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1.e tried his best to hold back his expression, and said in a ________(镇静的)voice.

2.She is so ________(慷慨的)that she gives all she has to the poor.

3.he spaceship ________(分开)from the rocket at six o'clock.

4.She is an old expert, and she has a lot of ________(经验).

5.________(不幸的是), she was badly hurt in the accident.

6.We should ________(保护)the environment from being polluted.

7.________(判断)from the appearance, he must be very rich.

8.Edison made a lot of important ________(发明)throughout his life.

9.Many black people are now still struggling for ________(平等)rights.

10.he tree was ________(晃动)because of high wind.

11.e has a lot of experience in the work, I mean he is a(an)________(熟练的)worker.

12.I think the Rocket will be the final ________(冠军)in the end.

13.A ________(灾难)happened to him when he was only five years old.

14.Since their ________(结婚), they have got on well with each other.

15.He ________(挥舞)his hand to me, asking me to give him a hand.

16.It is raining heavily outside.I am ________(盼望)Tom to send me an umbrella.

17.Today it is my father's birthday, let's ________(庆祝)!

18.Don't interrupt us, it is a ________(私人)talk.

19.Mary's confidence and ________(勇敢)impressed me a lot.

20.________(在我看来), he couldn't be trusted.

21..I saw a little girl ________(追赶)a bird.

22.You must ________(确保)that there is no spelling mistakes.

23.he teacher said that we would ________(取消)the sports meeting.

24.When the spaceship ________(起飞), millions of people were watching the live show on V.

25.We're taught to ________(作斗争)the difficulties, not to give up.

26.After a long time since the accident, I ________(恢复)at last.

27.I am ________(相处得好)with all my students.

28.When Jordan was 35, his career ________(结束).

29.I am ________(期待)receiving your letter.

30.Never ________(放弃), and you will succeed in time.





















  20.In my opinion

  21.running after

  22.make sure

  23.call off

  24.lifted off

  25.struggle against

  26.pulled through

  27.getting along well

  28.came to an end

  29.looking forward to

  30.give up


科目:高中英语 来源:导学大课堂必修四英语人教版 人教版 题型:022


1.No one is ________(确定的)that who will take the first prize in the model competition.

2.Teachers should be ________(配备;装备)with modern education theories and methods.

3.The reporter only gave a ________(总结;摘要)of the day’s events, and we cannot know the detailed information.

4.From his ________(晒黑的)face, I knew that he often works outdoors.

5.Pele is a ________(超级的)football star at all times.

6.Citizens should have enough ________(供应品)of living necessities.

7.In times of prosperity money ________(循环)quickly.

8.What the teacher said ________(使迷惑)the students.

9.Don’t always ________(查阅)dictionaries when reading.

10.During sales season, we can buy things at ________(降低的)prices.

11.The business has ________(变大)from having one office to having twelve.

12.There are many websites that are not ________(合适的)for children.

13.We must ________ ourselves ________(摆脱;除去)the unhealthy living habits.

14.On New Year’s Day friends ________(交换)gifts and greetings.

15.Experts and scientists are ________(斗争;拼搏)to rid air and river of pollution.


科目:高中英语 来源:导学大课堂必修四英语人教版 人教版 题型:022


1.The news that so many miners died of the disaster _________(使惊讶)us greatly.

2.The _________(摇摆)of the ship made many passengers seasick.

3.We should be satisfied with our own life when comparing with those who are _________(穷的).

4.Those with a _________(感觉)of humour are popular everywhere.

5.Her _________(特殊的;特别的)way of smiling left a good impression on me.

6.The learners of a second language have many obstacles to _________(克服).

7.It is also believed that playing firecrackers will bring good _________(运气)in the coming year.

8.A lot of funny jokes are _________(有趣的)and can make us relaxed.

9.Yuan Longping are invited to travel _________(遍及)the world circulating the growing of the super hybrid rice.

10.It’s not allowed to talk in the library, even to _________(日语).

11.The clothes are so _________(穿旧的)that they must be thrown away.

12.Mr.Johnson is easy to _________(挑出)among the crowds, for he is as tall as two meters.

13.When shopping in the mall, I _________(撞上, 碰见)a childhood classmate.

14.Some people are never _________(满足的)with their life and are always thinking of gaining wealth.

15.Having been _________(切断;断绝)with the outside world for fifty years, he doesn’t know about the modern life.

16.He _________(咀嚼)over the problem for several days before making his decision.

17.Li An _________(导演)the film Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.


科目:高中英语 来源:导学大课堂必修四英语人教版 人教版 题型:022


1.After two hours of heated discussion, they came to an _________(一致;协议)on this matter.

2.We’ll see your honesty through your _________(动作;行为)rather than your words.

3.You must give an explanation to her, in case she might _________(误解;误会)you.

4.In some situations, our feelings can be _________(表达)better with gestures than the spoken language.

5.She braked her car suddenly and _________(避免)an accident.

6.Modern Kooris are living in the _________(相似的;类似的)way to their ancestors.

7.The _________(途径;通道)to the house was a narrow path.

8.I sent them flowers as an _________(表达)of thanks.

9.One of the _________(主要的)aims of education is to have students equipped with modern knowledge.

10.A heavy snow is _________(可能的)to come in a couple of days.

11.With life improving people will have a _________(一般的)interest in sports.

12.Children should see Three-D films with the company of _________(成年人).

13.As is well-known, a white pigeon _________(代表)peace.

14.He is so tall that his head nearly _________(接触)the ceiling.

15.He raised his hands in a _________(姿态;手势)of despair.

16.The boy was _________(好奇的)about everything he saw.


科目:高中英语 来源:导学大课堂必修四英语人教版 人教版 题型:022


1.________(入场费)to the final was as high as three thousand yuan.

2.The ________(主题)of this year’s Earth Summit is Caring Our Planet.

3.She has to be living in a world of ________(幻想), for, in actual life, she has nothing to be proud of.

4.He always ________(自愿)for the most dangerous missions.

5.Spring approaching, everything begins to ________(活跃起来).

6.Don’t ________ the tiger cage; it’s dangerous!

7.The store sells tents and other camping ________(装备).

8.She has bought some ________(布)to make a curtain.

9.The owner ________(收费)2000 dollars for the new Royce.

10.Newspapers make a ________(利润)from the advertisements they carry.

11.Chemical fertilizers ________(促进;提前)the growth of crops.

12.Dick Fosbury had a new ________(技术;方法;技能)in doing the high jump.

13.Mr.Junk usually ________(使愉快)himself by reading some action novels in his spare time.

14.Marathon can ________(测验;考验)a person’s perseverance.

