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Internet access and power outlets available in most cafes in the.developed world might reduce your productivity.

A typical tale from store managers is of customers who buy a single cup of coffee or tea and occupy a four-seat table for eight or more hours.A store full of these people turns the shop into a silence broken only by the tapping of keyboard keys.In others, however, customers use the network briefly, and the turnover is high.

Cafe owners have talked about their discomfort for years.Some cafes founders started turning off Wi-Fi (无线网络) on the weekends.The experiment led to success, they said.People who otherwise avoided the cafe came in, and the place became crowded on Saturdays and Sundays.In the years since, hundreds of articles have appeared about similar cases in which a coffee shop turns off the signal, and sometimes blocks electrical outlets.

Nick Bilton, the New York Times" Bits blog editor, was banned from reading an electronic book a few days ago.The Actual Cafe in Oakland opened last year with lapton-free weekends.The owner, Sal Bednarz, wrote in an email, "I think it's fascinating that we've allowed technology to enter so much of our lives that it can feel like an affront (冒犯) when someone asks us to step away

from it for a short while."

Dan Drozdenko, the owner of the Downbeat Cafe in Los Angeles, says, “People come here because we don't offer it.They know they can get their work done and concentrated."

For tasks that don't require constant monitoring of live date—such as stock management or minding server operations—productivity seems to soar when the constant bright shiny ball of the Internet is nowhere to be seen.

People often leave the house or office to free themselves of conditions that reduce productivity, only to walk into a venue that lets them surf, and otherwise avoid focus.Could the offer of single-tasking and quiet thinking be a selling point when drinking coffee or tea? A moment's relief from the Blackbgerry buzz, the iphone alert, the Android annoyance? Only if one remembers to turn off one's 3G connection, too.

72.What's the disadvantage for a cafe owner if the customers use the Internet long?

       A.It makes the turnover slow and affects the business.

       B.It makes the cafe silent and is bad for its atmosphere.

       C.The owner is disturbed by the tapping of keyboard keys.

       D.It costs a lot to offer Internet access to customers.

73.What happened after Wi-Fi was turned off in the cafe on the weekends?

       A.It added much inconvenience to people

       B.Customers stayed in the cafe longer than before.

       C.The environment in the cafe was improved.

       D.There were more customers in the cafe.

74.What can be inferred from the words of Dan Drozdenko?

       A.If people don't get their work done, they shouldn't go to a coffee shop.

       B.If people go to a coffee shop, they would concentrate more on their work.

       C.If people do their work while surfing the Internet in a coffee shop, they can't concentrate.

       D.If people can't surf the Internet in a coffee shop, they would be unwilling to come,

75.The underlined word "soar" in Paragraph 6 is the closest in meaning to "__".

       A.exist                                         B.maintain                

       C.rise                                           D.change.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年江苏省扬州市安宜高中第一学期高二期末英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Volunteers, as an essential part of a successful world exposition, are a major channel for the public to join in, serve and share the world exposition and a means to show the image of the host country and city. The following information is about the volunteer for the World Exposition 2010 Shanghai China.
I.Basic Requirements for Volunteers
● Be willing to join in voluntary services of Expo 2010;
● Age limit: Expo Site volunteers must be born before April 30, 1992 and Expo City Voluntary 
Service Station volunteers before April 30, 1994;
● Obey the laws and regulations of the PRC;
● Be able to participate in training and relevant activities before the opening of Expo 2010;
● Have necessary knowledge and skills needed by the position;
● Be in good health to meet the requirements of voluntary positions.
II.Further Information for Volunteers
● Source
Residents of Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, as well as overseas Chinese, and foreigners can all apply to be the volunteers.
● Signup methods
Applicants may log in onto the official websites for online signup.They may also consult or connect with the Expo Volunteer Stations.
● Time
May 1 - December 31, 2009
III.Volunteer Training
Volunteer training includes general training, special training and position training.General training is carried out through internet, while special training and position training are provided through classroom lectures and field practice.
IV.Volunteer Types
● Expo Site volunteers refer to those offering voluntary services to visitors and the Organizer in   the Expo Site, mainly including information, visitor flow management, reception, translation and interpretation, assistance for the disabled, and assistance in media service, event and conference organization and volunteer management.
● Information booth volunteers are stationed in the Expo's information booths at key transportation centers, commercial outlets, tourist attractions, restaurants, hotels and cultural event places outside the Expo Site.They offer services including information, translation, interpretation and even first aid.
【小题1】If you were born in April 1993, where can you be a volunteer

A.In the Expo City.B.In the host country.
C.In the Expo Site.D.In Chinese mainland
【小题2】Which of the training will be done on the Internet
A.Position training.B.General training.
C.Classroom training.D.Special training.
【小题3】Which of the following service is offered by information booth volunteers?
A.Visitor flow management.B.Helping the disabled
C.Assistance in media service.D.Emergency First aid.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年度江苏省盐城市田家炳中学高一上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

The Internet has got into all the fields of our life. We can study and work on it. We can find a job on it. We can communicate on it. We can treat friends on it. We can buy and sell on it. We can do almost everything on the Internet, and almost anywhere, anytime.
However, although the Internet provides services for us, it is silently getting our privacy(隐私) to some degree. The services on most websites require our personal information. If we want to enjoy these services, we have to provide much of our information, including our names, sex, addresses, telephone numbers and sometimes bank accounts(帐户). Because weak network sometimes is unsafe, our information might be open, stolen or sold. Even sometimes it will be used freely by others.
Considering(考虑到...) the above mentioned, you must pay attention to the safety when using the Internet. First, when you need Internet service, you should always look through those big legal(合法的) websites. Second, if the service requires important personal information, you should think twice before you type it in. Third, store your own important card key(电子钥匙) and don’t tell others easily.
【小题1】According to the passage, we shouldn’t ______by using the Internet.

A.learn EnglishB.give our friends’ information to others
C.chat with friendsD.look for jobs
【小题2】The underlined word “it” refers to ______.
A.the telephone numberB.the name C.the information D.the bank account
【小题3】Which of the following ways is correct to protect our information on the Internet?
a. Surf the safe Web       .    b. Think over and over before typing it in.
c. Don’t chat with friends on line  d. Don’t use your key easily. 
A.a,b,c. B.b,c,d.C.a,b,d. D.a,c,d.
【小题4】What can we learn from the passage?
A.Don’t believe others if you don’t know them.
B.Remember never use the ID card on the Internet.
C.Never use the Internet in the future.
D.From now on, we must pay attention to the safety of the information on line.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年辽宁实验中学分校高一下期期中考试英语卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Chinese people are now spending more time surfing the net than watching TV, according to results of a survey by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) published Thursday.
The survey, of citizens of five Chinese cities, found that 79 percent of interviewees use the internet for information, and 55.1 percent to read news on the internet. About 63 percent of the interviewees use e-mail. The average times spent surfing the net and watching TV were 2.73 hours and 1.29hours, respectively.
Only 10.4 percent reported use the internet primarily to send and receive email; 65.9 percent read online news; 62.2 quite often play games on-line. More and more people have taken an interest in the entertainment opportunities online. Up to 56.5 percent of interviewees quite often download music, and 53.5 percent get entertainment messages from the internet.
Yet the survey found that television is still the dominant mass medium. Seventy-nine percent of interviewees choose to watch TV to get information, and another 75 percent take newspapers as important as TV.
Five major web sites in the Chinese language, namely Sina, Sohu, Netease, Baidu and Yahoo are still ranked top ones by web users, and those that voted for Sina as the best among them were 30.9 percent.
Authorized statistics showed that web users in China have already exceeded 100 million, second to that of the United States.
【小题1】Which of the following is not true?

A.Chinese people are now spending more time surfing the net than watching TV.
B.There are more Chinese people using the internet for information compared with those reading news on the internet.
C.There are more people using e-mail compared with those searching information on the internet.
D.There are more people using e-mail compared with those reading news on the internet.
【小题2】The survey shows that     .
A.Only 10.4% reported use the internet to send and receive email.
B.Less than half of the people use the internet for enter fain-ment.
C.All of the people reported like to play games on-line.
D.Most of the people reported read online news.
【小题3】Which will you choose if you want to chat with your friends on the internet?
【小题4】The underlined word “exceeded” means        .
A.increased to B.increased byC.risenD.decreased


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届河南灵宝第三高级中学高二上第一次质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

You may find out more information about Australian natives through the Internet _______.

A.if possible                             B.if necessary

C.if anything                             D.if they are necessary



科目:高中英语 来源:2010届三轮回扣语法专项训练(动词和动词短语) 题型:单项填空

How I wish I could ________my ideas in simple and wonderful English chatting on the Internet. 






