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 (    )22. The nurse doesn't feel well today, _________ she still works very hard.

          A. but          B. and           C. or            D. when


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Building a house costs quite a lot of money. Your first __16___  will be to find a 17   piece of land. Your   18   will depend on many different things. You will probably try to find a sunny place, with   19   surroundings near shops and bus stops, not too far from your friends and the place where you work. 20   you will find an excellent   21   , and together with the builder you will work out a   22  . The builder will draw the plan. It will   23   the number of rooms, their position and 24  , and other    25    which  must be  noticed,   26 windows, doors, and electric outlets. The builder will work out how much money is   27   to build your house. He will work out the   28   of the wood, bricks, the glass, and   29   else that must be used in building the house. Later on, when he starts to build,  this estimate must be corrected and revised. His estimate is based on   30   price, but prices of such things may change, and many  other things may happen   31    the time when he makes the   32   and the time when he builds the house.

When the builder gives his estimate, you may wish to change your plan. You may also wish to change your builder, if his estimate is too   33  ! You may find that some of the features you wanted at first cost too much, or that you can spend a little more and    34   something to your plan. The builder's estimate depends on the plan,  35   the final plan depends on the builder's estimate.


 A. step

B. plan

C. way

D. idea


 A. small

B. large

C. right

D. exact


 A. land

B. choice

C. house

D. preference


 A. quiet

B. pleased

C. lonely

D. pleasant


 A. Yet

B. Next

C. However

D. Though


 A. worker

B. engineer

C. builder

D. drawer


 A. plan

B. cost

C. suggestion

D. price


 A. appear

B. design

C. show

D. recite


 A. height

B. width

C. length

D. size


 A. rooms

B. doors

C. parts

D. roofs


 A. for example

B. such as

C. in other words

D. on the other hand


 A. needed

B. spent

C: collected

D. taken


 A. numbers

B. amount

C. cost

D. level


 A. something

B. everything

C. whatever

D. others


 A. rising

B. falling

C. existing

D. remaining


 A. by

B. in

C. among

D. between


 A. plans

B. design

C. estimate

D. cost


 A. expensive

B. high

C. cheap

D. low


 A. reduce

B. place

C. add

D. lay


 A. but

B. so

C. and

D. then


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年高考二轮复习完形填空模拟训练 题型:完型填空

How to Release Anger the Right Way
Anger is a feeling that many of us know all too well. Some of us experience it daily,   1  others hold on to it for years at a time. As you likely know, angry is not a healthy   2   . Over time it can become self-destructive,   3  relationships and even your health.
This is not to say that anger is always a   4   thing—anger is a natural part of living;it is a   5    that something is wrong. If anger is not a   6   normal and natural human emotion, it is   7  important to learn and understand how to   8   anger the right way.
You can release anger the right or the wrong way.    9    whether you have an anger problem yourself or not, it is   10    for everyone to understand what the right   11   of releasing anger are. Transforming anger is a powerful   12 to take that will create positive changes in our relationships. One of the best ways to   13  anger is to give yourself the   14  to express anger. In fact, it is quite   15   to express your anger as long as you do it   16   .
Remember that anger management   17  both on mental and physical effort. Although mental therapy alone will help you   18    for releasing your anger, it can only take you so far. The same   19  for exercise too. However, if you   20  both mental therapy and exercising, you will then have   21   to an unbelievable positive solution. Do a particular physical activity   22   the mental intention of releasing your anger.
It might be   23  but the most important things of all to   24   is to never hurt others when you release your anger. Make sure you give yourself the   25  to express safely your anger, without hurting anyone else .
1.A.when                      B.while                     C.but                 D.However
2.A.life                        B.feeling            C.happiness        D.emotion
3.A.reflecting                B.ruining           C.limiting           D.satisfying
4.A.bad                         B.good               C.ordinary         D.especial
5.A.appearance           B.mark              C.signal              D.gesture
6.A.unbelievable           B.completely      C.incompletely   D.carefully
7.A.whatever                 B.how                C.much              D.however
8.A.release                    B.relax               C.obsorb            D.influence
9.A.Instead of                B.Except for       C.Regardless of D.As a consequence of
10.A.important              B.common          C.hard               D.easy
11.A.answers                 B.messages         C.ways              D.actions
12.A.step                   B.right               C.attitude          D.chance
13.A.shift                         B.change            C.transfer          D.transform
14.A.permission            B.application     C.affection         D.admission
15.A.painful                  B.happy             C.healthy          D.succeeful
16.A.confidently            B.correctly          C.gradually        D.separately
17.A.requires                 B.relies              C.lacks               D.decline
18.A.attentively                 B.specially          C.absolutely       D.tremendously
19.A.arranges                B.reaches           C.prepares         D.applies
20.A.control                  B.join                C.separate          D.combine
21.A.access                   B.approach        C.admission    D.contact 
22.A.in conflict with      B.rather than     C.along with      D.in place of
23.A.simple                    B.obvious          C.unrealistic       D.appropriate
24.A.answer                  B.remember       C.repeat             D.listen
25.A.opportunity           B.necessity         C.probability     D.reality


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年陕西省西安市铁一中学高一上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:完型填空

About once a month I have to go to Bedford for my work. One day I went into a   21  there to have something to   22  . The waiter took my coat and put it in a small room.
About an hour later I was   23  to go. The waiter   24  me my coat. Something fell out of the pocket onto the floor. It was a small white box. I took a   25  look at the   26  . “Oh, you’ve brought   27  coat,” I said to the waiter. “It looks very much like mine,  28  it is quite new, and this isn’t my box, either.”
“Oh, then I   29  someone has taken your coat and left his,” said the waiter. “This kind of thing   30  sometimes.”
I opened the box. There was a beautiful gold   31  in it. The waiter and I   32  to go to the police station.
“Has anyone lost a ring?” I asked at the station.
“Yes,” said a policeman. “A young man who came in this morning lost a ring, he lost it in London.”
He   33  the young man. A few minutes later, the man arrived.
“Yes, this is my ring,” he said. “How can I   34  you, sir? You see, I paid a lot of money for this ring and   35  I lost it on the train!”
After I told him the   36  of the coat, he said, “You haven’t been on the train. I haven’t been in the hotel, so how did my ring   37  in the coat?”
“Did anyone sit or stand next to you on the train?” asked the policeman.
“Yes,” said the young man. “But I don’t remember his face.”
“You may remember this   38  ,” said the policeman. “Was it like this one?”
“Yes, it was,” said the young man. “But my friend here isn’t the thief.”
The policeman laughed. “No,” he said. “The thief on the train stole your ring, and   39  our friend here, he went into the hotel to get some food. Only he didn’t take the   40  coat away with him.”

A.no one else’sB.another’sC.other’sD.someone else’s


科目:高中英语 来源:语法填空 题型:完形填空


第一节 完形填空 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)


Mary Kimble Smith was an ordinary 12-year-old girl; ordinary, that is, in every way    21          one. She suddenly started to walk in her sleep. No one knew why this happened. The best guess seems to be that it represents   22           : the sleep-walker is worried. This feeling normally remains under control during      23              hours, but at night, when the mind is in a more passive mode, it   24              to the surface and shows itself in the form of physical movement.

At first, her family   25          help from just about every doctor they could find. But none of them were able to suggest a means by which she could be    26        . Then her parents were frightened, and they tried to wake her up. In fact, the general advice is that we should not wake a sleep-walker. To wake a person and bring them to a sudden   27       that they are not where they thought they were could   28      the feelings of anxiety and perhaps even reinforce (强化) the habit.

Most sleep-walkers at last stop without any warning — they just           29         do it again. In Mary’s case though, she started sleep-walking soon after her twelfth birthday and was still doing it the day 30        she died in 1989, at the age of 93.

21. A. beside                      B. except                            C. besides                           D. including

22. A. anxiety                     B. excitement           C. anger                               D. fear

23. A. daytime                   B. night                                C. sleeping                          D. waking

24. A. rises                                   B. falls                                  C. reduces                           D. raises

25. A. looked                      B. searched                        C. obtained                         D. sought

26. A. helped                      B. saved                               C. cured                               D. improved

27. A. recognition             B. realization            C. knowledge            D. impression

28. A. develop                    B. increase                          C. form                                 D. produce

29. A. sometimes              B. often                                C. never                               D. usually

 30. A. before                    B. after                                C. when                               D. since



科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年湖北省黄冈市高三精品模拟试卷(一)英语(解析版) 题型:完型填空

Suppose someone gave you a pen---a sealed(密封的),solid‑coloured pen. You couldn’t see how much 21 it had. It might run dry  22  the first few tentative (试探的) words or last just long and make a difference in the scheme of things. You don’t know when the ink will  24 .

Under the rules of the game, you really never know. You have to  25 a chance! Actually, no rule of the game states you must do anything.  26  picking up and using the pen, you could leave it on a shelf or in a drawer where it will dry up, 27 .But if you do decide to use it, what would you  28  it? How would you  29  the game?

Would you plan and plan before you ever  30  a word? Would your plans be so extensive that you never didn’t even start  31 ? Or would you take the pen  32 ,plunge right in and Just do it, struggling to keep up  33  the twists and turns of the torrent (急流)of words that take you where they take you?

Would you write cautiously and  34 ,as if the pen might run dry the next moment, or would you pretend to believe that the pen would write forever and go on accordingly?

And what would you write about:Love? Hate? Fun? Misery? Life? Death? Nothing? 35 ?

Would you write to  36 just yourself? Or others? Or yourself by writing about others?

Would you even write? Once you have the pen ,no  37 says you have to write. Would you sketch? Scribble(潦草地写)?Doodle(涂鸦)or draw? Would you stay in or on the  38 ,or see no lines at all, even if they  39 there? There’s a lot to think about here, isn’t there?

Now,  40  someone gave you a life…

1.A、ink          B、water      C、liquid     D、solid

2.A、before       B、after       C、when      D、as

3.A、much        B、very       C、real       D、enough

4.A、cross out     B、leave off    C、run out    D、use up

5.A、bring        B、take       C、use        D、carry

6.A、Instead of    B、In spite of   C、Other than   D、Rather than

7.A、used         B、useful       C、unused     D、using

8.A、deal with     B、do          C、do with     D、deal in

9.A、do          B、watch       C、like         D、play

10.A、draw        B、write        C、think of     D、use

11.A、picture      B、writing       C、painting     D、photo

12.A、in hand      B、at hand       C、on hand     D、by hand

13.A、on          B、for           C、with       D、at

14.A、carefully     B、deliberately    C、especially   D、extremely

15.A、Something    B、Everything    C、Anything   D、None

16.A、like          B、forgive       C、please      D、surprise

17.A、one          B、rule          C、friend      D、relative

18.A、line          B、lines         C、pens       D、paper

19.A、are          B、were          C、have      D、had been

20.A、suppose      B、wish          C、hope      D、expect


