3 years designing his special Multibike. The device looks like a fixed exercise bike. It has wires fixed along the frame and a blender strapped (fastened) to the back. Turning the pedals operates the blender. The same principle can be used to sharpen knives or sweep city streets.

The Multibike can work either as a fixed bike or as a bicycle able to travel city streets and country roads. It's made from inexpensive materials, and the user gets exercise while pedaling to operate a machine.

"You pedal the bike, and you can mix any drink you want," Renato said. More importantly, he added, the same concept could be used to bring light to houses in remote regions of the rainforest.

1.What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A.Bikes should be made more comfortable to ride.

B.You can improve your bicycle for science research.

C.Many inventions are connected with the bicycle.

D.Bicycles are the best way to go about

2.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.ISEF is an exhibiton displaying bicycle experiments designed by students.

B.Looking closely at things you are concerned about can lead to scientific research.

C.Renato’s improvement of the bicycle has solved the country’s great problem.

D.Renato’s special bicycle will soon be put into use in remote areas.’

3.The underlined word “address” in the third paragraph probably has the same meaning as _______.

A.make address written

B.give up

C.work at

D.speak at

4.Renato’s special Multibike has all the following  EXCEPT  ________.

A.making knives sharp

B.mixing any kind of drinks

C.producing electricity

D.operating a machine with its own electricity

5.It can be inferred that Renato’s special bicycle is mainly designed for ________.

A.distant areas in the rainforest without electricity.

B.the use of his own family to make life easier.

C.the competition of ISEF to win money to support remote rainforests

D.enough exercise by pedaling it


